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1Is a Doctor in?[Amaya] Empty Is a Doctor in?[Amaya] Fri Sep 07, 2018 11:17 am


Mission name: Is the Doctor In? (Repeatable)
Mission rank: A-rank
Objective: Help handle a tough case at the hospital.
Location: Konoha Hospital
Reward: 1,000 ryo
Mission Description: You’ve been called in to help with a tough case at the hospital. Help your team of coworkers and save your patients life.
Mission Details: [You must have Medical Ninjutsu to take this mission or be accompanied by someone who has Medical Ninjutsu.] What tough case your handling is up to you, however, your ability to solve it is what matters as your patient's life depends on it. Solve the case, save your patients life, or you fail your mission.
Word Count Needed: 3500

“I am not a mode of transportation!”, Daremo chuckled at Hikari’s exclamation, it being followed by the sounds of giggling from the other occupants within the living room. Citrine eyes watched in amusement as a rather large Komodo dragon tried to escape the clutches of Zaylee and Mamoru, both still dressed in their pajamas. The twins had gotten the brilliant idea of trying to ride Hikari after Daremo let it slipped that she used to allow them to ride on her back when they were younger. Each time Hikari broke away, the grasp of one twin, the other would be there to grab her once more, and try to sit on her back.

Dressed only in a pair of black formal pants, the silver-haired male was not disturbed in the slightest by what was transpiring before him. To some, it would be horrifying to see their children play with such a dangerous creature, but, that was not the case here. He knew, without a doubt, Hikari would not hurt the twins and vice-versa. While she might have a dislike for most humans, seeing them as a lesser species, she has grown accustomed and adored the twins, of course, she would never admit it. Even now, she wasn’t really trying to escape from the twins, only pretending to, she needed to keep up appearance after all. Just as Hikari loved and adored the twins, so too they the large lizard. Not a day goes by that either of them asks about the Komodo Dragon whenever she is not around.

With the children excitement, their giggling and laughter as they now chase after Hikari who was running around the living room, tables having been moved out of the way, Daremo knew he would need to tell them to tone it down, “Come on little ones, tone it down. Momma is working in her office.”, He spoke, getting the twins to stop and nod in understanding. Speaking of Momma, Daremo’s flickered towards the open door, spotting his wife diligently going over paperwork. It was surprising to not see any smoke coming from the room. Amaya having the bad habit of lighting paperwork on fire - it seems she still had the temperament of the katon she wielded.

“Hikari, why don’t you just give in? You allowed them to ride on your back when they were younger.” Daremo spoke, receiving a cold glare from his companion. “Hmpf! You have no idea about what you speak. I never allowed the hatchlings to ride my back in the past.”, Hikari spoke, trying to deny the claim, even though it was true. Of course, she would say something like that, Hikari is haughty by nature, and if she admitted to allowing an inferior species ride on her back then it would go against what she stands for. Unfortunately, she didn't fool anyone with her dislikes for Mamoru and Zaylee. They all knew the Komodo enjoyed the twins.

Speaking of Hikari, the Komodo dragon finally noted Amaya’s office door being open and darted towards it, the twins not far behind, giggling. Chuckling at the antics, Daremo stood up, glancing at the clock, noticing it being 8am. Wordlessly two clones were formed, with each one going to a twin’s room, as the original followed after the twins. Strong arms captured both twins, preventing them from reaching Hikari who hid underneath Amaya’s desk, and lifted them up. “Now. Now. You know better to go underneath there. Momma is working after all.” He gently spoke, receiving nods from the twins who focus flickered from him, Amaya, and Hikari, the latter smirking at their misfortune.

With a twin in each arm, Daremo leans down, kissing Amaya on the cheek, receiving ‘ewww’ from the two twins and gagging noise from Hikari, “Hey love. Grandmother will be over soon to get the twins. There is a festival going on in a nearby town, and she wanted to take them there, along with doing other things.” He spoke, holding the twins tightly as they reached for Hikari, the lizard having to emerge from her hiding spot, and whined. Glancing at the lizard, who snubbed her nose at him, Daremo cleared his throat, and stared “Fine.” Hikari said, ambling over to the silver-haired male as the twins were lowered to the ground. He watched as Hikari allowed the twins to clamber onto her back “I am not a mode of transportation.” She reinstated even as she began to walk around the office with the twins.

