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1Sparring to train jutsu[Kejido] Empty Sparring to train jutsu[Kejido] Fri Sep 14, 2018 1:25 pm



The day was finally here as Makoto had finished reading some of the books he got from the library as he took time to rewrite them in his own words in his little note book he hid inside a hidden compartment, hidden inside a floorboard, which was further hidden beneath the real floor board which was hidden beneath the carpeting which was further hidden by a small rock that stood on top of the spot with the words engraved on it.

'Jutsu is my shinobi way'

Makoto understood that he was told to bring all his gear as he made preparations. The first thing he equipped was his rather new light fiber vest that he put on under a loose white t-shirt with the words 'Jutsu Life' written on the front near the chest area. He stretched his arms out a bit as he scratched his head slightly as he wondered if he should really cut his hair now as it had gone past his shoulders now as he just tucked that extra bit into his t-shirt. He then put his headband around his neck to better keep the hair in place as he wondered if he should get a hair tie for later on. After that makoto would put his shield on as he let it rest on his back, then he equipped the short tanto into the weapon slot inside his shield as he did not want to use it unless he was forced to. Makoto then checked out his plain black shorts and decided to fill the pockets with two shuriken in each pocket.

Makoto then decided to just put the extra shuriken in his left pocket, then he placed one kunai in his left pocket and the remaining two in his right pocket to balance things out as he felt he would need to get more equipment in the future. After doing this he got his over cloak as he put it on the blue was his own unique pick for the color as it covered his upper body hiding his shield from behind, though not perfectly hidden if one looked carefully enough at his back, otherwise it would be unclear what was hidden there at best since the shield did not stand out too much since it was made small to suit him. Having an idea Makoto carefully hid his blanket by carefully putting it on like a really fat scarf as it did not bother him in the slightest since you could only see a bit of it sticking out since the cloak covered the rest.

With all of his gear equipped he got out his book of trained techniques, which had been encrypted for Makoto's understanding. The first technique was written as 'dan, dan, dan, dah' and the second technique written as 'dan, dan, dan, duh' and so on as he had learned to memorize certain things and also had some other nonsense mixed in as well since this was his private little jutsu collection book. He also wanted to learn about jutsu he could not use as well as ways to defeat said jutsu as well. There was however one kind of jutsu that Makoto disliked with an intense passion, as he made his way out towards the battle his arms hidden away as well as he arrived at the meeting location as the wind blew forth with a gust of fervor as if a battle was about to take place as he would finally have a chance to test out some of his new jutsu in battle.

Makoto felt a bit excited since he found it hard to get training partners for some reason, no one from his academy days cared about him since he was so lacking in talent, some of them graduating at ten and eleven while he only graduated around the age of twelve as he wished he had the strength to make them realize their mistake. He did not have the strongest body in the world, which is why he did not do well in taijutsu efforts and he was not really fast either as he wondered what he would do in this battle. He was lacking in all areas and even running away was never a real option, let alone his lacking defense as he began to wonder if his life would be easier if he had a partner by his side.

Words = 739

All Gear Equipped

2Sparring to train jutsu[Kejido] Empty Re: Sparring to train jutsu[Kejido] Sat Sep 15, 2018 2:28 am



Kejido had been scouting out the area but as of yet he had only mapped out the territory around it. For some reason every time he got close he would find himself suddenly at a different location than he had intended. Suspicious of this he had begun mapping out the area and had found a large square in the map he could not enter. Even knowing it was there he continuously was driven away from being able to walk into it. Still that had taken a couple of days of his time and now, now he had an appointment to keep. That boy who had helped him find the document had as far as he knew not reported him. There was no one looking for anyone matching his description and when he had returned to the library no one bothered to give him more than a glance. Having tested the waters he was rather pleased that the boy would let him have his victory. However little he knew of it he was letting it slide which was enough. Still this wasn't really a fight. This was meant to be instructional for the boy. The question was really what lesson to teach without being unfair? He would need to test the boy to see his limits first.

Still he had woken up after a nap in his apartment. Stepping from his king sized bed onto the hardwood floor and moving to the bathroom. It was a lavish place. Marble counter top kitchen with a living room next to a balcony looking over the village. One bedroom with a bathroom and a walk in closet. Simple but lavish. He was a bachelor after all. He would shower before drying off and getting dressed in the clothes he had put aside for the day. A pair of black cargo pants would be slipped on with the covers over the pockets removed. In the pockets by the knee's he would slip in two flash bombs into each. A total of four. In his normal pockets he would place a smoke bomb in each. A total of two. Around his arms he would wrap a scroll around each forearm. The words senbon scribbled into each. Once those were wrapped tightly and tied down he would slip on his black turtleneck. Followed by black gloves with grips on the inside of the fingers. Finally he would slip on his combat boots and then his Iwagakure flack jacket. The grey jacket would simply cover his shoulders and midsection but leave his arms bare. Four kunai were strapped to the chest piece in two rows of two. With that he collected his giant shuriken and lifted it with one hand feeling the weight of it. Before strapping it to his back with a single rope wrapped around from his right waist to his left shoulder twice. To top it all off he would pick up a pair of identical tonfa and spin them before placing those too into his belt on either side of his waist.

