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1Kamizuru Clan Empty Kamizuru Clan Thu Oct 04, 2018 5:39 pm

Chigetsu Hōzuki

Chigetsu Hōzuki

Kamizuru Clan ITTVR7n

Kamizuru Clan FAHfQ33
Clan Name: Kamizuru Clan
Location: Iwagakure
Specialization: N/A
Elements: N/A

Kamizuru Clan HhU72Pp
Clan History: The Kamizuru Clan operated in what would become Iwagakure during the Warring States and provided a incredible force which rooted other many other clans around them, eventually forming a series of alliances that resulted in the foundation of Iwagakure no Sato. Their power rested mainly in their economic might, controlling the flow of sugar in the Iwagakure badlands through their mastery over beekeeping. The First Tsuchikage was even a member of the Kamizuru Clan. This was the height of the Kamizuru Clan’s power. Following the death of the First Tsuchikage their power ended up collapsing drastically. The Second Tsuchikage had no fondness for the economic maneuvering of the Kamizuru, and although he was unable to take action against them during his short rain this dislike passed on to the Third Tsuchikage. Despite being a member of the Kamizuru Clan himself, the Third Tsuchikage held no connections to his clan and worked towards equalizing the power of the clans in Iwagakure. Eventually during their conflicts with Konohagakure the Kamizuru Clan would be sent to the front lines, and through conflicts with the Aburame the majority would be slaughtered. The Kamizuru Clan was effectively destroyed as a shinobi clan following this conflict, and without any surviving members able to pass their methods down to the next generation they were largely forced to regress into a civilian clan of beekeepers. The occasional Kamizuru pops up in the Iwagakure academies every so often, but their history of failure and political machinations are still not forgotten by the village. Those who rose up to greatness did so in spite of their Kamizuru heritage, not because of it.  


  • Kamizuru, Ishikawa †⋆
  • Kamizuru, Ōnoki †⋆
  • Kamizuru, Kurotsuchi †⋆
  • Kamizuru, Suzumebachi †⋆
  • Kamizuru, Kurobachi †⋆
  • Kamizuru, Jibachi †⋆
  • The Beekeeper †⋆
  • Kamizuru, Kozuchi †⋆
  • Kamizuru, Gennai †
  • Kamizuru, Chizuru

† = Deceased
⋆ = Canon

Kamizuru Clan Y4syLuV
Kekkei Genkai Name: Beekeeping
Kekkei Genkai Description: Members of the Kamikuzu Clan are legendary within Iwagakure and their surrounding territories for their shinobi beekeeping. Even after the central authority of the clan collapsed these beekeeping ways still inspire terror in their foes.  Jutsu based in honey, beeswax, or other bee products are also easily possible. The Kamikuzu specialize in not just using bees but wasps and hornets as well, and anywhere bees are stated they may be replaced with wasps or hornets. Every member of the Kamizuru Clan is brought up heavily in the tradition of apiculture. Even with the formal destruction of their clan these traditions are still passed on throughout the dispersed families. This century-old connection to beekeeping has altered members of the Kamikuzu Clan’s core biology. They can easily mimic the pheromones of a queen bee, and with these pheromones direct and use bees in combat. While are not capable of turning their bodies into human hives like their rival Aburame and thus are required to carry separate bee hives around with them to actively make use of their bees they can still pack an incredible punch.

  • The Kamizuru may control and direct bees passively. To do so they require a source of bees, and thus must create portable beehives that they carry with them into combat. To make use of the Kamizuru’s following listed bee abilities, they must have a hive item of equivalent rank, which must spend its mechanical ability slot in order to behave as a hive. A member of the Kamizuru Clan may use naturally use a single swarm of bees if they have a hive to house it in. This swarm will be a massive buzzing cluster of furious bees that the Kamizuru directs with their pheromones to do their bidding. Should this hive item be destroyed their bee swarm is rendered chaotic and homeless and thus will disperse and no longer submit to the passive control of the Kamizuru. Chakra may be used to salvage these dispersed swarms, or alternatively will transition into a another hive if the Kamikuzu has multiple, although transitioning into a lower ranked hive will weaken the power of the swarm, and the swarm must immediately return to this new hive before any other orders may be given to it. Only one swarm may occupy a hive at a time.

  • While the use of poisons in combat typically requires some sort of medical knowledge this is not true for the Kamizuru. Bees have natural apitoxin for use with their sting, and members of the Kamizuru Clan may apply for poisons without needing the medical specialization to apply to their swarms, using the bees stings as a method to spread the poison. Only poisons of equal to the swarm's rank or lower may be used for this purpose. Using poisons in this manner is incredibly efficient, as since every bee will have a dose located in its stinger there is no risk of running out, although these poisons may only be applied to an individual once per post per swarm no matter how many times they may be stung in that post.
     Only one poison may be applied to a swarm at a time unless the Kamizuru Clan member has the medical specialization, in which case two may be applied at the same time. A swarm may swap the poison it uses by returning to its hive. A Kamizuru is always immune to the apitoxin of their own bees. Additionally, no delay is required when these natural apitoxins are applied through sting, and their effects will apply immediately.

  • A swarm’s statistics and rank are based around the rank of the hive it is kept on. It occupies a space equal to the minimum radius for its rank, may move at a speed equal to the minimum speed for its rank, and may move as far away from the hive as the minimum range for its rank. These bees will always be capable of penetrating around 3 millimeters in depth with their stingers, equivalent to E-Rank damage. Unlike a normal bee, these stings won’t be suicidal for the swarm, and they are easily capable of repeatedly stinging to their heart’s content. These swarms are most efficiently damaged by AoE techniques, and these bees can be destroyed by techniques of any rank. Should parts of, or even an entire swarm be destroyed bees that remain in the hive will begin laying eggs on the following post, and then on the post following back those newly hatched bees will stream back to the swarm.


  • Destroyed Clan: The Kamizuru Clan was destroyed long ago in their clashes with the Aburame Clan, and no longer represents an organized force of shinobi within Iwagakure. What little there are of them left are in scattered groups of beekeepers who generally relegate their existence to a simple life of selling honey. Because of this, members of the Kamizuru Clan begin without knowing the basic academy techniques which must instead be trained as normal techniques would be.

  • Active Discrimination: Rising up above their roots is difficult, as even their village looks down upon the Kamizuru will suspicion. The First Tsuchikage may have been a member of the Kamizuru, but that was then and this is now. In order to rank up members of the Kamizuru Clan are required to complete two additional missions equal in difficulty to their rank or higher.

  • Pheromone Dependant: The use of pheromones to control the Kamizuru's bees creates a reliance on the olfactory systems for sensory purposes in both the bees and the Kamizuru Clan member, and because of this, members of the Kamizuru suffer -2 tier to their perception when not using their sense of smell.

  • Apiary Focus: Their focus on bees prevents the typical range of elemental control that other shinobi would be capable of. Members of the Kamizuru Clan begin with the Hesitant Element negative characteristic and must train their primary element instead of receiving it for free at character creation. Pets, Summons, and Sage Mode themes are limited to only being bees for Kamizuru. Uniquely bee pets and summons will each have their own attached swarms, exactly the same as the kind the Kamizuru gets. A Kamizuru in Sage Mode will gain a free swarm in this same manner at no additional cost. These swarms must also have their own individual hives.

2Kamizuru Clan Empty Re: Kamizuru Clan Wed Oct 17, 2018 11:24 pm



As usual, unless anyone has anything to say about this, consider this clan APPROVED

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