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1Stuck in  a rut (Invite only) Empty Stuck in a rut (Invite only) Thu Jan 03, 2019 6:55 pm



She was in danger, an attack was launched directly towards her and she was in no position to dodge. She couldn't avoid it, her death was imminent. However, he wouldn't let her die needlessly. He rushed at maximum speed and took a firm stand in front of her. The attack would pierce his heart, the middle of his chest, and his abdomen. His eyes lost color, and his skin turned cold  as he gasped for air. He fell to his knees and then to the right.


He got up gasping for air from the bed as he looked around and placed his hands over his chest. With one hand on his chest where his heart would be and the other on his abdomen, he checked his non-existing wounds. It appears a nightmare had its grip around the young man's mind as he truly believed he had died. The young man lied back as a sigh of relief was let out. He soon got up and wore a black coat along with a black pair of pants and black shoes. He wrapped a scarf around his neck and left the house. His mother and sister were still sleeping.  The young man left and it was the very early and very dark. It was three in the morning and the young man couldn't sleep, so he decided the best thing to do is go out for a walk.

He found the drunker homeless man that hangs around the block sleeping on the cold hard ground as with a small piece of cloth beneath him. Shizuo took of his coat and placed over the man as he left in silence and kept walking. He gazed at the blacksmith's shop for a quick second before returning his gaze to the road in front of him. The white haired boy would continue walking around their small town as though watching over it. Their small town was what's left of the city he lived in. The young man sat on a sidewalk nearby as he looked at the sky, the gentle snow falling and covering the land in pure white.

Shizuo had noticed that his techniques weren't best in Ninjutsu. The young boy couldn't muster up a good enough Ninjutsu due to being more focused in a different specialization. The young man felt crippled at this point in his training. He couldn't identify his strong point. The specialization most ideal for him was a complete mystery. He's good at using weapons, but not capable of infusing Chakra into weapons. He's decent at hand to hand combat but not good enough to be called a Taijutsu specialist. He's great at Ninjutsu but nothing above C-Rank and he had not the slightest clue of how to increase his Chakra utilization in that aspect. He's terrible at Genjutsu, and knows nothing about medical Ninjutsu. He tried puppeteer but never felt comfortable nor capable with it. He tried fighting with animals at his side only to fail miserably because for some reason the dog or cat he had with him kept attacking him. He was quite literally stuck.

The white haired boy got up and left for the training field. As soon as he got there, he prepared himself for an even longer training session today. He took off his shirt and remained in his fishnet shirts and started punching whilst sitting on the ground. He would resist the cold and continue punching a wooden training doll. He the  tied a rope around a bunch of rocks and with the freezing cold it was no easy task. What made things harder was the snow. Still, despite the pain he felt and how tired he felt he continued training.

He wanted to continue training despite anything obstacle in his way. Meanwhile he'd occupy his mind with different things and constantly try to think of other ways he could overcome this specialization obstacle. The only specialization he didn't look into was Fuuinjutsu, he once tried it when he was a child, but thought it was too confusing and thought of it as a useless specialization only good for basic functions.

The young man after sixteen hours of training was exhausted, and as he fell on his back from exhaustion he covered his body with his shirt. He was thirsty, hungry, and tired. Yet despite everything, he took off his shirt once more and continued training...

He blacked out  and woke up at two in the morning. Having spent the entire previous day training exhausted him out of his mind but he still decided to continue now that he slept enough. He went to a nearby stand that sold home cooked fried rice with chicken and vegetables along with soy sauce. He enjoyed his meal thanked the cook and drank some water before heading out for more training.  

He arrived at the training field and prepared himself mentally for another painful session of hardcore training. He wouldn't let some obstacle stop him. He took off his shirt and was in his fishnets once more. The young man glared at the training doll and before long he rushed to it at maximum speed and force. Sensing his improvement he continued training and continued without stopping.

While he trained his thoughts turned to the one specialization he didn't seriously pursue. While he struggled with its complexity, and was put off by  his idea of it being useless. There is always a possibility it is his ideal specialization. The thought slightly annoyed him and so he trained harder as though running away from a troublesome specialization. The young man didn't understand it well nor did he know much about it. He knew no one that used it but still even if it turned out to be his specialization, he would do his best to become stronger through it. It would just be another obstacle he had to overcome.

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