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1A Fortunate Exchange (Shinobi) Empty A Fortunate Exchange (Shinobi) Tue Oct 16, 2018 11:22 am



A Fortunate Exchange (Shinobi) 27MQgbc

The building Verdandi was leading towards would give the same feeling as the ones surrounding it. Large and wealthy, clean and well built and maintained. The ties to both royalty and political power were clearly seen in this area and Verdandi made no mistake showing that she was very proud of it. Many of the frost clans were but simple refugees from the north, they earned their wealth through determined and hard work. Being of feudal blood doesn't necessarily make one rich. The riches have to be accumulated as well. The servants would be alarmed by the sound of the bells that occurred to be put in motion by the simplest touch of a humans presence. A rather old man in simple but beautifully crafted Haori would make his way to welcome the princess and the young boy.

"My Lady Dao. We're glad to see you back again safely. Did you enjoy your stroll into the simple quarters? The orphans have come to ask for you whilst you were gone. I'm afraid they moved on to visit your cousin as you were missing."

Verdandi nodded towards the old man and gave him a gentle hug. He obviously tried to not react much to it to remain professional but couldn't but smile in the end.

"All is well, I have a guest with me today, please see to some tea old friend, we will be in the garden and try to fix up the old ugly mug that my training sessions have left behind. Make sure that Avalanche is groomed later and fed well, he's been a bit grumpy lately."

Verd gave a quick gaze over the elders shoulder towards the pond. To Sachihiro's potential surprise there was a rather huge polar bear casually swimming in the pool and occasionally jumping onto a little earthy platform to collect the fish he had been hunting there. Verdandi gently turned to Sachi and gave him a wave with the hand.

"Don't worry about the big guy. He's a cuddly one. But busy right now so we won't disturb his hunting hobby. If you wish to meet him later I can arrange it. He is a properly trained shinobi companion and despite not speaking our tongue he understands human language..."

Verd grinned brightly her cutie monster pet was one of her biggest prides and he was a star with the kids. A fluffy cuddle monster at heart. But certainly a predator in battle. Sachi could hear Avalanche growl as he realized that one of the fish he had caught had dropped back into the water. Leaving Verd to chuckle some more and quickly pull the boy by his arm towards the backyard of the building.

Arriving in what must be, without mistake the garden. Sachi would get a taste of what Dandi had mentioned. Many of the flowers were coated in frost and had died beneath snow and ice. It didn't look horrible but certainly a lot of color was dying and wasting away. Many of the surrounding trees made certain appearances that they were not doing very well either.

"Well lets say, having the frost element is very useful in battle and for survival, but it is far from being a gentle one. I used to train here for a while and must have mistakenly turned our pretty garden in a place of darkness and sadness. I refused to let the gardener clean up my mess or even getting rid of the poor trees. So... you could say I kinda was looking for someone that could help me."

Verd would point to a little outdoor hut with a pretty roof and otherwise rather open setting. A small table and pillows were placed in it's rather tiny space. A comfy outdoor sitting spot. Verd would sit down on a pillow and gestured for Sachi to take a seat as well.

"So... tell me what you know about wood element. We gotta start somewhere, don't we?"


2A Fortunate Exchange (Shinobi) Empty Re: A Fortunate Exchange (Shinobi) Wed Oct 17, 2018 4:56 am



Sachihiro viewed the sight with absolute admiration. It wasn’t something he was used to, being exposed to royalty was definitely eye opening. Sure he had grown up among wealth, but nothing of this caliber. The closest to rich was the summer home his family used to vacation to from time to time. Even so, the Senju had more of a ‘communal’ wealth, anything you needed within the clan your neighbor might have. If not, they’d sure try their best to help you attain it. Even among his clansmen, one’s residence was no bigger than the smallest building within these walls. This was far beyond anything he expected and he made sure to take it all in.

He too nodded at the old man, trying to mirror the more noble approach Dandi seemed to exhibit. He bowed his head at the man as the ice princess introduced him and waved at him as he left. Orphans? This woman seems to have a heart bigger than her status. He’d thought about giving them a visit but figured it’d be too intrusive of a question so he kept that to himself.

Noticing the white bear just overhead, to which he also waved. It wasn’t a strange thought at this point but very surprising. He hadn’t seen a polar bear face to face, but they were significantly bigger than the ones found in Konoha. Perhaps even more aggressive. Ninja pets truly are amazing. He trusted her words and remained calm under her guidance, the bear wouldn’t do any harm lest she say so.

As she pulled him from his arm, he couldn’t help but get excited at what he was to see next. Seeing as he was heading towards the garden, he gulped in the worry of how bad of condition this ‘cursed’ tree was. As he entered the gardens, he immediately felt the chills that were brought forward from this snowy coating.

He took a careful glimpse at the trees and flowers before him, squatting down even, hesitant to lay a finger on them for fear of breaking them or worse, freezing his fingers. Nodding along as the woman explained the cause of the misfortune. This was definitely something only his wood technique would be able to solve, but it wouldn’t just be a simple use of ninjutsu. If had stayed like this far longer than expected and it would be no simple task to just create more foliage on top of this. As she moved over to the hut, he kept his eyes on the frozen gardens. Thinking of how he’d approach it.

Finally breaking his silence he turned to the snow haired woman and replied “Well, I do know a bit. My mother was quite adept at utilizing the techniques. I’d even consider her a master of it. Although she never got the chance to show me how to properly wield it. She did teach about its versatility and how it can be applied in virtually any scenario. Although she never mentioned anything about removing curses.” He rubbed his chin, still looking at the frosted garden.

He finally turned to her and gave her a big grin. Letting her know that he was willing and ready to take care of this garden at her word. However realizing that his hair now since been let loose, he combed his finger through it as to pull it back and sheepishly asked "You wouldn't happen to have a hair tie of some sort, would you?"


3A Fortunate Exchange (Shinobi) Empty Re: A Fortunate Exchange (Shinobi) Thu Oct 18, 2018 5:57 am



Verdandi kept her eyes on her new pupil and smiled, he was a little cutie. She'd add him to the orphans and make him hers if she only could. Gently telling him to turn around for a second and to put his hair together. Verd pulled the iron hair tie from her own bun and then removed the hairband from herself. Sliding it on Sachi while her own hair became softly loose for a minute. As the snow-white strands glided over her cheeks and shoulders, she'd grab for a single strand of hair and pull it off in a short tug, before she used it like a simple thread to catch the rest of her hair and bind it into a ponytail. As she did that she gently pushed a miniscule amount of chakra from her fingertips into the hair strand. Basically, turning the otherwise rather unbendable and frail hair into an actual useable item for her purposes. It was a rather basic ninjutsu technique most commonly used to turn paper into throwing weapons such as shuriken. But when one gets older, you start to find uses of thy ninja skills even during simple matters throughout the day. Verd made sure that her new, improvised hairdo was good enough to be practical and left the iron accessory on the table. Grinning gently at her new friend as they both had a pretty similar hairstyle again. It just had to work until the sparing time was over and the boy had learned his lessons.

