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1Smoke On The Water (Konoha vs. Kumo) Empty Smoke On The Water (Konoha vs. Kumo) Mon May 06, 2019 6:02 pm



Mission name: Clear Skies. [CRIME]
Mission rank: B
Objective: Remove the Hidden Cloud military bases from the Land of Frost.
Location: Minor Countries → Land of Frost
Reward: 750(B) ryo + 1EP
Mission Description: As a facet of the Fire Daimyō's desire to subjugate minor countries bordering the Fire Country, he has requested that Hidden Cloud's military presence in the neighboring minor country to the desired Land of Hotsprings, the Land of Frost, be diminished to aid the conquest.
Development References:
Mission Details: Remove the Kumogakure-aligned military outposts from the Land of Frost. Outposts are manned by varying numbers of B-Rank shinobi possessing all ranges of specializations, elements, and equipment up to B-Rank. This mission can be opposed by others taking its brother mission, 'Coming Storm'. Participants in either mission gain rewards from both missions when completed in opposition of one another.


Yojo slashed vertically with Shrine Keeper, yelling as he did so and watching the blade eviscerate the Cloud-nin's torso. Blood splattered up from the shinobi's abdomen, leaping up onto his face as well as spilling down onto the water of the lake they were all standing on. Indeed, the battle's defining feature so far seemed to be that it was entirely fought on the surface of the lake at the base of the waterfalls. For all the blood, guts, and gore that was spilled by both sides, the water they fought on continued to grow more and more red. After some time fighting, following the initial clash by both the Leaf forces and the Cloud defenders, the entire area had transformed into a sickly and grotesque shade of crimson. It was red everywhere, the water, the blood covered people, even the night sky as the sun finally began to set. All of it looked like an enemy to Yojo, like his entire world had been transformed into red. The only shade that he trusted now was the red in his eyes, the two-tomoe sharingan proudly active as it scoured the field, always alert, always keeping him informed about what was going on across the battlefield. He saw Sunadokei somewhere nearby, the Akimichi girl using her powers to fight for her life, he knew that the rest of his squad was somewhere close too.

"Hold the line! Fight in groups and create openings for the medical-nin to retrieve the wounded! Leap onto the stones nearby if you're fighting a Raiton specialist!" Yojo shouted, pausing after felling his most recent enemy to bark orders that just might keep his fellow shinobi alive. In a way, the whole scene reminded him of the Chunin Exams, it was only then, covered in blood, that he realized how truely vital those wargames were both to him and his comrades. Without that kind of experience, he doubted he would've been able to keep a level head through this kind of violence. "Hold!" he shouted again as he saw a new wave of shinobi run from behind the waterfall several dozen meters ahead of them. They were dug in like ticks, but most were being drawn out to fight the Leaf forces in the open. Shinobi on Yojo's right and left flanks were holding their ground well enough, aided by the rest of the Leaf officers, but the center was about to be smashed by the new wave of enemies. Swearing, Yojo rushed forward toward his men. "Don't attack until you see the whites of their eyes!" he ordered, keeping their impulse to attack in check. Discipline was what Yojo needed right now form his fellow shinobi, it was something he had learned himself, but could never teach to others.

His sharingan tracked the movements of the approaching wave, checking for any genjutsu being used to mask the advance. He didn't see anything out of the ordinary, which meant that these ninja meant to use brute force and jutsu to crash through the Leaf line by force. "Commence 'Smoke on the Water'!" Yojo shouted, ordering the shinobi present to line up and launch plumes of flame directed downward at the bloody water between them and the approaching Cloud-nin. Steam rose up, creating a sudden wall that obscured their vision, causing them to hesitate. They didn't have a sensory-nin with them it seemed, it was the kind of mistake that Yojo had been hoping to capitalize on. The male stepped in front of the line, winding up with Shrine Keeper before slashing the air in front of him. A sudden tornado of Futon ripped through the air, emerging from the wall of steam and crashing into the unsuspecting Cloud-nin. Yojo remained stoic as he heard their screams of pain and terror as the wind carried and cut at everything it its path, halting the Cloud advance and creating a momentary gap in their line of defense.

"Quickly! Charge the gap before they reinforce the li-" Yojo started, only to cut himself off, narrowing his gaze. He saw two chakra signatures approaching the center of the line, they were stronger than the rest, more potent, however it was one in particular that looked familiar, too familiar. One of the shinobi turned their head to look at Yojo for more orders. After pausing for a moment to consider the approaching silhouette, the Chunin made up his mind. "Go support the right and left flanks. Make a sweep of the battlefield for any wounded and bring them back to the shore to be healed... Sunadokei! I need you here!" Yojo started before shouting to his partner. There was nothing his troops could do anymore, not now.

He sensed a looming fight, the real fight, if he could even call it that. Yojo held Shrine Keeper in his right hand while his left was ready. He assumed a ready position, watching with his sharingan as the steam disappeared, revealing the duo several dozen meters away.

848/1820 (972 from Main thread carried over into splinter)


2Smoke On The Water (Konoha vs. Kumo) Empty Re: Smoke On The Water (Konoha vs. Kumo) Mon May 06, 2019 9:53 pm



Clear Skies:

Sunadokei's doubts melted away on the battlefield. All her fears, her worries, her insecurities burned away like the calories from her body in the fires of battle. The fighting that broke out had quickly escalated, dozens of shinobi locked in a grim ballet of death on and around the late at the base of the waterfalls. Jutsu surged across the waters, with great plumes of water or steam erupting from the detonations of attacks both missed and successful alike. Sunadokei was deep in the thick of the fighting, she could think of no better place to be. Her expertise was not in stealth, it wasn't in espionage, or reconnaissance, or interrogation. No, it was in combat, Akimichi were born and bred for battle above all else. Their kekkai genkai gave them unparalleled reserves of chakra and their hiden taijutsu and ninjutsu allowed them to shrug of injuries that would have maimed them at their normal size.

The buxom brawler was locked in hand to hand combat with an adversary of the Village Hidden in the Clouds, trading blows with her opponent as the pummeled each other while moving along the surface of the water. Her opponent had several inches of height on her, but she greatly outweighed him, and despite her curvaceous appearance, outclassed the man in strength and speed. Her foe had tried to play to his strengths once realizing Sunadokei outmatched him in raw might, using his superior dexterity and perception to try and close out the fight from a distance. Sunadokei had pressured her opponent at every step, making sure he paid for his jutsus in chakra and blood alike.