Glancing over Amaya’s shoulder, Daremo peered at what she was doing, “Anything interesting?”, He asked.


2Is a Doctor in?[Amaya] Empty Re: Is a Doctor in?[Amaya] Fri Sep 07, 2018 11:49 am




There were two types of doctors in the world, those who were doctors twenty-four hours a day and seven days a week, and those who were only doctors when they were on duty: at least, that was Amaya’s opinion. This didn’t mean that either type was less or more dedicated to their work than the other, it just meant that one type tended to make their life revolve around their work while the other did not. In Amaya’s case she had spent so long with nothing but the hospital to look forward to to sustain her and protect her from her own Dankness that it had became a habit to overwork herself and to bring her work home with her. Now though she had more than enough at home to entertain herself with and she was surrounded by people who loved and cared about her, but some habits were hard to break, especially when cases were particularly interesting as was the one she was looking over in that moment in time. The file had arrived with a soft knock at the door around four o’clock in the morning, right around the time Amaya’s internal alarm clock tended to go off. The case was a mystery and the hospital was desperate for a team to solve it before the patient died. It seemed that the man in question had contracted some kind of illness and it was beginning to systematically shut down his organs and basic bodily functions. While some of this could be fixed and bypassed until a cure could be found there were other organs that if they were to fail would spell certain death for the man in question - and it was this particular reason as to why the case was dropped almost immediately upon Amaya’s lap.

Despite having settled herself down with a nice and hot cup of light-tan colored coffee more than three hours ago - the coffee in said cup having been replenished numerous times now - she had kept her door open: an open invitation for Daremo, Hikari, or the children to come see if her they wished. While some might have found this counter productive Amaya didn’t: her priorities were straight, they just weren’t the average ones of a doctor. In Amaya’s life Daremo, the children, and Hikari came first, period. They were family. While the loss of a patient was never something to be smiled upon she would not shun her family and shut them out for the sake of one individual, for the sake of a stranger. It wasn’t her style. Of course, she was very good at multitasking. Even now as she listened to the giggles and sounds from nearby as the children were attempting to climb on Hikari’s back and Hikari was pretending that such an event had never occurred before Amaya couldn’t help but to chuckle softly and smile as she flipped to another page in the detailed patient file - a copy, since the original would stay at the hospital for the staff currently there taking care of one Tanaka Daisuke.

Another flip of a page would occur before Amaya pulled her long black hair back into a ponytail, using her fingers to comb the wavy strands backwards as neatly as could be managed, her stormy gray colored gaze never leaving the page as she read how Tanaka Daisuke, a thirty four year old man from a nearby minor village, had been in relatively good health until two days ago when his villages local clinic had rushed him to Konoha hospital mere hours before his vitals had drastically begun to crash. His family medical history was likewise available for her to see, and it much like Daisuke’s, was clear of any major problems: in fact, there was absolutely nothing at all to rule out any kind of genetic condition at all, as if this had suddenly sprouted up out of nowhere. To someone like Amaya this made the whole thing an interesting puzzle, one she was itching to solve: medical mysteries where her forte after all.

Before she could think much more on it however she became aware of Hikari rushing into her office to take refuge beneath her large desk, the giggling twins not far behind, who were scooped up by their father before they could reach Hikari. As her cheek was kissed another smile would spread across her face, a twinkle of amusement showing in her stormy colored gaze at both the twins and Hikari’s reactions. ”Oh? That sounds like fun.”, she would comment about the festival before watching in further amusement as Hikari came out from beneath her desk and finally agreed to allow the twins to ride around on her back - stating once more she was not a mode of transportation.

