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1Spering [Sammey/Sili/on kill] Empty Spering [Sammey/Sili/on kill] Mon Dec 02, 2013 8:03 pm



the day was just like any other day whit the sun out and and a cool wind blowing. Sammey was working on her fighting skills by her self. The grounds were so dead today do to the war in Kirigakure no Sato.

2Spering [Sammey/Sili/on kill] Empty Re: Spering [Sammey/Sili/on kill] Mon Dec 02, 2013 9:55 pm



Sili walked through the sandy terrain with her robe dragging behind her, smiling contently at the pleasant breeze. Her hands were together in front of her within her sleeves, which connected to one another before her. She saw a small girl training by herself, and couldn't help but wonder about her.

Who's this now? A ninja? She certainly doesn't look it... hm. I wonder what her name is? She probably lives here I bet. Well... Sili picked up her pace and quickly approached the girl. She called out to her as she lifted her right hand out of her sleeve and waved,


3Spering [Sammey/Sili/on kill] Empty Re: Spering [Sammey/Sili/on kill] Mon Dec 02, 2013 10:24 pm



Hello! a voice came form behind her. As she turned to see who it was the sun was behind the peson be by the voice sayed it had to be a girl. in her soft voice Hello may i help you?"

4Spering [Sammey/Sili/on kill] Empty Re: Spering [Sammey/Sili/on kill] Mon Dec 02, 2013 10:42 pm



The girl spoke in a docile tone, leading Sili to further believe this girl wasn't a shinobi. Still, her response was somewhat defensive and Sili wasn't one to be satisfied with a hunch. She bent down and picked up a small talc stone from beneath the sand as she spoke,

Perhaps. I've been wondering around this village for some time now and have to say there's very little to see. Her fingers curled around the rock as they sifted through the sand. She began standing up again as grains poured from her lightly enclosed fist. I was wondering if you had anything of interest I could see.

5Spering [Sammey/Sili/on kill] Empty Re: Spering [Sammey/Sili/on kill] Mon Dec 02, 2013 11:14 pm



lol well as guess one you think about thats the way it looks but it has some lovely ppl whil looking at her pick some thing up than she walks up to her.

6Spering [Sammey/Sili/on kill] Empty Re: Spering [Sammey/Sili/on kill] Mon Dec 02, 2013 11:54 pm



Sili nodded as the girl laughed off her question. Sili's eyes drifted to the sun as they began to shut, smiling as she enjoyed the calm weather and cool thoughts. Well, she seems normal enough. I guess she isn't a shinobi...but just to be sure... Sili's eyes peeked open from the bottom and glanced to the girl, while at the same time her wrist flicked forward and the small stone she had been holding flew out towards the girl's foot. It was a warning shot, if anything. Any competent ninja could easily avoid the rock, as it would take merely an inch of movement to evade. On the other hand, the same speed that made the stone so easy to dodge would make it hit with hardly any impact. If she wasn't a ninja, it would be little more than a mild annoyance. Sili giggled after tossing the stone; her tried and true method of poking anything with a pulse was a constant source of amusement to her. She loved to see people's reactions, be they good or bad, as they were invaluable sources of knowledge to Sili.

OOC: You may want to proof read your posts before submitting. Your sentences are very difficult to follow due to the grammatical/linguistic errors, and Saga generally doesn't allow abbreviations like "lol" and "ppl" in posts

7Spering [Sammey/Sili/on kill] Empty Re: Spering [Sammey/Sili/on kill] Tue Dec 03, 2013 12:08 am



wile walking up to the girl she seen something coming at her so she jumped back about 20 yards. Oh i'm sorry i did mean to come so close as she was thinking "this maybe bad"

8Spering [Sammey/Sili/on kill] Empty Re: Spering [Sammey/Sili/on kill] Tue Dec 03, 2013 9:11 am



The girl leaped a great distance at the sight of Sili's stone, confirming he mild suspicion in an instant. Aha, so she is a shinobi after all. How cute! Hmmm, I wonder what abilities she possesses? Or how strong she is? Perhaps I'll learn something from a quick fight... Sili smiled pleasantly and asked the girl a question,

Would you like to spar? Her voice was sweet and melodic, a result of years spent speaking with strangers. Despite this pleasant appearance and curious mind, Sili was surely a roughian. She picked fights wherever she went and often found herself exploring hazardous environments purely out of whim. It's not that she's a violent person, just... curious.

WC: 513

Last edited by Sili on Mon Jan 06, 2014 3:01 pm; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : raiton training denied)

9Spering [Sammey/Sili/on kill] Empty Re: Spering [Sammey/Sili/on kill] Tue Dec 03, 2013 2:21 pm



As she was about to side yes she looked at the sun Oh no i late sorry i can't now as she bows and tackes off

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