Limbs shot out like elastic slingshots, slamming into her opponent at every opportunity, Sunadokei was keenly aware of her own shortcomings as a shinobi. Taijutsu was her greatest strength, she had outperformed every pupil in her class at the Academy with it. Countless days and nights and been spent in backbreaking training under her father. Taijutsu was hers to wield, the proverbial sword in her hands she'd swing to cut down her enemies. An elastic punch caught her foe in the cheek, he was unable to completely avoid it. Even the graze gave her an opening, and Sunadokei seized the opportunity. Dashing towards her foe, she closed the gap and immediately threw her weight into a savage volley of lighting fast punches. Dodge all he wanted, she had more than enough stamina to outlast her opponent. Just let him try and outlast her Calorie Control. "You can't cast anymore jutsu, not after I break your arms!" She growled, having had more than enough of her opponent. The Akimichi had been buffeted by wind release jutsu by the man for the better part of the fight. Razor sharp scratches covered the exposed parts of her arms and legs, though it was a small price to pay for the damage she'd inflicted in return.

Sunadokei truly was looking to break her opponent's arms, her threat was hardly idle. Her right arm clamped on her opponent's shoulder, hand enlarging as she squeezed as hard as she could. The crack of bone could be heard, and her foe screamed out in pain. "AAHHH! You big tittied bitch I'll kill you!" He howled as internal bleeding bruised along his injured arm. The genin drew his kunai, burying it into the flesh of Sunadokei's expanded hand. She cried out in pain, releasing her grip and retracting her limb. As her arms shrunk back to normal size, so too did her wound. A deep gash from a kunai reduced to little better than a sharp nick, every injury obtained by the Akimichi in their expanded states shrunk in proportion upon their return to normal.

Sunadokei raised her hand to her lips, sucking on the cut as she sized up her foe. She was panting slightly from extension, though her opponent was nearing his breaking point. "You can try..." The woman called back to her foe, grinning smugly as she did. Her opponent seemed to take her cocky remark to heart, leaping back to create space and throwing out a dozen shuriken with his good arm as he did. Sunadokei drew her own kunai was its resting place in her in her cleavage, knocking aside several of the projectiles with others were deflected with the bracers on her arm. "Nice try! Not good enough!" She called but, though soon realizing what had happened.

"Wasn't really aiming for you. Not like you're hard to miss." Her foe chided back, causing Sunadokei to go red with anger. His good hand quickly formed the seals for Tiger, Snake, and Ram before holding his hand out in front of him. "Wind Release: Divine Mountain Winds!" He roared out his jutsu, summoning a vortex of powerful winds originating as his palm. The vortex ripped across the lake like a cannon, slamming into Sunadokei and lifting her off her feet. She tried to withstand it, but was sent crashing down into the water by the blast. When she surfaced again she was gasping for breath, coughing water out of her lungs as she struggled to use her chakra to walk on the water's surface once more. Sunadokei laid on her side, eyes watching her foe as he drew closer. The man had a confident smile on his face, grinning wide as he held his kunai in his good hand. "Got you, bitch. Any last words?"

Sunadokei grinned back herself, "I was gonna say that." She said through another bout of coughing. Suddenly her arm shot up from beneath the rival shinobi. Her hand enormous, outstretched like the jaws of a shark as it came clamping down on the man's midsection. "Partial Multi-Size Jutsu." She informed her opponent coldly. "You didn't even see me cast it while I was underwater." Her opponent screamed in agony, barely having time to acknowledge what she said before Sunadokei forcefully dragged him under the water's surface. Her arm dragged him down twenty meters into the murky depths, as he screamed and frantically stabbed at her hand the whole way down. Sunadokei squeeze harder, feeling the air forced from the shinobi's lungs. Soon enough though his spasming ceased, his body growing limp in her arm until finally it ceased moving entirely.

Rising to her feet, Sunadokei retracted her limb as she took a moment to recover her strength. The body of her foe floated limply to the surface, face down in the water kunai still in hand. Sunadokei reach down to touch the flesh of his cheek, the man was damp and cold. "Serves you right for calling me a bitch." She muttered, taking her foe's knife and slicing his throat. Better to make certain he was dead, medical ninjutsu had no shortage of feigned death techniques. Before she kicked the body aside Sunadokei grabbed the man's blood soaked forehead protector and pocketed both it and his kunai on her hip. Trophies of battle, she planned to start a collection of those she slew this day. "Sayonara." She said playfully to the corpse as she moved to inspect the battlefield. Sunadokei had been completely tunnel visioned on her foe, even as the fighting raged around her.

She heard Yoshihiro called out to the Konohagakure forces to create openings for the medical-nin to recover the wounded. "I'm on it Yojo!" Sunadokei cried back to her partner, taking off running she threw her hands up in the Ram and Akimichi Special Seals. "Human Bullet Tank!" She cried out, her body inflating into a three meter wide sphere. Tucking her arms and legs into her purple boulder like body, Sunadokei began rolling across the water kicking up a great plume of water and mist behind her. It took enormous concentration and considerable chakra to maintain the supernatural walking technique while in her Human Bullet Tank form, and Sunadokei could feel the calories literally melting away from her body. She could worry about that later, she still had plenty to spare for now.

Running interference, Sunadokei rolling past the wounded Konohagakure shinobi, forming a wide perimeter as she screened off their opponents from drawing close. It was more the threat of her Human Bullet Tank than the jutsu itself, Sunadokei knew her opponent's had no clue what she was fully capable of. Her Bullet Tank was large, loud, and extremely flashy for a Taijutsu. Though in truth it was the best Sunadokei could do. She hadn't mastered many of her clan's more powerful techniques. But that didn't mean the enemy knew that. So she ran interference for her comrades, bullying opponents away with her deceptive speed and the threat of being bulldozed by the giant rolling purple boulder of a woman.

Sunadokei kept up her guard, like an overprotective momma bear defending her cubs. Only when her comrades initiated operation Smoke on the Water did she fall back to their position. Sunadokei took ranks with her allies, reverting to normal in a poof of smoke and noting how much looser her kimono felt. Quickly throwing up the hand seals for Snake, Dragon, Rabbit, and Tiger Sunadokei inhaled deeply, "Fire Release: Dragon Fire Jutsu!" She cried out, before exhaling a great stream of flame from her mouth in concert with her allies. The wall of steam kicked up by the Konohagakure deception was meant to buy them valuable time, and precious cover. A literal smoke screen, as it were. Whoever's idea it was she hoped it would work.

Suddenly the woman heard a familiar voice, Yoshihiro calling out for her amidst the thick of battle. She rushed to his side, taking her place at his right. Her kunai in one hand, the looted blade of her previous adversary in the other. "Yojo I'm here. What is it, what do you see?" She cried out to her partner. Sunadokei was keenly aware an Uchiha fought among their ranks, and she was thankful to have her friend Yoshihiro counted among them. His sharingan was an invaluable tool, one that could give them an edge in their favor. Sunadokei was still sopping wet, covered in cuts and scratches from the fighting, but nothing too major. Most notable though, the woman had completely lost the heavy potbelly following this morning's breakfast. She was putting her kekkai genkai to use, though already she'd burned through more of her calorie reserves than she wished she needed to. She noticed Yojo looked towards her with concern in his eyes. "Don't worry Yojo, just a scratch. My cat's done worse, and I've got plenty of chakra to spare." While her statement was true, she hoped it was true enough. There was a concern in Yoshirhiro's eyes, he'd seen something through the mist. Something that put him on edge, even in the midst of battle. Sunadokei braced herself for whatever it was.