Holding back a chuckle she glanced back to the file before her and leaned back comfortably in her desk chair. Picking up the mug of coffee that was still steaming hot by the handle she brought it to her lips and sipped it for a moment, looking thoughtful. ”A case came in from one of the nearby clinics, a thirty five year old man who became suddenly deathly ill. There’s no family medical history to explain it, they’ve checked for every poison they can test for, and despite all efforts his organs are beginning to systematically shut down. They’ve got him stabilized, but whatever this is has already attacked his liver and kidneys, and they’re afraid it’s going to end up moving to his lungs and heart next. They’re pulling together a team to try and solve this which is why this landed on my lap around four this morning.” As Amaya finished with her explanation she brought her cup of coffee to her lips once more, taking yet another sip as she stared down at the file, her mind already churning over this medical puzzle.

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3Is a Doctor in?[Amaya] Empty Re: Is a Doctor in?[Amaya] Fri Sep 07, 2018 4:01 pm


Having heard their father talk about them going to a festival with their great-grandparents, the twins perked up at the news, “Really? Great-momma and papa are coming to get us?”, Both of them spoke nearly simultaneously and looking between their parents expectedly. If there were a couple the twins adored as much as they did their parents, and momma, it was their great-grandparents. From the earliest moments of their lives, both of Daremo’s grandparents were apart of the twins lives. There being not a day that goes by when the elderly couple comes to visit their great-grandchildren, bringing gifts, and generally spending time with them.

Their visits were more than just them checking up on the twins, rather, they took an interest in whatever the twins were doing. They spent time getting to know each twin as an independent person, finding out what each one like to do, and actually partaking in such activities, even if they might seem silly to adults. The thoughts and opinions of other adults did not matter to the great-grandparents, only the happiness of the great-grandchildren. When they come over, both spent an insurmountable of time with the twins. Treating them as children, but, also given them sound advice whenever it is warrant. While many subjects were not approached, the great-grandparents did answer questions when asked, or tell the twins they had to wait a bit before knowing the answer, but promise them they would know in time.

Some might believe the grand-parents were spoiling the kids, and to an extent they were. The twins got a lot of stuff they wanted, though, only if they were good. If they got into trouble, something that could not escape the most angelic child, the great-grandparents would withhold the gifts, but, explain to them why they did so. They wanted the children to learn that there are consequences for their actions and that they could not expect to have everything given to them on a silver platter, neither of their parents, grandparents or great-grandparents had such a luxury, thus, they would not either. While some children might have whined about the unfairness of it, neither twin ever did. They understood, if barely, what has been taught to them.

Looking at the twins, who were now reaching towards Hikari, after the lizard emerged from her hiding spot underneath the desk, Daremo nodded, “Yeah, I told them how good you have been as of late, going to bed on time, brushing your teeth by yourself, and everything. So, they decided to take you to the festival. You will need to be on your best behavior while you are with them, okay?” He asked. Both of the twins looking away from Hikari, and nodded in understanding “Okay Papa. We will good. We promise!” Both said, going back to looking at Hikari, and reaching for the large lizard.

Setting the twins down, watching as they climbed on the back of the large lizard who, despite carrying them around, still held belief she was not a mode of transportation for them. It was amusing to see the amount of fake defiance Hikari had towards the twins. Everyone knew she had a soft spot for the two and would protect them with her life. She was the one who always, slept in their room every night when they were younger. She was the one who guarded them when not being asked to. Yes, Hikari, as much as she denies it, loved the children immensely.

Turning his attention away from the children, knowing they were in good hands, Daremo focuses what Amaya was saying. Brow furrowed as he thought about what was said. A thirty-five-year-old male, healthy and no medical history, who suddenly become deadly ill? Foul play was ruled out due to the doctors not being able to find any traces of poisons or any other oddities. Yet, while there seem to be nothing wrong with him, his organs were systematically shutting down with his liver and kidneys being the first to go. “They should not have ruled out poisons or toxins. There are a couple that disappears from the body after a certain amount of time. There are even a few such as strychnine, Zinc, Arsenic, and the pesticide organophosphate that can mimic the symptoms of natural diseases.” He spoke, scanning over the papers that Amaya had already looked at, “Did an Infectious Disease Specialist have a look at the patient? This could be the work of a parasite, some can remain dominant in the body for years on end, or even appear as something else. Don’t seem like they tested the kidneys or liver after they fail. Could have been a clue to what happened to him.”