With that all done he turned left then right. Feeling the limitations and finding them acceptable. Finally he would head for the door. Pausing a moment before collecting his headband. Undoing the cloth tied down in layers to the metal plate stitched into it and using it as a bandanna over his hair with the Iwagakure plate centered on his forehead. With that he would head out the door. Locking it behind him with his keys and letting them poof into smoke into his arm scroll. Smiling as he moved from his apartment through the hall to the elevator. Greeting the doorman on his way out. Some small talk about work for the village today and then he was off. It would take him a minute to reach the meeting place. Reaching the gate and yawning as he got permission to go outside for a spar. Once that was done he would head down the road so he was just outside of sight of the gate itself. Towering mountainside hung over him to either side and where he stood was simple plains with scattered rocks. Not far enough out for the farmland as of yet and no settlement here. It would be good for two ninja of their rank to go at it without worrying about the cost of their battle to others. His silver eyes would look back down the road as he awaited his would be sparring partner. Looking every bit the professional soldier he was. More soldier than shinobi since his clan enlisted into the military. He himself was part of the nations army and part of the village at the same time.

all equipment but the radios equipped

3Sparring to train jutsu[Kejido] Empty Re: Sparring to train jutsu[Kejido] Sat Sep 15, 2018 8:22 pm



As time seemed to be passing them by, Makoto would finally notice the presence of someone else as he looked up towards the one who kept his promise as an excitement started to build up inside as his face turned really serious. The intensity in his eyes as the wind blew through his hair as his fringe flowed over the center of his face, while he prepared to finally get in some practical training in order to master his new ninjutsu.

The mountains were large as this was the hidden rock village as it seemed they would prepare for battle in a more open area. The plains had rocks that were scattered here and there that could probably be a nuisance if he did not choose a good method to clear them or make use of them. He moved towards his opponent and potential teacher as he approached he stopped being careful not to unveil his equipment as he bowed slightly still viewing Kejido as he let his hands show slightly as he made a friendly hand seal dictating they would be having a friendly battle of sorts. It was a bit of a formality, but he understood to respect his seniors as he took a deep breathe and spoke.

"Hi, Kejido-senpai, please take good care of me"

After that Makoto would then stand proudly keeping his arms hidden beneath his cloak as he took a deep breath as he formed the snake hand seal hidden beneath it, as he was careful not to lift up the cloak to reveal his hand seal. He would await for the greeting from Kejido and as soon as the training was initiated he would begin with his first ninjutsu he had not yet tried out.

As soon as the battle began he would spit out a stream of water between him and his opponent that will cover a four meter radius as it travels forward up to twenty meters which can remove the ability for his opponent to run, dash or make high speed movements without slipping and sliding in place. This technique was to prevent a direct engagement from his opponent as well as a method of creating a source of water for use in other techniques after. It would be something he can make use of now or later, it had a pretty good lasting time, but was not that powerful of a technique. However he was uncertain of his opponent's ability.

He would follow up that technique, unless he was interrupted as he would form the tiger hand seal and point his fingers out like a gun and fire a water bullet directly at Kejido-senpai. A ring of water would form around his fingers and some of the items in his pockets may have become visible now, but he was not really in a position to hide things as he would blast out a four meter radius water wave which would become a river as it was more like a river blast then a water gun, but the naming of the technique was based more on the unique way he performed the hand seal in the shape of a gun of sorts. The blast looked more like a hydro pump then anything else as it would blast towards his senpai in hopes that he could witness some great skill, however it was unclear what he would witness or have to learn at this point as he aimed to turn this world into a wet battle field as he had other ideas running through his mind.

Words = 739 + 598 = 1337
Chakra = 250-10(D-rank)-15(C-rank if applicable) = 225/250

Jutsu in thread:

4Sparring to train jutsu[Kejido] Empty Re: Sparring to train jutsu[Kejido] Fri Sep 21, 2018 5:19 pm



Kejido would nod at the sign of respect from the other. His own hands idly resting on his own tonfa. His silver eyes studying the boy across from him. His books had a strong indication of ninjutsu but that cloak was hiding most of his person. Naturally Kejido would assume it was done on purpose. The initial attack would be a sneak attack. Not too subtle this one. Still he would accept that some thought and strategy was being employed here. It wasn't just a toss jutsu around like a fool type of battle. Still Kejido wondered how much battle experience this kid had. Would he start of strong or test the waters first? What elements and specs did this kid have? Was he stronger than he looked maybe? A series of questions with no possible answers without first witnessing it. Still he seemed respectful. Likely if he was holding some really harmful jutsu as an ace up his sleeve he would be careful not to kill with it. Not that Kejido would let his guard down that easily. Still the kid would speak a wish to have Kejido take good care of him. So he was to teach but not be abusive? Man this was likely going to hurt.

