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1Round One: Kaguya, Koryo vs. Hyuga, Xiang Empty Round One: Kaguya, Koryo vs. Hyuga, Xiang Mon Nov 12, 2018 10:13 pm



Round One: Kaguya, Koryo vs. Hyuga, Xiang 4R1lWs8

Rising from an artificial forest floor, contestants enter atop a wild canopy of dense forest, with doors leading them onto its apex. The terrain itself is wildly unpredictable at the top, practically necessitating the use of Supernatural Walking Practice to navigate without hindrance. However, dropping below the canopy reveals an arena of tall trees with sparse horizontal foliage for climbing.

1 - Koryu
2 - Xiang




⎾ 血統 ⏌

A man is like a novel…

...and this was but the end of a chapter. It’s final page would tell a tale of indomitable resolve, and unbreakable faith. A turn of the page and the story would be transformed into some fresh spectacle that would have the reader taken aback anew. Yet, still the events prior would be memorialized and held close to the heart. These were the things that built the foundation of the man, of his plot.

.. .and so would begin the metamorphosis…

Starting tomorrow the tale of the martial artist would become very different. Or at least that is what he hoped. Finally, the Chuunin Exams had come. He had prepared for this moment for years now and at last he was ready to attend this glorious tradition. Most importantly he’d been awarded the opportunity to test his strength against persons not only from his village but from around the world as well. A young Kaguya could barely ask for more.

He'll be proud of me… finally.

The thought played in the boys mind like a broken record over and over. If only his father had survived but a bit longer. If only he had lasted to see the son he'd been so ashamed of take his first step toward greatness, toward immeasurable fame. The Kaguya’s mouth twisted into a half grin, smug and full of every ounce of arrogance that flowed through his veins. Today would be where his legend began. The events that followed would one day be twisted, exaggerated, and forgotten in favor of something more grandiose, in favor of mythos. Today was the day the messiah was born. The young man’s fists clenched tightly. His fingers dug deep into his palms, threatening to draw blood in an anticipation.

...and this will be forever

Koryu’s eyes closed. On the backs of his eyelids, the battle began to play out as if he were watching a movie. He knew very little about his opponent, however, unfortunately. Though, this was the way he wanted it. Others had probably quickly studied their foes in various ways. Koryu had no interest in the like. He wanted to be surprised. He wanted to be caught off guard. He wanted to see his true strength. He’d not bothered to learn more than his opponents first name; Xiang. He wasn’t even sure what village they came from, whether they were male or female - nothing. Yet still, in his minds eye he played out every punch, every kick against a foe he could not fathom. Again that smile so full of all that made him a Kaguya crept across his face. He was ready. He was born for combat and he would relish in every moment that followed.

The metallic box that he stood in rattled to a halt. It had reached its destination. There was a pause that seemed to last for an eternity while the elevator settled into hits place. The arenas that the first round was meant to take place in were a mystery to all the genin that had signed up for the exams. This would be the first time that the boy actually saw one. He could only imagine what awaited him on the other side of a pair of chrome doors. His heart began to pound against his chest, threatening to break free of the bone and fall to the floor. He wasn’t nervous, however. No. Not in the least bit. He was anxious, like a dog caged before the hunt, or a tiger crouched in the grass before it pounced. His blood would boil if the doors didn’t open soon. While the Kaguya blood that ran through him made him lust after battle, there was more beneath even that. Something far more primal, far hungrier. It needed be satiated and it would not rest until it had been. A monster restlessly tossed and turned in the boy’s very soul, one imparted to him by a dark god; a myth and legend in its own right.

Finally, the doors began to slide open slowly revealing the world that awaited the combatants. A sprawling sea of green was gifted them. High above a dome sat, though through it the sky could be seen. At its edges eyes peered downward on the young genin, awaiting what feats they might show, awaiting how they might solidify their worth and prove themselves powerful. Koryu’s eyes wandered across the leaves which had dared to peep into the elevator at the boy that would soon do battle atop their brethren. Just what was this? Had he been brought to the canopy of some wooded area? What had once been a wicked half grin suddenly shot across the entirety of his face. This setting would be a befitting end to this chapter of his life. To end it among the trees much as he had begun his training with his father among the scared and battle worn trees of Kirigakure. Let these green beasts bear the marks of his accession.