A capable medic in his own right, Daremo was mainly known for his usage of medical ninjutsu in an offensive manner. If there was a need to have someone to die ‘naturally’ then, the silver-haired male was the one for the job. He did not look at the medical specialty as a life-saving one, but, the ultimate tool to kill others more proficient than any ninjutsu or weapon can. Because of his outlook, he was capable of seeing things in a way not many could. Between him and Amaya, he would say that his wife was the better medic when it comes to healing, while he was better at the offensive side of things.

Before any more could be said, the front door open, with the kids, who had moved into the living room with Hikari screaming “Great-Grandma and papa!” with fits of giggling followed soon afterward. “Come on, love. Let's greet them.”, Daremo spoke, holding out his hand for Amaya to take, and guided her into the living room. There sitting on the couch was Sugako and Jinpachi each one with one of the twins on their lap, and Hikari, surprisingly, was lounging beside the table. “Hello, grandmother and grandfather.”, Daremo spoke, releasing Amaya’s hand to hug the elderly couple, being mindful of the child they were holding.

For the next few minutes, the adults would converse about minute topics as the shadow clones, Daremo had made prior, would return with scrolls, each one filled with the twins needed essentials. . .including toys. “Grandmother, is it possible for the twins to stay with you a bit longer today? There is a life-threatening medical case that needs me and Amaya’s assistance. We don’t know how long we will be gone for, so, if it is not too much trouble, can you watch the twins till we get done. . .assuming yall be back before we do.” Daremo asked, receiving a nod from both of the elderly couples. “Of course we will. We will just hang around the house until you get back if you aren’t back when we are done. We do have a key after all”, Jinpachi said. Indeed, the elderly couple was giving a key to the house, though, they rarely use it, with today being one of those occasions.

“Thank you.”, Daremo said, hugging them both, as the elderly couple went to hug Amaya before leaving the house with the twins, the pair not leaving before kissing momma and papa goodbye and saying ‘I love you’. Once the door shut, Daremo turned to Amaya, “I will need to get on a shirt and shoes, but, otherwise I am ready to go when you are.”, He spoke, going to just that, and returning wearing a light blue, short sleeved, button up shirt, and black dress shoes. “You ready?”, He asked, looking at Amaya.


4Is a Doctor in?[Amaya] Empty Re: Is a Doctor in?[Amaya] Sun Sep 30, 2018 1:30 pm




Seeing the children excited and happy about the idea of their great grandparents taking them to the festival was rather infectious and Amaya found herself smiling easily in response to their own happiness. Amaya herself had never really had a relationship with her own great grandparents as those both on her father and mother's side had died long before she was born, and while her grandparents were still very much alive to this day any relationship Amaya had with them was rocky or non-existent: she was not their favorite person, and they disliked her for the life choices she had made long ago. Both her mother’s parents and her father’s parents were very traditional in all ways, and everything from her hatred of the Uchiha clan, to her relationship with her former wife, and her medical experiments that had led to the birth of not one but two children that they considered abominations, Amaya’s choices disgusted and disturbed them to levels Amaya would never understand. She had given up well over a decade ago trying to make peace them with them, with trying to make them understand and accept her for who she was. She was that much happier though that the twins had such a good relationship with their great grandparents, and she knew that if Daremo’s mother was still alive there would be a wonderful relationship there too: it made her happy that they had the love and opportunities that she never had a chance to experience. Unlike most people who treated twins as one single entity in the case of Zaylee and Mamoru they were treated like two individual people, their habits and interests, dislikes and fears, treated with a sort of personal individuality that in Amaya’s opinion both of the twins needed. She assumed they would always be close, their bond being a strong one, but they also needed to grow as individuals: two parts that made a whole, instead of one single being.

