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Kenta Inuzuka

Kenta Inuzuka

So then... this was going to be a trip. Likely a trip to the hospital for one of them, if not to the pharmacy for painkillers for the headaches this would cause. But hell, why not. He got outta the office for a few blissful hours, no one could say he wasn't working (as if anyone would anyway, but hey, good to cover bases), and he was getting in some training time. Always good. Only... he was having trouble remembering exactly why he agreed on training someone else. He hated the idea of taking on students... so even something quick, easy, and on session wasn't something he would agree too, was it?

Oh wait, Naota. That's why. Teach the Uchiha Quickstep, right. That way he could shove the kids begging to see him use it off on him. Perfect excuse. Wonderful. Least it was still quiet; as the other male hadn't arrived yet. Not that he excepted any less; these grounds where very well hidden. Had to be, for the kind of training he normally did there. That, and it made it easier to meditate in a ball of water when there weren't the occasional random people wandering by that would question just how he could stay like that. Or worse, trying to “save” him. As if he needed to be saved from water. So what if he'd nearly drowned once? Not like he could anymore, not without some serious secondary issues happening at the same time.

So he sat, a half sphere of water covering his upper body as his lower, below chest level anyway, was sunk into the water of the small lake off to the west of the field, near a tributary of the nearby river. The occasional few bubble would escape his mouth as he exhaled; he was only partially holding his breath, an advantage to have Wind as a nature element meant he could almost create fresh air in his lung with his chakra. It wouldn't last forever, but it did make it easy for him to go ten minutes or so without surfacing, so long as all he was doing was meditating. The more activity, the less time he could remain submerged.



He had a feeling he was being used for something, but he couldn't quite place it. But with the Hokage offering to teach him one of his personally created jutsu, it wasn't something Naota would pass up. Anything to become stronger, right? Anything to protect this village. And so, this is what lead him, running through the forest, leaping and bounding over the forest floor with the agility of a Parkour professional. Fauna scattered in the darkness under the canopy, alarmed by the specter that passed by them.

Black eyes were opened, calmly taking in the surrounding with almost as much clarity as if his kekkei genkai were active. These eyes peered out at the world from beneath black locks of hair, a trait that was almost as a signature of his clan as their ability. His upper body was clothed in a simple white shirt made of cotton. His lower boy as clothed in simple pants, made of cotton as well. There were no distinguishing markings of any kind upon his clothes, no logo or such. It was as if the clothes were made to blend into the crowd, to appear as if he were a normal civilian, very out of place for being in the forest. But what was the point? He was here for a training session with his Kage, not a day off. However, this is what Naota wished for. He wore normal civilian clothing to training because it was what he wore on missions. If one was going to perform a job, why not practice in your work uniform? Beneath the leggings of the pants, he wore a set of training weights. The weights were small enough that they wouldn’t be noticed unless one knew what to look for, but provided what Naota needed. Beneath all this, his feet were bare.

Coming to the edge of the forest, the male hopped once, shifting his body so that he could slide to a stop at the water's edge. Those black eyes cast themselves upon the Kage, calmly waiting for the male to become aware of his presence. Even still, Naota could not help but take in Kenta's measure; the Hokage looked not much older than Naota himself, which came as a surprise to the Uchiha. He'd expected the Kage to be much older, somewhere around his thirties or so. But either way, the male had to be strong; he was the Kage, after all. And a Suiton user, from the looks of the water bubble wrapped around his head....

Kenta Inuzuka

Kenta Inuzuka

Well, his timing was good at least; Kenta was nearing the end of his current meditation stretch, needing to go over his breathing exercises if he wanted to continue. Gold eyes slipped open before allowing the water to drain away; although his sight would be somewhat distorted (he wasn't a fish, his eyes couldn't fully focus under water), and the refractive properties altered what he could see further, but it was alright. The blurry image was enough to see another person had arrived. Excellent. His body began to rise from the water, seeming to float upward until he was sitting on the surface properly, the half-sphere over his upper body warping and slowly draining away. A soft inhale, barely audible over the gentle breeze, that was enough to force the liter or so of water from his lungs; his exercises had given him strong lungs, even if they still protested sometimes. Damnable childhood illnesses had left him with some scaring, but time and perseverance had negated most of the ill effects.

He rose gracefully, like the animal he was at heart; long legs unfolding as he rose, clawed hands brushing and picking small bits of water moss from his shorts. Hands lifted when he finished to form a single sign, chest expanding as he inhaled deeply, head tilting upwards and exhaling hard; the rush of falling air acting to dry his clothing some, letting the warm sun finish the job. A little dampness was always comforting to him. He lived in water if he had a choice, after all. "Naota. Your timing is as impeccable as your reputation alludes to. I like that." His feet began to move; no actual steps, just a simple twitch that made it seem like he was gliding over the water to shore. He basically did glide over water, finding it easier to skate then walk, really.