Word Count: 1,885 |Total Word Count: 3,010

3Smoke On The Water (Konoha vs. Kumo) Empty Re: Smoke On The Water (Konoha vs. Kumo) Thu May 09, 2019 12:36 am



Mission name: Coming Storm.
Mission rank: B
Objective: Defend the Hidden Cloud military bases from attack.
Location: Minor Countries → Land of Frost
Reward: 500 + 1EP
Mission Description: Several military bases in the neighboring minor country, the Land of Frost, are being attacked. Defend them.
Development References:
Mission Details: Defend the military outposts from the Land of Frost. Opposition is determined by whoever takes its brother mission, 'Clear Skies'. Participants in either mission gain rewards from both missions when completed in opposition of one another.

When Aikiko burst into the room she hit something with Kyousuke's door, shoving her way in she began her tirade only to be squeezed into his chest. Her muffled speech was clearly irritated as she tried at first to squirm free before resigning to her fate against his muscled chest even softly returning the favor with her own weak embrace. Just as she allowed herself to relax she remembered the coming battle and started to talk into his chest again, her speech muffled by his chest, “Kyousuke we have to help them, the garrison can't hold against shinobi, we have to find Sangetsu, or at least hold them off until he finds us.” When Kyousuke looked Aikiko in the eyes after releasing her she felt her cheeks redden, quickly turning away from him she had no words for fear of making a fool of herself further. Aikiko's sharingan spun to life as she trotted down the hallway towards the staircase that would lead them to field. From the windows she could see the battle already starting, the ninja at the other bases weren't doing so well against the surprise invasion. It would be Aikiko's first time since her initiation into Hastur's Children that she was faced with fighting other shinboi with the intent to kill.

Reaching the door Aikiko turned to Kyousuke, “Hey, don't get hurt out there I'll still need someone to yell at and terrorize after this.” waiting for his reply she'd set out onto the field of battle. Sure, it would be easiest to defend their base from within but that was a job she'd tasked to the soldiers, Aikiko would lead Kyousuke to try to slow down or repel the first wave. Aikiko grabbed a running soldier by his arm as he passed, Aikiko barked orders at the man, “Go call for back up from the Cloud Village, I don't care if you think someone already has just do it.” Aikiko shoved him along and took one last deep breath before approaching the maelstrom of jutsu and blades that awaited her. The worst part was the waiting, the longer she waited the more fear she'd allow to creep into her mind. The attackers had coordinated to put up a smokescreen but she was able to see through it thanks to her dojutsu. There was a pair that stood out to her, a ridiculously buxom woman and a tall man, taller than Kyousuke even by at least half a head. Aikiko conjured a gust of wind from her sword that easily swept away the smoke finally revealing a shocking secret about the tall man, in his eyes she saw her own. The Sharingan stared back at her just as menacingly as hers did at him.

Aikiko could tell she already had his attention, his sharingan peering back at her, she regarded him. Aikiko wouldn't draw her sword just yet she was unsure how to proceed in a battle against another Sharingan user. It remained to be seen what he was capable of and she didn't want to risk him knowing her strength before she knew his. “Always a shame to have to kill a cousin, or did you want to swap, and I can kill your girlfriend while my friend kills you. Choice is yours, the result will be the same.” Aikiko's words sounded a lot more confident than she was feeling, the other Uchiha she had fought in the past had been her mother and her closer cousins all of whom were older and better than her and gave her frequent reminders of this fact. It didn't matter that she was the heiress, be it jealousy or duty they all took their part in toughening her up. By the time Aikiko had entered the Academy she both feared and respected Uchiha who were older than herself. There was also the issue of the man being much larger than her, should he get close and get a hold of her it was over. Aikiko would have to try her best to keep her distance and look to catch him in a misstep.


701 words, running total is 1,565.

4Smoke On The Water (Konoha vs. Kumo) Empty Re: Smoke On The Water (Konoha vs. Kumo) Thu May 09, 2019 11:45 am


Smoke On The Water (Konoha vs. Kumo) Cropped-56293058_p0

A brief moment of reunion allowed the heir to clear himself of a few worries he had built up, though the brief moment of joy was overcome by the air of dread which surrounded the two shinobi. The Uchiha girl spoke of their next move, unsure whether they should proceed to the front lines or look for Sangetsu, the jonin that oversaw them. Without further delaying she moved down the hallway, the boy matching her pace and following just shortly behind. “I say we hold them off, we’d be useless searching for one specific individual beneath all this chaos.“ The heir made a case for the more immediate action certain that Sangetsu, wherever the man was, would come to realize that their forces were under siege. It wasn't easy to miss that fact after all . Even before giving his suggestion, it seemed as if Aikiko had already thought of the best course of action herself, leading the way to the fight. The two approached the staircases that would bring them below what were now bloodied bodies of water. He was ready for whatever awaited outside. His entire life all he had wanted was to serve his country and protect his people, now he would be given the opportunity to prove himself amidst the flames of the battlefield.

Just before exiting the building and entering the battlefield, Aikiko paused and turned to face him. Though never quite managing to say heartfelt words directly, she had asked for him to be careful in a way that he could only assume would not bring embarrassment to herself. The gold eyed Sasaki smirked at her, head tilted upwards both in confidence and assurance almost telling her that no harm would come to him without the need to exchange actual words. By now it was a look that she was undoubtedly familiar with, a look he'd always give out to let others know just how invincible he felt. “As if you wouldn't terrorize my grave.” He quipped, words leaving his lips just before he could realize how inappropriate they were given the situation. His proud expression faded, eyes looked downwards, almost drifting elsewhere for a moment. He took a deep breath, eyes refocusing to meet hers. “I still need my friend, so don't do anything rash out there… don't die.” He spoke slowly, thoughts taking time to be formed into words out of fear that they would turn into reality. His words would remind of fate they would ultimately leave up in the air now that they were about to enter battle. He couldn't afford to be the same arrogant boy he had always been up to this point in his life. His prodigious skill with his clan’s kenjutsu had always given him a sense of superiority in combat, one that allowed him to face even the toughest foes without a single shred of fear in his mind. Always he charged head first, letting his instincts and pride take over instead of thoroughly planning his course of action. Sure he'd take a few cuts and bruises along the way, but his path always lead him to a victory that satisfied him truly, one accomplished out of nothing but pure skill. He forsook all notions of such thoughts and actions then and there. If he was going to protect others… If he was going to protect his home and those he cared for, then he would need to grow up.

