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1From one bottle to another [Amaya] Empty From one bottle to another [Amaya] Tue Jul 31, 2018 2:55 pm

Alexa Hyuga

Alexa Hyuga

"The Shushuya is a restaurant/pub in Konohagakure that sells their own brand of choice sake and serves large-platter cooking. The restaurant is large with pillars that supports the building, high ceilings with multiple small lights, a bar with stools that display most of their alcohol, and multiple wooden booths for the customers to sit in." ~ subforum descriptor

Ooooh boy. Taste evening at Shushuya's and her purse filled after finishing a mission. That meant she was down to spend the evening night at the pub, 'tasting' about everything she could while occasionally actually paying for a bottle of whatever appeased her palate at that moment. It would also mean a scolding from her parents once she got home, drunk and fumbling as quietly as possible to make her way to her bed, in the progress stumbling her toes against one or another wooden stair - because the Hyuga estate had its buildings all raised on wood but not sufficient stairs to actually decently climb them during the night for some weird reason or another. Most likely she'd swear the living hell out whatever soul that was nearby, wake up her parents who had the perception of hawks and spend the night standing straight in the courtyard for 'training' until she sobered up. Man, life was tough at land lubber's estate...

But all of that were sorrows for later, right? The prospect of tasting high quality sake for free and enjoying some later down the evening with a good platter of fresh fish brought in from one of the docks was already reasons to have her mouth water with envy. To the genin in a privateer's outfit, it sounded like the perfect way to spend a calm night after the hard work of a mission. Tricorne on her head, long leather coat over the black and red sailor's outfit she generally wore, and a rude but exotic parrot on her shoulders, Alexa would step inside the building.

Red matte eye betraying the Hyuga heritage would glide over the insides of the establishment, briefly resting on every of the current patrons present sitting at their respective table. Who, how many and how they looked would all be memorised in a matter of seconds, a brief assessment of every person's skill made. With 'skill' being meant if they held any signs of being a shinobi or not, as some actually wore a Konoha headband or were known as instructors by Alexa.

Spotting an empty place just a little away from a corner, she'd sign if it was fine for her to go sit there and, as she got a nod, sauntered to the place to take it. Removing her long coat and hanging it on the chair behind her, tricorne resting on one of the two decorative knobs, she'd make herself comfortable before allowing her ears to linger around and tune in on the general atmosphere. A casual air lingered around, here and there a patron already inching on the border of getting drunk as they had arrived much earlier or simply couldn't deal with alcohol as well, casual gossip and silly jokes being shared on other tables. Nothing that seemed to hint at a crazy evening of dancing and face-smashing just yet, but the evening was still young.

The waiter appeared at her table, serving her a handful of small tasters of sake and explaining in quick succession what each of them were. She'd nod, pick up one, take a whiff of its scent and gulp it down in one swallow. Licking her lips for the aftertaste, she'd smile pleasantly as the warmth of the alcohol glided through her throat.

"Aye, that's a good un. I be stayin' for some eats an' a sip o' sake too. Ah... I'd be up for sum fresh salmon dish an' that golden quality sake. The one with tha' smilin' Buddha on it, you know?"

Nodding, the waiter took notes and left after all was said and done, leaving Alexa with the four remaining cups of whatever sake they were - he certainly had named them but she already forgot again. Her finger trailing the border of the second cup until a full circle was made, she'd pick it up and gulp that one down as well. Woah.. That one certainly oiled well, the scorch in her throat sufficiently strong for her to rub away an upcoming tear. Great stuff, but perhaps a little too strong to decently enjoy the evening for this moment. People might get weird thoughs otherwise...


