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1Makato, Nova [Jutsu list revamp] Empty Makato, Nova [Jutsu list revamp] Wed Apr 03, 2019 11:43 pm

Nova Makato

Nova Makato

One Army:

Seeing Violet | 紫視 [i:d97d:

Binding Web:


Chakra embalming:

spider string lance:

Puppeteer Clique:

Puppet Barrier Technique:

Razor wire thread:

Terracotta Army:

Kintsuki (金継ぎ):

Jutsu disruption field:

Modification enhancement:

Jutsu Name:

2Makato, Nova [Jutsu list revamp] Empty Re: Makato, Nova [Jutsu list revamp] Thu Apr 25, 2019 10:50 am



Nova Makato wrote:
One Army:

Seeing Violet | 紫視 [i:5775:

Binding Web:


Chakra embalming:

spider string lance:

Puppeteer Clique:

Puppet Barrier Technique:

Razor wire thread:

Terracotta Army:

Kintsuki (金継ぎ):

Jutsu disruption field:

Modification enhancement:

Jutsu Name:

All jutsu with the optional range of 'controlled puppet' or 'puppet strings' need to have this removed; it seems more like an effect bestowed by an actual puppet control technique or a supplementary jutsu rather than something intrinsic. (Plus, it allows you to take minimum values on range and essentially ignore them.)

Likewise, an Activation requirement of needing an active puppet control / Kugutsu technique is not sufficient; any given jutsu those activation requirements rely on doesn't necessarily have the effect of eliminating the need for hand seals on other techs.

Please make adjustments to all jutsu as above. I'll be going through any other details that need taking care of below.

Seeing Violet is actually underpowered - you could add a sensory descriptor here per the Sensory rules if you like. Eliminating your senses from your location to displace them to a puppet is pretty much self-balancing. (Assuming it has a range.)

Binding Web needs a minimum rank of item/jutsu that can cut the threads (unless any rank can do so).

Chakra Embalming should have the Medical spec again. Also, the damage of the puppet should correspond to the Strength the corpse had in life.

Spider-String Lance needs a duration. Does the tether do anything?

Puppeteer Clique needs its range lowered to 80m (max for B). Also, the speed can be raised unless you want to lower it to 10m/s for an extra max effect. (Hint hint cough cough eliminate hand seals for jutsu cast through this puppet)

I like the mechanic of Puppet Barrier, sacrificing both equal-rank and higher-rank jutsu defense for the sake of reducing damage that you couldn't otherwise block. A-OK in my book.

Razor Wire Thread has minimum damage for mid range/duration. Your activation requirement is essentially using your Multitasker, so I don't take that as a drawback. Where does the puppet control get balanced here? Also, in reference to the Academy puppet technique, 'perfect control' here means there is no capping of stats?

Terracotta Army can remove the balanced/multiple/focused control reference, it is no longer part of the Puppet Technique. You can bring the rank of jutsu that can destroy them up to B-rank easily enough, provided they don't interact offensively or defensively with jutsu outside of other chakra abilities they copy from an original puppet. However, they should be given an amount of the caster's chakra if they are to persist until destroyed. If they do not have this, they need a duration; this mirrors how we're treating clones outside the Shadow Clone technique.

Given an A-rank medical jutsu can heal S-rank damage, Kintsuki should be fine regardless of rank. Does it work on completely broken puppets, though?

Jutsu Disruption Field of each rank needs to choose between 2 jutsu of equal rank/3 of one rank lower OR any one jutsu of up to 1 rank higher, per the Defense rules.

Mod Enhancement is perfectly fine, given it only enhances damage and grants interaction.

For Creation of a Forgotten Land, specify what kind of speed is halved. Do you mean "For the duration of this technique, the user's speed is halved, even after boosted with another jutsu"?

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