Following the Uchiha’s lead, Kyousuke leapt out of the door and into the fray. Immediately they were greeted with the sight of pure and utter destruction. Dead bodies from both sides already littered the surroundings, some soldiers tucked their tails in between their legs and retreated back into the building, not ready to risk their lives for fear of facing eternal nothingness. The unexpected attack was clearly dampening the morale of their troops, they were all unprepared for such a ferocious battle. Aikiko would grab one of the retreating soldiers and begin to bark out orders. Meanwhile, Kyousuke looked onwards to the coming onslaught. One of the retreating soldiers began to scream, informing all available ears of the perpetrators of this destruction. Konohagakure no Sato. He should have known right away who it was. Telling signs of flames that struck the main outpost should have been enough, Mizuki had once told him of the impulsive hokage that was often blinded by episodes of uncontrolled fury, a true madman. The enemy forces began to muster a thick cover of smoke, allowing them to cross the path to the outpost without fear of the archers raining volleys of arrows upon them from the one way mirror of the waterfall high ground. Still, many lives would be lost as those same archers would now simply aim for those visible behind the smoke. Something needed to be done if they were going to have a chance to defend against this attack, someone needed to organize the scrambled soldiers at the wayside. The heir released Kitetsu from its wooden scabbard, holding the katana’s hilt with his left hand. He raised the sword upwards above his head, funneling his raiton chakra throughout the blade to create a light just bright enough that would bring everyone's attention towards him. As the light faded from him his weapon, he felt all eyes glued to him, silent and awaiting orders. “Wind release users, clear up the smokescreen! We need every able swordsman at the front lines pushing them back once we get vision. Everyone else fire jutsu on those who make it past the water!” Pointing Kitetsu forwards, the surrounding soldiers mustered their might, roaring in unison.

Kyousuke followed his partner forward. She mustered a wave of her own wind to clear the smoke at their front while the rest of the cover would all be swept away by one coordinated blow of wind. Once the way was clear everyone charged forwards, all united under one goal. Victory. Aikiko suddenly halting, the heir stopped beside his partner. She looked to two specific figures that seemed to be noteworthy enough to warrant hesitation from the Uchiha. Instinctively, Kyousuke wasted no time. He aimed the tip of the already drawn Kitetsu to the girl at his front, prepared to strike her with a sudden bolt of lightning, yet appearing only as if he was pointing to her with his katana. Though before he could strike her down, Aikiko began to speak. It seemed as if the other was someone she had known… family. The young swordsman’s golden eyes were locked to his target, merely listening in on the conversation and taking Aikiko's word that another Uchiha was on the opposing side. The Uchiha girl began to run her mouth in the same way she always would, a well placed attempt to provoke the opponents to a rash decision. As they talked, the Sasaki covered his right hand from the sights of the opponent. He switched his stance to stand sideward, mustering a string of hand seals with his single right hand and flowing chakra through the coat over his shoulder. “Stall your cousin. I can finish the other and we can trap your sibling two versus one. Give me the word and I'll fire.” Just standing beside her, his whisper would be heard only by Aikiko's ears, masking his plan with the noises of raging battle surrounding the four. Out of all possible match ups, this one seemed to be the best in his mind. He knew the other to be an Uchiha, and he knew Aikiko's skill in genjutsu to be superior to anyone else's, perfect to stall out a fight without sustaining damage. He wondered how she'd fair against another from her clan, yet he had the utmost confidence in her. The other girl to be his opponent was still a mystery, yet whoever she was or whatever skills she possessed would not matter. He'd make quick work of her and return to the aid of his friend.

Upon hearing Aikiko acknowledge his plan and give out the command, the Sasaki heir would waste no time. Immediately he charged an overflow of lightning on his blade, all eventually accumulating and firing from Kitetsu’s thrusting edge. A crackling bolt shot through the air aimed to injure the opponent and send her flying back the opposite direction of her ally, effectively separating the two.

1418 | 2469



5Smoke On The Water (Konoha vs. Kumo) Empty Re: Smoke On The Water (Konoha vs. Kumo) Fri May 10, 2019 4:25 pm



Yojo saw the events unfolding with an eagle eye. It was a blessing and a curse. He saw the Cloud forces creating a new line along the rocks at the foot of the waterfall after their previous one had been shattered by the combination jutsu previously used. There was a tall one, a male with swords. He was loud. He seemed to be the one seizing control of the chaos in a similar manner to Yojo. If the other Cloud-nin were anyone else, he would have launched himself faster than a falling stone to engage him in battle. However, this second shinobi was far from just anyone else. Two-Tomoe met Two-Tomoe. It was another sharingan user, another Uchiha. It was that, likely more than anything else, that caused Yojo to gaffe and stumble. Of all the things he'd been expecting and planning around, fighting another Uchiha was one he hadn't accounted for. A look of surprise crossed his face. She was close to his age, shorter, and sported long black hair to contrast his short and swept look. Her appearance prompted a torrent of thoughts to course through his mind, everything from tactics to more personal questions. He'd never met another member of his 'family' before, and truthfully, he was uncertain how to go about fighting one of his own. Still... she was his enemy, and he had to go through her to secure victory here today.

"What's that? I can't hear you! There's a battle going on!" Yojo yelled, pretending to not hear the girl's words as she spoke to him from across the battlefield. It was a half lie. He saw the man raise his sword, seeing the lightning chakra coursing through the blade as it prepared to fire- only, it wasn't aimed at him. "You're the weakest link, Suna. Get creative" was all he was able to say quickly before a blast of lightning separated himself from his partner. They were trying to separate them and turn this fight into a duelling scenario. He couldn't guide Suna as well as fend off this girl's advances at the same time, let alone command the Leaf forces. If he blitzed the swordsman, he may be able to take him off the table... Yet he doubted that Suna would be able to aptly handle another Uchiha. No, Suna would have to fend for herself now. He couldn't help her here. He'd use his prowess to overwhelm this relative, drive her from the field, and hopefully wheel around to pincer the man between the two leaves. Still, he couldn't use his full potential just yet. Although he was fast, a 'slippery son of a bitch' as Ting had always told him, he was not so brazen so as to throw himself at his opponent as he had in the Chunin Exams. He knew that, like himself, Genjutsu came naturally to most Uchiha- and that while he could illusion with the best of 'em, so could this relative... So, he had to start slow here. Was this girl a ninjutsu or a genjutsu specialist? Or worse, both like him?

Yojo spun Stalwart Companion in a circle by his side, his eyes watching the Uchiha girl. He was waiting for chakra to leave her body, either as Yin or Yang release. A trio of three, cartoonish looking crows, would appear in the air above Yojo, each looking more derpy than the last. With less than a mental command, he had them fly in a tight circle around him, the tip of his blade gently tapping each one on the side as they rotated in front of him. He wanted her to believe he had just placed a substituon on one of them. He let her see him do this, let her mind fill in the blanks and grow paranoid about which crow he had just substituted, or if he even had at all in the first place. He knew well enough that the trio would all look the same and have the same chakra signature, they certainly did when he looked at them. After a moment, the birds would return to fly above and in front of him slightly, creating a spaced out flying-V formation ahead of him slightly. They were each 5 meters apart from one another, as well as 10 meters above the surface of the water and ahead of him. With all that having taken short to no time at all, the teen leapt forwards, running with his escort of crows at a speed of 35 m/s. He would soon be upon her.