2From one bottle to another [Amaya] Empty Re: From one bottle to another [Amaya] Tue Jul 31, 2018 4:58 pm



How long had it been since she had an alcohol-based drink? She couldn’t remember. She had spent years of her life drinking all the time to quiet the demons and darkness in her head, in fact, she had grown quite a tolerance to whatever alcohol-based substance was dumped in front of her for her consumption. She had made a lot of friends in those days, and even more enemies. In fact, she had ended up in the habit of just tossing her ryo at whatever barkeep or bartender came her way the moment she arrived, including more than enough to pay for however many drinks she would consume that evening as well as for any damages that would most likely be caused that evening when she drank too much and the wrong person tried worming their way into her pants: well, the ones that wouldn’t take a hint and just go away at least. Some took her no at face value and went off to the next female or male depending on what tricked their fancy, others, on the other hand, had to be shown the error of their ways in a more physical sense and Amaya had always been a bit too gung-ho with her delivery methods. Lots of broken glass everywhere, plenty of broken chairs, and quite a few tables smashed along with a window a time or two. Fun times, fun times indeed: at least for her, she didn’t know about everyone else. But, alas, she had put those days behind her. She had found a reason to stop drinking, someone to help her battle her inner demons and darkness in a far different manner.

Tonight, however, a night on the town seemed like a nice idea, and after the day she had had at the hospital which was both long and demanding, she figured that a drink or two wouldn’t hurt. To make it even better with the twins off with their great-grandparents there was a chance her love would be joining her, so double the fun. Of course, there would be no telling what would happen between now and when he arrived, and while she didn’t plan on getting shit faced drunk and causing trouble well things like that just sometimes happened that people had no control over, right?

The sound of booted feet would add to the general din of the bar as she entered clad entirely in black: from the long-sleeved turtleneck that clung to her feminine athletic figure, to the black pants that clung to her hips and were baggier in the legs before tucking into nearly knee length boots. With her long black curly hair pulled back into a low ponytail at the base of her neck her Konoha hitai-ate that hung loosely around her neck was in plain view. The lighting glinted off of the silver hoop septum piercing, as well as the black band with the Konoha leaf symbol engraved into it that resided on the ring finger of her right hand. Stormy-grey colored eyes would glance over every individual inside, missing not a single one, while she would offer up polite nods to those who knew her, though she noted the sparks of curiosity as they registered her recent but subtle changes: she had recently undergone a medical procedure that turned her from an Uchiha into a Guanyin in less than two days. With a stride that was confidence filled without being cocky, she made her way to the bar, leaning against the counter as she waited for the bartender to finish up with his current customer before making his way over to her. No sooner did his gaze fall upon her did he pause and place his hands on his hips. “Amaya… we’re not going to have any trouble out of you tonight are we? Every time you come in here something seems to happen.”

With practiced ease, a look of innocence would cross across her beautiful features as if she had no idea what the bartender was even speaking about, “I have no idea what you mean. I don’t get into trouble, trouble usually finds me. It’s not my fault people can’t take no for an answer.”

“You put someone through my window the last time you were in here, Miss Amaya.”, the bartender shot back, clearly not buying her innocent act in the slightest.

“Yes, but I also had your window fixed and good as new in less than twelve hours.”, Amaya fired back, a glint of mischievousness littering her stormy-grey gaze. Her words seemed to appease some part of the bartender as he lamented and nodded his head with a sigh.

“This is true... You’re about one of the only ones who fix the damages they cause. Fine, fine. What would you like? Your usual?” The question was met with a nod from the former Uchiha who watched the bartender make his way over to the row of bottles, pulling down a bottle of her preferred choice: rum. Meanwhile, as she waited for her drink to be provided for her, her gaze swept along the patrons once more.


3From one bottle to another [Amaya] Empty Re: From one bottle to another [Amaya] Tue Jul 31, 2018 5:39 pm

Alexa Hyuga

Alexa Hyuga

Trying out number three of five, the softer taste of the sake was refreshing and pleasant though would do little when it came to getting drunk. Or rather, it would perhaps to other people but not to a sixteen year old that drunk rum for breakfast, noon, evening and desert too if that was still possible. Some were of a mind she had an addiction but those were generally the people that never had a taste of rum in their whole life. Let's be honest here, the ignorant would better keep their mouth shut rather than run their mouth about things they know nothing about, right? That's what Alexa thought, and so the fourth taster would disappear as well, leaving but one to try out before she hit the real bottle.

