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1Rendezvous [Kirei | Fuyuko] Empty Rendezvous [Kirei | Fuyuko] Mon Dec 24, 2018 3:01 pm



Mission name: If It Ain't Broke....
Mission rank: B.
Objective: Dissolve a hippodraming ring.
Location: Market District.
Reward: 500 Ryo +3 EP.
Mission Description: The initial matches have been so uninteresting as to arouse suspicion - a few exceptionally skilled or lucky combatants are cleaning house with almost no resistance. The average audience member might see a real fight, but more experienced eyes know that the participants are successively holding back against a single opponent. The payouts are less than conspicuous, and sources have traced the group to a specific inn that they’ve completely booked.

Mission Details: The profiteers of this operation aren’t ninja, but are exceptionally well-hidden. You can either infiltrate their ‘place of business’ and organize a formal arrest or take matters into your own hands. If you take the stealth approach and attempt to gather concrete evidence, you’ll need a stealth technique of A-rank or higher to evade notice. The three guard ninja present all have B-3 stats and a combined command of all the elemental libraries. Defeating the trained combatants will lead the illicit gamblers to surrender themselves if they haven’t fled already - you will have to round them up yourself if this is the case.

During much of the exams Izumi was busy elsewhere doing the work that would see her home restored. However in an odd twist of fate her trail led her to the Leaf Village, she'd been tracking down and eliminating a crime family that had once operated in the Sand Village and a few interrogations later she learned that she could catch the entire leadership in one night if she executed perfectly. Izumi had one friend in the Hidden Leaf, Kirei Uchiha, Izumi would gain entry to the Leaf Village by wearing her Mist Village uniform. Izumi looked every bit the part of the Mist Chunin she was pretending to be, complete with the sullen look those sad people always seemed to have. Izumi looked almost completely different than from what her bingo book entry would show anyways. The scar over her eye had been healed and her hair was blonde rather than black or red as she'd have been remembered in the Mist Village. Besides the rumors had it that tensions were high between the two villages, Ayakashi's defeat had resounded across the ninja world. A kunoichi once thought invincible had been injured, the goddess was no longer divine. Izumi also felt that one of her larger obligations could be fulfilled during the hustle and bustle of the exams but she kept those thoughts for a later date. If Kirei knew why she was really here she doubted even he'd be a friend to her.

For now, the Karisuma woman was nothing more than an agent of a supposedly dead nation out to quietly clean up the messes her home had made. It dawned on Izumi as she walked into the gates of the Leaf Village that she didn't actually know where Kirei lived. Izumi's habit of hasty decisions occasionally blew up in her face. Luckily the woman was actually quite clever and could kill two birds with one stone. The Karisuma woman went looking for a gift of some sort to give him as a sort of “sorry I attacked one of our friends and then disappeared” type of thing and what said that sort of thing better than a kitten. She thought she remembered him talking to her about dogs being more of his dad's thing, a man with whom he held little love. So naturally a cat being the opposite of a dog would be an excellent gift and then once she had a gift she could ask around for an address without seeming too suspicious. It was nothing more than a package delivery. The Mist headband around her bicep would also serve to ease suspicions while she was wandering. Izumi would spare no expense on a friend, so she settled on a modest gift of a tiger cub; it was after all a pretty big apology.

Ostentatious gift in hand, the blonde woman continued on her quest to find her old friend to ask his assistance with a matter that would benefit both the Sand and the Leaf: the destruction of an organized crime ring operating to fix the exams. Izumi wanted to not only clear her own name but to clean the perception of her home, try to make people realize that the Sand that was replacing what fell was not more of the same. The two women, Nova and Izumi, who worked at its restoration were very different from what was in place before they were a strong functional leadership even if their village for the time being was nothing large. They would return to the big stage soon enough. It didn't take Izumi long after asking around to find someone both knowlegable and affable towards the issue of Kirei's residence. Izumi fixed her hair out of her face before approaching the door and knocking, ridiculous gift in hand. It wasn't Kirei who answered, the concept of a large family was oddly alien to Izumi and she was caught off guard, she awkwardly managed to stutter out Kirei's name while holding out the package. Luckily, her horrible manners and articulation were nonetheless understood and carried out. The woman who answered the door scurried off to fetch her friend, as she went around the corner Izumi called out to her, “Careful with that, there's a live tiger in there.” She figured she ought to mentioned a detail so significant. Should Kirei appear Izumi would rush to give him a tight embrace and warm greeting before requesting they meet somewhere more private to discuss the business she had.

