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Lytening dipped the toes of his left leg into the river to get a feel of the temperature of the water. The water turned out to be a bit more cold than he would have liked. Nonetheless, he took off his clothes, leaving his underwear on, and jumped into the river.

He found out that swimming is a great way to get a full body work out. For that reason, Lytening loved coming to the river. He even had a special location. "His" spot. He never saw anyone around there, as if he was the only one that ever came there. Today he was there, for relaxing purposes. He on the surface of the river, on his back, enjoying the refreshing feeling the cool waters gave him.


Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu

Earlier that morning, two hours prior to present:

Waking up in her small two-room appartment, Risu walked to the bathroom to take a shower, still slightly groggy and sleepy. When she had taken a long and relaxing shower, the young kunoichi stood in front of the mirror, placing the purple make up on her face as was practically mandatory, though there was always a purple line present around her eyes, she loved accentuating it with some extra color.

Remembering the quite disastrous bout with Rippã, who she still considered to be the hottest guy around town and the even worse fight with Hyuuga Kizai; a stuck up, no-good byakugan user, the young Lady Orochi sighed deeply, while continueing to look at her reflection in the mirror.

Sure, she has a practically white skin, thin, but accentuated lips and snakelike eyes, she was slender, elegant and graceful in appearance, but apparently that which attracted those of around her age, was solething she was apparently missing. Noticing this again after having seen both Senju Chisaki and that blind girl Ember Mist, the young woman formed her hands into cups and tried to imagine what it would be to be on equal footing compared to them. It was said that the fifth Hokage used to have the same problem and that she used her superior skill in medical ninjutsu and bodymodification to get to experience that what both she and Risu were missing compared to other girls their age.

"Sheesh, I'm fine," Risu hissed at herself, slapping her face with her cold wet hands, before she went to put on her day to day clothes, noting that she would not be wearing any ceremonial stuff that day, not to mention she did not want to pay for reparations to her clothes again.

When she had eaten her breakfast, the young woman packed a small bento and a bottle of cold green tea, before leaving the appartment and making her way to place she always called her own, her own private spot near the Naka river.


It came as both a nasty, unwanted surprise, as well as a complete shock to the Orochi girl, to see that someone had seemingly claimed her spot, a young man, who was still soaking wet from most likely a bit of swimming in the river.

Because his eyes were closed, Risu could not see to what clan he belonger, as there were no apparent marks like those of the Inuzuka clan or any signs on clothes like the uchiha, uzumaki or senju clan. having no knowledge on who or what this guy was, made the young girl slightly less cautious, especially because she had no desire to go and fight again without knowing anything.

Sneaking up to the guy, she suddenly dropped her bag next to the guy, hoping to scare him a bit for the fun of it. "This really is the best spot isn't it?"


Last edited by Orochi Risu on Sat Mar 15, 2014 4:23 am; edited 1 time in total



"I think it's time I got out of the water," he decided. It had been a good half hour now, that Lytening had been floating on the river. That's usually, the same amount of time he would have spent in the water any other day. He looked to the river bank and noticed that his clothes weren't there. Then he realized that the mild current had carried him a little ways away from where he had set his clothes. After catching sight of where his clothes were, he dove into water and began swimming upstream. He could have just swam to the riverbank there, and walked along the side of it to the location of his clothes, but he thought that a little workout would completely make this amazing time of relaxation, satisfying. The current wasn't strong enough to make him exert himself even in the least way, but moving those arms and paddling those legs sure felt good after just laying on the water.

When he came out, he stepped towards the spot where he had placed his attire, and layed his back down on the grass. He wanted to dry as most as he could before the sun started bothering his skin and forced him to put on his clothes, and head home. Lytening had thought about bringing a towel before he left the house but he didn't because he didn't want to risk raising any interest in any of the boys. He didn't want anyone to tag along. Showing this location to someone else, was something that he really did not want to do.