As she spotted the waiter with her dish of salmon in the distance, her attention was stolen by a woman clad in black, black curls and bla- no, dark eyes. Aside from wondering just a minute who had died today, the woman seemed to be in discussion with the bar man. He didn't look happy having her around, then seemed to reconsider for some reason. There was something about her. Something likeable. Maybe the Konoha headband she wore, perhaps the thought she was an adult with the presence of a bonafide rogue in the way she moved and had that streak of mischief, but when the barman moved his hands to a darker bottle seemingly hiding a little behind the others, she finally figured it out - rum.

Oh hell no, she wouldn't. Not only did Alexa went twitchy as the realisation she hadn't noticed the presence of rum in this house, but now she would have a rival at that. Gulping the last teaser of sake to drown the upcoming sorrows, the waiter would arrive to set down her requested platter of salmon and the carafe of 'Golden Buddha' sake. He was about to leave as quietly as he had come, bowing to the corsair at the table who seemed oblivious of his presence as she was transfixed by the rum bottle, trying to read the label on it, but as he turned about she grabbed his arm with resolution.

"Who be that lass o'er there?"
"A-ah, well... That would be Amaya, a... regular.", he'd reply, hesitation in his voice as he tried to hide the 'other side' of her reputation so as not to talk ill about patrons to complete strangers such as Alexa.
"She smells like trouble."
"Why dinnae tell me you there be rum on the shelf?"
"Oi, quit stammerin' an' talk, will ye?"
"Arr, sent 'im swimming with the sharks."
"Shut it, salt-beak."
"C-can I go now? I have wo-"
"Aye, walk tha plank."
"Ney, I told ye to-"

And gone was the waiter. Both sailor and parrot watching him scurry about like a crab in search of shelter. Having served Amaya her drink, the bar man would lean a little to the side to eye the commotion in the back of his tavern. As he took note of the girl and the bird, he'd frown suspiciously for a moment but since nothing too bad had occurred, he'd leave it at that. For now.

Sulking in her corner as the catch of the day had run off to complain, Alexa poured herself a cup of sake and eyed the fish that laid swimming in the sauce. She was actually hungry enough to put the thought of rum out of her mind just for a moment, but rest assured that she'd be getting some of the good stuff later in the evening. When people would be a little more mellow and less skittish.

Total: 1343

4From one bottle to another [Amaya] Empty Re: From one bottle to another [Amaya] Tue Jul 31, 2018 7:44 pm



To say that Amaya had an eye for trouble was an understatement: she could spot it from ten miles away, and smell it just as easily. Maybe it had something to do with the fact that she had been quite the bit of a troublemaker herself, or perhaps it was because of her profession, either way, she knew it when she saw it. So as she caught movement out of the corner of her stormy grey eyes, the grabbing of a waiter's arm, her attention shifted even as she reached forward and grabbed not the glass but rather the bottle that had still been in the bartenders hand, though of course, the glass followed - waste not, want not, and all that rot.

“Miss Amaya!”, the bartender exclaimed, focusing his attention back onto her after realizing the bottle had been removed from his hand with the ease of a thief. “The whole bottle?!”, he asked, and though his question was short there was a ton of unspoken words behind it. He was concerned: concerned for his patrons, concerned for the bar, concerned about everything. Of course, just because Amaya took the entire bottle didn’t mean she intended on drinking all of it she just simply did not want to have to keep bothering someone for service everytime her glass was empty again, though the bartender didn’t know that.