"Sure thing kiddo. Don't go to far yourself. Jutsu might seem easily controlled at lower levels but in the heat of the moment a thin cut in the right spot could cost me an eye."

Kejido would wink at him about that before it appeared that the pleasantries were over. He of course wasn't one for pleasantries outside of the military courts. Soldiers he often trained with were more rough around the edges than himself but he was likely to pick up some bad habits from them. Still he would shift his right hand up to his neck. Placing it there as he turned his neck one way and then the other as it cracked a couple times. In his mind he knew this was going to be a head ache. Still the first move would dictate the progress of the rest of it. And with only subtle movements under the cloak the boy across from him would open his mouth. Water gushing out with some force as it entirely blocked the view between them. Great...he was essentially starting this off with that was like vomiting on everything. Still Kejido would focus chakra down to his feet and suddenly burst forward. Using the moment when vision would be cut off between them to cross his arms over his face and smash through the wall of water.

On the other side of the slippery liquid he would suddenly crash through it on the side with the boy. Already he was finishing another hand seal and this time lifting his hand like a gun. However Kejido was already upon him. Snatching the boys wrist with his own hand if he could and pushing the aim to the side. Letting the torrent go off and crash into a nearby rock chipping off the surface. However Kejido would simply place a light tap with the back of his free hand on the kids gut. No real pain or anything but still making a point. He was however also keeping tabs on the kids other hand. Not wishing to grow over confident about what he could not see. Still he would speak regarding the attack combo.

"Starting off strong is a good move. While concealing your movements at that. However you should study an opponent and be more reserved. Launching off jutsu in rapid succession against an unknown opponent will only serve to weaken you. A patient opponent will let you whittle yourself down and then strike once your tired. Now, I am a taijutsu specialist. If I am this close to you, do you have any rapid cast jutsu to persuade me to gain distance for my own safety? Anything you can expel quickly enough that I am less likely to stop you? What is your plan once placed in a situation where you are trapped into hand to hand combat in close range with someone who prefers it more than you do?"


5Sparring to train jutsu[Kejido] Empty Re: Sparring to train jutsu[Kejido] Tue Sep 25, 2018 7:10 am



It seemed that Makoto expected things to go better then they did as it seemed like it was over before it even began. The first technique he used was avoided with the main counter for this technique, the super natural walking practice as it seemed his opponent did not dare step on the water normally or take any detours, however he could not stop to think if he would be fast enough since he would not know anything unless he tried as he prepared his second technique right after that one to get the opponent only to learn something that became a bit more clearer to him now.

It seems that even though he could still see the opponent coming towards him and knew that he should probably try to create more space or change his tactics. However there was one thing he had to know, and with this he finally knew it as the waves came crashing into a nearby rock as he looked up close at the man who seemed to be doing all of this effortlessly. Makoto felt the tap near his gut, though it did not hurt physically it was a severe mental blow he took at that moment that told him his opponent was on a level far greater then his as he did not want to accept it deep down inside.

He did not move at all as he listened to his opponent provide him with some guidance, telling him that starting off strong was a good move and that concealing his movements was also rather good as well. He said that Makoto should study his opponent more and reserve his judgement on what actions to take, however he felt there was no mistake in his actions as he discovered something out of the exchange. Makoto understood that wasting techniques to get the initiative could be a disadvantage, but in a sparring match where the main objective was to learn and improve it was best to see how far those techniques could get him in combat or in missions.

He heard that an opponent with patients would wear him down and wait for the moment he showed fatigue to strike at his vulnerable state, however there was something else that Makoto did not want to let go of, a truth that he wanted to prove more then anything else. He learned that this person was a taijutsu specialist which explained everything, it reminded him of that crazy explosive fist master known as Maikeru who seemed to disappear after the events in Sunagakure.

It was at this time that Makoto looked down in shame at feeling defeated, but he had his resolve and gave his most honest reply. "I was hoping I would be fast enough, I tried to develop faster techniques and they ended up being too weak. I could fight you with my weapons, but as long as you holding me I can not fight like this. I do have a technique though, but I have not finished training it yet. You a taijutsu user, how do you deal with someone who is stronger and faster then you?" as he looked curiously at the one who was teaching him having answered as calmly as he could. For the time being he wanted to engage more, but he could not take on his opponent the way he would take on someone of equal standing.

