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1Otsuka Clan [Revamp] (WIP) Empty Otsuka Clan [Revamp] (WIP) Wed Sep 12, 2018 2:25 pm



Otsuka Clan [Revamp] (WIP) Explos12

Otsuka Clan [Revamp] (WIP) FAHfQ33
Clan Name: Otsuka (大塚)
Location: Iwakgakure no Sato
Specialization: Any
Elements: Doton|Raiton|Bakuton

Otsuka Clan [Revamp] (WIP) HhU72Pp
Clan History: A long time ago, in the Village Hidden in The Stone, a village with a massive military, was the famed Explosion Corps, a famed and achieved division of demolition experts and many hailing the ability of the Explosion Release kekkai genkai. Despite the very boisterous, destructive, obnoxiousness of their kekkei genkai. They were exemplary in not only their missions, but in the heat of battle where they were truly in their element. They racked up incredible kill counts over their tenure and touted themselves as an unstoppable force that could break down the barrier of an immovable object with their explosions alone. Their most memorable victory was a war Iwagakure no Sato carried on with a minor village that was quickly growing in power and expanding into their territory in a hostile way. The Explosion Corps used their destructive jutsu on many parts of the wooded areas, destroying anyone who could be hiding. Daiga of the Explosion Release was famous for leading many of the operations in the war and would effectively create a jutsu that would end the war by devastating the enemies guerilla tactics and their encampments in a single swoop.

After this Accomplishment, the Explosion Corps was soon both respected and more importantly feared throughout the world. They heard of the jutsu that Daiga used to annihilate an entire ecosystem and became seen as brutal masters of war, destruction, and chaos. After some time, people outright feared the Explosion Corps and aimed to discontinue their division and cast them from the light of the village. Fortunately, very few people felt this way and the movement never gained much traction.

But, after a brief and bloody confrontation Iwa had with a cult that occupied Land of Stone territory. The cult kidnapped Hoku, a member of the Explosion Corps and drove her mad by subjecting her to days and days of psychological torture, the specialty that the cult was known for. She was later rescued by Iwagakure no Sato ANBU and took a month in rehabilitation, though the mental scars they placed on her would never be healed. Hoku had went on her own personal mission to capture or eliminate the leader of the Cult herself. Instead of turning him in as a prisoner of Iwa, he was her prisoner alone within that range. Hoku tortured him physically in that cave and when she was finished, she mutilated his body horribly and sent it to his followers who were immediately horrified by her actions. To add insult to injury, his body was laced with an Explosion Jutsu and when set off, killed many of the remaining cult. The remaining members surrendered to Iwa in fear that what happened to their leader would happen to them too. They were sent to prison immediately, but Hoku too was sent to prison for her horrible and unlawful actions.

This event rekindled the flames of fear about the Explosion Corps and as the months went by, Hoku's hatred for Iwagakure grew just as much in kind. It wouldn't take long before she escaped the prison, killing everyone inside with her explosive jutsu and going on to commit terrorist acts against Iwagakure for weeks on end, destroying hospitals, shrines, and anything that that would hold any meaning for the citizens of Iwagkure no Sato. Outrage against the Explosion Corps grew further and maybe misplaced, the division went to the Tsuchikage personally to ask for them alone to take care of their rogue former comrade, to sate and repair the public opinion of them.

They where sent out to capture her under the Tsuchikage's orders though Hoku’s mental instability made her all the more dangerous and made the attempt perilous for those members. The Explosion Corps was largely unsuccessful at first as they were not as powerful as Hoku and she proved very elusive. Their failures mounted until another Otsuka of the Explosion Style challenged Hoku directly. He sent a public message taunting her as a coward and she took up his challenge and the would fight him directly in the wilderness of the Land of Earth. This would have Hoku take her aggression off of Iwagakure no Sato for a time. In one final battle, that was so great on a large scale, it destroyed many of the mountains the land of earth is known for. The two battled for days, until the Otsuka used a powerful self destructive jutsu that killed both himself and Hoku with him. This was witnessed by Iwagakure ANBU camped nearby who witnessed the epic battle first hand, and were barely able to escape with their lives due to the totality of the finishing move. Once the Tsuchikage heard of this, the Otsuka’s actions were regarded as a heroic sacrifice to stop an insane mad woman and the village honored him as a hero. Unfortunately, during what is historically known as The Rampage of Hoku,a huge portion of the Explosion Division left due to the negative public attention they had received and became missing nin of their own while roaming across the continent.