“Calm down. Put it on my tab and don’t worry so much - I intend on sharing.”, Amaya would respond as she made her way through the patrons that littered the place, ignoring the stammering bartender behind her who ended up groaning in exasperation and throwing his hands up in the air with an annoyed look, while catching the hopeful glance of several men that had either heard her comment or had simply hoped she would join them, all of who she promptly ignored as if they didn’t exist. While she knew some women to take advantage of such attention Amaya wasn’t the type: in fact, it annoyed her so badly that was how the majority of the bar fights she got into tended to start. It was towards the corner she made her way, both out of habit and the curiosity about the individual she had spotted moments ago with the parrot: if they were going to be trouble she wanted to be nearby, whether to join in or stop it though was left to be seen.

“Hello,”, the single word greeting would leave her lips as she claimed the table right next to the other female’s own: the greeting simple and short but effective - she didn’t deal with overly formal shite as it tended to piss her off, so simple was best. Lightly setting down the bottle of rum upon the table top Amaya would then gracefully seat herself in one of the wooden chairs. Her booted feet would then be propped onto the table in the next moment as the Guanyin leaned back in her chosen chair to the point of balancing on the two back legs while the front two remained suspended in air. As her stormy-grey gaze searched the sea of faces once more she idly brought the glass to her lips filled with ice and rum. A long sip was taken, the alcohol burning pleasantly just as she expected: a burn she enjoyed and sometimes missed, while her gaze would come to rest on the door to the establishment her mind focusing once more on the question of if her love would be joining her for a drink or not or if work perhaps got a little too busy for him thus preventing him from slipping away.

In silence she allowed her mind to wander, taking yet another sip of her drink while thinking about the last time she had actually graced this place with her presence: she had ended up throwing a patron who couldn’t keep his hands to himself through the decorate glass window. It had been quite the mess that was left behind when she had finally been asked to leave, and though she had more than covered the damages and then some she was still surprised the bartender hadn’t told her to outright leave when she had come in. Then again, she had always paid well. ‘Speaking of which…’, she found herself thinking as she realized with yet another sip of her glass that she had downed it, her gaze shifting to the bottle nearby, contemplating filling it up again. She hadn’t even begun to feel the effects of the first glass, though that meant nothing when rum had a tendency of punching you in the face out of nowhere. Still, more was better right? Plus, she had had the bartender put the entire bottle onto her tab, so she might as well enjoy it? One more glass surely wasn’t going to hurt anyone…

810 | 1,667

5From one bottle to another [Amaya] Empty Re: From one bottle to another [Amaya] Mon Aug 06, 2018 3:04 am

Alexa Hyuga

Alexa Hyuga

Th-the whole bottle?! Noooo... That meant there would be none for her. Well played, stranger. Wait. Why was she coming this way? Popping a piece of fish into her mouth, Alexa's eyes would follow the black-clad woman's cadence towards the back area of the tavern who then took the table right next to hers. Oh. She was good. Taking the rum for herself and sitting nearby in quiet taunting, throwing in a simple greeting at that and acting as if she was innocence herself. No woman could be that oblivious, and Alexa herself would know that considering she would be doing exactly the same thing if she had the chance.

But here was the thing. This woman was known. Wife of the former kage sort of known. Leaf ninja, high rank, scary lady. If Alexa considered her parents already a bunch of tough cookies to deal with, this one here at her side was nothing less in terms of power. She couldn't say if the woman, looking to be in her thirties, was just as stiff and measured as the common clique of Hyuga that made up her family, but the presence of such a woman, aside from stealing her rum, could pretty much mean Administration had been running their mouths again. Honestly, it was only one chair, one table, two glasses and a single man bleeding from his head. The rest of the brawl and therefore the rest of the damage was not her doing, and yet she had been scolded by Administration and then her parents as if the whole deal was her fault. "Responsibility", they called it. Scapegoating, that was what it was.