After promising that they would both be good for their great grandmother and great grandfather she watched as the twins clambered onto Hikari’s back - the komodo dragon’s stubbornness causing Amaya to hide another smile - before riding her back out of the room where her attention would shift back to Nanashi. With the children out of earshot and unable to hear the discussion going on she focused her attention back onto the puzzle before her with a thoughtful look falling upon her face. ”I was thinking the same. There are quite a few poisons and toxins that disappear from the blood, and testing for them would produce negative results. I don’t believe they’ve checked for parasites yet, but considering the succession in which the organs are beginning to fail I’m leaning towards that right now. Apparently they couldn’t get ahold of anyone, so they want me to go have a poke around and see what I can find. Wouldn’t be hard for him to have picked it up. He’s a small time veterinarian so he could have come across who knows what while dealing with animals. Accidents and slip ups happen no matter how well you practice things… In fact…”, she paused, trailing off to look through the paperwork once more, heading further back - not so much into the patients but rather his family's medical history. ”... Yeah, just as a I thought. His father was also a veterinarian. Could be something they’re naturally susceptible to.” Amaya’s mind was racing to any number of possibilities, though it was sticking more along the lines of the family having some kind of gene that made them susceptible to one parasite over others, their job only being the trifecta because of several parasites having cross-species abilities. If nothing else it was certainly worth checking out, and it only added more to the medical puzzle she was itching to solve.

The thought of the medical puzzle was pushed out of her mind at the arrival of Daremo’s great grandparents, and with her smile appearing on her face once more she took Daremo’s hand, allowing herself to be led out of her office and back into the living room. Pushing work out of her mind for the moment to focus instead on family it was no surprise to find the twins in their great grandparents laps, both looking utterly ecstatic and happy as usual in the presence of people they love. She, too, hugged them both while being mindful of the children in their laps. Amaya slipped back into her office for but a quick moment before returning to the idle conversation had between the adults, giving them her focus: family was always her first priority after all, even if the rest of the world was going to hell around her. They were what was important to her first and foremost, everything else took second place. However, her attention was tugged back to the hospital and the medical puzzle she was facing as Daremo inquired about his grandparents watching the children a bit longer than planned due to the medical emergency the couple were facing that day. As Amaya had expected neither seemed to mind the idea, and the twins likewise seemed happy with the arrangement. Given they had a key to the place it would make things easier if this medical puzzle ended up taking longer than they expected.

Amaya hugged both of Daremo’s grandparents goodbye before kissing both of the children on their cheek and saying “I love you” back. She watched them until the door was shut before focusing her attention back onto her husband and nodding at his words. ”Alright, love.”, she would comment softly before heading back into her office while downing the rest of her cup of coffee which she placed on her desk in favor of picking up the case file and tucking it under her arm. Heading back out into the living room she wasn't surprised to find Daremo ready so quickly, and she nodded at his words: she was more than ready to get this puzzle solved.

Heading out the door Amaya made a beeline for the hospital, launching herself into the air and landing on the nearest rooftop, traversing over them with practiced ease that spoke of this being her usual mode of transportation for years. She often didn’t have patients to move among the civilians and the crowds, at least not when she had a place to go. In this case it was time to get focused back onto the medical case at hand. The children were safely with their great grandparents, off having fun and enjoying the day and their time at the festival, so it was time to focus her attention elsewhere. Instead of heading in the front door like many medical personal still preferred to do Amaya herself headed in a side entrance and straight into the employee only area. It didn’t surprise her at all to see a small team of people headed in her and Daremo’s (should he had followed after her) direction while holding a copy of the case file she herself had. ”Tanaka Daisuke?”, she asked simply, recieving nods from those that made the rest of the patients team of doctors and medical personal up. ”Alright, I want further tests run on his liver and kidneys, they might not have shown something before now, but now that they’re shutting down we might get lucky. Has anyone checked this man’s stomach and intestines? Doctor Kobayashi suggested a parasite and I’m in agreement. It would fit all of the signs, especially since from what I’m seeing he’s had a sufficient amount of weight loss in the past several months - unless he’s gone on some kind of killer diet something is sucking the fat and nutrients out of him at the same time.” She watched as several medical personal took off at a brisk pace to accomplish her orders, clearly they had no issues with her taking charge, which was good because it would keep the issues down. ”I see that he’s in room one-oh-two. I’ll go visit him personally. Until we’re sure what this is I only want specific staff in with him. His immune system is crashing along with his organs, and the more stimulation in that room the more likely he is to catch something else on top of all of this.” Again the small team seemed to agree with her and after a glance at her husband, figuring he would follow her, she headed off down the hall and made a quick right, taking the fastest ‘back alley’ style route to the patient's room as possible to avoid the main hospital area: she knew she and her family weren’t ill, therefore she had no worries about passing something currently to her new patient, but there was no telling what she’d come into contact with if she headed through the main hospital. ”If it’s a parasite I’m hoping we’ll be able to locate it easily enough. I’m going to assume it’ll be in his stomach or intestinal track - perhaps somewhere in between. But I’m not going to rule out it affecting his brain. It would explain some of his systems either way.”, Amaya would comment, more concerned with Daremo’s feedback than anyone else’s. Not that she considered the medical staff of the hospital incompetent, but there was only so much experience someone could gain when just in a hospital setting compared to spending years as a shinobi on the field.

