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Makato stood until he was sure that his hit landed. After he had done the hand signs and watch the chakra extend from his blade, a smirk crept across his tired face as he witnessed his opponent Nojuku being stabbed. It looked like Makato had missed his vital organ, however he was content with the blow he had shot towards Nojuku. As Nojuku fell backwards from the attack, Makato's chakra blade slid out of him, tearing and creating more damage as Makato also fell backwards, Nojuku's blade leaving his body. He fell down on the floor and, from his left hand, let the blade fall a couple feet to the left of him. He immediately began to cough up blood and bleed onto the hard ground beneath him. He was already beginning to lose consciousness, when suddenly he felt a warm sensation along the right side of his stomach. He heard Alessi's voice, telling him to hang on. He was about to knock out completely, but knew that wouldn't be good. He would have a chance of dying, if he did that.


Makato closed his eyes shut, clenching his stomach and gritting his teeth. He slammed the palms of his hands down on the ground, using them as leverage to sit up. He felt a sharp pain in his abdomen, his eyes flaring once again, but he didn't reveal the pain. After a few seconds, he mustered his usual smile, turning towards Alessi. He also tried to speak in his normal tone. "Thank you." Although he was still in immense pain, Makato could feel the healing effects of Alessi's jutsu. It was also a comforting idea to know that Alessi was helping him. While still sitting down, he looked upwards into the sky, noticing a bright light appearing. As he looked, he noticed that it was far more than just a light. A large meteor was approaching them quickly.

"Ahh, damnit. C'mon let's go."

Makato stood to his feet and immediately started to feel the sharp pain within his stomach and abdomen. He paused for a second, but pushed himself to move as he didn't want to be killed by the meteor. He knew that he would lose blood in the process of running, and perhaps lose his life while doing so. But, in Makato's mind, the meteor was real, and he had to at least try to get away from it. The pain that he encountered from starting to run, however, was so much that he awoke from the genjutsu. The massive heat wave had dissapeared, the meteor which lit up the sky bright red had completely vanished. Back to stark reality, where Makato was again in a lot of pain, more pain than when he originally been cut. He was speechless. He couldn't yell or scream, his mind wasn't working right. He grabbed at his wound, cupping his palm over it so he could catch the blood. He fell slowly to his knees.

His entire body was tense, his eyes were opened large and he was shaking. He may have severely injured, even killed Nojuku, though he still felt like he had failed his team. With Alessi healing him and probably still caught in the genjutsu, it was really up to Migoto and Zenchi to fight off the remaining to ninja. The young genin relaxed his legs, his head leaning forward over the ground. Makato wanted to remain tough, but he couldn't help it. He was only twelve, after all. He began to cry, the tears streaming down his face like two rivers. It was a nasty scene, tears and mucus were falling down onto the ground beneath him, his open mouth catching some of it. He only moaned lightly, for he couldn't produce much sound. Damnit...

Migoto Tenshi

Migoto Tenshi

He sat there and waited for his opponent to strike, he could hear the shuffling of dirt being displaced away from him. He stood there, for what seem like hours but was only seconds, he really feared not being able to see his opponent. The anticipation of weather or not his opponent would stick a kunai in his ribs was unbearable. Like the knot in his stomach, the fear was persistent. He did not want to be killed bu the low life scum, for him and his team to wind up dead in a ditch. To be a stepping stone and just a complication in one of there plans. The thought had just infuriated him, he had to do something, but what?

The illusion had held tight for most of the fight, then everything was normal. He had just seen the outcome of the other fights, Makato had been wounded; quite seriously in fact. He had went toe to toe with the sword wielder in the group, the middle child. He wielded a hand and a half sword able to cleave a man in half. He saw Alessi trying to heal his wounds while his sensei had gone on the offensive. Then, everything got very bright.

Besides the brightness, it was getting quite hot. Looking to the sky he could see a fire in the sky. FIRE? How could that be, it didn't matter his teammates had also noticed the oncoming danger and started to run. Into the woods he went, he had to get away from the impending doom that the sky inferno would cause impact impact.

Total WC:2114



Alessi looked up from her healing to check on the other's progress in the fight. To her, they seemed fine and in no need of medical attention. In that quick moment she looked up, Makato to had gotten up and was now attempting to move. Because of the move, her healing chakra was disconnected from Makato's injury, but she still kept the jutsu up. There was no way in hell she was going to leave Makato to succumb to his wounds. Standing up, she rushed behind her ally. Alessi did so for one single and most important reason. That reason was that she desperately needed to repair the damage to her friend's stomach. In the immediate moment that she caught up to Maka, he fell to his knees. She wasn't quite sure why Maka was getting up and moving, but none of that mattered now. All she needed to focus on was her healing. Picking Maka up slightly and setting him on his back, she began the healing process once more.

Her mind was in a panic. The thoughts of death were clouding her mind from focus and ultimately scaring her. It was that, plus the fact that she had Maka's blood on her clothes and hands. Still not one to enjoy blood, Alessi fought through the small fears. At this point, her hands weren't the only thing shaking. Her whole body was shaking from the stress and fear of losing a teammate. A few tears came out of her eyes, but they were quickly lost in the small amount of nervous sweat on her cheeks and forehead.