As Lytening layed there on the grass, next to his clothes, near the river bank and also half-naked he thought about how peaceful he was. In turn that reminded him of an event in his childhood when his cousin, his uncle, and Lytening and his father took a trip to swim in that same river and Lytening and his cousin, Ren, went at it. They must have been around the age of 12, then. Lytening, however, could remember every fight he has had against Ren. One could say that Ren is Lytening's personal enemy. Therefore, whenever his mind wanders, even in relaxing occassions as this, Lytening finds himself going over these memories.

In this occasion he remembered how Ren shoved him into the river, when he was standing near the river bank getting a look at the water, while still wearing his clothes. As Lytening played the scenario in his head, he grinned because he couldn't believe that it actually happened. Then he remembered, how he came out of the water, completely drenched and full of rage. He looked at Ren, who was laughing, and then at his uncle and his father, who were just staring not knowing what to say, so he quickly turned to Ren again and gave him a death gaze before he smacked Ren on the side of his face with a punch.

"That idiot," Lytening chuckled as he continued to dry off, while laying on the grass. The area around him was quite, aside from the gentle rushing of river and the occasional chirping of birds, but in Lytening's head, there was a feature film playing, starring him and his cousin Ren. Yet, now that he had gotten to his favorite part of the movie, he consciously caught himself and exclaimed, "forget it! I'm just going to relax." With that he squiggled his back, indicating, that he was getting more comfortable and attempted to take a nap.

Lytening was finding it hard to take a nap, though. He was still wet, and that made him a bit uncomfortable. However, he tried to ignore that wet sensation that kept him awake and concentrated on going to sleep. He must have been concentrating for about 3 minutes when suddenly he heard a noise that he had never heard in that area before! And the noise was louder than any other sound he could hear during that moment. And what it more astonishing was that the noise came from beside him.

Fully alarmed he quickly opened his eyes to see what it was. Before he could make out who or what that slender figure was, he heard a voice emanating from it say, "This really is the best spot isn't it?"

At hearing the voice, he recognized it was a girl. "What is going on?" he thought. Lytening was first surprised and then as he sat up to give the girl consideration, he became embarrassed because he realized he was still in his underwear. Smoothly he tried to cover as much of his lower section as he could, using his right arm while reaching for the shirt on his left and replying, "Hi." with a big smile on his face.

Lytening tried to keep his head down as much as he could because of the embarraasement. Atleast until he managed to put his clothes on. At this time he was too embarrassed to even register the thought of identifying this girl. After he had slipped on his shirt, he gained a little more confidence to look back at her. This time he got a better look of her, noticing that indeed she was slender, pale skin, that made a huge contrast with her dark hair and make up she had on her face. Then when Lytening noticed her eyes, he quickly looked away to the opposite direction to where his shorts layed.

He reached for his shorts and during that second he put together a picture of the things he had seen about this girl. "Wow," was all he could express in his mind. That made him uncomfortable though. He had never seen a girl like this before, she wasn't a person of the typical look so the problem for Lytening was that he didn't know if to keep looking or not to look. "If i look at her she might think it's rude," he reasoned, "but she'll probably think the same if i don't look."

With his shorts on his left hand, he stood up completely and began sticking his legs into his shorts. "Well i guess, i just won't stare too long," he continued reasoning while pretending to be concentrated on putting on his shorts. "But if she came up to me, it says that she must be comfortable with her odd appearance..." He fnished adjusting his shorts, and without hesitation, now being fully dressed and fully confident, he gave her a straight stare on the eyes.

"Hi," he said again, with his most friendly smile.


Last edited by Lytening on Thu Mar 06, 2014 6:55 pm; edited 1 time in total

Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu

It was almost hilarious, when the guy seemed to realize that he was halfnaked, with only his underwear on, giving quite the comical reaction of quickly trying to put his clothes on, with the realization in mind that Risu, a girl at that, had a full sight on him. Not that she really thought anything about a young man being at that very spot with not much clothing on, though she did wonder how weird it was for someone to go swimming when it was technically still winter season, even with the moderate weather they were having those last two weeks.

So she actually remained silent the entire the the young man needed to dress himself in a bit more respectable attire than simple trunks. With only a feint smile on her face, the young Orochi Lady breathed in the fresh air of that spot, with a soothing breeze of air rustling through her hair.