At some point, the elder butler appeared, silently placing a tea pot and two cups on the small table between the two ninja. Bowing once gently and simple. He had been serving the family long since before Verdandi was born. Holding the little princess dear as if she was his own child. His smile whenever he saw that she was apparently having quite a lot of fun today was heart-warming at least. He walked off slowly towards the pond where some of the younger servants obviously tried to groom the polar bears fur. Though he didn't seem to care much for it so they'd have to cling to his body as he just dragged them along on his hunt for fish.

"Alright. 'Curses' aside. This place is mostly frozen cause I kept the ice on the plants knowing it at least preserves them. Otherwise they would have rotten and withered away already. When we get to the action I will remove the frost and you can do your thing. As a first step though, you gotta realize that you don't need a technique to use your element with. Aesthetic and useful applications of your element throughout the day are completely within the powers of any shinobi. I could create you a bowl made of ice. A snowball or anything really. The more potent you become with your element the more likely you can also use it for every day practice and to make your life easier."

Verdandi lifted one of the less creepy looking plant pots from nearby. Pulled a single may flower from it and placed the pot aside again. After exhaling once shortly she could display how the flower would slowly start to turn stiff. Then thicker ice particles would form until at last a glassy layer of thin and see-through frost had formed around the flower. Verd would put the icy crystal glass with the flower inside on the table. It now appeared as if it was crafted that way from a glass artist and if it weren't for the heat that'd someday melt the glass again, this flower would be preserved forever.

"In places like Yuki no Kuni, the land of snow. This glass would never melt. As the temperatures are cold enough to keep the frost alive even on sunny days. Here in Kirigakure, where the temperatures are milder in comparison, my element looses in power and becomes less durable. It is important to know where your element is at home. Ice for example. My bloodline allows me to do two things. First… I can identify and capture moisture within the air far more precise than a normal suiton user and second… I can command the Fūton energies that surround us to specifically raise or lower the temperatures around us. Hence this way I give birth to ice, by capturing moisture and then commanding the wind to lower the temperatures enough until ice crystals form within the moisture."

Verdandi dropped the topic of influencing objects with her element. She had shown how it worked on Sachi's drink at the food shop and now at the plant. What he really needed to see is how it naturally worked out of thin air. Verd lifted her right palm for him to closely watch. Concentrating her chakra as in the midst of her palm he could literally see how droplets of moisture were pulled out of thin air and slowly turned into a tiny visible blue dot of water, slowly growing whilst the air around her palm would become cool and frosty. Not long until a swirling mass of crystalline liquid was hovering in between Verdandi's fingers. Liquid ice. The basic component of most of Verdandi's frost ninjutsu. In a simple show of completion, she let the ball turn solid and then placed it next to the frozen plant crystal on the table.

"A lot of ninja does call this sort of elemental use 'bending'. To bend your own element at complete whim takes years of practice, but the basic concept of it is easily learned as it always connected with the shape creation you need to apply when you actually cast a proper technique. Let's say if your technique was to grow vines from the ground to trap your enemy's feet… your handseals simply quick-recover the idea of how you are bending your element to do so and form the correct mass of chakra that is required to produce enough 'wood' for this jutsu. To freeform bend your element you need an insanely well feeling over what effect would require which amount of chakra. Otherwise you might end up wishing to produce a flower for a girl you fancy, whilst accidentally growing a whole tree instead. Control over your element can be practiced however, which is exactly what I did, here in this garden for many weeks and months. Unfortunately, you can also see that calculating chakra mass wrong can lead to unwanted effects… I wanted to create a frozen floor I can glide over with my feet, but adding too much chakra I froze the whole garden… Do you already know how Mokuton is being bent? Have you ever tried to raise a flower from your palms?"

1140 / 1810

4A Fortunate Exchange (Shinobi) Empty Re: A Fortunate Exchange (Shinobi) Sat Oct 20, 2018 10:10 am



He happily abided at her command as she gently gathered up his hair and kindly banded the former mess together. He shook his head, feeling the cool breeze under his neck again. He preferred it that way. It kept his hair out of the way and he believed it made him look more presentable, more… adult. He turned back to her, crossing his legs and carefully watched her mold her chakra to hold up her hair. He grinned back, liking the parallels in their hair. Though she definitely triumphed in length. He combed his fingers through his hairs once again, adjusting the ones that she had missed and tightened the band a little more, so as to not slip off if he was to ever be caught up in gusts such as hers.
As the butler came by again, he bowed back at the old man out of habit. He couldn’t help but return gestures of respect. Seeing the man smile at Verdandi brought a smile to the boy’s face. The people here seemed to have a genuine love for her. As if to further cement his liking to her. He waved at the butler and snickered at the tykes attempting to comb the bear at the pool. He wasn’t too far from their age, but it felt as if he was years ahead of them. Having already dealt with combat and bloodshed, being a child was something he missed but knew he couldn’t go back to. He turned back to his sensei and poured her tea first, as she was his elder and proceeded to pour one for himself. As she explained the circumstances of the garden before them, he heartedly got his cup and took small sips between her introductions on nature elements. Green tea. His favorite.

He nodded along, a little embarrassed at his misunderstanding of this ‘curse’. Though he had rarely showcased his element, there were moments during his meditations before training sessions where nature seemed to bloom around him. Something he would definitely work on, especially under her tutelage. No need to hide his talents under a shy cloak, it was his responsibility as a Senju to develop his wood release and use them to its full extent.

As she continued he couldn’t help but think of his mother. She would at times go on explanations on what it meant to be a shinobi. A jonin from Konoha, she proudly bore her clan and village insignias on her persons. Properly exhibiting the will of fire through her tenacity in protecting her country through the master of her element. He remembers her explaining the union of Water and Earth, much like Dandi was now. Promising him that she would soon show him a few techniques as his father married into the Senju clan and did not wield their Kekkei Genkai.

The boy leaned in as she concentrated her chakra into a ball of ice, watching her carefully as to gain a reference on how bend his own elements. He looked down at his hands, flexing them as if to visualize molding his chakra right then and there.