"Aye, hello to you.", Alexa would reply with a nod after she finished her bite of fish. "You 'ere to scold me? 'Cuz I ain't done nothin'."
"Yarr, that be a fine wench.", Arrchiburd the parrot would throw in, a habit he had picked up since young from his former master, Captain Arrchibald, renowned smuggler of the seas. Even now, the bird found it necessary to make a selection of women that would have befallen the now dead captain rather well, not quite understanding (or not quite willing to understand, as could just as much be the case), that his new owner was not interested in women on the same sort of level as the former.
"Don't mind the parrot. Former owner was a well-known captain. Heard he be sleepin' with the fishes now but the bird kept the salt."

Honestly, she loved as much as she hated the parrot's comments. She was not of a habit to apologise for the bird's foul-beaked comments but in this case she was a little worried it could mean the end of her favourite miscreant. Alexa would put another forkful of fish into her mouth. The tavern keeper might not have mentioned any rum but at least he knew how to prepare his salmon. Not the best cooking she tasted but above average quality. Sufficiently for her not to spit it out and feel an urge to rub the waiter into the platter or something. Her musings on the food would be disturbed by the random comment of the woman next to her. Upon noticing that her first glass of rum was already empty, inner Alexa would instantly pull up big eyes in surprise and point at Amaya in accusation of being a true and through drinker. In the blink of an eye, a second glass would be filled, ice cubes clinking as they danced around under the pressure of the fresh golden brown liquid treasure. A-another one already? As if beckoned to a quiet challenge, Alexa would take her own cup of sake and drink it up. Casually. Then fill it up again. This stuff wasn't quite like rum but even then... she couldn't allow a stranger to get the best of her, right?

Total: 2005

6From one bottle to another [Amaya] Empty Re: From one bottle to another [Amaya] Thu Sep 06, 2018 3:02 pm




.oO(My apologies for the wait! Been dealing with finals and the start of new classes, plus stuff with my kid! If you need/want to exit go for it.)

Yeah, another glass of the rum was definitely seeming like a good idea, even if she would be cursing herself later for it when she had to explain why she was tipsy to those who mattered. Even as the nearby female’s words registered Amaya’s stormy gray gaze shifted to the door, half expecting to see her husband arriving, before moving to settle onto the woman. A single eyebrow would raise while a questioning look would fall upon her face followed by a cheshire-like grin. Focusing her gaze back onto the bottle of rum Amaya picked it up with care and poured herself another glass from it, taking note as she did so to the level of liquid remaining in the bottle: still above half full. ”Scold you? Why would I do that?”, Amaya would ask questioningly before taking a sip of her rum and glancing back over while thinking to herself, ’If anyone will end up causing problems it’ll most likely be me, depending on how crazy I go with this room.’

The parrots comment produced a soft snort of amusement from the older female. Unlike, perhaps, how some people would react Amaya wasn’t offended in the slightest, if nothing else she was intrigued - she had heard her fair share of stories about talking parrots but had never seen one. Of course, talking animals weren’t exactly a rare thing for her considering she hung around a bunch of Inuzuka, but still - to her talking dogs were normal, parrots weren’t. ”No worries, I’ve actually always wanted to see a talking parrot - I get to see dogs that talk every day, some cats too, never birds.”, Amaya would respond before picking her glass up and taking another long sip of the rum, catching the pointed look from the bartender out of the corner of her eye who had noticed her doing a refill job already.

Catching the hit Amaya placed her glass down and gave the bartender a sheepish looking smile that while being apologetic in nature also had a bit of that cheshire-like grin to it once more. Turning her stormy gaze back onto the younger female she would grab the bottle of rum by the neck, holding it out in offering, ”Would you like some? I told the bartender I’d share so he wouldn’t get his panties in a twist thinking that I am going to end up causing trouble while I’m here.”, honest words would come forth from her lips, a twinkle of playful mischief in her eyes. She was by no means the ‘normal’ stoic and rigid high ranking shinobi, especially when she was off duty as she was in that moment. No, she could be just as much the trouble maker as any other person: though her damage certainly ended up being far more vast.