The young man had looked in her eyes just once, for a short instance, yet long enough for her to realize his heritage as a hyuuga, but still an odd one at that, with his light haircolor.

Remembering what had happened when she last saw a hyuuga clanmember, Risu decided to keep herself in check, preventing herself from spewing out insults or taunts to his heritage, knowing fully well that perhaps it was better not to get all worked up, certainly not while she wasn't in the mood to cause trouble, only wanting to relax a bit and enjoy the peaceful surroundings of that place.

"You dont have to look at me if my appearance makes you feel uneasy," The girl said, while sitting down, pulling her legs together and wrapping her arms around them after the guy had finally given her a proper greeting. Yet again the wind seemed to play a game with her long black hair, blowing through it gently, making the strands of silky hair dance in the wind. "It's not like I don't know how I either draws in the eyes or appals them, I dont really care anymore."

For a short moment the young girl thought about her mother, who despite the fact that she also had her clan's Kekkei Genkai and the typically unusual appearance that came with it, wasn't hated or voided at all, or maybe Risu just didn't know how her mother's youth was.


Last edited by Orochi Risu on Sat Mar 15, 2014 4:24 am; edited 1 time in total



Lytening followed the girl with his eyes as she sat on the grass. He then listened to the girl's blunt observation about what she guessed to be his first impression of her as her hair danced gently due to a small breeze. Her remark caused him to feel a bit more uneasy. They had just met and they were already discussing emotional topics. Still standing on his two feet, "Where would i look then?" he asked as part of a nervous reaction, and also as an attempt to ease out the situation a bit. What truly struck Lytening is that she had guessed his thoughts correctly but he didn't want to let her know that so he tried to control his gestures and facial expression so that she wouldn't take notice of it.

Throughout that whole time, since he said that second "Hi", Lytening kept his eyes fixed on hers and with every second the girl's appearance started to seem more appealing to him. Her snake-like eyes, were the main reason why he was now having a change of mind. Lytening's interest on the girl grew more and more. Having a set of special eyes, himself, Lytening felt he probably found someone he wouldn't mind being friends with..

He didn't give her time, to respond to his first question, since it was meant to be rhetorical anyway. Lytening smoothly followed it by saying, "You really surprised me!" he laughed, remembering the feelings of embarrassement he had just overcome. "I've never seen anyone come here. It's a great place to relax," he continued, and before he made known that he had finished his turn to make a reply, he he took advantage of what he was saying to "cleverly" justify his display of skin by saying, "...and to take a swim." Lytening smiled again, and he noticed that it wasn't really necessary to have done that because all of their interaction up to this point, including the manner in which she approached him, and how she naturally sat on the grass, as if she was with someone she knew for a long time, made Lytening think she was very friendly.


Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu

Lytening wrote:Where would i look then?"

That one sentence threw Risu completely off guard, making her feel slightly fuzzy and weird, besides the fact that this guy was a Hyuuga, he seemed not all that bad compared to the other Hyuuga clanmembers she'd seen so far, especially that obnoxious Kizai fellow, who managed to get under her skin quite easily with his nonchalant and rather abbrasive behavior.

"I...uhm," She wanted to answer his question, she wanted to say at least something, but she was completely confused and at the same time, she was hardly given any moment to think about what she wanted to say, as the Hyuuga simply continued, seemingly unaware of how uneasy the young Orochi Lady was starting to feel in this situation.

Lytening wrote:"I've never seen anyone come here. It's a great place to relax...and to take a swim."

"I...usually come here by night, for obvious reasons," The kunoichi replied softly, her thin lips curling into a soft smile, while she tried to avert from the young man's gaze, looking at the sparkling water upon which the winter sun shone bright. "It's a good place to swim, to train...or to fight, depending on how you look at it. Though unlike you, I wouldn't be swimming here in the middle of the day or during the winter season, I'm not so good with cold temperatures."

Why was she so...friendly to this Hyuuga, by all means she should've kicked him in the groin from the first moment she laid eyes upon his, from the moment she knew he was a Hyuuga in the first place, she should've simply insulted or taunted him like she usually did, but she had not done this. Was it because he seemed to act different, unlike others not being appalled by how she looked, but actually interested.

