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1Hi. I'm being held againts my will. Empty Hi. I'm being held againts my will. Thu May 30, 2019 9:32 am



Hello, hello! I'm Mineko :)
I'm very new here. I don't know very much about Naruto, but I've been looking for a good community to join. I'm very happy with what I've seen and experienced here so far, both with the system and the people.

I've been hanging around the kumogakure discord for the last few days, so I'm sure many of you already know of me. I'm still looking forward to meeting everyone else, though.

I totally did not copy paste this from someone in konoha. I am definentely am not being held at gun point right now unless I post something here.

2Hi. I'm being held againts my will. Empty Re: Hi. I'm being held againts my will. Thu May 30, 2019 9:37 am


Okay. You can write your other post now.

3Hi. I'm being held againts my will. Empty Re: Hi. I'm being held againts my will. Thu May 30, 2019 9:42 am



Oh hi!
I think I will be held hostage for eternity. Somebody help me please

4Hi. I'm being held againts my will. Empty Re: Hi. I'm being held againts my will. Thu May 30, 2019 12:09 pm



Welcome to Saga. I think we're all being held hostage here by one thing or another.

5Hi. I'm being held againts my will. Empty Re: Hi. I'm being held againts my will. Thu May 30, 2019 1:44 pm



Thank you <3
I'm now being enslaved to write and post for his pleasure

6Hi. I'm being held againts my will. Empty Re: Hi. I'm being held againts my will. Thu May 30, 2019 2:27 pm



Welcome to the site hope you enjoy yourself here and have fun. Come to Kaze no Kuni we have cake and protect you.

7Hi. I'm being held againts my will. Empty Re: Hi. I'm being held againts my will. Thu May 30, 2019 2:41 pm



Thank you so much! I wish I can but I'm now shackled in chains

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