After hearing the reply from Kejido on what he would do given the problem he was facing, Makoto would then proceed to ask him after that. "Would it be okay, if I tried a different tactic this time."

If he was allowed to he would then step back a bit and then perform the clone seal to bring forth up to three Makoto's made of water. "This is the only way, I stand any chance of keeping up with you"

Even if there was a difference in speed, at least one or two of him could use a technique at a time, not to mention he would be able to use numbers. However this time he would not be as careless or as carefree as earlier as all the clones and himself included would be even more vigilant this time and would scope out the opponent and spread out to start surrounding him. If he chose to flee they would do their best to follow, however in a training session fleeing was a waste of both of their times. He could have drawn out his weapon from his back earlier, but he figured his opponent could punch him in the face faster then he could get his sword out to strike back. How would Kejido respond to this tactic and what more could he learn from this opponent of his.

Words = 1337 + 801 = 2138

Chakra = 225 - 15(if allowed to use clone technique)- 60(20x3) clone = 150/250
Water Clone 1-3 = 20/20


6Sparring to train jutsu[Kejido] Empty Re: Sparring to train jutsu[Kejido] Thu Sep 27, 2018 6:24 pm



"I was hoping I would be fast enough, I tried to develop faster techniques and they ended up being too weak. I could fight you with my weapons, but as long as you holding me I can not fight like this. I do have a technique though, but I have not finished training it yet. You a taijutsu user, how do you deal with someone who is stronger and faster then you?" Well it was an honest enough answer. He would release the kids wrist and hop back about one meter before rolling his shoulder and talking with one eye opened watching the kid. "If the opponent is faster than you, even low damage techniques would be warranted. If you can't land it those bigger attacks just don't count for much without cornering them. If someone is out of my league in both speed and strength I am already on the defensive. Escape is my go to for that but if they know they are stronger and don't intend to let me escape, its all about survival until an opening is provided. Did you know I went a match with the winner of the chunnin exams? She had an impenetrable shield around her but had to maintain it. While it wasn't exciting my match became distraction tactics and avoidance. She relented the match without having been engaged once. Understand?"

He would nod as if satisfied with his own boast before the kid would ask to try a new tactic. He would nod before watching the new strategy. Oooh a clone technique. That was an interesting answer. So multiples of himself from different positions would engage him. It was effective. However they would all seem to split up. Choosing to counter him at a range again. In response he would shift his hand to his back to unclip the giant shuriken. Gripping it by the ring as he pulled it around. Focusing a small amount of chakra into it for a substitution technique. With that he would wink at the center one before chucking it at chest level. It was quick but easy to dodge since he likely knew it was coming. If he dodged it the weapon would simply smash into the ground a couple meters behind him. Regardless it was only designed to catch attention. The moment it hit him, was caught or began to pass him a flash bomb would go off. A brilliant flash of light flooding the area and blinding anyone looking at the attack.

With that Kejido would zip over to his left and upon the first clone at a superior speed by far. Reaching out in an attempt to grip its arm and turn it behind him during the distraction. Holding him by his wrist in a firm grip if he could so he was restrained while Kejido's other hand would shift to seize his other wrist. Standing behind him and looking to the other two he turned the clone to face. "Now we have a new issue. One of your own is captured. You are too far away to assist him before I can harm him, and if you move to flank I can hurt him. You can't fire anything ranged without hitting him. Once more if you have an instant cast jutsu your clone could still harm me. However the moment he tries to use a hand sign I will disperse him. You still have options though. What will you do?" Kejido knew the clone could be dispersed and at the range he was at the boy was better off firing his ranged jutsu. He just wanted to see if the kid could bring himself to that conclusion on his own.

290/300 Substitution prepped, Supernatural practice still active

7Sparring to train jutsu[Kejido] Empty Re: Sparring to train jutsu[Kejido] Wed Oct 03, 2018 4:26 pm



Makoto had many feelings at the time as it still plagued his mind earlier that while his eyes could keep up, his body could not follow through in order to stop him in time. He felt relief as Kejido released his wrist and jumped back setting him free, however it would not change the fact that in the beginning of the exchange he was already defeated. His sparring partner was not someone he had any advantages over that he knew of, so far all he knew was that he had to deal with a taijutsu user, the greatest enemy of ninjutsu masters.

Kejido began explaining that even if the technique was weak and did not do much, that it meant nothing if it could not hit the target. He also mentioned how it would not matter even if the technique had the power and cornering them was more important when you lacked speed. So right now he was told it was all about defense so he had an idea, but he was hoping not to have to use that technique right now.

Makoto would take note of what was said to him as he had an idea he just had to try, a tactic that had not succeeded him before, but he was not going to let go of the option of using this technique. Makoto had formed the clone seal and created three clones of himself in order to give him the hope of a numbers advantage, his opponent could simply use a clone technique of his own if he wanted. Though right now he had to just do his best and see how far he could reach as each of the Makoto's had a purpose, something he had long decided since it was obvious that he would need to use everything at his disposal in order to pull it off.