‘Bending’ he cocked his head at the mention of it. He had done something of the sort before, although brief. It was more of a ‘chill’ he felt when under tense situations that the bending of wood occurred throughout his body. Blushing at the thought of creating a ‘flower’ for the lady he fancied he couldn’t help but giggle. He hadn’t had romantic feelings for anyone at this age, still yet to feel the ‘flutter’ in his heart as his mother would have put it. The techniques passed down by his clan were just as dangerous as any one elses. Looking back at the frozen garden, he was definitely remind of that. He nodded once again to his teacher.

“I believe I understand” he replied looking back at his palms “I know I’ve used my wood techniques inadvertently, usually when I’m meditating. I can feel the chakra churning in my body, molding it to life, but those are usually the only times I’ve been seen to successfully do it. But there were-“he stopped himself from continuing. Remembering a recent encounter that brought out a more violent and unstable form of his wood release. Even tearing apart his clothing as the crudely produced branches violently emerged from his body and the floor around him. A tense moment in his past that he prefers not to remember. He hesitated for a bit, disheartened at the thought of the incredible stress he had experienced, barely able to recollect the exact scenario but continued anyways “moments… where I know I was able to produce it. I’ve only ever really created branches and sprigs. It’s not often calm or colorful when I’ve willingly done it”

Sachi gathered his hands together and clapped them into the serpent sign “I know I’ve done it before. It’s just a difficult finding the proper balance” he closed his eyes and began thinking of her words. He was merely showing a demonstration of what he was capable of as he began breathing in through his nose and out his mouth. Slowly but surely finding his way into the trance that helped him better in molding his chakra. “Breathe in” he repeated “Breath out”

A few moments passed before he had finally found a proper balance. As whenever he was in this meditative trance, neither his water nor earth elements ever seemed to sprout or ‘bend’ around him. With this, a ring of flowers and greens began emerging from the ground below him, finding its way through the stone floors of the small hut. The moment however was short lived as a rich chakra-imbued flowers blossomed, releasing a potent pollen that interrupted the boy’s meditation with a violent sneeze.


His eyes opened as he explored his plant-covered body, plucking out a flower from the ground and presenting it to her. “That’s about all I’ve been capable of.” It wasn’t a lot, but the flowers were vibrant and healthy, much like the boy.


5A Fortunate Exchange (Shinobi) Empty Re: A Fortunate Exchange (Shinobi) Mon Oct 22, 2018 11:48 am



Verdandi chuckled honestly away at the beautiful display of a senju's unique powers. She would forever be jealous of them. Ever since she first experienced their unique talent, back as a Genin. Training with Mikumi, seeing how she could bring life whilst all that Verdandi's element was capable of, was to undo, kill or at best, preserve eternally. She sighed for a second. Glaring at the flower she had encased in crystal clear ice. If this was placed in a cold enough environment, this flower would now continue to exist forever. Without changing form or ever loosing the life within her. But it was only in appearance that the flower remained alive. In truth, the very reason why it was preserved. Was because it had already died the moment Verdandi's frost had clung onto its surface. While eternally beautiful, it was in truth but a beautiful corpse that she could now glare at. Verdandi wasn't stuck-up enough to pity herself though. Having these powers were already a gift far beyond what a normal human was capable of. She just sometimes thought. That she'd have loved a talent with a less unforgiving nature. With a more supportive and benevolent influence. But alas, not all wished always come true. She could still now, remain here and use the very skills of her deadly element to show a young, promising student how to really bring life to the world. A prospect that again, made her smile at least. She'd watch with deep interest, as he meditated.

The flowers that appeared around them. Made her glare in brilliant, shiny eyes. As if she had seen the most beautiful artwork a human could ever gaze upon. Her hand softly picking up the flower as he offered it. Leaving Verdandi to blush for a second. The sneaky young boy had created an almost romantic scenery. Whilst affection between them seemed more than uncalled for, she could still appreciate the gesture and enjoy the beauty of the moment itself. Slowly sliding the flower over her ear. As girls often do during the flower festivals. Using a simple drop of moisture in the air to freeze the flower against a strand of hair above her ear. Again, her element had a lot of utility effects and her desire would be to teach him the same skills that she had explored in depth already. Verdandi nodded. Chakra elements were all scary altogether. Even simple fire could lay waste to a forest. Too much water could smother all life underneath it. Earth could break and let you fall. Lightning could burn and paralyse you if not wielded correctly. Wind could drag everything away, unroot and blast it from its grip against the ground and frost… Ice could freeze all that is to a mere reminder of its former shape. Encase it. Slowly consume it under the frostbite it wielded. As the way of the seasons they were, snow was natures way to destroy and bring gentle ashes to nature, but alas, the circle of life would use it for its next rebirth.

Verdandi would dig her palm, long nails ahead, into the ground next to the stone clad floor of the hut, gathering some earth to return it in her palm. She created a bowl-like bottom of ice as to not let the earthen crumbs fall and mess with the hut's floor.

"As I have a unique ability to call upon the moisture within air, all suiton users can access this skill to a certain degree. What brings forth my real unique ability, is to command the air to lower its temperature. Knowing this is the key to bending your element. If you know this, you only have to learn how to give a shape and how much chakra it'll require to do so. It is always safe to start any experiment by simple pouring very little chakra into it. A miniscule amount and a concentration upon a shape will suffice to create a small ball of ice or snow. Once I've obtained the knowledge of how the shape and chakra combination result. I can try to pour more chakra into it to see its larger effects. But again, the state of my garden proofs, that adding too much chakra to an uncontrolled shape will only cause destruction. Remember this and you will be safe."

She concentrated on the moisture within the earthen crust. Lifting it slowly to the surface. And then exhaled as she imagined the shape of another flower, spending a simple, miniscule amount of chakra as both of them could watch how a flower made of ice would raise from the little earthen bowl and become pretty as the unique wind-element skill of the yuki clan would freeze the shaped water into its form.

"As you have the unique ability to call upon life and growth within things that are born within earth, you should remember that. This is your ability. Something no other than a senju can really do. Remember this. Growth however is not a unique existence. Nature does it all the time. Grass will grow without a senju. Such do flowers, roots and trees. Nature's process involves a seed, moisture from water will become food for the growth process and time will take care of gradually feeding the seed into life. You are a senju. Your power is growth. Accelerated growth. Your power is not to just 'make a plant' that is a way too simplified view. You create the seed with your desire of shape by means of chakra and enforce growth to happen at an insanely accelerated speed. But doing so required food for your seed. This is where you command the suiton element to be consumed by the seed you shaped. You fill the seed with water chakra, you use the earth to grow your seed. The shape of the seed is determined by your will and whim. That is, what completes you."

