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1Kirigakure Plots and Announcements Empty Kirigakure Plots and Announcements Sun May 12, 2019 6:49 pm

Chigetsu Hōzuki

Chigetsu Hōzuki



Here announcements of plot developments, story updates of both popular individual stories and country wide stories, along with their updates and changes will be publicly listed. Important site wide events will be posted as well as well so they can be enjoyed by all, along with a chronological archive of past events. Keep an eye on this thread to keep up with stories and plots that affect the entire village. This thread is not for interest checks, but to instead highlight things that 'are' happening that people can get involved in.

If you have something running that you would like people to see, get involved in, or have recognized as canon please give a description of the plot-line in a post in the Mizukage Requests thread. If a clan leader is killed or a Serial Killer is running amok in an area, let us know! If you would like something updated, post an update in Mizukage Requests thread and it will be corrected.

Events that receive enough attention and activity can be requested to have rewards and other nice goodies from the plot-team or admins, and can even effect the climate of the country!


Birth of the 7 Swords || Prologue: Awakening

Three figures walk into the center of kirigakure streets, three locations, each clutching what appears to be a crimson gemstone in the shape of a pick. Light from the gems catches an eye from a stranger, as the pick is raised to strike at the heart of a citizen, a hark goes out! but it's too late, and the deed is done. Soonafter, alarm bells ring across the city as fire rises from three locations across the lands. Fire and smoke billow from districts across the nation and brave ninja lay dead on the streets. confront the triplicate threat

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