Making a left down another hall she found the stairway she was looking for and headed up it to the second floor. Exiting the stairwell she would make another right, following the numbers until she arrived at the patient's room. Instead of heading inside though she headed over to the nurses station, grabbing the attention of one of the nurses there. ”As of this point no one is allowed into Tanaka Daisuke room. I want a full report on every staff that’s come into contact with him and if they’re ill or not…”, it wasn’t after all beyond medical personal to work while sick, even if it put the patients at risk: there just sometimes weren’t enough nurses and doctors to spare to allow people to stay home with things such as the common cold or flu, even if it meant it could be put some patients at risk even if that was not the intention behind such actions. Once she was given conformation, watching as the nurse went about doing as was asked, Amaya shifted her attention onto the patient's room and entered after knocking softly.

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5Is a Doctor in?[Amaya] Empty Re: Is a Doctor in?[Amaya] Wed Oct 03, 2018 2:57 pm


Having watched Hikari carried the twins back into the living room, Daremo was now able to focus on the issue at hand. For a few minutes, he did not say anything, allowing Amaya to come to the same conclusion he had when the case was presented. “They need to first run the test on the poisons and toxins that disappear from the body. While they do disappear, the damage caused by them, or changes done to the victim’s body,  can give some indication to their identity.” Much like some serial killers, certain poisons and toxins have a unique signature to them, making them identifiable if one knew what to look for. Of course, there was the chance the poison or toxic, if it was one of them, could have been modified, that is if one is suspecting foul play, however, Daremo gut was telling him foul play was not apart of this.

Both him and Amaya was seemingly on the same line of thought; whatever was causing the organ failure was being done by a parasite. “Although this does not matter, they sure did wait to contact you on this case. They should have gotten in contact soon if they were not sure with what they were dealing with.” He did not bother in hiding his disdain for the medical practices of Konoha’s med-nin. There was no sense in waiting this long to contact a doctor who might have an idea of what was going on. Nothing is wrong in admitting that help is needed. He was beginning to wonder if the doctors simply did not want to let go of their egos. Nevertheless, issues with the staff aside, Daremo focused back on the case at hand.

“A veterinarian, eh? That means he would have constant contact with sickly, injured, and non-shot treated animals. Yeah, there is a high possibility, if it is a parasite, he got it from the animals he handles. Hmmm.”, Reaching towards the documents, Daremo began flipping through the pages, “When you mentioned kidney failure, I remember a particular case back in Iwa, where a woman had ended up dying after a parasitic, Dioctophyme renale, consumed her kidney. At the time I did not know what it was, so it was overlooked.” One of many times where he had mistaken symptoms for something else. It was something he did not dwell on much, “Anyway, I was looking to see if our patient had hematuria, acute nephritis, or renal enlargement, such are the symptoms of the roundworm. It would not be far-fetched considering he wants with animals. But, none of that is present within his report.” He spoke, handing the documents back to Amaya.

Daremo narrowed his eyes briefly, as his mind began to think on what Amaya had said, “Susceptible. Has our patient always stayed in Konoha? Does he travel? Has he been to any place outside of Fire Country? He could have contracted something there.” He suggested. It was not uncommon for people to come into contact with insects, diseases, and other microorganisms that there were not familiar with, and become sick from it. “Of course, if the man took the need shots before visiting, we could rule out him contracting something from outside of Fire Country.”