"I have a question...uhm," The girl almost stuttered, stumbling over her words, lacking both the courage to use her usual haughty tone of voice and feeling to weird to keep herself in her usual distant and composed manner. " think I look like a monster?"


Last edited by Orochi Risu on Sat Mar 15, 2014 4:26 am; edited 1 time in total



"I stared too long," Lytening warned himself as the girl diverted his gaze. Then he heard her say, "I...usually come here by night, for obvious reasons. It's a good place to swim, to train...or to fight, depending on how you look at it. Though unlike you, I wouldn't be swimming here in the middle of the day or during the winter season, I'm not so good with cold temperatures."

He couldn't help smilie, as the girl sweetly expressed her likes. Particularly, he took note when she mentioned "training" and "fighting". His eyes reacted by opening a bit more out of excitement. Lytening was beginning to like where this was going. After the girl finished saying her words, he continued standing still, looking down at her as she looked at the water. "Those eyes..." he thought. And with that thought in his head, he remained silent so that perhaps she would continue speaking. He wanted her to continue to speak, to express herself so that he may know who this girl is.

Lytening became delighted when this hope came true and the girl began speaking once again and said, "I have a question...uhm." The suspense those words brought, erased the smile on his face. He didn't have a clue about what she was going to say to next. It was a good thing that the girl was looking away, because Lytening couldn't help his facial expression from reflecting the suspense that she built within him.

"Uh-h..." he sung. He didn't get the chance to politely reassure her that he wouldn't mind answering her question because Lytening didn't snap out of the little trance the girl's eyes had placed him in, quickly enough. He was about to speak when he heard her ask, " think I look like a monster?"

He couldn't help giggle a bit. Lytening observed that even though she had said that she didn't care what people thought about her appearance, she kinda did. He was happy to have this opportunity to speak encouraging words to her. Lytening was also wanting to tell her, how much he likes her eyes. He was a bit nervous about doing this, so he joined her point of view and looked to the glittering water too. As he joined her, in sitting down, he said "not at all!"

"Actually, I think your eyes are amazing," he said, trying to sound as calm as he could. Inside, though, he knew he almost didn't have the courage to say such a compliment. "Snakes are my favorite animal. I really like them. In fact, I created a jutsu to represent my like of them. It's called 'Snake Drill'."

Lytening wanted to let this girl know, just how much he liked her eyes that he felt he could do it by giving her an impression of how much he liked snakes. Now, however, he felt like he was in danger of letting his mouth ramble. He wasn't a very smooth guy when it came to giving compliments. Yet this time he tried his best...for her.

"I'm not saying you look like a snake," he rambled. "Sorry, I just mean to say that 'no you don't look like a monster'. Just a little different, but in a cool way." Then he turned to look at her face and see what kind of impression he had placed on her.

Training (Suiton Training Completed):

Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu

Lytening wrote:"Actually, I think your eyes are amazing,"

How such a single sentence could bring forth so many memories to the past, was amazing, as this guy's blunt and open reactions completely reminded Risu of her former squadmember Akisu Kaoru, the only one who had ever complemented her eyes before, no matter how many times she would hear those words, no matter the meaning and no matter who did say those simple combinations of words, the impact stayed great on the young Orochi girl, whom's life despite her youth had already been littered with extremely painful moments and memories.

She did not realize it at first, but for a moment, when the young Hyuuga uttered those words, tears rolled down her cheeks, showing that behind that usually cold exterior, that normally haughty voice and posture, there was still a young girl having troubles with the darkest memories which managed to continuously haunt her during the night.

"Kaoru..." Risu muttered without even realizing it, the very name which brought those tears came over her lips with a hint of sadness, yet her memories already started to cloud her mind, her eyes opening widely, while the purple bloodvessels in her eyes thickened, she almost seemed to have a moment of pure madness, but quickly regaining her composure, the young girl relaxed and whiped away her tears. "Sorry for that...I've had...a bad memory."