Some of the makoto's noticed the movement to the back as they too made movements of their own. The main Makoto drew out his shield and tanto as he watched as a weapon flew forth towards him, though it was not moving as efficiently as he was expecting almost as if it was not meant to hit, or maybe he was just better prepared as Makoto just barely dodged it as the other makoto's did what they had to do.

The Makoto clones that were next to each other performed a combination technique as the first one to the furthest left of Makoto formed the dog hand seal as water would form near the feet as it seemed there were now three different bodies of water scattered with the stream of the water gun still flowing and the slippery stream that still laid across the field of combat. However this pond was both a decoy as well as a support for other techniques as the makoto's hand seals were hidden beneath the cloak itself.

The makoto next to that one just focused on using his technique if needed. However something strange had occurred as the shuriken passed the makoto furthest right turned to see a flash of light which caused him to lose his sight, though it confirmed that at the very least it was not a simple shuriken style technique as the main Makoto was glad he entrusted his back to his clone who suffered the aftermath flinching from this flash of light.

The Makoto on the right was caught off guard by the skillful Kejido as they seemed a bit confused for a moment as Makoto kept a serious look on his face as the clone had this look of disappointment as if knowing this was a bit careless. It seems this was a simple hostage taking as he stated that one of his own was captured and that using ranged techniques would be dangerous since they could hit the clone, while at the same time he could not reach the clone in time. However the preparations were set as he did not seem worried at all.

The captured clone was blinded and new already what to do. The clone did not require instruction and performed the hidden mist technique while the original makoto performed the hidden mist droplet reflection sight technique in order to get a good view as much as he would want to save his target, against someone stronger you would have to make a sacrifice at times. Even though saving everyone is ideal, he knew better then to expect the world to be that kind as he would use that cover in order to perform his attack on both targets. However the usage of the pond was not simply for this as a mist coat would also form inside of there to protect the clone as Makoto used his strongest technique.

He would blast forth several balls of fire around ten of them that would all be aimed at Kejido as he would also aim a few at possible new locations he would move to. It was not a sacrificial attack, but a combination that relied on the clone defending itself while being used as a method of pinning down his opponent as he would release all this as his eyes would focus keeping track of Kejido as the other water clone who was free would toss various kunai and shuriken towards Kejido in a scattered formation to limit his movements when if he came out of the mist.

Makoto would wait to see the outcome of this combination, though part of this combination was performed to hide details from the rest of the combination itself since the mist form would be hidden away by the mist and the hand seals required for the technique were also being hidden too. In the end how successful would this exchange be for Makoto

Words = 2138 + 973 = 3111

Chakra = 150 - 5(mist variant D-rank) - 15(C-rank offensive) = 130/250
Water Clone 1 = 20 - 10 = 10/20
Water Clone 2 = 20/20
Water Clone 3 = 20 - 5 - 5 = 10/20 uses 2 mist techniques of D-rank each (Captured Clone)


8Sparring to train jutsu[Kejido] Empty Re: Sparring to train jutsu[Kejido] Fri Oct 05, 2018 12:03 am



Kejido would feel the pressure of a defensive jutsu forcing him off the clone as it expanded as quickly as the mist around him. Blocking off his vision and likely placing him at the disadvantage now. He would smile at this bit though. A smoke grenade popping into his hand as he idly pulled the pin. He knew an attack was coming for him but he was far from concerned. He had prepared for this after all. He had not been of a mind to underestimate this boy so entirely that he would be placed at a severe disadvantage such as being caught blind and cornered. Not this easily anyway. Still from an outside view it would appear like everything hit him while he stood there. Smoke pouring out of the grenade in his hand as weapons and jutsu alike would smash into him. Like he had no ability to react in time. By all appearances he was finished and badly so. However there would instead of the sound of his body falling be a poof noise within the smoke as several objects clattered down to the ground where he had been standing. Some of the fireballs smashing into the clones defensive jutsu with little effect.

Kejido had to admit it was a good combo. Those attacks had been far to accurate for the others to be blinded by the mist too. Could they see in it somehow? What an interesting combination to use. Had he not already prepared an escape out of it he might of been in some trouble and put on the defensive. For a bit anyway the kid showed tactical promise. Still he would pop a second smoke grenade from where he subbed out with his giant shuriken before. As smoke began to pour out he would toss it down to the ground by the boys feet and whistle to get his attention. Only once the boy was looking at him would he swipe his right hand and send out the invisible chakra wave. Attempting to infect the boys system with what he wanted him to see. Or in this case see and feel. If he looked at Kejido suddenly in his mind he would be cut deeply in a vital spot on his arm. Not in a kill him kind of way but his dominant arm would go limp if it worked. Dropping his shield. Of course Kejido wasn't waiting to see if it worked. Already he was on top of him again. This time catching the shield and using it to block any counter attack with the other hand and tanto. Before sticking his foot behind the boys ankle and shoving forward with his shoulder. A simple take down.