The Explosion Corps still exist today and contains mostly members of the Otsuka clan, holding their base in a building close to the administration building. They urge their younger clan members to become as strong as possible, and actively seek out those who have scattered across the lands to bring those with Explosion Release back to the village and prevent another Hoku from breaking out. The Otsuka focus on doing what they do best: both covert and large scale destructive missions against the enemy and their infrastructure.

  • Gari (Deceased)
  • Deidara (Deceased)
  • Otsuka, Maikumaru

Otsuka Clan [Revamp] (WIP) Y4syLuV
Kekkei Genkai Name: Otsuka Clan [Revamp] (WIP) 70?cb=20101024211823 Explosion Release (爆遁, Bakuton)
Kekkei Genkai Description:
Explosion Release is an advanced nature transformation formed from the simultaneous use of the Earth and Lightning releases. Many think that the two are less inherently compatible than some of the other elemental matchups, like Wind and Fire or Earth and Water. For many people, this holds true - since the elements are polar opposites, it is extremely difficult to make them work together, as lightning naturally breaks apart earth by traveling through it. By reining in the otherwise unrestricted flow of energy and housing it within their Earth-natured chakra, the Bakuton user can release said restraint to cause a massive output of purely kinetic energy, converted from electricity and housed within their Doton.

This level of chakra control lets the users of the kekkai genkai create explosions far more complex and grand than anything that any other combination of elements or chakra can do so. As a starting point, the Otsuka can create directed explosions existing from a point and aiming in various directions or shapes outward from the point of creation. These explosions are powerful enough that they gain maximum damage for a jutsu of their rank as a free attribute of these jutsu. Meaning a B rank explosion created from a punch can explode with the maximum damage of a B rank jutsu without sacrificing other elements of the explosion as a drawback to the jutsu.

Otsuka Clan [Revamp] (WIP) Latest?cb=20171113155025

The second level of this kekkai genkai is that the user can infuse their bakuton chakra into doton-based substances by applying raiton through their chakra control and converting the earth base in those objects into a true Bakuton explosive. These objects follow much more typical explosive rules and can explode from their origin item (point of origin) at a size of the maximum radius for a jutsu of that rank as a free attribute of these jutsu. Meaning, a B rank jutsu to imbue a clay pot as an explosive can explode at a maximum radius of a B rank jutsu without sacrificing the power/damage of the explosion as a drawback to the jutsu.

Otsuka Clan [Revamp] (WIP) Tumblr_p235ke2H9l1wl4nwho1_500

Additionally, Bakuton can apply the explosive charge generally to their jutsu. Firstly, the bakuton explosive charge can be infused into other jutsu to allow them to explode as well. With a 1 post preperation and an increased chakra cost of +5 chakra to the activation cost of the jutsu they intend to imbue, jutsu that have some kind of physical form (a stone wall, the users body, or even a lightning bolt) can be imbued with Bakuton and explode with the maximum damage of a jutsu of that range but speed and range of one rank lower than the carrying jutsu.

The final ability of Bakuton revolves around the explosive shockwave that their jutsu create as a byproduct of their explosions but only for those explosions with a standard spherical or conical shape. Following the same range properties of the jutsu it was created from, there is an explosive shockwave extending beyond the explosion that can deal blunt force damage of one rank lower (as far as another half the range's distance).


  • Being an advanced nature KKG, the users are unable to learn any additional elements outside of their base Doton, Raiton, and Bakuton. Additionally, the Bakuton takes the rank of the lowest trained of their composite elements (as an example, S rank Doton and C rank Raiton means the user has C rank Bakuton).
  • Users also focus very heavily in their explosions and chakra control and besides having to take Ninjutsu as their primary specialization, they must also take the Hesitant (Specialization) trait and are unable to balance it with a positive.
  • Bakuton Jutsu is always indiscriminate in their destruction. While their explosions can be directed away from themselves, users of Bakuton are not immune to their blasts, nor are their allies. This should be kept in mind when infusing bakuton with jutsu that are very close to the user's physical person.
  • Bakuton item constructs can be defused by applying any type of raiton charge of one rank higher than the jutsu, requiring the user to re-prime the item or jutsu they plan to use with another charge of Bakuton. For jutsu of E-rank to B-rank this only takes another 5 chakra via direct contact but for A or S-rank jutsu it takes 10 chakra via direct contact to do so.
  • If the user infuses another jutsu with Bakuton, that jutsu always carries its inherent weakness and gains the bakuton weakness to lightning, but does not gain any of its strengths (if doton is used then the reduction stacks and its now weaker to -2 ranks instead of -1).

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