Lytening wrote:"Snakes are my favorite animal. I really like them. In fact, I created a jutsu to represent my like of them. It's called 'Snake Drill'."

For a moment, Risu suddenly chuckled, leaning backwards on her arms, while turning her face toward Lytening. This guy seemed so clumsy, so fun with his words, so totally different than She was used to with those Hyuugas.

Lytening wrote:"I'm not saying you look like a snake," he rambled. "Sorry, I just mean to say that 'no you don't look like a monster'. Just a little different, but in a cool way."

"Hahahah, are you always like that?" The Girl smiled and chuckled, it was so fun to have someone actually saying they liked snakes, even telling her that they had a jutsu that should be based on her own favorite animal, not to mention the fact that her clan's affinity with snakes was like that of the Inuzuka clan with dogs or the Nekomata clan with cats. "My clan's jutsu are based on snakes too and thanks for the...let's call them colforting and reassuring words. Let me properly introduce myself, my name's Orochi Risu, from the Ouroboros clan."




Lytening listened to the girl introduce herself, but he became far too interested in the girl's words:
Orochi Risu wrote:My clan's jutsu are based on snakes too...

When he heard those words all he could think about was getting her to show him her jutsus. He completely ignored everything else Orochi had said or done at that moment. "Your Clan's jutsus are based on snakes?" he repeated with great interest. He would have paused and waited for Orochi to answer the question, but then he realized that it was his turn to introduce himself, "My name is Lytening. I'm a Hyuga."

"I would like to see your jutsus," he hinted. He smiled, hoping that she would feel comfortable enough to show him something. "I wanna see what they're like," he encouraged her. Lytening then stood-up and turned to look at Orochi.


Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu

It slightly shocked Risu to suddenly be introduced to by the yound man in such a rapid, almost comical way. It had its charms though, resulting in the young girl giving a slight smile, while closing her eyes a bit. It seemed this boy required sole evidence of her jutsu being based on snakes, but the truth was, that in her case that was an exagerration, as she still did not posses a large enough array of jutsu to really start creating those snake based techniques the likes of which were thought to be used by her parents and even her uncle Enaka.

"I'm Risu, Orochi Risu, future head of the Ouroboros clan," The young girl said politely, yet slightly distant in her tone of voice. "Admittedly, I dont have that much jutsu that have snake attributes, as I was first and foremost trained in the basic tactical jutsu any members of my clan should have. However, if you wish to test your and my abilities, I would be glad to be your partner on this occasion, unless..."

Not really sure about it, but surely not keen on knowing that the boy was part of the Hyuuga clan, which she actually despised for numerous reasons, Risu sighed, gave another feint smile and continued.

"That is ofcourse unless you dont want me to be your partner in a little, rough and tough training session," again she spoke with a relatively distant tone of voice, showing that she wasn't really motivated to fight, but if he desired to do so, she would more than happily show the difference between their individual skills. "If I'm good enough, i'd like to make a wager...loser pays dinner, good?"





As Lytening heard Risu express that she wasn't in the mood to give him a showcase of her techniques, he realized he was being a little pushy himself. "We just met, anyway," he thought as he tried to keep himself from becoming disappointed.

Orochi Risu wrote:
That is ofcourse unless you dont want me to be your partner in a little, rough and tough training session. If I'm good enough, i'd like to make a wager...loser pays dinner, good?

Lytening considered her proposal very much, but he didn't feel comfortable accepting it. He had already felt that he was being too pushy on Risu, probably forcing her to be nice. "I see," he uttered. "You know, it's not that i'm trying to avoid buying you dinner," he continued, flattering Risu's combat abilities, "but I think we should leave that for another day." He looked into Risu's eyes and then looked at the items she had brought with her.

"Besides, I think we both came out to relax today!" Afterwards, Lytening politely dismissed him telling Risu how much he enjoyed meeting her, and that he hoped to see her again. "Maybe next time you can tell, how it is that you're going to become your clan's head!" he said as part of his last words. "Enjoy your day."

As Lytening walked away, he thought about how good he felt. The day had started out pleasantly for him....

-Exit Thread-


Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu

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