Any more thoughts on the subject were put on hold with the arrival of his grandparents. A small conversation was held, that would have been longer if Ssaremo did not mention the issue that had risen at Konoha's hospital. Asking his grandparents if they could watch over the twins until he and Amaya got back, he was not surprised that they readily agreed to do so. When it came to the twins, his grandparents adored them above all else. With the issue who shall watch the twins out of the way, Daremo gave the grandparents a key to the house and watched them leave before heading to get dressed.

Now dressed, his attention turned to Amaya, asking her if she was ready. Time was of an essence, the life of another hung in the balance. Exiting the house, Daremo made sure to lock the door before launching himself into the air, landing on the same rooftop that Amaya did, and traversed them with practiced ease. There was no time to take the scenic route, they were needed at the hospital now. Following Amaya through the side entrance and into the employee area, he was greeted with a small number of people heading in their direction.

Though he no longer works at the hospital, having giving up the job to join another village, the staff still showed recognition when they looked in his direction, and none batted an eyelash with him showing up with Amaya. Allowing Amaya to handle the situation, Daremo spoke up before the personnel could run off, "To add onto what Doctor Koyabashi said, someone, needs to get in contact with his wife or family member, asking them if Mr. Tanaka had visited any places outside of Fire Country. There is a chance that he could have contracted something not native here." He watched one of the personnel went to, presumably, do what he asked, but not before they looked at Amaya in confirmation.

Amaya was corrected in her orders of not wanting anyone but staff within the room. Tanaka Daisuke's immune system was failing, leaving him susceptible to a whole host of pathogens, "It is imperative that only staff is allowed to see Mr. Tanaka. Until we discover what is harming him, his family can not see him. We do not want to accidentally catch something that could worsen his condition." He reiterated the importance of what Amaya had told the staff, wanting the information to sink in with them. Having said what was needed, Daremo caught the glance Amaya gave and nodded, following her down the hallway and making a quick right.

"We can only hope for it to be easy." Pausing in his comments, Daremo wordlessly made a shadow clone and watched as it took off, "The clone will be making sure the personnel does a test on his stool and blood, specifically looking for eggs. If the parasite is in the stomach or intestinal tract there might be a chance its egg can be within his stool or their bloodstream. If that is the case, it would make our job easier. There are some parasites, apart of the tapeworm family, that enjoy living in the intestinal tract and stomach due to the rich nutrient there. Most of these try not to kill their source of food, us, but, there are some incidents that they do. There are a few brain eating amoebas, but I can not think of any that could cause the failure of organs as well." He admitted.

Making a left down a hallway, he followed her up the stairway and making another right upon exiting the stairwell. Nothing was said as he simply followed Amaya towards the nurse's station, and listening to what she had told the nurse, finding nothing wrong with it. Were the words harsh? No, they were just cold, hard, and factual, "Not only do we need the list of staff who had entered the room, but, also if any of his friends or family came by." He spoke, allowing his presence to be known. Once he knew the nurse understood what was needed, Daremo turned, following Amaya into the patient's room, after knocking.


6Is a Doctor in?[Amaya] Empty Re: Is a Doctor in?[Amaya] Sun Oct 07, 2018 5:18 pm




It didn’t surprise her in the slightest that the other doctors and nurses who made up the team they’d be working with not only respected Daremo’s opinion but listened to him. In his time at the hospital he had done wonders to help the patients, and he had become someone worthy of respect. While the nurses and doctors didn’t always seem to be the sharpest tools in the box at this particular hospital they at least knew to give respect where it was due and had most certainly been earned, as was the case with Doctor Daremo Kobayashi - them being married certainly increased that, as did both of their reputations.