6Smoke On The Water (Konoha vs. Kumo) Empty Re: Smoke On The Water (Konoha vs. Kumo) Sun May 12, 2019 3:51 am



Aikiko turned bright red when Kyousuke gave Aikiko kind words, his show of affection, the raven haired Uchiha embraced him one more time before they went out into the chaos then reeled back and slapped him across the cheek. “If you tell anyone I hugged you, I'll kill you.” On the field of battle Aikiko's feminine voice could hardly carry an order across so Kyousuke took the duty of field marshal. Aikiko let him lead once they were in the battle, agreeing to his plan for their battle. Kyousuke charged the large woman leaving herself alone with the unknown relative. Something about his eyes was familiar, but at the same time they were alien. Aikiko thought she recognized him but couldn't quite place from where. Was he one of the boys that trained against her when she was young? One of the many Uchiha who took their chance to mercilessly beat the heiress of their branch of the clan? Aikiko would let him take the lead, hopefully lasting him out until he grew frustrated and charged into her where she'd rule the contest. In a true close quarters fight the towering figure would surely dispatch her. His size and strength would prove far too much for the small young woman. Her strength was in her training from birth in the chakra arts of genjutsu and ninjutsu. Aikiko hoped to end her duel quickly so that she could run to Kyousuke's side and help him in his fight against the larger woman.

He was out of her vision before long, lightning and steel working in tandem to crush his foe. Aikiko was confident in him to win his fight but she still yearned to be by his side, she didn't understand her attachment to him. He annoyed her and embarrassed her, he was insolent, arrogant, and worst of all flirty. Aikiko's sharingan noticed that her opponent had began gathering chakra for technique as he spun his sword, Aikiko had a half bird hand seal and molded chakra in the same way as him. Three crude looking birds that charged at her opponent and his own jutsu. He was faster than her, but she'd still be able to keep something of a distance from him by moving erratically away from him, Aikiko zigged and zagged as she retreated and the birds clashed destroying each other. While she retreated she made another half bird hand seal, this time a stream of chakra left her body aiming to catch him in the first of many illusions she planned to spring. Aikiko's chakra would infect her mystery opponent's mind and destroy his ability to mold chakra for some time. Her own chakra would mix with his breaking up jutsu as he used them. Aikiko's sharingan spun as the chakra emitted from her body chasing down the stranger of an Uchiha who deigned to face her.

491 words, running total is 2,056.


7Smoke On The Water (Konoha vs. Kumo) Empty Re: Smoke On The Water (Konoha vs. Kumo) Mon May 13, 2019 3:04 am



Blitzing headlong towards an enemy, in most situations if not all, was a rather poor decision to make. One would think that after getting whooped and whopped all over Shinwato during the Chunin Exams that it was a lesson Yojo would've taken to heart by now. However, as he came up off the water and onto dry land, he found himself reminded of how and why he ignored the above rules in most cases: people just couldn't take the heat. No plan ever survived first contact, nor getting hit in the face repeatedly. It's why, with his sharingan still spinning alertly, he continued to press the attack, watching and waiting to see what the girl would do next. He could close the gap much quicker of course, call it the perks of being a wind specialist, but he wanted to wait before pulling that card out. Call it being cautious or what have you, he wanted to see more of this girl's power, of her fighting style, of her psyche. Everyone had a wavelength that they operated on, a certain way that they thought. Once he could pick up on those subtle cues and those small details, he could go in... But there was more to it than that. Beyond the headspace of being a duelist, there was something about this girl's eyes that felt familiar to him. It was like he was looking in a mirror, only the one constant between him and this feminine reflection were those twirling eyes. He wanted to see more from her, he wanted to see what another one of his 'kin' could do.

Yojo frowned in the heat of his advance as he saw the crows ahead of him explode harmlessly in opposition to the trio that the kumo-nin had created. "Hoooo boy, I can already tell this is going to be some high end bullshit" he grumbled to himself, and possibly to his opponent. She was backpedalling, trying to keep an equal distance between herself and him. Why did she keep zig zagging like that though? Was she expecting to fake him out? To beat him at his own game? He wasn't certain what it was she was going for, but for now, he simply maintained the advance at the same pace as before. The distance between them was still somewhat there, but gradually, it was starting to close. Either she'd face him with a jutsu, run out of room to backpedal across, or be forced into a close quarter fight- something she seemed adamant to avoid so far. He narrowed his gaze, watching chakra form in her body briefly as she formed a 'bird' Hand Seal. So, it was to be jutsu then? He expected as much. From the chakra signature, he recognized it to be a form of Yin Release, a genjutsu, something normally naked to the visible eye. "So, you're a genjutsu specialist? Do you fancy yourself a successor to Itachi's legacy?" he asked, knowing the stories of the Age of Heroes well from reading them voraciously as a child.

He leapt with a sudden burst of speed, moving towards the girl at an angle, moving parallel to the oncoming stream of chakra... Only for it to suddenly curve on a dime and zip towards him, seemingly unfazed by his fancy footwork. "Whoops" he said, eyebrows raising briefly. Still, he kept his momentum forwards, continuing to advance. He'd have to be alert now. He knew he was under a genjutsu, what it was doing to him- he had pretty much no idea, BUT STILL, at least he knew. If this girl was a genjutsu specialist, he'd need to be frugal with his chakra. He would have to save his Kai for the right moment, or when he could no longer avoid using it. He snorted, sharingan swirling as he began to whistle, planning to subject the girl to a genjutsu of his own. She'd just hear him whistling and the yin chakra would go ahead and- wait why wasn't anything happening? Yojo frowned more deeply, feeling the chakra leaving his body, but watching it dissipate in a harmless haze the moment that he'd released it in the form of a trigger. Undeterred, he tried again, this time bringing a free hand up in the form of a Bird seal, intending to mimic her own jutsu and use this trickery back at he- aaaaaaaand the same thing just happened.

Still chasing her, Yojo snorted hot air in frustration. "Yeah, I should've known. This is going to be really damn annoying" he said, resigning himself to the new normal. He felt the genjutsu dissipate, only becoming aware of its capacity for jamming his lower-ranked jutsu after the fact. He'd wasted precious chakra, that was a tactical mishap for him, he'd need to be more alert form now on.

Yojo continued to chase the girl, his eyes shifting into a more focused, intense, glare.



8Smoke On The Water (Konoha vs. Kumo) Empty Re: Smoke On The Water (Konoha vs. Kumo) Thu May 16, 2019 8:24 pm



Aikiko stared into her enemy's eyes, wracking her mind for where she'd seen him before. The raven haired young woman was almost sure he was part of her family branch in some way. Maybe a lesser cousin or an uncle. Aikiko's mother being the head of their branch had exposed her to many members of her family. Too many, all of which she'd grown to hate for one reason or another. Most of the time she hated them for the beatings they gave her. Aikiko was always smaller and weaker than her cousins, being on the younger side of her generation had its downsides. Her own mother had encouraged the attacks, thinking it would advance her skills while making her harder and stronger. Sure enough it had helped but it also shattered any relationship there was to have with her extended family. Aikiko's mother had once tried to use her as a weapon against her own siblings to which she refused. For that, Aikiko was subjected to private training with her mother which is to say she was denied sleep, beaten, and subjected to psychological attacks. Aikiko was still unsuccessful in identifying her opponent though and her focus shifted fully to trying to deal with the threat.