Verdandi turned the frost-bowl into crystal, removing its cold with her power of the temperatures within the ice. Placing the now crystal bowl in Sachi's palms. There was earth and dirt within the bowl and Verdandi's flower, once the cold was removed, would slowly melt back into a puddle of water above the earthen crust. The puddle seemingly enough for what Verdandi had in mind as an experiment.

"Now. Don't think too much. Concentrate yourself on the earthen element first. Close your eyes. Imagine the shape of a specific flower, or even better, a tree. Don't try to wonder how the seed is created. Your will alone can shape it for you. Let the seed of chakra be planted and born from the earthen crust and then, find the suiton that rests above and think of watering and feeding your plant. All you have to do is imagine in your head how the seed will grow. Let chakra of the tiniest amount be poured slowly past your fingertips. Don't mind it if it happens slowly. Just let it all happen and wait."

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6A Fortunate Exchange (Shinobi) Empty Re: A Fortunate Exchange (Shinobi) Wed Oct 24, 2018 3:00 pm



The flowers kept a permanence after their emergence leaving him in a soft bed of flowers and grass, a soft surface to sit on whilst he listened to his teacher. He had never had the chance to be trained under one’s tutelage, he had to take advantage of every word that came out of this wise woman’s mouth. He couldn’t help but take the flower she had decorated on her head as a compliment, though he was wearing her hair tie. It was a sweet exchange of accessories.

He hadn’t met anyone that had displayed such mastery over their element in Kiri like this woman. He had only made acquaintances with a few Genin throughout kirigakure, but were more than willing to assist their country even with their lack of understanding in their elemental affinity. She however was capable of both and he could barely imagine the finesse she must wield in combat. A sight he truly wished to see someday if he ever had the chance to tag along with her. The boy tried to make it a habit of seeing a lesson in virtually everything no matter how mundane or violent.

Dandi proceeded to dig into the torn earth near him, a small sentiment at the potentially destructive powers of his nature release. Watching as she created a bowl from her own freezing element, such a simple gesture yet requiring a deep understanding of one’s own element as she further described her affinities. From seeing her nonchalant use of wind and ice, he had yet to see her suiton be put to use.

“I wonder what else she is capable of” he pondered, watching her as she rose the moisture from the earth and crafted an elegant looking flower from the frozen airs. He was in awe, although it may have been a mimicry of his element as it bore no life, it still held well to its own unique beauty. His powers were his own, as were hers. He could only mimic her abilities as much as she could his. Although if used in tandem, their elements would create something to that similar of a taiga. Greater than the sum of their parts.

She was showing him exactly what to make, letting him know that what she asked of him was simple. Nothing complex or overwhelming for his small vessel that had yet the ability to siphon colossal amounts of chakra. She didn’t want a forest or even a tree for that matter. Not yet at least, at the moment all she wanted was for him to properly understand his limited capabilities and properly progress from there. This gave him comfort, she may have been asking him to bring life back to the frozen garden before him, but she was patient. There was no rush or haste in her explanations. In fact this was the best way to get to the boy bringing out the better in himself. Calm and positive reinforcement favored his capability to grow and although young, he held his focus when spoken in this way.

She handed him over the now crystalline bowl, extracting the cold form it as to not bring discomfort to the young Senju’s grip. How considerate of her though he wouldn’t have minded a bit more incentive to rush in growing the flower.

“I can’t meditate on this” he reminded himself. “I need to consciously concentrate on molding this. Need to become one with my element!” and looked down at the earth and water mixture once her flower had melted into the dirt. “Huh… it is like a potted plant. But without the seed” she had done a good job at placing imagery in the boy’s mind, helping immensely in properly finding the right balance on how to mold his chakra. “I am the seed” he said quietly said as a reminder.

He took a deep breath as his chakra molding commenced feeling the light tingling throughout his body as he felt the phantom sensations of leaves rustling on his persons. He kept his eyes opened, not daring to blink as he fixated on this bowl of dirt.

“I am the seed” he repeated, bringing the bowl closer to his face as chakra began flowing into the bowl, adding more earth and water to the mixture. Essentially filling up the bowl with more mud as it slowly began overflowing and leaking through the sides. He wasn’t concerned on the clod of mud that fell over at the moment as he continued pouring chakra into it.

It was a crude display at first, as anyone who wasn’t a genin could obviously see the boy’s chakra flowing between water and earth. Adding each in even intervals however never ‘properly’ combining the two to become the renowned nature element. He couldn’t give up, regardless of the mud now pouring onto his lap and running down his arms. Embarrassing to some, he bared no mind to the discomfort that unwelcomed mud would bring to some folks.

“I am the seed!” he shouted as suddenly everything clicked together. Perhaps a little too excited at the sudden newfound balance of the element, there was no doubt he felt ‘something’ inside him. A new form a life, no longer emerging as a crude imitation of nature, a few small but fine leaves began sprouting form the mud bowl’s center. He got a bit excited at this newfound understanding of his element and naively poured more than the required chakra into it, exhausting him a bit but making a bushel of lotus flowers swiftly but somewhat violently emerge from the mud bowl’s depths. Pushing arms back a little at the excessive force and splashing some mud on his face. He still kept his composure, eyes stubbornly fixated on the cluster of the recently created flowers.

He held up the bowl in victory and excitedly exclaimed “I AM THE SEED!”

His closeted and somewhat explosive personality emerging as the fruits of struggles had been overcome. In the excitement he failed to foresee the coming mud as the splashed on his hair and poured over his head.


7A Fortunate Exchange (Shinobi) Empty Re: A Fortunate Exchange (Shinobi) Thu Oct 25, 2018 9:48 am



There was something deeply exciting at watching the boy become one with his element. Verdandi clearly remembered the day when Ayakashi had given her this very lesson. The look on Verd's face when she created her first statue of ice was coming back now again in form and shape of Sachi's own expression. Despite that he was getting more and more covered in the mud of his mistakes and failures to balance the chakra properly. Verdandi never turned her eyes off him. Her glare was certain that he could do it. To feel how you shape and create the seed. Something that will forever be branded into his brain. A knowledge that will hunt him down and stalk him for the rest of his life. Every moment he would bend his element he'd remember. Part of him would remember. Every moment he would shape a new technique into existence, train a new combination. She'd be there in his mind. Sitting in front of him. Her oddly coloured eyes glaring at him with a faint and gentle smile. With his flower stuck over her ear against her hairdo. Under the warm sunlight. In a dying garden, of a beautiful property, in a little hut, with his palms clinging to a frost-made crystal bowl. Knowing and understanding for the first time the truth of his bending. Remembering this one truth that will give birth to a million flowers and trees. Roots and grass in his lifetime. The one truth that makes him what he is. That HE IS the seed.

