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1Yuki Kaori (Stats) Empty Yuki Kaori (Stats) Tue Oct 16, 2018 5:05 pm

Kaori Yuki

Kaori Yuki


Training Link

Current Stats:

Strength: E -> E-3
Speed: E -> D-0
Perception: E -> E-3
Reaction Time: E -> E-3
Endurance: E -> E-3 (148 words away from D-0)

2Yuki Kaori (Stats) Empty Re: Yuki Kaori (Stats) Sun Oct 21, 2018 1:32 pm



Kaori Yuki wrote:

Training Link

Current Stats:

Strength: E -> E-3
Speed: E -> D-0
Perception: E -> E-3
Reaction Time: E -> E-3
Endurance: E -> E-3 (148 words away from D-0)

Approved except for the endurance partway trained.
Splitting word count may only be done for training that costs 3k or more, and only in increments of 1k or more.

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