Aikiko's sharingan had certainly come in handy thus far. Aikiko was lucky that this mystery opponent who seemed so familiar yet so strange shared the wind element with her. It would be easy for her to match every move he made using her crimson eyes. Aikiko's zig zagging and slower speed had allowed her enemy to get too close for comfort. Close enough to open his crude mouth and spout his idiocy. He asked her if she fancied herself the inheritor of the legendary Itachi Uchiha. Of course she was, as was he, it's their birth right to inherit the legacy of their forefathers. Aikiko's genjutsu would soon prove effective in stopping his counter attack. When he started to whistle, Aikiko felt herself have an instinctual reaction to whistle along and mold the same chakra he did, except the difference here was that her version of the genjutsu would be effective instead of being shattered by foreign chakra. The tune was simple enough to follow and the yin chakra flowed out towards her enemy. When he attempted to recreate her own disabling genjutsu, he found it once again destroyed by the heiress's chakra. Aikiko smiled when he snorted and expressed anger vocally. Aikiko was getting in his head all was going according to her plan.

Aikiko yet again made the half bird hand seal sending out another wave of chakra, this time aiming to reverse his sense of direction. Ideally this would give her some space allowing her to get some distance from him. His long powerful legs were quickly allowing him to close the gap on her and if he got a hold of her she would be in serious danger. His size and strength would easily overwhelm her should it come to a kenjutsu or taijutsu fight. No, she would have to continue to keep distance and wear him down mentally while looking for an opening. Fighting another Uchiha – especially one with such a physical advantage – was perplexing, she couldn't use too many chakra based attacks for fear of them being sent back her way. Aikiko wondered how Kyousuke was doing, she wished to look to her friend to see if he had been successful yet and if he was coming to help her. She wished he was by her side now that the reality of her fight set in. Aikiko dismissed all thoughts of her partner coming for her instead resigning to a more realistic hope that he'd return home unharmed. There would be no knight in shining armor for her this day. She'd have to prove herself in battle on her own this day.

658 words, running total is 2,714


9Smoke On The Water (Konoha vs. Kumo) Empty Re: Smoke On The Water (Konoha vs. Kumo) Sat May 18, 2019 4:25 pm



Yojo snorted in displeasure again as he continued to run towards his opponent. She had picked up the whistling tune he'd done, as well as used another genjutsu of her own specialty. He recognized the first, it was one of his own creation after all. Cartoonish looking eyes appeared all along his clothing, laughing mischeviously as they constricted his arms and legs. It was annoying, the kind of trick he'd use against a more serious-acting shinobi. If he tried to use a burst of speed like this, he'd trip and face plant onto the surface of the water. The second genjutsu was more obtuse, there wasn't any immediate effect so far as he could tell, and truthfully he didn't desire to find out the hard way what she'd done to his senses. No, instead, he felt comfortable upping the ante at last. She'd been using genjutsu all this time, backpedalling away from him as fast as she could compared to the more effortless gait of Yojo. He saw the way she looked satisfied at his frustration with her. She thought she had breached his mental defenses and besieged his head- and in that respect, perhaps she was right, he hadn't faced many fellow illusion maestros after all. However, she'd played her hand too heavily in his eyes. It was time to punish her for that mistake and end this fight decisively.

Yojo paused his advance, bending his knees and focusing his mind. He channeled chakra through his pathways and tenketsu, dissolving the genjutsu on him. Immediately after, he launched forwards, using both a burst of his natural speed as well as the amplified momentum of Futon swirling around him. At nearly 120 m/s, he would be upon Aikiko likely before she could form any hand seals or cast any more genjutsu. His Tomoe focused on her as he'd crash through the pocket of space she'd tried to earnestly to keep, shattering any sense of safety she might have thought she had. The necklace around Yojo's neck glowed, his gift from the Chunin Exams coming back to be his savior now. It was time to use the jutsu he'd been training for months now- hopefully he wouldn't electrocute himself this time. Lightning erupted along Stalwart companion in his right hand, engulfing it in a bright conflagration of chakra and sound. The Chidori had been awoken at last. He put the tool to use instantly, for as he exited his dash, closing the distance in less than half a second, he'd thrust the blade forwards. With a yell, the Chidori-Blade would pierce through her abdomen, cleanly penetrating through her ovaries, vital organs, and torso before erupting out her back in a gory splatter of crimson blood.

"Die for me, dear cousin" he'd whisper in the split second of frozen time that shock afforded her...

Leaving the blade stuck in her gut like a pig at an all-you-can-eat luau, Yojo would use Shrine Keeper in his left hand to slash upwards at and angle from hip to shoulder. The shock of getting a chidori thrust to the ovaries notwithstanding, the strength of the attack would be enough to knock his opponent airborne above and ahead of him a short ways. He wanted to put a period at the end of this attack to add to its decisiveness. His look was serious, a murderour gleam to his eyes as he watched her blood fly through the air. The lake behind them had turned red from so many corpses bleeding out beneath the surface, the sky had turned red from the flames of war lapping at the sky, even the very air itself had now become red with Aikiko's sacraficial blood now being the only thing to end this gluttonous demand for war. Yojo would palm the flat side of Shrine Keeper's bloody blade, releasing a stream of fast moving chakra that would zip through the air. Turning into an asian-dragon made out of Futon, it would soar upwards perhaps ten or so meters towards where Aikiko was now momentarily suspened at the height of her knock-up. She was i the sky, the place he ruled, and now he'd use the same finishing stroke that he'd used against so many others.

"Wind Release: Sky King's Tomb!" Yojo shouted, slashing the air in front of him to activate the second part of the jutsu. The air around Aikiko would compress inwards, like someone had taken the air pressure and jacked it up off the charts. It should have broken every bone in her body, it should have given her a swift and painless death compared to the pain of the sword wriggling around in her gut, it should have done a lot of things... Yet, what would happen next between the two was perhaps the one thing that not even a duelist like Yojo could truly predict.

Time slowed to a standstill for them both.