Verdandi chuckled. Applauding as she clapped her palms together. The bowl had grown its bushy plants quite stunningly so. Verd would gently lean in to take the bowl from his palms and place it on a little wooden mini-table at the edge of the hut. Sachi was a mess though. Verdandi thought that the next lesson would be as useful and simple as it was also well timed. Without much of a word she stood up. Moving a bit from the hut to stand straight. She would close her eyes. Something that wasn't technically necessary for her anymore… but she was yet to teach the boy another lesson.

"Learning about our advanced, unique elements makes us whole, but their parts are just as important. Your element of life, birth, seed and wood, is but still a combination of water and earth. To become a master of wood, you'll have to become a master of earth and water. Right now, you are covered in mud. There is no simpler combination of both of your elements then mud. One thing that all shinobi are capable off, is sensing their connection to the elements they command. Closing my eyes I can hear the whistle of the air and feel the flow and directions of the wind around me. I can feel it so clearly that I get the impression I could just put my hand in the air and GRAB a bit of wind away from it… At the same time, I can hear the motion of the waves that clap against the corners of this large pond behind us. The mass of water makes me feel powerful. The resting pool calls to me as if to tell me to use it, command it and create shape from its source. But I can also feel the droplets of moisture in the air. Smaller than anything else within the suiton element. But it is there. Touching our skin. Being inhaled into our lungs. Again, I can feel like I could just grab into the air and pull it out from there."

In an act of teaching and an act of proof, Verdandi lifted her arm, she gently formed a shape with her palm as if she had something ball shaped in her grip. With deep concentration. Chakra started to form between her digits. A spiral of pure energy slowly forming in her hand. It was nothing else but the Rasengan. The legendary technique of konoha's famous seventh and fourth. And with the blink of an eye. Verdandi would display the uttermost corners of her mastery in her own elements. A power so strong that she only recently learned how to properly combine it. With a soft scream from her velvet lips. Wind began to flow around her. Sachi would be able to feel the immense disturbance in the airflow. Moisture began to surface in the air around them. Water droplets becoming visible. Born from seemingly nothing. As both, wind and water started to be pulled towards the large orb of chakra.

The orb's colours would change from being influenced by the elements. The wind would give it an orange hue and sharpened the Rasengan's edges. The water would give it a blue hue and turn its inner flux and spiral into a more concentrated, dense mass. Verdandi literally was holding both of her elements in her very palm. Using this against an opponent would already be devastating. But Verdandi had to proof her concept. The two elements, the two hues and colours were swirling around each other. Now Verdandi could do something that was forever limited to her clan alone. She could combine them. Let the two colours slowly mix and turn into a dark, sapphire blue hue. Crystal symbols and frosty temperatures exhaling from the spiral. It was the purest form of her element. Created all to a concentrated mass of insanely destructive power.

Verdandi slowed her chakra flow. The orb slowly dissolving from its dense mass and disappearing into the air. She didn't have to explain that any form of the Rasengan's shape could rip any human apart that would be hit by it. The pure form would explode them with energy, the wind form would cut them to pieces, the water form would surround them and drown them and the ice form would freeze them and turn every bloody wound it a frostbite filled crystal of pure ice. All of these forms were violent and destructive. But that was something Sachi wouldn't have to think about just yet. Verdandi had but done all of this for the simple truth that a shinobi could call upon their elements. So when Verd looked down on herself, to find the dirty mud of Sachi's experiment on her dress. She'd lift her palm forward. Close her eyes. Concentrate on the water inside the mud and command it by her very will to move. In but a simple few seconds. All the mud and dirt that was clinging to her dress would slither away and drop to the ground.

"I cannot bend the earth, telling mud to move is very difficult for me. I basically have to call upon the water within and then tell the water to pull the earthen shards along with them. It is very complicated to try and bend an elemental combination when you only know how to bend half of them. However, for you… knowing both earth and water… it should be easy. Stand up. Face me. Close your eyes. Lift your palm. Feel the elements around you. Feel the concentration of earth and water within the mud on your clothes and body and once they answer to you. Once you can feel them move. Use your imagination to tell them where to go. Command them to move off your skin and drop to the floor. Tell them to begone from you. Make them obey."

1250 / 4250

8A Fortunate Exchange (Shinobi) Empty Re: A Fortunate Exchange (Shinobi) Thu Oct 25, 2018 2:58 pm



Upon the forthcoming of his advanced technique he stood placed in his victory pose for a few seconds before realizing what had just happened. His arms still covered in mud Dand took the bowl and watched her move it over to a small wooden table. He couldn’t help but keep his eyes on the lotus bush, as it was something that surprised even the sprout. Smiling at the notion that he created that, willingly of all things. Finally bringing down his muddy hands as his sensei now stood up and commenced to explain the intricacies of the elements that make them and their unique elements come to be. It was to be understood that the relationships among the two elements was much like their initial teachings back at the academy.

Ninja techniques could not be used unless the user understood the two chakra energies that swirled within’ them. Spiritiual energy, the user’s consciousness and creativity and Physical energy, the person’s stamina and endurance. This was something found in every ninjutsu user and more importantly in every element user. In order to bring out an element one must move past the boundaries of simply weaving the two chakra energies and form it into the element they wish. However as Dandi was describing, their advanced jutsu had to pass even a larger hurdle. To process the energies within’ yourself and manage to mold two natures within’ yourself to create an element that was bigger than the sum of its parts. He was learning ninjutsu all over again, however with much more steps. He hadn’t thought about siphoning out his two natures, as you literally have to think twice to have these two elements conform to your very will and unleash it into a more versatile and resourceful element.

Then as he began losing track of his thoughts, meditating on her words she began performing an incredible endeavor. She had formed the legendary rasengans, one of the pinnacles of ninjutsu. Chakra in one of its purest and most powerful forms. With just this, one could destroy an entire neighborhood with just a quick tap. Eyes widened as this was his first time experiencing the technique first hand but to his great surprise, she had now begun introducing her elements to this technique.