A black shinobi sandaled foot emerged from the elevator, a jutsu already enacted upon it to make finding a footing all the easier. It was followed by another, bringing the pale skinned boy out into the light of the arena fully. Upon his body he wore an alabaster gi and matching loose fitting pants. His equally pale hair hung heavy from his head, reaching down just past his shoulder. That smile he wore had crept back into it’s more natural half smirk, once again so full of a kind of arrogance only a Kaguya could wear so beautifully. He watched as his opponent made their entrance as well. Finally, he could see who he was up against. He dug his right hand into the palm of his left and tightened his left hand around it, causing a loud popping sound. He then reversed the process for his left hand. This was then followed by tilting his head to the left and rolling it around to pop the air bubbles that had formed in his neck.

”Kaguya Koryu,” He shouted across the arena at his opponent. ”Give me a good fight, yeah?” He finished as suddenly the jutsu which was enabling him to remain on the canopy top was deactivated and he began to plummet through the treetops. He wouldn’t hit the ground, however. Instead, he’d quit his descent on one of the many branches that sat well before the false forest floor. About 10 meters beneath the tree trops and 20 or so from the floor of the arena. ”Father, see what I’ve become…” He whispered to himself. He didn’t move just yet, however, he needed to see how his opponent was going to react first. Once that happened, he’d begin his assault and he wouldn’t quit until one of them couldn’t continue on.

...and so this chapter ends in blood and glory.

Word Count: 1,171

245 / 250:

Xiang Hyuga

Xiang Hyuga

A Week After the Coma...

"I am Xiang Hyuga...I am seventeen...I am the rightful heir to my branch of the family...but I am more than that. This is for me. This playing field, this exam, this tournament...even if I lose, it will not be shamefully so. Yet I won't let myself fall. I've trained for something as important as this my whole a Hyuga, as a swordsmanship practitioner, as a woman, as a is the time I will shine. Whether I am victorious or suffer defeat, I'll let everyone know I'm more than just a dainty princess with a lot of money in the back of my pocket...I am a Kunoichi! A warrior!"

So the crisp, lovely winter winds drifted throughout the arena as they were lifted upwards, the skies cleared of any taint, the sun shining brightly in the horizon, and a frigid temperature that required the utmost of concentration to shake the cold off, all combined into this crucial moment in both these Genin's lives. Nothing petty, such as race, village, country, financial situations, or even looks had any place in this battlefield that decided fate for the new generation. All that mattered here was the important aspects that made up anyone in this world of Shinobi; power, skill, tactics, subterfuge, espionage, assassination, and honor. All of these were to be tested in this arena, for these Chunin Exams. Whether or not any serious injuries would be suffered was up to debate by the masses and the two opponents themselves, but whatever happened would determine who was ready and who was not. Xiang could not afford to lose, even if she wouldn't mind as long as the battle was one for the ages. Her own honor as her family's heir and as an independent Shinobi were on the line here. She especially could not disappoint all the people that had supported and maintained her throughout her life, including her new best friend, Ting, and the recently revived relationship with her father. While she held no discrimination towards who she was about to face, she also would not hold back on her drive to win for the sake of a completely fair fight. Ninja weren't exactly all about in the first place, after all.

Once she was released from the platform, as she noticed the dense canopies below, she swiftly activated her Supernatural Walking Practice, landing on one of the large leaves that would eventually hold her up, wearing normal battle attire for once, an overcoat over shinobi mesh shirt with black pants and bandages along her legs and arms, Konoha headband firmly in place on her forehead. As she recovered from the fall, she swiped the soft, silvery white hair away from in front of her face and stared up directly at her foe, a young man with skin and hair paler than even hers. Yet a smug determination practically reeked off this boy, though the extent of it she did not know right now. All she knew was he looked confident in himself, the way he stood, smiled, and cracked his body into position. It was almost comical how loud his bones maneuvered, reverberating off the forest's greenery. Then he had shouted their name out at her, as well as the phrase, "Give me a good fight, yeah?". To this, she would simply respond, "Xiang. Show us your might!", before he ended up dropping below the leaves.

Since they were so quick to run off and hide, Xiang decided to use the opportunity to prepare herself a little trick before going after him. Reaching at her torso, she slowly pulled off the overcoat she was currently wearing, rolling it thoughtfully in her delicate hands. Without a second thought, she infused a bit of her chakra inside of it, before placing it safely on the top of the tree she currently stood on. Now with an advantage to aid her in her endeavors, she too started to descend into the unknown depths of their arena, albeit by running down the trunk instead of simply deactivating her jutsu and dropping down, only going around five meters deep before stopping. From there, she stayed put, a hand resting on the handle of the rapier that bounced along her hip silently, as a series of nerve clusters began to sprout out from the sides of her eyes, and the pupils dilating, activating her Byakugan. While these were imperfect compared to stronger members of her clan, she was able to rely on them effectively, as it surrounded two hundred seventy-five degrees around her in a spherical, cone shaped vision, with a maximum range of thirty meters. While it wouldn't be able to see through the thick trunks, any leaves and thin branches were fair game to the X-ray precision these eyes also granted her, and would detect the basic chakra system of her opponent if caught in her gaze. For where her vision couldn't reach, she would have to rely on her other senses, though in her case it shouldn't really be a problem. Now it was simply a waiting game, to see if the Kaguya boy would make any fatal mistakes that she could capitalize on while hidden by a few branches of her own, albeit not completely.