One way or another he would force his will onto the boy. Going down on top of him. Planting one knee on his dead arm, the shield being used to pin down the other hand as his remaining knee would be used to turn the boys face away from him. Hardly any of it would hurt but there was a pressure there. Holding him forcefully. Making sure neither hand could point at him nor could the mouth. However his free hand would shift as if bringing a senbon out of nowhere. Shifting it as smoke made it so it was hard to see if not for Kejido being right on top of him. The senbon would shift and stop just beneath his exposed armpit on his armed arm. Still Kejido would smile before explaining.

"Now here is the trick. That feeling of me cutting your arm? All in your head. Its a genjutsu. A style some shinobi like myself also focus in. You learned in the academy how to break out of it but now it won't do much good at this point. Know when to call it kiddo. Disperse your clones and lets be done with this. Unless you think you know a way out of this before I can plunge this very real needle into your vital spot. A stab wound there just deep enough, you have only a few minutes to seek medical attention before the blood loss gets you."

9Sparring to train jutsu[Kejido] Empty Re: Sparring to train jutsu[Kejido] Thu Oct 11, 2018 1:22 pm



Makoto using what was made available to him in order to see what was going on within the mist, witnessed his opponent equip some strange device as the mist form defense would more then likely keep the clone safe, while the other clone was still standing on guard with his partner after pond creation it would be rather easy to perform a follow up technique from the back up clone. He launched his technique regardless as he bombarded the area it seemed his plan would be simple, though he would not completely let his guard down as he would do his best to keep track of the situation.

The shinobi had done something unexpected or more to the point it was expected of Kejido to escape, but he did not really have the reaction time to keep up even if he knew it was coming as the other two free clones began to converge to his location only for it to become shrouded in smoke, Makoto would have to make something to deal with this smoke later on or perhaps a filtration device of sorts or even a smoke consuming fire ninjutsu would do the trick. There was a whistle as Makoto's ears perked up to the clear sound that came from Kejido's mouth having used a replacement which was more then likely that shuriken from earlier.

Makoto began to think that he should have used some form of sensory technique to pick up on this earlier or done more to defend against it, but there was no time to focus on that here and now as the time would come later on. For some reason after seeing a swipe of the hand he lost feeling in his right arm and the shield just dropped as he took this to be a serious issue as he shouted out. "Here!!"

As he cried out he felt the engagement as he tried to clash back with his sword as it clashed against his shield, he knew this feeling all too well as the clones all gathered to his location. The clones did not attack, but they did stop as it seemed his opponent was now giving an explanation of the situation as Makoto did not resist much as his arm was held down and that senbon looked to be suspicious. The first thing he mentioned was the loss of using his arm was the use of genjutsu, because of the timing of the situation he mistook it for being an actual cut and just worked from there, so since it was such a natural attack he did not perceive it to be an illusion. Then again this also played to the fact that Kejido showed his prowess earlier making him believe it was easily possible to have done that without the use of genjutsu.

The clones just stood there as he thought to himself. They seemed to reach an agreement as the clones lowered there weapons as he was originally planning to attack, but felt it was pointless as he found out he had learned quite a bit from the exchange already.

"You win again, do you know of better ways to deal with genjutsu, I could have maybe escaped now too, but then you could just use another genjutsu on me to keep me from escaping... "
as he gave an honest reply. He figured if it was that easy to be caught in genjutsu then any escapes or counters he had would end up just wasting chakra and energy. While the genjutsu user would be able to set up other things in the mean time, he really needed to know a better way to deal with these kinds of problems.

Words = 3111 + 621 = 3732

10Sparring to train jutsu[Kejido] Empty Re: Sparring to train jutsu[Kejido] Sat Oct 13, 2018 2:31 am



Kejido's attack had worked for the most part it appeared. He had approached the source of the target power and had the opportunity to eliminate it. Of course the clones were already converging on his location with good response time but it would have been too late. He already had the best position he could hope for where he was. Maneuvering and positioning should always be reasonably kept in mind. Anyone with even remotely traditional training would know the obvious move he had used. It was common practice to use substitution jutsu to re position to a favorable space. Either by avoiding an attack or what was less commonly used was placing ones self in a more ready position for attacking with a more favorable result. He was a melee fighter so that usually meant getting in closer. Of course he hadn't expected the kid would win this encounter but at the same time had received a passing grade. Shifting through tactics and increasing his numbers was a decent move. It just hadn't been expanded upon enough due to lack of experience. That would come with time though. This was meant to be a learning experience. Not a beat down.

