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Mission name: The Ultimate mission of Doom
Mission rank: S
Objective: Babysit Chie and Reiko for a day while Gin and Jurou are busy doing whatever they do.
Location: Sunagakure
Reward: 1000 ryo
Mission description: Take care of Chie and Reiko for a day. Take them to the park, buy them ice cream and do what comes to mind to entertain them. If they get bored, they will likely try to start a fight with you or wreack havoc within the village. If so, you might get boiled alive, punted, carved open and ripped to Shreds. But remember! Don't. Touch. The. Twins. If you do, all hell will rain upon you in the form of the Mizukage and Kazekage. It won't be pretty.
Mission details: To take this mission, you must actually roleplay with the twins. You can't NPC them. Harming them in any way results in automatic failure of the mission. Giving up before the time is up does as well. The minimum word requirement for this mission is 3000 words. Chie and Reiko's profiles can be found here and here.



The Ultimate mission of Doom [Sunagakure - S Rank]  Sagaap10


Spirits have mercy, this is going to sting...



For those who takes on the mission... Have fun. And if I hear any one of them telling me or Gin you touched them... *that's it.*


I believe she made it to test Trilby out. I have to admit, not looking forward to it ._.

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