10Smoke On The Water (Konoha vs. Kumo) Empty Re: Smoke On The Water (Konoha vs. Kumo) Sun May 19, 2019 8:49 pm



All was going according to Aikiko's plan thus far. Her opponent had allowed himself to be trapped under layer after layer of genjutsu while her retreat continued. Had they paid attention to anything but each other they'd have noticed they had left the field and ended up next to a cliff side that overlooked a river. The river was mostly clear of rocks and the water was crystal clear indicating it wasn't moving too quickly. The trees surrounding them trembled in anticipation of the ruin their battle would surely cause. Aikiko was still focused on her enemies eyes and who they could belong to. To Aikiko's consternation, she saw her opponent open his tenketsu cleansing himself of the illusions she'd placed on him and then lowering himself into a crouch. The young man gathered an immense bit of chakra and for a moment he crouched. Aikiko tried her hardest to retreat but once he rose and jetted across the landscape his blade singing a thousand bird songs as it tore through the air towards her abdomen. The blade pierced through her body cleanly causing her to cry out in pain she found herself grabbing at the handle of the blade as her “cousin” leaned in. Aikiko began to hyperventilate as he bade her to die, Aikiko's sharingan once more made a connection with her enemies except this time when the connection was made, her vision flashed white for a second before memories of events she'd barely been involved in came flooding into her mind like a bit of divine revelation.

Aikiko heard a woman screaming, the scream sounded like a woman in pain and was very, very, familiar. It took moments for Aikiko to recognize it as belonging to her mother. Her mother was in a forest clearing and it was raining. The rain always fell in the Land of the Rain, where Aikiko knew she'd been born. The Uchiha heiress reasoned she must be viewing her birth. She'd never really been told about that night, since anytime she brought it up it was meant with hushed tones and dodgy answers. Aikiko figured something must have happened but never could imagine what she saw next. It was indeed her own mother, and it was in fact the night of Aikiko's birth however, to her bewilderment she saw another baby there. A baby boy being held by a man she'd never seen before, the immense man was holding her mother's hand with a free arm; his large frame was easily able to support the baby in a single massive palm. Not long after a baby girl was produced from her mother, the final push having been made. Aikiko saw an older woman, one she'd recognized only vaguely as her own grandmother. Aikiko was told that she died not long after her birth and that's why she never met her. “Ahiratsu, they tell me the boy was born first. You know what must be done, they will never accept a second child even if it's a woman. The first born of our family must always be the daughter. His sacrifice will make her strong.” The old woman, began to tell the man to crush the boy, kill him and be done with it she said.

Aikiko couldn't believe what she was seeing, she had had a twin brother and he was killed by her own family to secure their bloodline. Except the man refused, and began trying to wrench Aikiko free from the old woman. There was an unseen strength in the older woman who's eyes glowed with a power Aikiko had only heard tales of. The man froze in place and Ahiratsu started screaming at her mother, begging her to let him free of whatever sinister spell her Mangekyou Sharingan had placed on him. The man began to laugh madly, as the old woman spoke again, “This has gone on far too long Ahiratsu. I've tolerated you lying with this upstart oaf far too long. He has forgotten his place and so have you. You need to be taught that pla–” The old woman's speech was cut off when Ahiratsu thrust Kogarashi through the matriarch's throat, the old woman choked to death on her own blood as her fingers clawed at the wound opened up like a sanguine smile across her neck. Aikiko's mother was sobbing as she pleaded with this man who was apparently her father to take the boy and run, “You have to take him and run. If they find you here and her like this they'll kill us all. Leave before I have to kill you two, I beg you. Please j-just run.” This was a side of her mother she'd never seen, the cruel harsh woman she knew as her mother had been a completely different person before that night it seemed. As the man fled, Aikiko's mind began to return to the present and the very real excruciating pain in her abdomen. Somehow in Aikiko's mind she knew exactly who this man that was killing her was and she understood that it was what she deserved.

There was a majestic serpent made of wind ascending towards her near lifeless body in the air, it's jaws wide open ready to crush her frail body into a mist should it catch her. With the last of Aikiko's strength she reached for the handle of Kogarashi and flowed what chakra she could muster into it. Aikiko's voice was weak and broken but she managed to get one word out before the vortex of wind her blade created would drown out whatever the rest of speech was, “Brother....” The winds began to swirl violently, as an extraordinarily powerful whirlwind kicked up originating at the storied blade she'd wrapped her weak fingers around. If this was where she died, her twin would be coming with her. As the whirlwind kicked up, the light faded from her vision and Aikiko felt surprisingly tranquil at the thought that this was the last light she'd see in life. Aikiko hoped she rise again but this would be a fitting end for her should this be her last stand. Perhaps her sister would make a better heiress anyway. Aikiko let herself fade into the mercy of unconsciousness, the physical pain and mental strain having finally taken enough of a toll to put her to sleep.


1,092 words, thread total is 3,806.

Word usage:

  • 1,800/1,800: B rank Quest Mission. (40% discount on WC from items used in main thread)
  • 1,500/1,500: Suiton from nothing to B. (70% reduction on element training)
  • 500/500: Training a B rank jutsu.(70% reduction on spec training)

11Smoke On The Water (Konoha vs. Kumo) Empty Re: Smoke On The Water (Konoha vs. Kumo) Mon May 20, 2019 8:35 pm



Yoshihiro felt the rain upon his skin, and knew that something was very, very wrong.

Where had his opponent gone? Where had the battlefield? The river and the forest? Everything had changed so suddenly that he'd frozen in place still letting his mind remain mired in the heat of battle. He held his blades aloft, his enemy's blood splattered across his face and torso, eyes wide and panicking as his mind tried to discern what was happening. Was this another genjutsu?... No, no he'd cleansed his tenketsu. Plus, he hadn't seen any chakra leave the girl. She didn't have the time to form a trigger or hand seal before she'd been stabbed. So why then? Why was he here?

He stood atop a large boulder on the edge of a rocky stream. There was a dirt road behind him, a forest beyond that, but not much else save for a few signs. One said 'Hi no Kuni' pointing east, and the other 'Amegakure' pointing west. It seemed he was near the border between the two countries. This strange vision of his was trying to tell him something, he understood that, even if he failed to grasp how such a thing was possible. The last thing he remembered was seeing that girl reach for her blade and release a wind jutsu to collide with his dragon. The two had clashed and she had said... gah, it was no use, he couldn't remember anything past that.

"GAAAAH!" a gruff, loud voice shouted in pain.

Yojo spotted a large beast of a man stumble out of the dark treeline. They were huge, easily taller than Yoshihiro. The stranger was clad in waterlogged clothes, his dark tan and burly muscles adding beef to his already mountainous form. The black beard and salt-and-pepper hair they sported was wet from the downpour, a wild look to their brown eyes as they looked over their shoulder back the way they'd come. In the man's massive hand, a newborn was wrapped in cloth. "It's... It's okay, little raindrop. Keep crying, do not let the rain drown you out" the stranger pleaded. They looked down at their rib cage. A large windmill shuriken had embedded itself in their side. The gruff man swore, looking to the stream and stumbling across the rocky shoreline towards its edge. As they passed the boulder where Yojo stood, the Chunin could see numerous kunai, senbon, and shuriken impaled all along his back. They rendered him like a porcupine of steel and blood, the rain washing it all away as it seeped out of him.