Still the smoke was already beginning to clear a little even if the air was still thick with the smell. His sharp eyes would pick out the clones having shifted nearby. For a moment it looked like he wouldn't take the advice and would press the attack. A costly decision. However even if his directions were not accurately followed the clones did lower their weapons and appear compliant. Kejido would frown all the same. Why not disperse them? Did he intend to continue if the lesson was over? Would he press Kejido into actually hurting him? It seemed odd but for now Kejido would not assume the worst. If the kid did attempt to rush him...he was prepared to disperse them with force. For now though he simply got up and with him helped haul the kid to his feet with a hand under his arm. The senbon in the hand a moment ago seemingly gone. Still he would help brush some grass and dirt off the kid as he spoke. Listening to him suggest he had a way out. That would have been impressive to see. Still his arm would still seem to hang limp for the moment so Kejido would speak up. If the kid did regain use of his arm he would hand him back the shield as he spoke.

"Well first is the use of genjutsu kai. The technique you learned in the academy. Use it now to regain use of your arm. As for defending against genjutsu there are two ways that are commonly utilized. The first is the use of sensory jutsu. Highly underestimated within the shinobi ranks. Sensory if used correctly can give you insight into the enemies next course of action before their body ever does. Even if your eyes are tricked the sensory is usually not. If used correctly. The second is simpler. Much like any jutsu the chakra has to reach you to harm you. A full body defense will likely block most genjutsu triggers. Not all mind. Lastly there is an uncommon and rather nasty way to get out of genjutsu. Pain is the key to salvation if you need out of a genjutsu and can't afford the loss of chakra. However this is less commonly used as you will now be injured simply to rid yourself of an illusion. Body before mind or mind before body. The choice is yours."

11Sparring to train jutsu[Kejido] Empty Re: Sparring to train jutsu[Kejido] Sun Oct 21, 2018 3:47 am



Makoto did little to resist as he was raised up from the ground as he kept replaying what had happened earlier over and over in his head. The first battle he used water to take away some of the usable terrain, but his opponent used the super natural walking practice so he would need to find a way to better use it, perhaps hide it in the hidden mist technique or use some other technique to hide his intention. He also needed to find ways to promote less seal usage to prevent his opponent from engaging him before he could react. Though it was mainly an issue of speed at this stage, but the next part that was important to note was if he had been faster maybe it was more fifty fifty, but in the world of shinobi there were no guarantees and sometimes being slower or weaker was a given. You could not really use it as an excuse in battle, but it was something you could touch on in training or simple sparring sessions.

The second encounter he used his clones to help cover for the gap in speed and reactions by simply having more of himself to go around, he was able to avoid the shuriken that apparently was the trap from the start. If he had some form of sensory he may have noticed sooner that the entire plan was to use that to get his attention, while originally it was used as a flash to distract him, but it was also masking the fact that the shuriken had a deeper meaning and purpose to close in on him. His two duo clones seemed to work well as a combo, but the third one that was left alone was singled out rather easily, though the mist was able to help him cut off a direct attack and also helped to hide the defensive technique his clone used. At the same time he was able to pinpoint where to attack in the mist using his new found technique to see through the mist, however that alone was not enough as he realized in the end it still came down to the same problem. His reactions were not enough to keep up and even though he had a counter at this rate his opponent did not simply have an advantage in strength and speed alone.

After the two exchanges what became apparent was that Kejido had both the strength, the skills and the experience that he was no match for at this time. He also could not co-ordinate better with how little he knew about Kejido's combat style not to mention he was rather weak against taijutsu users to begin with. While thinking of this he had this look of deep reflection on the events as he looked down deep in thought about these two scenarios as some of the grass and dirt was brushed off from him. It was still frustrating losing not just once, but twice in a fashion that showed he was nowhere near to a match for this guy. Kejido mentioned a genjutsu as Makoto focused for a bit and performed the genjutsu kai technique, it took him a while as he was not sure about this being a genjutsu from the start. After that he was given back his mighty shield as he slotted his sword back inside the inner compartment before putting the shield back on his back.

Sensory jutsu seemed to be far more important then he realized as it was mentioned to him he realized that in the end if you had better senses you would pick up on a lot more problems in combat, but he had this worried feeling deep down inside that it was not as simple as he was thinking. A mental defense would be something he would need to think on as he felt that doing that with ninjutsu may take too long, but he began to wonder if he was going about it in the wrong way as he began to focus a bit as he was having this idea as he thought to himself. He immediately ignored the pain solution since the genjutsu that hit him was a genjutsu that made you feel pain, so that technique itself may not work if you happen to already be in pain, how would you know if the pain was ever an illusion and that the pain just got worse somewhere else.

