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1Schoolyard Throwdown [Private/No Kill] Empty Schoolyard Throwdown [Private/No Kill] Fri Sep 07, 2018 4:43 pm



Kennosuke was bored. Sure he had training and he had done one or two missions, but they didn't involve fighting of any sort and combat was really the only thing that made him feel alive. He couldn't wait to become a Chunin and be able to take missions that actually got the blood flowing, though he knew at his current skill level he would be hard pressed to win a fight with anyone other than other Genin. But a fight was a fight and do that end he issued a challenge to all of the Konoha Genin. A friendly little spar in the academy Training grounds. Though he wasnt for Sure how friendly it would be, as he was wanting an all-out fight with the only rules being no killing or maiming each other. If any of the Genin, including him, wanted to get better they had to test themselves in the fires of battle. Not these training fights, but full on battle between two Shinobi. This is what he asked for if any decided to meet him.

He had chosen a hard packed dirt training area on the Academy grounds, big enough for a good fight but close enough to help if one of the Fighters were injured. He wanted to fight, not to maim a fellow Leaf Shinobi, but accidents did happen. Word of his challenge had already spread through the Academy so he was already on the field. He lay on his back in the center of the field, one knee up and his other crossed over it bouncing his foot in the air. His hands were crossed under his head and his eyes studied the clouds over head. So far no one had taken him up on his challenge but he was sure someone would. He lay there, lost in thought for the most part. Thinking about his own training, how far he had come and how far he still had to go with the Chunin Exams nearing. He had taken time and learned a few new Jutsu and was looking forward to using them.

New Jutsu means more options. Options lead to different out comes that may not of bern available before. In a fight its not always the strongest that wins. If you can out think your opponent you've already won the fight. But it goes hand and hand. If you focus solely on strategy, you lack strength and a lucky hit could take you out. You had to hone both your body and mind to be a truely great Shinobi and the fastest way to do that is by fighting. So he waited. Someone had to want to test the fire that burns inside every Kimura. He would show these other Genin the meaning of living in the land of Fire. A grin spreads across his face at the thought of his flames spreading across this field. He looked goofy, laying in the dirt grinning at the sky, but that thought never occurred to him.

WC: 502

Alexa Hyuga

Alexa Hyuga

Another day under the sun. Ever since the whole Sunagakure situation had come to an end, Konoha had been feeling like a dog lazying about, tongue out panting even though it wasn't moving. Maybe Konoha finally had a sun stroke, mused the sailor casually walking down a commonly used pathway. Most likely Konoha was just recovering from the whole ordeal in the ruins of Sunagakure. One thing remained a consistent cancer in the girl's wild life though - her parents. Of course they had been disappointed at the low amount of missions she had been undertaking during the threat of the zealous Suna-refugees and Ryujin. The amount certainly not outclassing the amount of rum bottles she had emptied both in addiction and actual thirst. Because, if Konoha was hot, Sunagakure was melting.

So it was the the girl ended in a large open field. Under the tricorne she wore, red matte eyes betrayed her Hyuga heritage. Her cheek was swollen from earlier training with her father whose strength, despite using the Gentle Fist, still hit like a hammer. Under the leather long coat, a claret navel-revealing shirt and a white cotton ninja pants somewhat masked the bruises that served as a memory for failing to properly appeasing her father in training. The man was never satisfied. Not because Alexa didn't do her job but mostly because he was the sort who couldn't understand the appeal of a sailor's roguish life compared to the measured, disciplined lifestyle the Hyuga clan upheld. She was a disgrace for the clan, double so because her byakugan had not manifested yet.

Her eyes would catch a guy resting in the grass before the rum burning her throat would force her to close her eyes for a moment. Even now, her trusted liquid didn't fail to ease her out of the troubles her rebellious mind suffered and the pain of sore muscles and assaulted tenketsu points had to endure. She wasn't sure if she had seen that black-clad guy around before, his attire screaming 'shinobi' from miles away even if she couldn't spot a headband at first sight. For a moment she wondered if it wasn't better to just move on. Leave the guy to his joy, leave her to drown her sorrows. She was already hurting and she hadn't exactly been giving much spare time but he looked pretty good. Plus, she'd make a horrible 'ANBU' if she didn't put some effort into picking up information.

Putting the cork on the rum bottle and letting it slip into her coat's deep pockets, the sailor marched on to the guy in the grass until her shadow would cover his presence.

"Ye waitin' till the sky spits in yer face?", she'd ask him as an introductory greeting.


