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1Stop the vandal [D Rank- Konoha Empty Stop the vandal [D Rank- Konoha Tue Jan 08, 2013 4:57 am



Just after nightfall. He walks past the house he was sent to walks around the block. To the alley that runs behind the house. He then walks up to the house and studies the graffiti. Kalpo then walked up to the back door and knocks on it. Knock! knock! Kalpo then heard noise cone from inside the house. When the door opens. An elderly man that had to be in his early eighties answered the door. Kalpo quickly says, "I'm Nekotone, Kelpo i'm the shinobi that will be taking care of you vandalism problem." The elderly man said, "i am Old Man Kareru and when will you get started." Kalpo replies, 'im taking care of this tonight." Then they say their goodbyes.

When Kalpo turned around he noticed a 20 foot pole just off Old Man Kareru's property. Kalpo specializing in chakra flow he walkes up to the pole channeled his chakra into his feet and walked up the pole. When at the top of the pole Kalpo crouched. Then took out a cigarette and lit it. Half way threw the cigarette he noticed a kid walk out of the house next door. the kid looked Rite at Kalpo then walked back inside. Kalpo was thinking he seen me oh no. He put out his cigarette and was about to get off the pole when the kid walked out again carrying paint cans and a paint roller.

Kalpo had to move fast he focused his chakra in his feet. Jumped down to the boys parents fence. he walked along the fence and watched as the boy painted on Old Man Kareru outside wall. When the boy looked back he jumped over to the top of the house. He walked over to the back of the house and jumped off the roof. He walked up behind the vandal. Kalpo says, "you remind me of a younger me." The boy startled tried the run. Kalpo grabbed him by the shirt collar and pulled him back towards him and says, "I used to be just like you are now but now that i'm a shinobi I don't have time for childish games if you wanna be a great shinobi one day this has to end we can do this two ways you can tell Old Man Kareru that you where the one that has been doing this or ill take you to the police force."

The boy thought long and hard about it and finally said that he would confess because he wants to be a respected shinobi one day. Kalpo said, "ill talk to Old Man Kareru about you just cleaning up the graffiti under my supervision and that there is no need to get the police force involved ok little guy." They walked up to the front door Kalpo knocked on it. Knock! Knock! When Old Man Kareru answered the door. Kalpo says, "i got you vandal here and he has agreed to confess to his crimes as long as you let him clean your walls under my supervision and with out involving the police force and i am willing to donate my time to supervising him cleaning your walls." Old Man Kareru agreed to the conditions. He was sure to make it noticed that he only agreed because the Kalpo suggeste it.

Kalpo ant the boy was on there way to the boys house the boy looked scared. Kalpo asked him what was wrong the boy replied, "my mom is gonna be very mad." Kalpo says, "let me do the talking ok." When they get to the boys house he goes inside and says 'there is someone outside that wants to talk to you" to his mom. He also confesses to his mom about the graffiti. When she comes to the door where Kalpo was waiting she says, "i'm so sorry this will never happen again, ill make sure of it." Kalpo replies, "Ma'am kids will b kids they are gonna mess up i know this better then most people the police force wont be involved ill be back in the morning to get him so he can clean the walls ill be supervising him while he does that." With that said Kalpo left.

Kalpo was back at the boys house the next morning. He supervised the boy while he repainted Old Man Kareru's whole house witch took him a few hours. When the boy was done Kalpo took him to get some ramon and told him, "if you wanna be a respectable shinobi one day work hard and don't give up even if you don't fit in at the academy you have to do good by you screw other people." With that said Kalpo took him home and left knowing he changed that kids life.


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