Word Count: 1739/1100


[OOC: You may take control of one criminal. Makato's taking Nojuku.]

His students were fleeing...the Kai he sent did not seem very effective. The best he could do...was keep them away from Makato and Alessi. Once Maka was healed...then they'd be ready to fight. For now...he just had to stall for time. He couldn't kill them...which made it all the harder.

Okay, first things first. Alessi just looked plain worn would not bode well if she ran out of chakra. So...Zen would have to be a makeshift medic. Making a Prism Clone, he would send it over to Maka. From its hand, which started to glow, would come forth a beam of light. It may not have been the most humane way, but....the clone forcefully cauterized Maka's wound. Searing light did just as well as a medical jutsu. The clone nodded to Alessi before returning to Zen. It was up to her now....With the cauterization, Maka might be able to fight....

Either way. He mostly had to deal with Furou, since last he checked, Sasurai was healing Nojuku. Zen turned his attention to Furou....How could he deal with this kid. Small in stature, but he demonstrated the ability to weave very powerful Genjutsu...just like the Koukuangyou no Jutsu he used earlier. Zen approached the youngest criminal boy, and put his focus all on him.




Nojuku had finally regained consciousness. His wounds were hurting, but he had been healing under Sasurai long enough to make a slight recovery and fight with all he had left. He wouldn't be running from a bunch of kids. This was his treasure. "Let go of me, ya big dummy.." Nojuku flailed from Sasurai's healing jutsu and fell to the floor. He stood up, holding his chest wound and cringing. His opponent's blade had missed his heart, but definitely cracked bone and ripped through muscle tissue. This was bad, but he had to kill his opponent while they were both injured. Nojuku knew that he could handle it more like a man than his opponent. Hey, they both got pretty fucked up... Time to end things. The light-haired boy picked up his fat sword, holding it in his right hand and waddling weakly towards his opponent. After every few steps he would stumble, but pick himself up again. He was not giving all his strength for now, but for when he attacked his opponent, he surely would. He looked ahead of him. Forty feet from a boy currently laying down on the ground, slashed and burned.


Just as Makato was beginning to feel the ease of Alessi's healing jutsu against his cut, something quite unexpected occurred. Without warning, his wound was cauterized. Makato's voice broke as he yelled louder than he ever had. The light which burned up his wound would feel hotter than fire. Once it was finished, Makato's eyes cringed as he was holding back his tears. He relaxed all of his muscles, letting the back's of his hands rest loosely against the hard ground. His head fell back, his bright orange hair spreading across an area. He took a deep breath, realizing what he had to do. He knew that Nojuku was back, he could feel it. Makato didn't have to kill anyone, rather, the mission was to capture them alive. Makato would finish this, and do just that.

The young boy propped himself up by his hands, and without making any revolting echos of pain, stood up on his feet. The world around him seemed dizzy and unreal. He slowly bent over and picked up his katana, holding it up in his left hand. Makato would then extract his kunai from a belt loop on his shorts. He would slowly turn the kunai around his right hand's index finger as he and Nojuku drew nearer to their uncertain fate.

"Heh....Just kill yourself." Nojuku muttered under his breath as he watched the boy get up. He was fighting back his feelings of worry, trying to keep a smile on his face...but the look in the boy's eyes. The look of determination and will, after being so badly injured. It made him quite nervous. After the two had gotten around five yards from eachother, they both stopped. There was a silence as Nojuku tightened the grip on his blade. "You will die!" Nojuku swung his blade in the same horizontal fashion, this time towards Makato's left side. He wasn't thinking enough to attack the same side which he had already wounded.


Makato was prepared for this attack. He kept a firm gaze into Nojuku's eyes. It was a type of leer, a look of determination and confidence. As his opponent swung his blade, Makato used a strange parrying technique. Makato's lifted his katana so that it met his opponent's hand and a half blade, but didn't put much force into it. The hit would propel Makato the right side a little bit. Makato would use this momentum to quickly fall to Nojuku's left side. As he did so, he stabbed directly into Nojuku's legs three times with his kunai. Once in the stomach, once in the thigh and once in the lower leg. Each of the stabs were about two inches deep and ripped through muscle tissue and disrupted his bones. Makato fell to the floor and passed out with a smile on his face. He had defeated his opponent. His eyes were closed and he lay face down, his hair covering his face. His kunai and sword were both still held loosely in his hands


Nojuku hopped around on one foot for a couple of seconds, stumbling to the floor. "AHHHH!" He would fall to his hands and knees, tears welling in his eyes from the pain. His pride and his body hadn't been in this much pain for quite some time. "FUCK!" He would let out a few tears before losing his will and passing out.