3Schoolyard Throwdown [Private/No Kill] Empty Re: Schoolyard Throwdown [Private/No Kill] Sun Sep 09, 2018 11:17 pm



Laying there for as long as he had Kennosuke had all but fallen asleep. He had let his mind wander and drift off into the quiet recesses, his breathing had slowed and he had just started drifting when he heard the quiet foot steps approaching. While it brought him back from the cusp of sleep, he didn't stir. A shadow covered him, shading him from the warmth of the sun. His body screamed to move but he knew he wasnt in any real danger. Then the shadow spoke, asking him if he was waiting on the sky to spit on him. ~What an odd accent.~ He thought to himself as his eyes snap open. He stares up at the girl that spoke for a moment, before realizing all he could see was legs and a skirt. Slightly embarrassed, he rolls to his feet and begins brushing himself.

"Uh. No. I was waiting someome to spar with actually." He says as he finishes dusting himself off and adjusts his sword under his sash. He had no interest in the opposite sex, another unfortunate side effect lf his genetic abnormality, but it was rude to peer up skirts. Now that He was upright and could look at the girl, she was odd to say the least. A Hyuga, from the eyes, but sporting a Tricorne hat and a very particular accent, as well as a swollen cheek. Part of Kennosuke wanted to ask her about it, but he didn't even know her name much less her story.

He runs his hands through his hair and the sunlight catches his horned headband. He glanced around the field and while there were a couple others walking around, none showed any interest in actually fighting. He returns his attention to the girl before him and tucks his thumbs into the sash around his waist.

"But it doesn't appear anyone wants to spar so unless you do I'm going to head back home and try again another day." He says, studying the girl. Most Hyuga fought with Taijutsu so he had to admit to himself that it would be pretty fun to fight her. But it looked like she had already been through the ringer and he doubted she wanted to fight him. He stood there and waited for her response, it would of been rude to do anything else, besides the girl might say yes.

WC: 400
Total: 902

Alexa Hyuga

Alexa Hyuga

Her eyes would watch him roll away and up, the Konoha headband visible which confirmed him as being a shinobi of the Village. As was often the case with young shinobi her age or rank, they were looking into measuring their ability. Improving upon skill and speed in hopes to reach new heights. A common practise. Alexa was not so much interested in trying her own skills. She knew she was skilled already. She was a Hyuga after all, pirate or not. But a spar and causing trouble were right up her alley, the sailor thriving in any sort of chaos. Sea, sailing, storm. That was what she lived for.

"You wan' a spar? Jus' go cause trouble somewhere. Not too hard findin' an adventure.", she'd say, taking the bottle of rum out of her pocket again, uncorking it and taking a sip. The warmth of the alcohol burned her throat, the sailor used to this sort of good stuff not reacting much to it. She'd observe him for a moment longer. She was still aching but it would be poor sport not to try and beat him up when she was pretty much given the offer to do so. A nice change compared to the tavern brawls that always ended up having her scolded for being part of it rather than bring them to a halt. In fact, she was often the one starting them too but she was wise enough not to drop that in Administration - the last place to claim bragging rights for a sailor.

Offering the bottle of rum to the boy before her, she'd continue talking. "Could also jus' fight me. Unless ye scared of losing to a girl, that is.". She'd pocket the bottle again once he accepted the offer for a drink and returned the bottle, or if he declined that was fine too. More for her to drink up, just as she liked it. "Name's 'lexa Hyuga. Genin of Konoha, infamous trouble-maker an' sailor. What's yer name, land lubber?"

Total: 820

5Schoolyard Throwdown [Private/No Kill] Empty Re: Schoolyard Throwdown [Private/No Kill] Wed Sep 12, 2018 11:59 am



He was still boggled and intrigued by her accent. Had this Hyuga spent life at sea? If they fought or not, he was interested in learning more of her. Regardless she wore the headband of a Konoha Shinobi so she must be at the very least a Genin. The girl took a bottle from her jacket and takes a swig, before offering it to him. He could smell the bottle from where he stood and politely declined.

"No thanks, i prefer to keep my wits about me. But im not looking for trouble or adventure. The only thing that lights my fire is combat." He says with a smirk. He could see the gears turning in her head as she considered fighting him. It would be a lovely brawl if she decided to, as generally those of the Hyuga clan were excellent fighters. He was worried this girl wouldnt put up as good a fight given she fancied herself a sailor, but he would have to wait and see. He definitely was not going to underestimate her. The girl finally decided on fighting and told Kennosuke he could fight her unless he was scared which made the boy chuckle.  Not because of arrogance but Kennosuke had known little fear in his life. She finally introduced herself and to be honest of she wasn't as infamous as she suggested, as Kennosuke hadn't heard of her.