At the water's edge, the man dropped to his knees. "Don't let... the rain... drown you- GAH!" he shouted again, the energy already leaving his voice as the extreme blood lost began to take its toll on the mammoth of a man.

A new figure had appeared, launching themselves from the underbrush, holding a sword which they impaled the stranger on through their back, pinning them down onto the rocky edge of the stream. Their black hair, black eyes, and black clothing were enough of a giveaway to the trained eye of Yojo. They were a shinobi, and by the clan crest on their back, they were Uchiha. The stranger howled in pain, dropping the child down onto the ground at the edge of the stream. "You can't escape, Yojimbo. Not after all you've done. Lady Ahiratsu has called for your immediate execution. She was always the professional, it is why she is the clan matriarch. Why her daughter will succeed her... I, however, am not a professional" the Uchiha said, pulling their blade out of the man's peppered back and letting the raindrops wash the man's blood from the blade. "-no, this is personal for me. Attacking my wife in childbirth and killing her mother? You are beyond redemption. The Oni will eviscerate you and devour your entrails for eternity in the hot naraka" the man said, inspecting the now pristenely clean blade. "I want you to feel yourself dying" he stated, moving past the nearly dead stranger and looking down at the wrapped baby.

"I want the last thing you see before you die to be taken from you. I want no one on this earth to remember you lived. I want Amegakure to wash you form history..." he announced, bringing his sword up next to his head and staring down at the baby. "I want the rain to drown you both" he stated before slashing downwards at the baby. Yojimbo, with what strength he had, reached for the husband's leg in some meager attempt to stop him, but it was no use. Yojo, form his vantage point, saw the blade move in slow motion as it descended, closer and closer until at last-


The husband'ss word rattled, a vibration running up it as it struck something hard that it could not pass thorugh. There was a moment of pausing, a silence filled only by the falling rain... "Heh... Heheheh" Yojimbo chuckled, blood coughing out of his mouth as he laid on the rocky shore. The husband's face was pale, his eyes wide, his sharingan woefully asleep. "No... No" he started, dropping his sword and grabbing the wrapped baby before pulling the cloth of it.

He now held a baby-sized rock in his hands.

A look of utter petrification and fear appeared on the man's face, limply dropping the rock onto the ground, staring off across the stream into the raining forest beyond. Yojo could see the gears in the strangers mind. He'd failed, he'd failed beyond any reproach. He looked down at Yojimbo, his calm and confident voice breaking down into a yell. "WHERE IS HE?" he shouted, grabbing the man by his salt-and-pepper hair so that his bloodied face could speak clearly. "You talk too much. No wonder she loved me more. You always were compensating for something, peasant" he coughed, a broken smile appearing on his face as he saw the fuming man's face grow darker. "WHERE... IS...HE?" he asked again, his grip on his katana growing tighter into a white knuckle grip.

"He's gone... You will never find him. Maybe you should've used your sharingan instead of underestimating what a simple blacksmith can think up" he said, his smile growing wider and more prevalent. The man scowled in both utter anger and utter helplessness. He'd been humiliated by this failure. "I want you to remember two things now, with what little strength I have left to say them: that Aikiko is not your child, and that out there, somewhere, my son, Ahiratsu's son, will live... He will live free from your family, free from your accursed clan, and free from the sister who will surpass the mother- as has happened this same night" he continued, slowly rising to his feet. Yojimbo yelled in pain, the large man eclipsing the stunned Uchiha as the weapons embedded in his back rattled with each movement he made. His body was gone, everything was now the result of sheer willpower. "-but most of all, in your darkest and most intimate moments, I want you to remember this: that one day, our son, or our daughter, will find out the truth- even if you've hidden it from the world. When they do, they will come home, find you, and kill you to claim their birthright" the middle-aged man prophesized.

"I came into this world on my feet, and I'm going to leave it on them too. I may be a peasant, a blacksmith, not even a shinobi... BUT I HAVE STOOD ABOVE YOU AND YOUR ACCURSED CLAN FOR ALL MY LIFE! AND WITH THE KAMI AS MY WITNESS, I WILL DIE ABOVE YOU" he proclaimed, watching as the Uchiha angrily began forming a string of hand seals. Their curse of hatred produly on display as they began yelling in anticipation of what would come next. A look of sublime acceptance appeared on Yojimbo's face as he awaited his fate, the rain dripping down the creases of his face, making him look younger and more hopeful for what may come after.

"I love you, Kiko. Please, be better than me, better than all of us" he whispered to the rain. He paused, prompting Yojo to focus in more intently. His heart was beating fast. Something about this seemed familiar to him, despite being so foreign.

"Be wiser than me, forgive me for abandoning you... Poor orphan of the rain..." he said in a strangely profound and soft voice.

"Poor Yoshihiro" he whispered.

Yojo's eyes snapped open to their fullest extent. Suddenly, everything made a dreadful amount of sense. His heart's beat reaching a fever pitch, his breath hot and dry despite the rain. W-What? This vision, it was telling him... It was telling him of his father? Of his mother?... Of his sister? He opened his mouth, he wanted to say something, anything, yet he couldn't think of what. So, he was left there in stunned silence as the Uchiha finished weaving his seals.

"Fire Style: Majestic Destroyer Flame!" he shouted, inhaling ahead of the jutsu.

Helplessly, Yojo watched as an almightly flamethrower of Katon erupted from the Uchiha's mouth, engulfing Yojimbo instantly. Yojo saw the blacksmith's silhouette through the flame. At first it was intact, but, a few moments later, faded away into nothingness, his body reduced completely to ash. Even then, the flames grew. They grew larger and larger, brighter and brighter, until at last, they blinded Yojo entirely. His world became white, a second silence overtaking him at long last.

Yojo floated down the river leading away from the Land of Frost, away from the ongoing battles. The clash of wind had prompted the vision that had rendered him unconscious. He was in a strange dreamtime, unaware of the rest of the world's problems. Instead, as his unconscious body bumped against rocks and was thrashed against the minor rapids, he dreamed of something larger than he would have been able to comprehend if he were awake. He did not know if it was a dream or a nightmare, he could not decide which one to believe. Everything felt like it was freefall to him, everything was broken now. He had entered a dark and twisted wonderland that he would never escape from, one that would haunt him... Yet for now, he floated leisurely down towards the Land of Hotsprings, dreaming of soemthing better than the realities of war. He had found and lost himself, at long last.


[Exit Thread]

Total WC: 6069

  • B-Rank Crime Mission Completion: 2175/2175 (including 40% reduction from Main Thread)
  • Training Senjutsu,Nothing-D: 1500/1500 (70% reduction)
  • Training Senjutsu, D-C: 1800/1800 (70% reduction)
  • Training Senjutsu, C-B: 2100/2100 (Using 2100 out of 4385 WC from THIS THREAD) (70% reduction)
  • Training Senjutsu, B-A: 2400/2400 (Using 2285 out of 4385 WC from THIS THREAD + 115 WC from this threat for total) (70% reduction)

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