He watched in awe at her complete master of her own element. Able to wield them individually in each hand without one overpowering the other. He watched the vortexes, orange and blue respectively spiral into a concentrated and dense mass. The floor below them subtly shaking at its immense power. He could even feel its presence had his eyes been closed. His hair tightly held on by the hair tie, a few strands of the managed to escape under the gales and tides of these elemental rasengans.

There was an urge to place his hands on it, though he dared not to. In her hands they seemed so peaceful, just whirring as it spun so consistently and gently. Hidden beneath this coat of peace however there was what was akin to a storm of power. He was within’ arms reach of being absolutely destroyed by the immense amount of concentrated chakra yet, but just as quickly as she had formed it it was gone. Leaving no trace of such a powerful jutsu having been performed. The leftover gales simply whispering past his ears as so did the water.

“Amazing” just as she had shown time and time again, he couldn’t help but whisper this.

Elements do have their limits, the boy watched as Dandi would bend the mud of her clothes and onto the floor. That would come off as easy to the boy once give the proper chance. He looked down at his muddied clothes and giggled. Having now realized at the mess he had made in him wanting to impress his teacher. Which he could say went pretty well, given the after math she did clap at his little performance. However he shook his head, knowing that this was not the time for him to trail of on other thoughts. She was taking the time to train him and this required his undivided attention.

He got up, however slippery the floor may have been with a few struggles here and there until finally gaining his footing. Walking away from the muddied hut the boy stood a good distance away, enough to not splatter any stray mud on her if he found himself getting too excited. He hovered one hand over his body, trailing through the slowly drying mud, some of it creating a thin layer of crisping dirt. Finding out that it was drying because he was now moving the water away from it. He jolted back his left hand following a sizeable torrent of water from his body that stood in a stasis in front of his chest. He jolted back his right hand, removing all the dried earth form his persons. The two elements levitated just above the hands that had commanded them apart. Though this was nothing compared to the calmness needed to create wood style, there was still much restraint the Senju was showcasing as his chakra seemed to naturally want to flow too much into the given elements when riled up. However he kept his composure and calmed himself over a deep breath.

He clenched the fist that was holding the circling earth and dust, forcing them all together with his chakra, shaping them into a large makeshift bowl of rock. He looked over at his other hand, holding up the mass of water and gently flowed the rest of it onto the hollowed rock. Essentially recreating the very bowl he had just grown lotus though with much less finess. He looked over at Verdandi and held it up at her as a means of communicating “look what I made!”
Once he relaxed however, the chakra that had now been formerly coursing through the earth and water no long able to keep its structure intact. As he brought it back down, the bowl quickly feel apart under its own pressure a stream of mud flowed out in front of him. Luckily, creating a new mess and successfully removing all the mud on his persons. The boy held up a thumbs up to his sensei.

“How was that?”


9A Fortunate Exchange (Shinobi) Empty Re: A Fortunate Exchange (Shinobi) Fri Oct 26, 2018 9:47 am



Verdandi nodded. He had her approval for sure. He was doing well and the training was progressing nicely. The muddy bowl attempt was fun but he'd have to learn a lot on his own accord. Verdandi felt like a break was about to be in order. But before that would be the case. She had a last to do on her list. Verdandi's gentle and approving smile slowly vanished. She made a sterner and determined expression. Glaring at her student to make sure that he'd take it serious as well. She didn't enjoy it to break his joyful attitude. But as a teacher one was required to make sure that the student also retains the seriousness of certain moments as well. After all. He'll be in battle over life and death not too long into the future.

"Alright. I shall teach you a last lesson before we take a break. This one's important. Luckily for you, your element once again comes in handy. Since you alone have the ability to repair what I'm going to do. As a shinobi, we often get put into desperate situations. To survive means to sometimes sacrifice. For you to be able to remain alive, you'll have to borrow life from your surroundings sometimes. Lucky for you, earth is a very giving element. Cause earth is basically everywhere, whenever, wherever. But sometimes you will need water. Sometimes the moisture in the air just won't do it. Sometimes water deposits below the earth are too sparse. Then what will you do? Give up and cover yourself into a corner like a coward? No. You will do whatever is necessary to survive."

Verdandi aimed with her eyes at a nearby rock formation. Her glare fixated on her target. With a short inhale she focused on suiton. She could feel it in the nearby pond. In the deposits beneath the earth. In the moisture within the air. But for a moment. She would pretend neither of it was there. That she was forced to feel it on a way more basic level. To feel the water within herself. To feel the sweat on her forehead. To feel the drool of her polar bear that was casually snoring near the pond with a wide-open mouth. To feel moisture in the clouds above them as if she could just pull it down from the heavens. But most and for all. Moisture within every living plant surrounding them. Verdandi would do something, that for many plant lovers would be regarded as a horrific act. But to know that this works. Would maybe someday safe the young boy's life. With a stern expression she twirled around, squeezing the suiton element of every little flower that surrounded her. Pulling it from their very plant bodies and raising it into a mass of suiton, large enough to create a huge, stage shaped blade and bring it down swiftly and mercilessly upon the rock formation. Cutting it into pieces and letting it shatter before her eyes.

A Fortunate Exchange (Shinobi) 2ewlc44

"As said… we can fix this later. But you need to learn this. You need to feel how this is possible. How it works. Trust me. Rather sooner then later you will find yourself in a situation you desperately need water to defend yourself or launch a proper attack. To know that water is in every living structure like this, is important for a ninja. While others might be in peril and give up on themselves. Smart ninja will always find a way out of a tricky situation."

Verdandi tilted her head to the side. Remembering the many situations where she had kissed death on its cheek just moments before he was about to claim her. Moments where a little bit of water made all the difference between her winning and loosing in combat. Moments where she had already made peace with her gods and ancestors. Ready to be welcomed into their ranks. Moments where an old tree would give rise to enough water to slice her way out of a trap and at last, moments where she could drain a cactus from its drinkable juices and filter it to survive in the desert moments before dehydration.

Verdandi would give Sachi some time to train it on his own accord. She signed to him that she'd go inside. Moving towards the main mansion and leaving him to his own devices. Avalanche would be whistled to and the large bear would slowly move his large butt carefully into the building through the only sliding door that was able to let him pass through. While the servants were organizing some casual dinner for Verd and Sachi, the princess would snug herself against the large bear and take the big brush. Starting to caress and groom the cuddly monster some more. The elder butler had already done quite some work on Ava's fur. But he was certainly a bit oversized now. Taking care of him was getting a tad more difficult for the servants.