[Current WC: 895]

Chakra/Jutsu Used:



⎾ 血統 ⏌
This was it. This was going to be how his legacy began. Koryu adjusted the band around his wrist which bore the symbol of his village. Kirigakure, the bloody mist they used to call it. He smirked again. He had very little idea where his opponent had gone and the thought was thrilling. Every fiber of his body pulsed with excitement. He'd not had a battle of such import since his mission with Kaito and Yoshito. While his life wasn't on the line in the same way as the hunt for the wolf demon had demanded this moment would define his life just the same. This battle would prove that Kirigakure shinobi were still worth a damn. Not that the world seemed to think they weren’t. Perhaps, it was just Koryu who doubted their worth. For a moment he wondered how Kaito and Yoshito were fairing in their matches. He almost hoped they were winning and would continue, it would be nice to face them in the finals but he’d already seen their strength. He needed a new test.

Koryu stood up on the branch he'd crouched down on. Once more chakra flowed toward his feet to serve as a boon to his ability to keep his balance and even walk on surfaces he ought not be able to. With that set and ready he reached out to grasp a group of large leaves just above him. He yanked at them, pulling three as well as the branch they called home. The leaves of which were dropped to the forest floor, while the branch, just over a meter in length, was infused with just a bit of chakra. He didn’t often use this technique but this was a new experience. He couldn’t be sure what he was against and that he wouldn’t need to make a hasty escape at some point. Then again, any attack that might make him flee was certainly worth standing and taking full force to test himself; but at the cost of victory? Perhaps not. Thus, the branch he’d chosen to be his proxy at some point was left sitting atop the branch he was perched on.

Assuming that the noise of his having grabbed the leaves and snapping the branch could be heard by his foe, Koryu quickly darted up the tree he’d been perched in and returned to the canopy where he had originally been. He’d heard his opponents counter declaration, but wasn’t completely sure they’d followed him beneath the canopy. Their absence proved that they had, in fact, done just that. The boy smirked. Right into his trap. Not that he’d actually considered anything beyond his first action. He’d actually hoped they might try to close the distance between them almost as soon as the doors opened. Hell, if he’d not devised a different plan it was what he would have done. That said, it was as good a time as any to do just that now. He’d assume that since they followed, they too were attempting to avoid closing the distance too soon. This lead him to assume that his opponent was a ranged fighter and would more than likely still be near their starting point, perhaps hoping to catch sight of Koryu before he could catch sight of them. Well. They’d probably assume he went to the forest floor, right? Maybe. There were so many variables, so many paths to take. This was the part of battle Koryu least enjoyed. It was better to go head long into the fray, tear shit up, and come out the otherside victorious. As such, the boy tossed aside whatever planning he’d been working on in the moment. Instead he took off in a sprint toward the opposite end of the arena, toward where Xiang had emerged.

   The thought that all this movement on the canopy would not go unnoticed crossed his mind, but that’s what he wanted. He needed to know just what kind of person he was doing battle with and had no means to actually find her. At least none that would be truly reliable. Sure, he could have stopped and listened and perhaps he might have heard something but who’s to say his opponent was hiding away as quiet as a church mouse right now? No. He needed to draw them out and to do that he needed bait. That bait would be himself. As he ran, about when he reached two meters into the journey, he performed a quick series of hand seals. In an instant five clones leapt across the veil and into existence. The first of which stood 3 meters in front of him, the next 3 meters to his right, one 3 meters to his left, and one 3 meters behind him. The fifth was the special one, the one he’d hoped would be useful. This one appeared as if a mirror image of it’s creator, appearing to run the same path as him beneath the canopy. Now it was time to wait. He was sure he wouldn’t make it to the other side of the arena before his opponent attacked him. Still, he continued to run. Even as he did so he prepared a second jutsu. Chakra flowed through his body, targeting the muscles specifically. He’d be stronger now and more capable of dealing with what would come next.