522 | 2,189

7From one bottle to another [Amaya] Empty Re: From one bottle to another [Amaya] Tue Sep 11, 2018 3:48 am

Alexa Hyuga

Alexa Hyuga

Hm. So she wasn't here to scold her? Then she was certainly here to keep an eye out. Alexa couldn't underestimate her drinking opponent, being high ranked and all. She could easily be feigning ignorance, trying to lure the genin in a trap of false security. There would be none of that! With a mouthful of fish, she'd reply with a casual, "Oh, no reason.". The last thing she should be doing was having someone else starting to dig through her infamous reputation in Administration. The times she had been caught red-handed in a bar fight was known though it remained to see to what extend a jounin was actually aware, or cared, for such things. She couldn't let her guard down, even when the woman next to her was talking about her desire to see a talking parrot.

"Aye, Arrchiburd's th' sort to rarely keep his beak tight. Heard he was a real charmer on th' shoulders of Arrchibald, the ol' bird now having toned down some. Sort of talk most land lubbers would cause a murder for. Bird's a smart un. Jus' has bad timin'."
"Arr should cut yer tongue out for this."", he'd reply, puffing up his feathers to make himself more intimidating, tiliting his head as if to make sure his one eye noticed her really well. Alexa would push him off her shoulder as she took another bite of her salmon, the parrot instead opting to stand on the tricorn instead. Its claws digging into the leather of the hat, he started preening himself.
"We gener'ly end up shouting at each other for a while. Got to keep spirits up."

Finishing her meal at last, the cup of sake would be used to rinse her mouth. In the distance, the bartender seemed to be staring at the two of them for no reason. Ignoring his stare, she was about to refill her cup when the woman offered to share the rum. An offer that didn't need repeating even if the last part of her sentence seemed off. As if she was trying to get Alexa drunk so she could be the one starting the trouble. Was this some unspoken trade offer? Alexa drank, started to cause trouble and the woman would go free? Some 'free drink' in exchange for her 'dropping responsibilities' or something? There were worse trades the Hyuga had been offered.

"That'd be mighty kind of ye.", she'd accept while offering her cup so the woman could fill it with rum. "Innkeepers in Konoha are such stick in the muds. I get me fun in Kasai. Economy's not the best there but taverns don' mind a bit of life as long as things get paid for. Gets the people riled up an' workin'."

Most likely Alexa would end up living there if only her parents could let her go. A town-city with faltering economy but a working port. Teased by pirates, lacking the means to pay for protection and generally relying on sea trade to get the economy up and running. The perfect place for a sailor such as her looking to make a name. Clinking glasses with the woman, she'd drink it up bottoms up.

"Cheers, lass. This be better than sake."

Total: 2560

8From one bottle to another [Amaya] Empty Re: From one bottle to another [Amaya] Wed Sep 19, 2018 12:43 pm



While others would have probably pushed for more details Amaya simply allowed the topic to drop when the other female failed to elaborate as to what she spoke of in regards to why Amaya would have been there to scold her or not. Amaya wasn’t really the type to pry or push her way into other peoples business, and considering she was currently off duty it was simply not her problem (#NotMyProblem). Instead she kept her focus on the other female as she listened to her go on to explain more about the bird, her stormy gray colored gaze darting to the bird as it spoke once more before puffing up its feathers, something she knew most animals did in general to make themselves look larger and more intimidating: Amaya hid the amused smile that would have otherwise shown up upon her face.

As the cup was held out to her Amaya didn’t hesitate to fill the glass, not being stingy at all with the rum, and throwing a pointed look at the bartender once she was finished which caused the man to look away while shaking his head and mumbling something beneath his breath. ”I stopped drinking around here quite a while back when my own knack for trouble began to get too much. You’re right - other places tend to handle a little bit of a fun a lot better. Then again, any shinobi causing trouble tends to irk people more so than just a civilian.”