Alessi brought her hands away from Maka once Zenchi's clone was able to completely cauterize the wound. She was thankful that she didn't have to use any more chakra and time. Only a few seconds later, Nojuku had been mostly healed and was now coming back after Makato. Seeing this, Alessi stood up and immediately backed away. If she was forced into the middle of the upcoming fight and ended up getting injured or unable to use her medical ninjutsu, it would spell trouble for the rest of her team. But her mind wouldn't let her just stand by as her teammates went ahead and saw to the fighting. Scanning for a quick moment, she saw that Sasurai was alone after his comrade left him. With a slight hesitation, she eventually decided to go after Sasurai.


Sasurai silently put one hand to stop his teammate, but was unable to halt his advance. It was no use. Nojuku was too stubborn to stop. Seeing how he was now alone, Sasurai stood straight up and sighed. He let his mind wander for a moment, but didn't notice Alessi running after him. She had a clenched fist and was definitely focused on striking Sasurai with a large amount of force. He was older, more experienced, but too distracted with his teammates' affairs. This left him vulnerable, and Alessi was going to try to take advantage of that.


Alessi quickly approached Sasurai and immediately crouched to pull off a successful leg sweep. Causing her opponent to trip backwards and fall on his back, she hopped up and jumped back in preparation. Putting her fists up, she waited for her opponent to respond. Her first attack might have possibly screwed her over. For all she knows, Sasurai might be too overwhelming. It was already too late to run or hide. Alessi was in for a fight.


Sasurai was stunned for only a moment. Once he was a less dazed, he hopped up and looked over at Alessi. He was somewhat surprised that it was the girl of the other group. Having a slight inner conflict, he tried to rationalize that he had to fight Alessi. Being a bit held back when it came to fighting and relying more on helping his teammates, he wasn't too fond of going in a fighting himself. Seeing how Alessi had her fists up, he immediately knew she was using Taijutsu. Putting his fists up as well, Sasurai waited for an attack from his new opponent. If the need be, he would switch Ninjutsu.


Alessi saw that Sasurai lifted his fist and immediately went after him. With the first leap, she threw a punch which was quickly blocked. Starting a series of blows, each blow was blocked and when it came to the last big swing, Sasurai grabbed her arm and pushed her to the ground. Her back wasn't on the ground for long though. The moment she went down, she flipped right back up and kept up the amount of hits.


Even though he didn't show it, Sasurai was having a rather hard time blocking the multitude of punches. After he was able to find an opening in Alessi's assault, he threw her down and started to start on a stream of hand signs. What he didn't see was Alessi immediately standing back up and heading after him again.


Alessi's mind drew a blank as she leaped at her enemy. She wasn't thinking, she was just acting. Crouching down once more, she swept her leg across and interrupted Sasurai's jutsu. As soon as the trip was initiated, she got up and grabbed her opponent's collar. With one single punch, she brought her fist directly into his face. Thus knocking him out cold. Her hand hurt from the force of the punch. Dropping her opponent, she fell back and held her pained hand.

Migoto Tenshi

Migoto Tenshi


Migoto was running from the danger that the inferno in the sky presented. If that giant thing in the sky hit, it would spell death for anyone in a five mile radius. Still running, Migoto took a look back to gage his distance from the scene. But just as quickly as the it came, the illusion vanished.Their sensei Zen had kai-ed them out of it! Migoto immediatly made a U-turn and made a bee line straight for the battle field, his team needed him.

Everyone had broken out of his latest genjutsus, a blazing torrent of raining fire. But thanks to their sensei, all of his opponents were freed. Furō had to think something up, and fast; everyone had switched opponents. The dark haired kid had run off like a baby and the rest of his team was taking on his brothers. Furō Quickly fled away from the fighting and began performing hand seals on his latest genjutsu he had created. This one would make the last one look like a bad dream. The one he was cooking up would break the mind of even a sesoned ninja."This will teach 'em."


Going branch by branch Migoto sprinted to the batTle field, his team needed him. Breaking the tree line he could see that people had switched opponents. Makato was still with Nojuku but Alessi was fighting Sasurai, medic against medic. They were doing quite well when he paused to scope out the area. Looking for the last brother, the youngest one, Furō. He saw the little brat secluded from the combat, making numerous hanf seals, he was making something big. Making a mad dash to him Migoto med little resistance since the rest of the brothers were incapacitated. Coming a the child with a full sprint, Migoto knew this hit was going to hurt. Only a few feet away he came up to him and sunk down in a deep stance, cocking his left arm back into a wicked hook. With an explosion of force from his legs Migoto planted his fist firmly under the young child's chin hard enough to lift him off his feet. With the momentum of the sprint and his legs, the child lifted off the earth and landed a few feet away; eyes closed and unconscious.
WC: 383
Total: 2765/2500


This was...rather impressive. The three of his Genin students had taken out some rather powerful ninja of the same number. And Zenchi didn't really do much. He sort of blamed himself for the injuries here, though... it wasn't supposed to happen like this. Someone such as him...should not be so inept as to let his charges get so easily and heavily wounded. It was his was getting worse. Zen put up his hood and picked up Sasurai; he stifled his coughing up blood from the exertion. "Come on... let's get going back to Iwa." As far as he could see, everyone was in shape to walk back... they needed to get to Bastion Adamantine.

OOC: Abandoning training. Mission Complete, Topic closed.

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