Word Count: 879 / 2,050

215 / 250:

Xiang Hyuga

Xiang Hyuga

Now, what would a true Shinobi do in a situation like this? Well, the first stop to greatness was enraging their opponent. As much as she liked to be straight forward, with her sparring matches, her Kekkei Genkai, her Juken, even her training in the art of the sword, in the end, she knew exactly what she was taught to do, since the day she entered the Academy; stealth. Trickery. Subterfuge. Espionage. At the top of that was also the fact she wanted to end this as soon as possible; her true fighting abilities and spectacle theatrics could wait for the final rounds of this competition, as right now all she needed to do was survive. So, what is a lone girl like her supposed to do? There's quite a few actions she could partake in, after all, with her arsenal and based off the opponent.

The first thing she could do was chase after her opponent. Why? Well, that's because she had been alerted to him rather quickly, with the rustling of leaves as Koryu seemed to sprint by haphazardly, not trying to cover his tracks. Her Byakugan made it rather easy to follow along on this, after all. It would be the obvious thing to do, and it would get them on closer turns, likely. Yet she didn't feel like doing this. As much fun as it would be, she wanted to conserve as much of her energy as possible, and in the light of their situation, she didn't want to be the follower; no, she wanted control of this field. So instead, she took her second option; setup. What is she going to setup, though? What could she possibly do before Koyru is done with whatever he himself is planning? Traps. She decided to set up a trap.

From her tool pouch, the Hyuga woman would slide out a bundle of extremely thin, golden wire, which would be a bit camouflaged due to the canopy blocking the sun in this level of the forest. Being fifteen meters in length, it would be plenty for what she had in store for the unlucky Kaguya. Using her other hand, she then promptly pulled out a set of ten shuriken, rolling it along in her hands. Then, she would unravel the wire, and slide the shuriken down the length of the wire, all the while jumping between three different trees, dangling the set trap in a tight-knit direction with multiple layers until the wire had no more to give. In the end of it, it was essentially a giant, hidden web of the golden wire and shuriken, but held together loosely by branches. The last end of it was near her location now, which was obscured by a few leaves, her hand tentatively on it.

What exactly was going on? Well, Xiang essentially had made a complicated, whole body snare trap. The end of the wire she had her hand on top of would be the trigger to set it off; when she sensed the presence of her enemy once more, she planned on activating her Lightning Release: Thunder Time-Bomb technique, then luring Koryu into the middle of the trap. After distracting him for just a little bit, the bomb would go off, triggering the trap, snapping the branches that held it together and collapsing in on Koryu. The shuriken would then dig into his skin, if successful, as well as the wires being held tightly around him. Assuming all of this went according to plan, that would mean she would have a very huge opening to act upon, and go in for the win. That being said, she had contingencies if all of this does not work. It would just be more fortunate if she didn't waste her valuable resources on such a complicated trap, that's all. For now, all she could do was wait and hide, until he showed up again, constantly watching out with her Byakugan still activated and such, and the chakra in her sandals keeping her steady footed.

[Current WC: 681 + 895 = 1576]

Chakra/Jutsu Used:

Items Used:

Last edited by Xiang Hyuga on Sat Nov 17, 2018 1:10 pm; edited 1 time in total



⎾ 血統 ⏌
Nothing. He'd made himself a target and yet hadn't managed to draw out his opponent. This was an unfortunate set back. Perhaps this was why the Kaguya had been so opposed to proper planning. It proved to be useless. Had he just gone for an immediate attack he'd have already gained control of the battle and forced his opponents next move. Instead he found himself alone at the canopy's apex. He’d hoped that the clone he’d spawned on the canopy’s underbelly might have drawn at least a testing attack. It did no such thing, but the jutsu wouldn’t be wasted. Five clones would do just fine once he found his opponent. Unfortunately for him, they probably wouldn’t do more than buy him a second or two, but that would be more than enough for someone as fast as he, at least as far as his combat speed was concerned.

Once Koryu reached the opposite side of the arena he came to a halt. It was time for a change of plans. He still wasn’t sure where Xiang had gotten to, but he could be sure that she was beneath him - somewhere. With this in mind he darted down the trunk of a tree until he’d reached about 10 meters. He wasn’t going to go to the forest floor just yet. He wouldn’t give up an advantage of being able to see her first if she’d gone all the way down and didn’t mind running into her here among the branches. Stepping out onto a branch Koryu scanned the area as best he could through the large leaves and branches that surrounded him. Perhaps, had the canopy not been so thick he might have caught a glimpse of what awaited him, but even his heightened perception couldn’t detect the trap he would soon walk into.

Meanwhile, the five clones that the young Kaguya had summoned surrounded their originator taking up similar stances all around him in a radius of three meters. What was he to do now? The answer was clear. He needed to find his foe. The clones had yet to serve their purpose, but they would do just that now. Koryu stood still for a moment and focused his mind on the clones he’d summoned. With a effort he forced the five of them to dart off ahead of him, before he followed behind at a distance of no more than 10 meters. Each clone remained 3 meters separated from each other, essentially giving him a 30 meter spread across the arena. This meant that he and his clones could cover the majority of the arena and would almost definitely draw the attention of his foe.