While he had already eaten his fair share of fish, Verd made sure that a good large steak would be part of dinner, knowing her fuzzy friend was always up for a little snack. Giggling she brushed her palm over his neck and chin and quickly earned herself a few licks to the cheek from his big doggo-like tongue. He was a good boy and had also saved her life more than once. Having a good and trustworthy friend or companion was more worth than anything to a shinobi. Even more important than finding water in the darkness. By the time Sachi would join the two of them. The table would be set. A medium rare steak with potatoes and quite some veggies on the side. Verd would beckon Sachi to join her and sit down. The traditional dining table set for sitting on the floor. Perfect so that Avalanche could draw closer and nom on the steak piece that Verd had gotten prepared for him. While he was munching casually away. His nose clearly sniffed into Sachi's direction. The bear taking in the boy's scent. Familiarizing himself with the new face. Naturally curious as to whom he might be and why he is here.

1050 / 5300

10A Fortunate Exchange (Shinobi) Empty Re: A Fortunate Exchange (Shinobi) Fri Oct 26, 2018 2:01 pm



He looked back down at the mud simply playing around with it at his feet and looked back up at his sensei who now bore a more stern expression. He immediately mirrored it, scrunching up his brow and holding to a more serious frown. Unintentionally comical to his face as he wasn’t used to looking ‘serious’ as he would describe it. The boy understood the aura the woman was telegraphing and listened to her as she explained what she would be attempting next. It wasn’t that he did not want to be taken seriously but being a child learning new techniques was something he could not help but get excited over.

Cocking his head with her, he looked over at the rock formation she seemed to be eyeing. As a fellow suiton user he was able to feel the very moisture his sensei was anticipating to control. There was a subtle ‘quake’ in the environment as the chakra that she had been focusing around her came into the waters surround him, evidently being the plants around their feet. He couldn’t help but get nervous as he felt its subtlety from his sweat, but as if on a whim the very flowers below them were quickly reaped of their hydration as the waters violently emerged and moved to her will, decimating the very rock that stood so sturdy before them just a few moments ago. His body clenching up as he felt the brief but ever so overwhelming stress that his connection to nature allowed him to feel. He gritted his teeth, feeling the pain the flowers felt however short and palpitated just a bit. It seemed she didn’t know he would be able to feel it, but it was a proper technique any suiton user would need to know. Although in his case, to take life from plants would be something that would bring physical pain to him, however desperate he may have to be to do so. His heart raced as the sharp pains quickly subsided and he couldn’t help but grimace at the site of the dead plants around him. He teared up a little, not sure if it was due to the pain or because of the insensitive act she had just committed. Regardless, he wiped them off and took a deep breath.

“These things happen” he reminded himself as the memory of his smiling mother flashed by. Just then his sensei signed to him that she was walking away and he nodded in full understanding. Taking the time to gather himself as siphoning life was no joke, but it was something may he have to rely on in absolutely dire situations where his nature release would serve of no use.

Alone, now the boy had the chance to undo the damage his sensei had done. As that’s what she had brought him to do in the first place, however on a smaller scale. The boy pounded his fist at the earth, pushing a boulder upward and quickly replacing the previous rock she had decimated. It was a good a time to further practice on his earthen precision as he performed a few movements akin to slicing as the bolder before him fell apart with them. Shaping it into a 10 foot high obelisk with a spherical base 4 feet in radius and 6 inches in height with a 5 foot depth, making a fountain. A good use of practicing his earthen techniques, precision and balance was key in performing this. He bent his knees and held out his arms focusing on the puddle Dandi had created that resulted from her slicing technique used on the previous earthen formation. Slowly flowing it around his body and into the newly formed fountain, filling it up just enough. He then placed his hands onto the fountains edge as it proceeded to sprout flowers along its corner and reaching into the water to form an algae base, fitted with lily pads.

“This is getting easier” he proudly said to himself as he turned to the significant patch of recently dead plants “I can do it!”

“That’s pretty impressive work kid” a mature but nasally voice spoke.

The boy stopped as he was about place his hand on the floor in attempt to bring the dead plants back to life. He turned slowly at the direction of the recently made obelisk. A turtle. No bigger than a cat was now sitting along the sides of his recently created fountain, leaning over the shrubbery as it was his own personal spa.

“I’m sorry?” he replied, reluctant in believing that the turtle would reply. But as evidence suggested it was in fact this very turtle.

“I said, that was impressive” it reiterated, now emerging from its peaceful bath.

The boy speechless at hearing the turtles reply, he stuttered in his disbelief but continued “Th-thank you. D-Do you live here?”

“Nah kid, just watchin’ you and yer sensei over there. Pretty impressive woman” he chuckled in his own perversion. This was no ordinary turtle, its demeanor was that of a wise old man, with his own obvious vices.

“Hey!” the boy retorted at the turtle’s obvious insinuation, angry at the lack of respect.

“I’m joking! Yeessh. You youths these days. How about you call it a rest for now. Your sensei seems to be feasting on something good and I wanna get in on some of that grub! How about I hop on your shoulder and you take me? Y’know. Being a turtle and all. Speed ain’t my expertise” the geriatric turtle laughed at his own jest and ironically zipped to the boy’s shoulder in a quick burst of chakra “Chop chop!” he clapped at his ears.

What is this? The turtle seemed to forcefully presume they were now a unit. The boy confused at the strange encounter he just rolled his eyes and let out a frustrated sigh. The turtle seemed stubborn and so he decided not to protest on this. He proceeded to walk over the dead shrubbery and continued on his way into her residence, turtle in tow.

“Maybe she’ll know something about this.” He thought to himself, unbeknownst to him that this turtle was not of this garden but a realm of his own.

He slid open the doors and happily took his seat fawning over the set table. He crossed his legs onto the floor and gladly joined in at the invitation. Almost forgetting that the turtle had been on him the whole time, it jumped his shoulder and onto his plate’s side.

“What a lovely arrangement!” the turtle said rubbing his hands together and reaching for a few of his vegetables but quickly heading into his shell at the site of Dandi’s personal pet, Avalanche “Down boy!” he exclaimed as it curiously sniffed the air.
The boy confidently reached over at the bear holding his hand up to its snout, fear leaving him as he knew it wouldn’t do anything lest his sensei asked.

“Hey buddy” and followed up by turning to Dandi “Sensei. I noticed some kind of seal over your eye. Might I bother you to ask what that's for?" he said looking quizzically at it and soon turning back at the turtle out of his shell, stuffing his face into the boy's mashed potatoes.

"Oh... and also would you happen to know anything about that?" he pointed at the turtle, annoyed.