"Kennosuke Kimura." He as his lips curl into a vicious grin. "Dragon Genin of the Hidden Leaf and soon you will know the might of the Dragon Clan!" His emerald eyes shine with excitement and grin never leaves his face. "Do not hold back Hyuga, because I will not." He spreads his feet slightly, places his left hand on the pummel of his sword, levels his right hand at her and motions for her to 'come get it'. While he looked fairly relaxed, unless this girl was massively fast, he was ready for her to attack him and to launch his own counter attack.


Alexa Hyuga

Alexa Hyuga

He certainly could smile, this dragon of Konoha. Like a young dragon eager to start his hoard of gems, he'd hop onto his legs and take on his opening stance. Hand resting on a pommel left little to the imagination - he used weapons. The question would remain how good he was with them but the range advantage was there. Taking her own place at 5 meter distance from the boy, she'd form the seal of confrontation as a sign she agreed to the spar and sunk into the stance of the Gentle Fist. He seemed relaxed whereas Alexa seemed mostly uncaring. The boy's confidence perhaps stemming from eagerness, self-imposed goals or a good lifestyle. Hers, from the habitual beating she got from a jounin called her father. The beating came mostly from training but the hard way he went about it often left the girl wondering if it wasn't bordering on child abuse. She was, after all, but a genin.

"Aye. Holdin' back is a bore 'nyway.", she'd acknowledge his request and since both of them were ready to rumble, she started off by throwing two shuriken at him. Considering her reaction speed, the shuriken would travel at 5 m/s in his direction, taking only a second to hit him if he didn't dodge. However, that was but a simple distraction forcing him to deal with one thing while she already moved in for another thing. As he'd be forced to deal with the shuriken, Alexa would close the gap between the two and start with a flurry of blows aimed at pressure points on his wrist, arm and shoulders with the intent to numb his muscles. Nothing too harmful, but failing to dodge them would only grant her the advantage in the long run, the Gentle Fist not exactly known for its pure strength but its focus on internal strikes.

Total: 1140

Chakra 250/250:



Kennosuke watches as she settles into a stance and shifts his own weight, his muscles relaxed as he awaited her attack. He had been waiting a good part of the day for this very moment and a calm had settled over him. His eyes took all of in, waiting for that small movement, a small tell that her assault was to begin. She speaks out, that accent made him crack a smile, but he knew what she was getting at. No holding back. He was glad they were on the same page. It would be a knock down drag out fight between the two genin. He was ready for her and knew she would have to get in close, As Hyuga were specialists in Taijutsu. So he waited until she did and would give her a nice surprise when she got close.

~There!~ His mind screams at him as she launches shuriken at him. She was faster than he was, but just barely. He manages to dodge out of the way of the shuriken, but then she is on him. She launches a flurry of blows, a couple of which he managed to fend off, while the rest struck true. It mattered not, as he felt no pain. He took the blows without giving any ground and began building Chakra in his lungs. ~Dodge this!~ His voice echos in the vault of his own mind. She had placed herself right where he wanted her and he fire begins to erupt from his mouth as he unleashes his Great Fireball at nearly pointblank range. Flames would rush from his mouth before forming a 5 meter orb, aimed right at Alexa. An advantage to the Kimura, they could use their Breath jutsu without hand seals so they could be used in a nice surprise attack.



Alexa Hyuga

Alexa Hyuga

Her distraction had succeeded, allowing her to close the small gap between them. Engaged in melee combat it became apparent she had the upper hand. Nothing too bad to deal with considering her soft blows but sufficiently to understand that the fight could basically be ended if he had no means to properly counter her. He'd suddenly take a deep breath in a close quarter combat assault. A tactical error as he found himself with a taijutsu specialist who currently held the upper hand and had shown to be the superior in almost any physical aspect. She'd counter the execution of his technique with a swift sweep of her leg, kicking him up hard as fuuton chakra boosted her strike. As his body flew up 25m through the air, his fireball would come down, the distance sufficiently large for Alexa to jump back and out of its 5m size. The fireball would eat dust, roaring to its death as it did so and leave a scorched mark on the ground.

Fire. Nasty, nasty fire.

By now, her partner would have reached the top of the 25m, left hanging  in the air for a second as her technique's power faltered. He'd now plummet back down the full 25m at speeds of 9.81 m/s since gravity pulled him back to earth, forcing him to crash uncomfortably into the ground if he had no means to regulate his airborne nature. To add insult to injury at his poor position, Alexa stepped a little closer to the place he'd crash, made pistol fingers and grinned before firing off a volley of raiton bullets at him. Firing five rounds off each hand at 15 m/s upwards, combined with him coming down, the impact would be as if he got pelted by raiton bullets travelling at near 25 m/s. Nonetheless, the weak technique would leave him singed with minor 1st degree wounds at best.

