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1Kanetsu, Satoshi Jutsu Update Empty Kanetsu, Satoshi Jutsu Update Sun Mar 24, 2019 7:48 pm



Kekkei Genkai

Rubber Defense:

Magma Terrorforming:

Pyroclastic Current:

These came from the previous version of the clan. Do i need to update them or can I just swap them out for equal ranks? Whatever works, I'll just leave them here.

Lava Globs:

Quicklime Congealing:

Scorching Stream Rock:

2Kanetsu, Satoshi Jutsu Update Empty Re: Kanetsu, Satoshi Jutsu Update Sat Mar 30, 2019 2:00 am



Satoshi wrote:Kekkei Genkai

Rubber Defense:

Magma Terrorforming:

Pyroclastic Current:

These came from the previous version of the clan. Do i need to update them or can I just swap them out for equal ranks? Whatever works, I'll just leave them here.

Lava Globs:

Quicklime Congealing:

Scorching Stream Rock:

Please update the clan jutsu; since you got them for free, trading them out would be a bit unfair.

Are there multiple projectiles for Lava Globs? How long through the duration of this technique is 'prolonged contact'? Remember that D-2 strength being needed to break the hardened stone would require a mid-value; C-0 strength would require a max value.

For Quicklime Congealing, I'm confused as to when chakra is paid; you seem to say 30 per 2 posts at first, then that you have to pay it every post. Additionally, you can remove its ability to be broken by weapons; in most circumstances, chakra beats no-chakra.

Scorching Steam Rock has a higher cost to pay for the multiple projectiles, then a max value for damage and a mid value for radius (used to determine projectile size). You could actually increase the radius range/effective number or size of projectiles to Max value (8 projectiles).

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