This, however, had an unexpected effect. The telling sound of a clones dispersal sang through the thick foliage. One of them had collided with something unforeseen. This drew Koryu’s attention in that direction. Immediately, he and the remaining four clones changed direction to converge on the place where the clone had been destroyed. Here they found what awaited them. A strand of golden wire, difficult to see, but having a clear direction and knowing that something had dispersed the clone only moments prior gave the well trained martial artist the tools he’d needed to discover it. Unfortunately, upon further inspection the boy found that he’d somehow still managed to find himself in the center of whatever trap had been set for him. All around the thin wire, that which he could see, surely some of it was still hidden from sight being that it was so thin and there wasn’t much light reflecting off of it. The boy sucked his teeth, the sound was magnified as the clones mimicked him. Still, he was ready for what would come next. He needed only keep his eyes open. This just might prove his opportunity to catch sight of his opponent.

Word Count: 666 / 2716

210 / 250:

Xiang Hyuga

Xiang Hyuga

Waiting around was somewhat boring for Xiang, but she knew it was nessecary to catch her opponent off guard. She needed a good opening to start wasting her opponent's time, energy, and patience, all in one, which was what the trap would be. Even if it failed on her, it would serve its purpose, just to a lesser degree than what she intended to happen. So she bid her time, her sharp, calculating eyes, full of white from her dojutsu, scanning the area for anything that would alert her to the enemy's location. It wouldn't take very long until both her hearing and sight aided her in this, as at the corner of her eye, meters in her vision's range, were a stampede of the same Kaguya. Sure is a sausage fest here, huh...

That being said, this only momentarily shocked her; not even a second. The Byakugan gave her the fortunate ability to see through such weak, simple clones, which was even better considering they also could do nothing. She clearly saw that these were Academy Clones, due to not having chakra and furthermore having no true tangibility. The master of them were somewhere as well, though she hadn't caught whim of them until one of the five dummies ran straight into her wire, poofing into a cloud of white smoke. That actually made her bite her lip, as she was now afraid that the real one might be able to detect her trap before she can spring it. Yet, she still kept quiet, and stayed as perfectly still as possible, at least wanting them in a compromising position before she dived after them, ignoring the clones. Luckily for her, this was provided quite quickly, because the single moment she doubted herself was also when Koryu decided to get in the very middle of her web. Perfect.

Now grinning to herself, she very slyly shifted her body in a way to give her a good send off, while at the same time, gripping a nearby leaf in her hands. Since she was ten meters above the teen's location, it was just the perfect distance for her to utilize a technique she devised to help with her fighting style: the Chidori Kyuushuu. It didn't matter what position she jumped from, since the clones were there, but hopefully they at least gave her enough time to jump the real one before seeing her. Letting the lightning chakra surge through her feet, she gave herself a huff before pushing off the branches, a minute spark of electricity bouncing off her heels as she propelled herself down towards the real Koryu at fifteen meters per second, one hand formed completely straight, fingers positioned directly, in an attempt to jab him with her basic juken-laced strike, while the other one hid behind her back with the leaf in it, flashing through the air like a silver arrow. If she was able to catch him off guard and land that hit, she would then drop the vegetation behind and below her, only to use the reverse version of her dash technique to escape, where she would hopefully get back to her wires to trigger her trap; all the while, being successful would also guarantee that his Supernatural Walking Technique would be disabled, as the chakra flow would be interrupted. Hopefully she could keep him occupied defending against her and stay in the middle so her little dream would come true.

[Current: 583 + 1576 = 2159]

Chakra/Jutsu Used:

Chigetsu Hōzuki

Chigetsu Hōzuki


Round One: Kaguya, Koryo vs. Hyuga, Xiang. At the time of the deadline, both contestants had yet to receive any instance of physical damage and additionally had the Substitution Technique prepared. Both contestants had spent the exact same amount of chakra as well. The match is being called based on Xiang's most recent post. Koryu ending his last post inside the wire trap of Xiang's creation, even if he was aware of the trap, allowed for Xiang to dash downwards and attempt an attack at Koryu. As this post was made by Xiang on 12:40 PM EST on Saturday the 17th of November, and Koryu has not responded as of 1:44 AM EST on Tuesday the 20th of November, Xiang would have had the opportunity to 24-hour hit Koryu and connect their attack.

Based on this attack connecting due to the time elapsed, Xiang wins the round.

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