764 words.

2Rendezvous [Kirei | Fuyuko] Empty Re: Rendezvous [Kirei | Fuyuko] Wed Jan 02, 2019 8:52 pm



In the midst of all the busy days, Fuyuko finally found herself with a day where she had nothing to do. She had just completed a last set of missions, there wasn’t anything new available when she handed them in and her personal vendetta story had slowed down a little bit for the time being. So she paced through Takao’s house trying to find things to do, do some cleaning of sorts. However it turned out that Takao was an extremely neat person, things weren’t necessarily tidy, but everything was clean. So keeping herself busy with that and as a bonus giving Takao a bit of a surprise was out of the question as well.

With her feet frantically tapping, her left thumb between her teeth Fuyuko sank into a deep thought. A sort of quest through her mind of what possible things she could possibly do on this day. After a while she slapped herself on the forehead “You dumbo…” she said aloud. Was it because she wasn’t in her usual environment? Had she still not adapted to her new place? Ever since the nerves of coming to the land of fire had subsided Fuyuko hadn’t been one her A-game a single day. Did she perhaps longed too much for home? Regardless, she couldn’t think about the reason more when she was out and about and surrounded by nature. With a loose tee on and a skirt, her hair for a change hanging loose behind not held together, but a hairband still wrapped around her wrist, it was time to head outside.

As she started walking outside she already started to feel better. Sitting indoors was nothing for her really, unless it was raining outside, being indoors felt more like a sort of prison if she could be outside instead. After a walking a couple of minutes Fuyuko recalled what had happened not too long ago in the forest. An encounter with a couple of presumably rogue ninja’s and her friend Kirei. Her fist clenched at the thought of him making her fight him for a bit riled her up a little bit still. She let out a sigh and continued thinking about it. She was rather glad they met again, it was good to see that they were doing well. It was also at that moment that she realized that he uses completely different elements than herself, which prompted the question in her mind, could he possibly teach her one of his elements to her? There were only three elements she didn’t master yet and he possessed two of them, there was a good chance that one of them was the one for her.

Her plan to head out into the wilderness halted as she quickly turned around and headed back into the village. After having wondered a bit around the city it became quite evident that she had no clue where her friend lived in the city. So she started asking around, a lot of people had no clue who she was talking about. A handful of them, the leaf shinobi, looked at her with a sort of disgust, a sort of ‘why would you ask that’ or ‘you’re better off avoiding them’. Eventually she met some people that did point her in the right direction, interestingly enough the also commented that she wasn’t the first person today that was looking for them.

After following the directions she finally arrived upon the house that she was being let to. In front of the house stood another person, which appeared to be a girl. Fuyuko assumed that was the person that was also asking for directions for Kirei’s house. When she got closer she saw that the front door had already been opened, but no one was standing in it. Were they waiting on Kirei? There was one easy way to figure out and it would also confirm if she was at the right place or not. “Uhm, excuse me. Are you here for Kirei as well? Or is this perhaps the wrong house?” She asked with a slight tilt in her head and a gentle warm smile on her face.

wc 705

3Rendezvous [Kirei | Fuyuko] Empty Re: Rendezvous [Kirei | Fuyuko] Sat Jan 12, 2019 5:58 pm



Morning stretched out across the Hidden Leaf, bathing the city in orange glows that receded with each second that the sun drew higher into the clouds, shadows wilting with the coming winter as autumn's end dragged its heels. The Uchiha compound, distinctly separate from the Village, cut its imposing silhouette against this same orange skyline, which constantly shifted to shades of pink and red, before the blue and white light shone down and rendered an ocean of fallen leaves visible beneath the apricot blanket of radiant dawn. Throughout the smattering of colorful buildings which made up Konoha's city center, shinobi on their morning rounds policed the festival grounds and observed passers-by who made the morning their home, runners and shopkeepers, market stalls setting up for the busy weekend day ahead, and a collection of tourists who consolidated on the Hokage Monument to paint the dawn.