11A Fortunate Exchange (Shinobi) Empty Re: A Fortunate Exchange (Shinobi) Fri Oct 26, 2018 5:03 pm



Verdandi chuckled as Sachi returned from his shape bending experiment. Of course, Verd had been watching from afar what he was doing. Sneaky as usual she was able to peek on Sachi's sweet try on the little reconstruction. He'd end up being a rather skilled gardener if the situation would continue over as such. He didn't seem bothered by the concept of doing some lower work anyhow. While Verd admitted to have a rather selfish interest into him at first. She had to admit he was quite interesting and skilled as such. Maybe taking him in as an actual student could end up being quite fun after all. Considering the latest political gossip, she was throwing around. Unbeknown to Sachi. Verdandi would meet Konoha's most diligent warrior in but a few days in this very building. While she had invited Sachi's superior officially in terms of Senjutsu training. Her actual goal was to figure ways of keeping the politics between Kiri and Konoha stable despite the sad fact that relations were actually crumbling down. Kiri had been continuously facing accusations that they were secretly controlling Konoha from the shadows. While she knew that Aya had a firm grip over Rippa's business. She wasn't aware that Kiri was in any need to actually put their fingers into the leaf's business as of late. The influence of the mist had been very beneficial to the leaf so far. But politicians were still concerned. Rumours of revolt and war were in the air. Verdandi was burdened by such grave news.

Seeing the young child, free of any judgement or racist claims, was giving her hope however. To find a more peaceful solution to the painful situation that could lead both nations into conflict. Not much was left to make the relations crumble at last. Maybe her dear friend, Nayoko would be able to at least work out something as of a peaceful pact between families. It'd have to be done in secret. Higher ups quickly tossed the word traitor around as if it was available at discount price nowadays. Verd sighed. It wasn't time to burden the child with her thoughts either. He had found a new friend in her garden now anyway. No reason to kill the mood. Verdandi nodded as Sachi sat down. Petting Avalanche on his big head and lifting his chin as she pulled forth another piece of yummy steak so he could gorge himself on the taste. His eyes still gently focused on the boy and the turtle. Curious about both of their new table companions. Verdandi glared down at what she recognized to be one of the turtle summoning creatures. She had seen him before. The little turd had tried to peek on her during her private time. She remembered tossing him into the lake as she catched him. Verdandi gave him a rather stern look with her eyes as to make sure that the old turtle grandpa would k ow that acting up would give him a one-way ticket to the pond once more.

"We have met… Had a little argument, didn't we? But I think I made myself pretty clear last time as to how I feel about your little friend there." Verdandi's eyes blinked with a pretty unusual killing intent to them. If he showed her respect he'd be fine. He was a wise turtle. He wouldn't try to cross his line with her again. Verd's eyes were quickly distracted back to Sachi however, putting a smile back on her lips rather quickly. Tolerating the turtle's appearance. "Yes, as a matter of fact, I use the seal to keep my Sharingan locked. Since it is but a transplanted eye, I do not have the ability to turn off the eye's chakra surge by natural means. I had to find a more… mechanical way to allow me to turn its powers off and on again. The fuin seal over my eye has many functions though. Aside from allowing me to let my Sharingan be put asleep, it also enhances its vision while the eye is active. Allowing me to see things much sharper than a normal Uchiha would… even allowing me to see chakra natures. Elements. Chakra sizes and masses and furthermore the composition of every jutsu around me. It is a very powerful seal. Took a lot of work to construct. If you are interested in fuinjutsu you should start with the basics though. I think… I have something you could use…"

Verdandi smiled, with simple fuuton element control she commanded a scroll not far away on a bookshelf to be pulled towards her as if she was using telekinesis. Giggling slightly to herself as she casually would catch the scroll and open it. Inside the boy would see about a dozen different seals in their format and structure. Their writing rather complex and various levels were stacked upon each other. "Fuin is basically a combination of chakra commands written into their respective kanji and infused with chakra to exhale their command and effect. Fuin in combination with Ninjutsu also has the wonderful ability to call forth…" she would say and glare at the turtle again. "…as well as to banish summoning creatures back to their realm. Anyhow. Lets enjoy our meal now first. Training comes later ok?"


900 / 6200

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12A Fortunate Exchange (Shinobi) Empty Re: A Fortunate Exchange (Shinobi) Sat Oct 27, 2018 2:46 am



The turtle turning his head back at the woman, muoth full of mashed potatoes he sheepishly turned back away rubbing his head “Heh heh… yes ma’am” understanding full well of this woman’s capabilities. His wisdom definitely outweighed his perversion and would keep his vices reserved within’ her company to his best ability.

“Wow…. There’s so many applications to sealing jutsus. I used to think that it was just putting things like swords in paper and stuff. Didn’t think you could actually place a seal on yourself or even strengthen it further for that matter! Especially with something as advanced as a Sharingan! I’ve never seen one up close before.”

The boy watched as the scroll came to her ever so calmly. With this, the turtle’s rather rude demeanor had immediately vanished as he saddled up near Sachi. A serious gaze was placed onto this scroll by the two as the boy’s hyper active mind flipped through each of the seals, progressively getting higher in difficulty. There was a lot of information to take and perhaps with the proper tutelage, much like the ice princess had shown him, he would learn the proper way of sealing and unsealing various forms of jutsus.

The boy moved over back to his seat, patting the polar bear’s soft thick fur as a sign of friendship and scooted to his mess of a plate. The turtle had taken the scroll as if Sachi had missed something of importance as Kameoi quickly looked over it once more. The boy gathered back his plate and commenced eating, not realizing how hungry he had become from his use of overexerting chakra through his body. His taste buds were greeted by the savory tastes of high end food and couldn’t help but groan in content as the flavors had exploded in his mouth.

“This is delicious!” he couldn’t help but exclaimed, nodding at Verdandi with a mouthful of food. It was obvious the boy hadn’t had much experience with good food, but nonetheless, he wasn’t one to pass on the chance.

Within’ the coming weeks, this turtle would watch as the boy would slowly progress his ever growing library within’ the confines of Verd’s garden. Keeping to his promise he not intrude on her during her private time and soon deciding on finding a proper shinobi to carry on The Great Turtle Oath. To him Sachihiro would seem like a proper student who would utilize the turtle arts to their full potentail.


Training Complete! | Exit Thread

Learning and Training Fuinjutsu from Verdandi from Nothing -> B (Clan Spec Drawback being taken on Tertiary Spec)
Training Strength from D to D-1
Discarded 5404 - 1500 - 1500 - 2000 - 400 = 4wc

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