Perhaps the most important part of all was to develop a better genjutsu kai and a faster ninjutsu to deal with taijutsu, but then it occurred to Makoto that Kejido had a strange combination of two completely different styles that seemed to work well together. The taijutsu was strong for inflicting pain, but needed you to close in on a target. Using genjutsu to delay his opponent and then engage as he thought about that if the genjutsu did not hit him he would have had at least his shield in the way and while he could have probably struck with his sword at the time he did not have the confidence for that much. However he did have a ninjutsu he could have used in that moment, but the truth was he did not want to reveal it to anyone. Since he wanted to wait until he mastered his other jutsu to use it better. In the end he did focus on some of his other ninjutsu training that had fallen behind after the events of what happened here.

"Thanks for the advice, Kejido-senpai", as he bowed his head forward politely. "When you have some time, could we do this again?"

Words = 3732 + 952 = 4684

12Sparring to train jutsu[Kejido] Empty Re: Sparring to train jutsu[Kejido] Tue Oct 30, 2018 7:23 pm



Kejido would run his gloved hand through his hair a moment before shifting it to his shoulder to roll it slightly. The difference of actual combat experience was clear. The point was not to abuse but to learn though. It was however said that one learned more by losing than one did by winning. Still the other had likely learned a few things. His eyes shifted to the fading mist as the clones faded. They had attacked with coordination and accuracy though. Had he not been prepared the situation may have proved more dubious than he had planned for. Still that was what he would take away from all this. A reminder that preparation was its own vigilance. Still the boy speaking again would draw his attention as a head was bowed to him. In turn he would bow his head but not as much. He was of a higher station after all. The kid had thanked him for his advice and even suggested trying again some time. Ahh now he was already feeling drained from just the thought. Someone mentally planning and preparing to target him in a spar. He would need to find the motivation to task himself with much the same. Still he would speak in response.

"Sure sure. Though your drive is more impressive than my own. Likely you won't find me as helpful next time. One parting thought...perhaps make an aura or barrier or something of the sort. Punish those who would cross too close to you unprepared. You command the elements outside of your body. Put it to use. With that though I am off to find a bite to eat. Don't push yourself too hard now. Chow."

He would idly wave a hand next to his head as he turned around himself to head back to the village. He wasn't sure why he had given that advice. Especially to someone who he would likely be fighting in the future. After all the challenge had been put forth. He would place his hands in his pockets as he walked and sigh. Man this was all a drag. If that guy surrounded himself with fire than he would literally have to voluntarily jump into an oven to do anything about it. What a pain. Still for now his thoughts would drift to something good to eat. He had swiped a small bit of money from the kid during the exchange after all. Might as well have some good grub.

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13Sparring to train jutsu[Kejido] Empty Re: Sparring to train jutsu[Kejido] Wed Oct 31, 2018 10:41 am



The words spoken by Kejido-senpai seemed to have an air of modesty
However he was too inexperienced to tell if it was just plain honesty.
With that said Kejido-senpai left him with a parting thought
That he should perhaps create and aura or barrier which he had already used when they fought.
However it was because the technique was hidden within the mist
That it would not be revealed by Kejido's iron fist.

With all that said Kejido-senpai left to go have a bite to eat
As Makoto stood left behind swallowing the pain of defeat
However he would learn from this and stand firm on his feat
So he could also swallow victory and not have to perform a skillful retreat

He finally got back to his new home as he entered the door silently as if sneaking into his own home
Welcoming himself to his home no parents or family
Preparing himself for that moment in reality
He had not seen it coming as it was no fantasy
The notice was here and he knew that it was destiny

That time of the year had come and it was his moment
A moment in time when he would have to prepare
He would leave the announcers with no room to comment
He will create a jutsu that will leave everyone in a stone cold glare

He was not there to make friends and he was not there to show himself off
He was there to make them embrace the beautiful art of ninjutsu
He also wanted to be rewarded with stuff
As he knew now what it was that he would have to do

Makoto dropped all his weapons on the floor of his casual area, then proceeded to get dressed into his shinobi combat pyjama's and then took out his contact lenses as they were slightly irritating to his eyes. However he did not go straight to sleep, he decided to calm down as he brought the palm of his hand towards his chest and felt his heart beat, it was faster then it should be as the excitement began to build up. His time would soon come, the rise of the chuunin exams the greatest stage of them all in what was more like a free for all to be known as the best genin ever.

Words = 3732 + 952 = 4684 + 395 = 5076
Training D-Rank Jutsu(6) = 750(6) = 4500 (Nise Shoryuken, Makoto's Rope Escape Technique, Temporary Paralysis Technique, Body Flicker Technique, Help Flare and Water Tentacle)
Training E-Rank Jutsu(1) = 500
Total Training = 5000

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