Somewhere across the canvas of Konohagakure, a speck of black movement shot through the rooftops, bounding from pillars of chimneys to rain gutters bone dry with unseasonable warmth. The young Uchiha made his way home from the country's border, roused from the desire to sleep by his Sharingan's cascade of color and light that permeated his eyelids and would allow him no respite, after embarking through the oceans on a mission for his secret masters, agents of Konoha's hidden will making short work of their assignment. ROOT's missive had gone as smoothly as the Uchiha could have hoped, his asset was secure, and his information network grew and grew, webs of contacts strung across the Land of Fire, with birds flying messages to secret houses deep within the dense forests that only Kirei could hope to find. Beyond this endeavor, the village grew as well, with Fuyuko's arrival the young agent felt he had a glimmer of friendship in the sea of weary eyes that sneered and narrowed at his presence, watching his Sharingan carefully unable to discern the real intent of an Uchiha who could not go without that ancestral visual prowess.

Arriving home, to the ruins of his ancestors, Kirei perched himself on the roof of his father's mansion, where cracked tiles let critters of the forest slither to and fro and allowed shafts of light penetrate the halls and rooms. By the time Kirei arrived, in the late morning sun, the amber filter had lifted from Konoha, replaced by blue skies that painted his homeland in its typical array of boisterous roofs, save for the compound, traditional, dark lacquered wood built high in the style of the Leaf's ancestors. The boy let out a contented sigh, and entered through a hatch of tiles nailed together to form a trapdoor, one of many restorations the paranoid patriarch Yara, Kirei's father, who called himself the Uchiha Clan Leader, had performed to allow them access and escape should a tragedy befall the Uchiha again, as it once had at the hands of Konoha's leaders.

Coffee and rice boiled in the mansion's kitchen, and the sounds of Yara's newest students training in the courtyard faintly echoed through the halls, meeting Kirei's ears as he went about his routine, ingesting something into his aching stomach after long days alone traversing the wilderness of Fire Country. Clearer than the noises, Kirei's eyes could see through the shafts of wooden walls and pillars into the training ground, where genin and chunin practiced with his father, absorbing the same teachings the retired shinobi had once imparted to his son. Memories ran still, Kirei pushing the thoughts from his head as he heard footsteps pounding through distant halls, and the creak of ancient doors pulled open. Drawing his gaze through the walls to watch the student of his father conversing at the door, Kirei felt his eyes deceive him for a moment before his brain fired into gear, knowing better than to distrust his Sharingan, the formation of chakra burning in one of the bodies that stood at the mansion's front door looked unmistakable.

"Kirei?! Are you home?!"

The voice came as the student peeled away from the visitor, and Kirei ducked into the hall to meet her, waving and smiling as he tucked away the cat's mask into the folds of his cloak and made his way toward the door, greeting the student briefly as she wandered back to meet his father for the remainder of their training. Eyes transfixed on a woman from his past, studying her chakra signature for anything which could set her apart from the woman he had known during his time in the Hidden Mist. A few moments passed before the Uchiha appeared at the door, three tomoe circling in his eyes marking his maturation from the young boy that Izumi once had known, along with the taller frame and Jonin armor, dark rings drawn by sleepless nights beneath his Sharingan, but the same golden mane of hair trailed down his back. As she stepped forward, Kirei's arms widened, and the two embraced as old friends, the Uchiha's treatment of his friends had not changed, and his smile widened, letting Izumi know, perhaps, that he had not heard the tale of her exploits in the Hidden Sand.

"It's been so long!"

Before Kirei could continue, the figure of another close friend marched into his peripheral, Fuyuko had posed a question as Kirei appeared, but the Uchiha hadn't heard it, focused on the woman he hadn't seen for nearly four years. The exams' festivities brought with them a cascade of acquaintances, old and new, and Kirei felt blessed to be in the company of those he called his friends, they were a welcome break from the cold association he kept in Konoha, a wealth of those who thought he could not be trusted.

"Fuyuko, morning! Hope you've been sleeping okay."

Turning back to Izumi, he would continue.

"What are you even doing here? How'd you find me? It's weird to just show up on my doorstep after all this time, ya know? But I'm glad you're okay, I haven't seen you since I left Kiri. I met your better half a few days ago in the woods, so I thought you might be lurking around the festival, she told me you've both returned home."


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