While the nurse was busy collecting the information that had been requested, both what she had wanted and what Daremo had wanted as well, Amaya made her way into the patient's room after pausing outside the door to grab his actual chart: she was nothing if not thorough in her methods and that included all dictactions and note taking she did while working with patients. The room the man was in was standard: high quality everything, well vented, clean and sterile, and utterly pristine - the standard for the hospital since Amaya had started to whip the place into shape so many years ago: she didn’t allow nor stand for sub-par conditions and she certainly wouldn’t tolerate it. It would have been a surprise to find her patient awake and responsive if the highly detailed notes she had glanced at just moments prior hadn’t already indicated as such: no matter this man’s profession he was a fighter, far more resilient than even more most seasoned shinobi who had been put into comas with far less serious conditions just to save them their sanity.

“Another doc? At least you’re pretty. I get tired of staring at the old hags all day…”, the patient spoke, giving Amaya a look over in an very obvious manner.

“Mister Tanaka, my name is----”, Amaya didn’t get far in her introduction.

“Please, call me Daisuke.”, her patient interrupted her. “Such a beautiful woman like you doesn’t have to call me Mister Tanaka.”

While another woman might have got flustered or giddy over being flirted with by a man who was, despite being sick, what most would consider handsome, Amaya on the other hand didn’t lose her game face nor did she lose her professional manner - though for someone who knew her they would have noticed the dangerous edge her chakra took that hinted at her annoyance. ”Mr. Tanaka, I have various questions I need to ask of you and I’d appreciate it if you kept your answers as pointed and simple as possible so we can get through them quickly.” Much to Mister Tanaka’s demise Amaya didn’t flirt back - and not just because her husband happened to be in the room either; though she was curious as to how he was feeling about all of this and would react. She would ask her questions quickly, not even bothering to pause as the remainder of their team rolled in a machine to look in the man’s intestinal tract. Sure enough the diagnosis that Daremo had suggested was right: there was not just one parasite but two, and they were the reasons why his organs were beginning shut down because they were sucking all of the nutrients out of his system before his body could make use of them.

”We’ll be scheduling you for surgery as soon as we get an OR booked. The parasites are large enough that they’ll have to be surgically removed. We will be putting you on a regime of medication that will kill and flush out any other parasites that happen to be in your system. The team here will ensure you’re well taken care of and will be able to answer any and all questions you might have pertaining to your illness.”, Amaya would explain, specifying the last portion of her words not just for Mister Tanaka’s benefit but the other members of staff who might or might not end up being chatty and saying too much. The last thing she wanted was to have to murder some stalker because he broke into their house later on. With that Amaya left, the patient in more than capable hands, and sure to be back in tip top shape very soon.

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7Is a Doctor in?[Amaya] Empty Re: Is a Doctor in?[Amaya] Sun Oct 07, 2018 7:30 pm


There were only a few things which would truly get underneath Daremo’s skin, and nearly make the normally stoic man use his cool, and that is flirting with his wife. A territorial individual, he did not take kindly to anyone who openly flirts with his lover. On a primal level, opening flirting with his wife was a direct challenge to him, and it was in his nature to respond to said challenge accordingly. And, no sooner after he and Amaya had entered into the patient’s room did Tanaka Daisuki started to flirt with his wife. To those who were not paying attention, they would fail to notice the subtle twitch of his brow in annoyance at the patient’s behavior.

He did not take kindly to Daisuki’s actions, and it seemed Amaya felt the same way, he had noticed the subtle change in her voice that was masked by a professional tone. Reigning in his own emotions, Daremo slipped into a nigh apathy mindset and began his duty as a doctor. As Amaya went about asking questions, Daremo would hang back, watching, and throwing his own questions in whenever he thought they were needed. While he would love more than anything to let the man suffer, there was this unnerving curiosity about Tanaka’s condition. Whatever was killing the man was a puzzle that Daremo wanted to solve. The man’s life was no interesting, but, the agents hurting him? Now, that was something interesting.

After a round of questions, and looking at the test results that were delivered, it was determined the male had two parasites. The parasites being large enough to be surgically removed instead of using other means to flush out the parasites. Once Amaya had told the male what was going to happen, Daremo followed her out of the room, not even sparing the man a second glance nor wishing him a speedy recovery. Walking down the hallway, he hoped the staff here was smart enough not to mention anything regarding his and Amaya’s relationship. Though, his trust in others was not the greatest, hence him specifically telling the lead doctor to remind the staff that they were there to help the sick, not chat with them.

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