Amaya was about to open her mouth, to perhaps say more or make another comment, but the sudden arrival of a masked messenger practically appearing next to her - the door barely registering having been opened or closed - caused her to take pause: though without a startled response. Glancing to the masked messenger a brow would raise in curiosity, becoming more pronounced as no words were said but rather a scroll was held out to her which she took automatically. A small burst of chakra would pop the seal keeping it binned before she unrolled it and took a quick scan of the contents inside, the smallest of frowns forming on her face. “Very well, I’ll take care of it… Tell them I’ll be there in five minutes.”, Amaya would comment softly before the messenger would take a bow and then leave as quickly and suddenly as he or she had come.

Turning her focus onto Alexa, Amaya would pick up the bottle and reach over to place it on the other female’s table. ”It would appear my fun has come to an end before it’s really had a chance to start. Do me a favor and enjoy that for me, would you?”, would be all Amaya would say before allowing the front two legs of her chair to hit the ground nearly soundlessly as she stood and made her way around the various tables as she headed to, and then out, of the door: pausing only to offer a nod at the bartender who seemed a bit relieved to see her go even though he tried to hide it.

-Thread Exit-

536 | 2,725

Learning D-Rank Fuuton (3rd element): 2,725 - 1,500 = 1,225
Learning Chakra Anesthetic (チャクラ麻酔 ~ Chakura Masui): 1,225 - 750 = 475
Discarding 475 words

9From one bottle to another [Amaya] Empty Re: From one bottle to another [Amaya] Fri Oct 19, 2018 2:32 pm

Alexa Hyuga

Alexa Hyuga

There it was, the wisdom of the ages. It wasn't just Konoha playing the fun police, it was being a shinobi that made people annoyed. As if bearing that Konoha emblem on their protector came with an invisible package of responsibilities and etiquette. With an 'amen to that', Alexa took a gulp of the newly served rum like she wanted to erase the sour attitude of the villagers around here. Her eyes resting on the Konoha headband hanging around her throat, Alexa realised that people had only grown increasingly annoyed with her attitude once she had 'deserved' this for having potential as a shinobi. Her parents started expecting more since that day. Something about pride of the clan and more of that. Never caring one minute where the genin would have wanted to work her magic. Only expectations.

Alexa was about to say something to keep the conversation going when a messenger entered the establishment and requested the attention of the woman next to her. A masked man. No sign of his presence up until now. Could they be an ANBU? Alexa popped the last of her salmon into her mouth as she watched the interaction between the two. Wordless, all secrecy. A scroll unsealed with chakra, only meant for the woman's eyes. Either high rank intel or ANBU things a genin like her was not supposed to know about. Then, the messenger vanished as spotless as they had come. And with them, the upcoming fun was taken with them. The woman would place the bottle of rum on her desk. Neat. But also leave for unspoken business. Bummer. Just now that the evening could have been fun... Alexa would tap her hat as a sign she fully understood the value of the gift and watched the woman disappear as much, leaving her alone with the remainder of rum.

Plate empty, company gone, Alexa didn't really feel like continuing the evening much longer. She'd lean back on her chair, making herself comfortable as the waiter removed her empty plate of salmon and sat quietly contemplating her own future as she savoured the last few glasses of rum. The bird would be in luck this evening, provided with plenty of petting and rubbing as it was the only company to pass the evening until the bottle of rum would end up running dry.

At that point the alcohol ran deep in Alexa's blood, eyes seeing double, legs remarkably stable as she moved to the counter to bring back the empty bottle. With a tap against the tricorne, she'd bid the man behind the counter farewell, not noticing how he rolled his eyes at her. She'd move out of the tavern and slowly walk her way home under a sea shanty, ready to endure whatever scolding she'd be served for getting home too late. Just another sin to chalk up to the already massive lists of don'ts her parents expected her to follow...


Total: 3060

All Stats: E-3 -> D-3 | 3000 of 7375

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