"You understand why I asked you here, correct?" Feet touched sand, the golden Inuzuka switching to an unhurried amble without missing a beat. His tone was respectful, even a little cold; the way he spoke to anyone he didn't really know, but knew enough about to allow some politeness.



“No, not exactly, sir.” Naota shifted on feet, eyes watching the other male carefully. Trained eyes were searching for a sign of weakness, something that came with being a ninja. Not that he thought that he would be open to take the Hokage; Naota was no fool. He was only a Chuunin, and unlike most of his kin, had no desire or reason to fight authority.

His arms fold over his chest, black eyes blinking slowly. “Out of all the people you could have chosen, you chose to teach a technique to me. “ His head twitched a bit, flicking a stray lock of hair out of his face that had managed to escape the tie that held the mass back. “There are much stronger people within the village. Jounin that do not have the... disability that I possess. Much more qualified than I.”
Once more the male shifted his body, sliding a foot behind him and shifting his weight to it. He was not aiming to be disrespectful, nor did he mean to sound ungrateful. Curiosity held him in a tight grip; he could not wrap his head around why the Hokage chose him. “Perhaps you could tell me?”

Kenta Inuzuka

Kenta Inuzuka

Interesting... it would seem the young Uchiha was far less concerned over the so named disability then one would think. "Ah, but that is exactly why I chose you. You are correct, I could pass this along to some nameless Jounin, or even the entire Jounin Corps; but I don't see a point. They would have little need of it, nor a reason to appriciate it." The blonde seemed to almost lean against air, as it where; shifting until it looked as if he leaned against an invisible wall; nothing but his own natural agility and balance keeping him upright. "In all honesty, it is the very; well, I would say less of a disability as much as a skill in itself; that I chose you for. It would be remiss of me to say I didn't find the condition fascinating in a way; you aren't the first with a similar such, nor the only. Call it... an experiement, as well as an offer. I have noticed... disturbing patterns appearing; tied to some of your clansmen. You are well known as loyal to the village, I would like to ask a favor of you. Of course, I intend to make it worth your while; hence the offer for training. A partnership, not a bribe. Nor an order; I fully understand clan loyalty, we Inuzuka hold it higher then most. If you choose not to comply, then that is your right."

The soft breeze picked up for a moment, gentle gust pushing him full upright once more. Turning on a heel, he made his way back to the water; not stopping until he was standing upon the center of the pond. "Come, I intend to teach you this technique before we talk anymore of my reasonings here."

Last edited by Kenta Inuzuka on Wed Jun 13, 2012 3:27 pm; edited 1 time in total



Naota took slow steps, staying behind Kenta, mind mulling over what the Kage said. Someone in his clan was causing trouble... so much that the Kage himself took notice? Joy... Didn't they realize that they were still not trusted fully in the village? Why would they even entertain the idea of screwing up the fragile peace that was established. What Sasuke had done made the five nations persecute his clan for years..

His barefoot stepped on the water slowly, testing to see if he could hold himself up. While he was confident in his chakra control, it was habit, left over from the days when he was first learning to deal with his ...problem. Satisfied that he would be able to stay upon the waters surface, he followed Kenta still. “If I may ask... what technique will you be teaching me. And whom in my clan is concerning you?”

Kenta Inuzuka

Kenta Inuzuka

"That can wait for now. I'd prefer to do this first, then speak of business. Preferably back in town, as well. This place... it is my oaisis from the demands of the village and my position; I'd rather not bring them here more then I have too." He flashed the darker male a slight grin, hint of a fang glinting in the bright sun. "There will be plenty of time for it later anyway; it is not something that requires immediate attention."

Kenta's eye was caught for a second, noticing a bit of color that did not belong in the water. Kneeling down, he fished a small toy from the deep blue-gree liquid; smile growing fond for a moment before tossing it easily to shore. "Forgive the slight... mess. It seems my children missed a few toys when they where tidying up yesterday." Or outright forgot. He never was sure with those kids.

"Now then, to start. This technique is rather simple in concept. Not so much in practice. Quickstep. An obvious name, but fitting in it's simplicity. Simply put, a movement jutsu that allows for quick bursts of speed. A stepping stone to others, as well. For now however, we shall work with this. Tell me, Naota. Do you know the concept of skating? Or rather, are you able to, in any fashion."



The male's arms folded across his chest once more, calmly taking mental note of the Hokage's mention of his children. It would probably come into use at another time. “A movement jutsu. Seems simply enough. How is it performed..?” Those black eyes blinked slowly, carefully watching the elder. If this was the reason for the training, the Uchiha would welcome it; he was a taijutsu specialist. Anything that allowed him to move faster would be a wonderful addiction. Mobile. Agile. Hostile.

