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1Cleanie cleanie [Iwa- D Rank][Private] Empty Cleanie cleanie [Iwa- D Rank][Private] Tue Jan 15, 2013 3:22 am



Trip suddenly realized he hadn't done any missions yet. In a frenzy he went to get one. The mission he received was easy enough. His objective was to clean up the village. Trip was given a broom to sweep up the mess that was left behind. As he slowly swept up the village he notices the village was bigger then he thought. The village was also in worse shape then he hoped. He decided to clean the village one area at a time. As it stands he was still sweeping the steps that lead the the Kage's office. Trip began to hum tho him self. This only made the time go slower. Trip could not figure out why it seemed to be taking so long to sweep these steps. When he got to the bottom. He took a very short break to catch his breath.

After his beak he began to sweep the path to the next building. Trip thought long and hard on ways to make this go faster on his break. But could not think of anything. So he kept on Sweeping while he hummed to himself. When Trip got to the the next building he walked up the steps and stared to sweep downwards This mission he thought would be easy was turning out to not be so easy. Trip actually started to break a sweat as he got halfway down the steps. the thought y have i not done this before as a workout. He never would have thought of that not in a million years. When he got to the bottom of the stairs of the second building he took a little bit longer of a break. Then the first one he took.

After his second break he began the sweep the path to the third building. Trip started to get kinda tired but threw the tiredness he continued to sweep. This was unlike any workout Trip had ever done before. He stopped half way to the third building for a break. Trip whipped his forehead and there was sweat all over his arm. It wasn't that hot in Iwa but Trip seemed to be burning up. Trip still pushes on with his mission. Reaching the third building he climbed the stairs. Once at the top he began to sweep the stairs. One at a time, step by step. He began to day dream of his training. Then he remembered something Pa told him training is everything. meaning you can turn anything into training. Trip got to the bottom but didn't take a break this time.

Trip seeing the sweeping of the village as training made it go a a lot faster for him. He neared the entrance/exit to the village of Iwa. As he drew nearer he thought he would take a break when he got to the gate. When he got to the gate he swept the area rather fast but was sure not to miss any thing. Trip decided to take his break. Trip asked, "Can you guys spare some water i have been sweeping the village and im very thirsty." The guards give Trip a water he drinks it pretty fast and gets back to work. This was going much faster now that he saw it as training. Trip started to hum to him self again. He could see the Kage's office just a Little bit more. The end was with in site. Trips mind started to race. He was so close yet so far away. When he got back to the bottom of the Kage's office stairs he had a since of pride on his face.

{Exit Thread}

Word count 605/600

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