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Mission name: Escort the Painter, Recreate the Life in the Snow
Mission rank: C
Objective: Take Kumo's Painter to the Land of Snow so she may paint the beauty captured by the Sea of Light.
Location: Kumogakure->Yukigakure(Sea of Light); Neighboring Country
Reward: 180 Ryo
Mission description: A painter by the name of Lisa is antsy for some new material to paint on her canvas. Normally there wouldn't be any point of us shinobi escorting a painter to another village, but she is scared something might happen to her on her voyage. So she paid for shinobi protection during her trip. Help her get their safely.
Mission details: You will meet Lisa on a ship that is heading to the Land of Snow. While on the ship, about 7 thugs try to take advantage of Lisa when you least expect it. Get them to leave Lisa alone; if you kill the thugs they are, technically speaking, paid passengers on the ship so killing them will result in you being thrown overboard. This will result in a failure if this has happened. It will take about a day for you to reach Yuki. Take her to Yuki and to the Sea of Light so she may paint the ocean, once she finished take her back to Kumo. You won't have any trouble on the way back.


Name: Lisa
Age: 21
General Appearance: *See picture*
Personality: Lisa is quiet and will not talk much during the mission until she feels more comfortable with you.
Motivations: To be the best artist in the land of lightning
Fears: Heights
Other: Here's a picture of her
Escort the Painter, Recreate the Life in the Snow[Kumo-C] Char_29277

[b]Mission name:[/b] Escort the Painter, Recreate the Life in the Snow
[b]Mission rank:[/b] C
[b]Objective: [/b]Take Kumo's Painter to the Land of Snow so she may paint the beauty captured by the Sea of Light.
[b]Location:[/b] Kumogakure->Yukigakure(Sea of Light); Neighboring Country
[b]Reward:[/b] 180 Ryo
[b]Mission description:[/b] A painter by the name of Lisa is antsy for some new material to paint on her canvas. Normally there wouldn't be any point of us shinobi escorting a painter to another village, but she is scared something might happen to her on her voyage. So she paid for shinobi protection during her trip. Help her get their safely.
[b]Mission details:[/b] You will meet Lisa on a ship that is heading to the Land of Snow. While on the ship, about 7 thugs try to take advantage of Lisa when you least expect it. Get them to leave Lisa alone; if you kill the thugs they are, technically speaking, paid passengers on the ship so killing them will result in you being thrown overboard. This will result in a failure if this has happened. It will take about a day for you to reach Yuki. Take her to Yuki and to the Sea of Light so she may paint the ocean, once she finished take her back to Kumo. You won't have any trouble on the way back.

[b]Name:[/b] Lisa
[b]Age:[/b] 21
[b]General Appearance:[/b] *See picture*
[b]Personality:[/b] Lisa is quiet and will not talk much during the mission until she feels more comfortable with you.
[b]Motivations:[/b] To be the best artist in the land of lightning
[b]Fears:[/b] Heights
[b]Other:[/b] Here's a picture of her

Last edited by Sanosuke on Thu Jan 17, 2013 7:23 am; edited 1 time in total








Escort the Painter, Recreate the Life in the Snow approved

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