Pushing aside the mental note about Hokage's children, Naota split his mental train into two tracks; one focused on the task at hand, keeping himself afloat and waiting for the Hokage's response. The other track dived within himself, searching out the tangled mess that was his chakra network. Grasping the threads, Naota began to tug, stretch, and re-tune his chakra. Separating the Katon from the Fuuton, then braiding them back together and strengthening the ties. On and on he he went, honing the limited chakra until he could do no more without a dedicated meditation session. It wasn’t much, but for now, it would have to suffice.

With all of this happening mentally in the span of several seconds, one would think that Naota gave an outward sign. He did indeed; the barest widening of his pupil, something that could be easily taken as a reaction to the sunlight. His body shifted, weight moving from one foot to another, waiting.

Kenta Inuzuka

Kenta Inuzuka

"I believe I was trying to explain that just now. You might want to pay more attention, kid." The blonde was begining to relax as he waited upon the water; only ever comfortable when he was near a significant source of the fluid. Given this pond was river fed... it was a near unlimited supply. Perfect for him. "The basics are this: create a small pocket of chakra upon the feet. This allows for a split second reduction of friction, which when used properly allows for a burst of enhanced speed. Simple in concept; less so in practice. Hence my previous question. Are you able to skate?"

Kenta leaned back a tad, lifting a foot so that Naota could see it properly. After a moment, a pad of chakra appeared to surround it; a sound like a muted howl of wind filling the air. "So long as the chakra remains, the jutsu is in effect. What you see here is a slightly different version of what I will show you; Quickstep itself does not physically manifest this way." He lowered his foot, which because of the chakra padding caused the water to bowl and move away. When the pad appeared below his other foot, he seemed to sink a few inches as the water was pushed away. "Now watch closely. Your eyes shouldn't have much trouble following me; even with my naturally high speed."

It didn't take much to get going; the water made it far easier to move. as he wasn't having to actually 'walk', the jutsu wasn't breaking when he moved. It was the force of the user running that normally broke the jutsu; simply skating over water meant there was no change in force and allowed it to last longer. A flare of his legs, graceful skating by one whom practiced and perfected the art; Kenta was moving with a speed and agility any would envy. It was easy to tell it was enhanced speed; terminal speed due to contact and air friction was obviously being broken. The Kage kept the demonstration short; litterally jumping and using an exposed rock to bounce back towards the Uchiha; showing how a change in force broke the jutsu instantly. "You see why I make an example from skating now, yes?"



The male blinked, merging his mind back together, and focusing himself. “I know the basics of skating... I can give it a shot.”

His mind moved, and the chakra within his body surged in response. Channeling the surge through his legs and into his feet, the male was almost immediately launched off his feet into the water with a loud splash. Swimming back to the surface, the male coughed and sputtered for a moment, before lifting himself out of the water and stabilizing himself on the surface once more. “Damn it...”

Those black eyes fell onto the Hokage, almost as if he were expecting a remark, something snide about him not being able to properly project chakra for something so simple. The look was one of anger and the absolute promise of backlash. Remembering who Kenta was and where they were, Naota's expression changed and softened, becoming apologetic for a moment before the mask was lifted to his face, his expression blanking once more. Assuming a position with his knees bent to push off, he attempted once more. This time, the male used less chakra, barely anymore than he was using to walk upon the water's surface.

This time, the male moved much better, skating over the water's surface with little difficulty. Naota made several passes over the water's surface attempting to perfect the movements as best he could. Satisfied, he came to rest beside Kenta, waiting on the next lesson.

Kenta Inuzuka

Kenta Inuzuka

Well, that was almost faster then expected. From what he knew of Uchiha, he would have thought it would have taken him several more attempts to realize that less is more. "Not bad. You remember your basics, this is good." The Inuzuka shifted his feet, a controlled flail as it where, the movement to skate backwards. "Now then, we need to touch on distance. On land, the point is to harness speed to move, without scrificing control. You have to learn to aim before you move; once the speed kicks in you can't change course wthout retriggering the jutsu, using a seperate movement jutsu, or redircting your momentum some other way."

An arm raised; 5 kunai appearing between his fingers, each tagged with a numbered bit of paper. Without looking, he flung the kunai over a shoulder; ensuing they would land randomly across the pond. "You have the basics, now it's time to learn controll. You will start where you are now. From this point you will flash to each kunai, remove it, then return. One per step, to total 10 triggers of the jutsu. You must take only 10 steps total. If you overstep, you will return to this point and I reset the kunai. This is your control training, as well as a stamina test. A hint, pay close attention to the change from water to land. This will come in handy when we shift to fully on land."

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