Total: 1467




Kennosuke thought he had the female Genin exactly where he wanted her, a nice fireball at point blank range. But suddenly she swept her foot at him in a kick that propelled upwards into the air. As he sails upward, he focus’ his chakra and in a small puff of fire three fire clones appear. All four reach the pentacle of the 25 meter height and in the moment just before they begin to fall, they grab a hold of each other and then push off each other, each of the four being propelled in different different directions. One is pushed right, the other left, one straight down to the ground and the other goes hurtling above Alexa to land behind her. His plan, while being a massive chakra drain should yield nice results.

The Kennosuke that took the right side aims its left hand at Alexa a fires the same Raiton attack that she had just fired. Raiton gathers at the tip of his left two fingers and then is fired at Alexa at 15m/s, firing 15 bullets of tennis ball sized raiton. The one that flew left takes a deep breath, spews five smaller softball sized fireballs into his hand and then fires all five at Alex. The condensed fireballs fly through the air at Alexa at 15m/s. The remaining two land on the ground, one in front of Alexa, one behind her and both draw their sword. It was quite a barrage of attacks from two of the clones, while the real Kennosuke and another clone waited to react to her after the barrage was complete. Tightening his grip on his sword with his right hand, Kennosuke watches the attack unfold before him, while preparing himself to defend himself against another attack. He would have to keep his distance as well as he could for now. Hopefully his barrage would slow her down and let him get a few good hits in with his sword.



Exit Thread

WC Usage: 1500/1870 training Dragon Art: Dragon Shroud.
300/1870 training End and Perception from E-1 to
70/1870 discarded.

10Schoolyard Throwdown [Private/No Kill] Empty Re: Schoolyard Throwdown [Private/No Kill] Fri Oct 19, 2018 3:06 pm

Alexa Hyuga

Alexa Hyuga

Having done little to counter the shock bullets, the raiton would sear the original before he created his clones. Minor wounds of trivial meaning but an advantage nonetheless. As he prepared his counter offensive, the four clones would be pushed to all sides to surround her as they came down to the ground. A classic move used countless time throughout the ages but one that had often proved pointless against a clan rumoured to have 360° vision and boasted an expertise in taijutsu to boot. Well aware that he could not go toe to toe with the Hyuga in a hand to hand combat, her partner was smart enough to opt for a slightly different strategy than an overwhelming 4 to 1 close quarter brawl. A combination of ranged and melee would be the puzzle she had to deal with.

As raiton and katon were being molded, Alexa knew she couldn't deal with the four of them at once. Instead, she opted to go for the element of unexpected heroism, forming hand seals of her own as the bullets were formed. The barrier of her own technique would flare into existence, the bullets would clash heavily with her own chakra but would not suffice to gain the upper hand. With two clones have expended their chakra, they'd disappear, leaving only the original and one of his clones standing against the Hyuga. As the dust would settle to reveal the unscathed genin, so too would her aura flicker and die out like a candle in the wind. Taking a look left and right to see what remainined, Alexa understood the do or die strategy the boy had attempted... and the miscalculations in them.

"Nice try but ye got ta keep yer clones aroun' if ye wan' to intimidate yer opponent. The two of ye by yerself are no challenge to me at this point."

A bold claim but one not entirely based on just old pirate tales as the Hyuga regularly ended up in a bar fight of her own. Though she had yet to figure out which one the real one was, she had still techniques available at her disposal to swiftly take either one out and use them as a meat shield if so needed. With sore muscles, however, this training was getting a tad to hot and heavy to her liking.

"Keep it up an' ye'll be a shinobi to be reckoned with, I recon.", she said acknowledging his potential before taking a swig of the rum bottle and passing the last bit to the boy. Clone or real one, it mattered none who got the bottle as long as they enjoyed it. "Have a good un."

Throwing her hands in her neck, she'd walk away from the spar, back to the road she had left to meet him and further onward the path she had initially intended to take. A path leading to grass and lush trees, throwing their shadows over her as a shelter against the peaking sun of Konoha. Once she'd finish her casual stroll through the greens, she'd slowly return home while passing the large lake in the middle of the forest.

OOC: My apologies for the delay. Busy life got busy...
Your clones were not allocated any chakra, so it's fair to assume they used up all their chakra to perform their jutsu.



Total: 2001

All stats: E-3 ~> D-3 2000 of 7375

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