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So, it was finally time to get back to work. She had been putting it off for a while, and she knew it. But, given that two of the three members of her squad had all but disappeared - something she would have to talk to Kenta about at some point - she was more than up for doing a one on one. It just so happened that the one student she seemed to have left happened to be her favorite: Kou Inuzuka. So, all in all, she expected this to be interesting to say the least.

She had sent a messenger to find Kou about three hours ago with a note saying the time and exact location of their little squad meeting. She knew it was probably unexpected, so she figured she might as well give enough time in case the girl had been busy.

She herself had arrived a good hour or so ago, but she wasn't alone. She had both her daughter Aisling, and Akai - Ashi's overly large white ninken - with her. She had brought Aisling because Ashi really couldn't keep an eye on her with the Taijutsu training she was doing, where as Amaya figured they'd be doing nothing even remotely as dangerous. Akai was there simply because Ashi had ordered the ninken to follow them, that and she made a good couch as Aisling was currently curled up on her side, resting against Akai with her little fingers wrapped up in the dogs fur. Content for the moment.

Amaya was close by, a good two feet from Aisling, with her back resting against the nearby tree. They were close enough to the river for it to be seen, but far enough to keep any of them from accidentally falling in. Amaya was twirling a senbon between her fingers for the moment, glancing around, on guard as she waited for Kou's arrival.

Exact Letter to Kou:

Kou Inuzuka

Kou Inuzuka

Ah the birds were chirping, the morning was young! And Kou was still sleeping like a mountain. She was laying in a very immodest position, not that she cared. She was laying face down, sprawled wildly across the bed mat, the blanket tangled around only her feet, and exposing the fact that she wore only loose tank tops and boxers to bed. Her long orange hair was in disarray all around her. She was peaceful, that was at least, until her mother walked in and opened the blinds, letting the confusing sunlight shine down onto Kou's face. God damn that woman. She was a witch at times. Who was she to deny this hard working young Inuzuka sleep? Oh right, her mother, that's who she was.

She sat up pulling her legs underneath her bottom. At the moment she looked more like an orange pom-pom than anything else. SHE WOULD NOT STAND FOR SUCH A THING! Standing she grabbed for her brush, finding after a moment of search. Aaaaaand, yank it through her four and a half foot long 'locks' of misery. It was slightly painful, pulling out knot after knot, but after six years, you get used to having and dealing with long hair. At this point in time it was at the back of her knees. This would not do. She grabbed a nearby pair of scissors and-


YAY! Six inches gone now. Hair was WAY more manageable. She changed from her pa-jammies and put on her normal outfit, brushed her face and washed her teeth before walking out of the bathroom and to the living room of her house. There was a small scroll on the table, with a note attached that had her own name on it. Opening the scroll she read,:

I know it's short notice, but I figure a squad meeting is more than needed, even though it'll just be us for a while. Please meet me at noon, on the banks of the Naka river, the place we had met at earlier. Please be advised I'll have both Akai and Aisling, my daughter, with me, so quietness is a must as Aisling is sensitive to sound.
Hope to see you soon, I have some jutsu I want teach you, and perhaps a few techniques we can go over~

Oooooh, She remembered the Naka river training. That had been interesting. Looking to Nori she grinned. "Lets go!" And with that she mounted Nori's back and weeeeeeeeeeeeeee~ Right out the front door and down the street. It only took a few minutes to reach Amaya, it would have been shorter, but she had dismounted her horse-dog-ninken twenty feet before the clearing, just to make sure she wouldn't cause a loud scene.

AMAYA SENSEI! She looked beautiful and radiant like always and OH! HOW KOU HAD MISSED HER TEACHER! She was breakable though, compared to the other Inuzuka. Must. Resist. Urge. To. Leap. Hug. Glomp. Attack. Cuddle. Amaya-Sensei. She calmly walked up to Amaya and wrapped her arms around her teacher in a hug, nuzzling her slightly. Amaya had been gone for a little while, and had suddenly returned with a daughter, the daughter of Ashi, from what her father had told her. "I missed you Amaya-Sensei."

Nori had also padded right up to Akai, smiling his wolfish smile, and licked the female on the nose, greeting her without barking.



Amaya looked up at Kou's arrival and smiled. She returned the females hug with a light chuckle. "I've missed you, too. Which is why I figured we could do a little meeting, even if nothing gets accomplished." She chuckled again before twirling the senbon between her pale fingers again.

She glanced over to Akai and Aisling and just shook her head. Aisling had wiggled herself up close enough to Akai's face to now be sucking, or nibbling without teeth, on her ear. Akai of course was just dealing with it, and had yet to move her ear out of the child's mouth. When Nori approached and licked her nose she returned the favor.

Amaya nodded her head in Aisling's direction with a grin. "This is Aisling, and the reason why we have to be rather quiet. My daughter suffers from William's Syndrome, or a form of it. So her hearing is very sensitive and acute, so any super loud noises causes her pain.", she said by way of explanation.

Aisling was otherwise ignoring them, too intent on nomming on Akai's ear to the point to where she had one arm around the back of her head and the other lying over Akai's face. Akai still hadn't moved, or seemed to mind at all, in fact her tail was wagging from side to side in a very happy way. She was enjoy the over abundance of attention by the baby.

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