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1I have a rash and I need help Empty I have a rash and I need help Sat Sep 01, 2018 11:15 am



As his first attack Maikumaru spits onto the ground, a glob of mud. The glob morphs and shapes into three mud wolves. He pat one of their heads, secretly implanting explosive chakra inside it. He stood back and let the wolves run after the opponent to size him up, and see what he had up his sleeve.

Jutsu Used:

Last edited by Maikeru Otsuka on Wed Sep 05, 2018 12:08 pm; edited 1 time in total

2I have a rash and I need help Empty Re: I have a rash and I need help Sat Sep 01, 2018 1:52 pm

Anri Mao

Anri Mao

Anri faced off against his fellow Iwagakure shinboi, his bandaged body tensing as the battle was about to begin. Facing off in a grassland didn't exactly give the boy much environment to hide in or to use to his advantage, meaning that he couldn't just do what he normally did and try to make some sort of trap outright via feigning fleeing, but he could still make do with this. His left stub lightly itched, but he didn't care about really tending to it at that moment, as more important things were under his attention. This was a sparring match, one where two fellow shinobi meet and display their skills in a competition to see who will come out on top. This would be a learning experience for him in particular as someone seeking to better train so he could prevent what had happened to him from happening again in the future, so he had to make sure he didn't screw up.

He watched his opponent spit onto the ground, the two of them being around twenty meters away, standing and facing one another with not a single tree in sight. Three wolves of mud appeared, and it seemed after a few moments they had begun to run towards Anri. In response he would kneel down, his right fist punching the ground, where it remained planted as the wolves neared, the trio blindly running towards Anri, though then the very ground crumbled underneath the three, causing them to practically be suspended in mid-air as the ground within a four-meter radius. As they would begin the fall, the moving ground would practically go from being agape to closing once more, grinding against the three and trapping them approximately ten meters away from Anri. With this he would already be preparing his next move, casting a tiger seal with his right hand, waiting in anticipation.

jutsu used:

3I have a rash and I need help Empty Re: I have a rash and I need help Wed Sep 05, 2018 2:52 pm



Miakumaru smiled. He found the boy to be quite interesting, and quick to react. "Way to respond to my attack." He looked down to see his trapped mud wolves, and specifically at the one that had the detonator within it. He needed to get that one out. The rest were of no trouble. He ran forward, and as he did so, he weaved his hand signs with as much speed and precision he could muster. By using the Ram, Boar, Dog, Bird, and Hare hand seals. This would create four large rocks from the ground, surrounding the opponent. Gates of lightning would surge between each one, creating a prison. Maikumaru jumped into the fissure, and grabbed the mud wolf with detonator attatched. His strength was just enough to pull the beast out of the trap. Maiikumaru would jump from the fissure, and run up the pillar, still watching his opponent. If he attempted to run up the walls to escape himself, Maikumaru would make a brief jump up the earthen corner, to protect himself from the electrocution that would occur.. While standing on top of one of the rocks.

Looking down at his opponent with a confidant smirk, he raised the mud wolf above his head and dropped it in. When the time was right, if the wolf were to drop near him, and if not the wolf could always run towards him, Maikumaru would use the Tiger Hand Seal, activating the wolf to detonating, and cause a decimating explosion.

Jutsu Used:

4I have a rash and I need help Empty Re: I have a rash and I need help Wed Sep 05, 2018 5:54 pm

Anri Mao

Anri Mao

Anri prepared himself, his right hand immediately raising, ready to cast any hand-signs in response to whatever this individual was about to do. He just needed to wait a little longer, to stay somewhat on the defensive for just a bit longer until everything falls into place. Right now as he had no clue as to what his opponent is attempting to do, Anri neglected from casting any hand signs until it was already in the process of happening. He didn't want to waste the chakra, not to mention it might interrupt whatever plans he had in place, although with a mighty rumbling coursing throughout the ground four pillars would begin to rise around the bandaged male.

As the pillars rose, lightning began to course between them, making them seemingly impossible to escape from. Through the rings of lightning he could see his enemy already retrieving something from the fissure, and using logic and reasoning Anri could deduce that this must mean that one of those mud wolves is important to his opponent, especially with how fast he was to trap Anri like a bear caught in a trap, though granted, such a simile wouldn't exactly be accurate unless that bear hadn't eaten in a while but still, the point stands that he had to think of something before something major happens.

"Hey, wait a second!" He said as he ran directly towards one of the pillars, sprinting towards it, though as he neared it had seemingly begun to open, creating a passageway through it, one that was two meters in height, allowing him to move through the pillar without touching it. As he stepped through the entrance behind him began to shut quickly, reverting back to its original stone form, until he was out safely on the other side, and just in time as well, as to his surprise an explosion occurred. Thankfully he was protected by the large, solid pillar of earth that had come out of the ground, leaving him virtually unscathed, though this told him more than anything else that Anri couldn't just merely fool around with this partner of his, as he has explosive capabilities.

From there he would stand approximately five meters from the pillar he just went under; the same his enemy seemed to be standing on top of, where he watched the enemy from above, this small dot in the distance, and wondering what his next move would actually be. With a sharp inhale he could feel his chest begin to well up with air, and with his right hand he formed the Ox hand seal, and all he could do was wait.


5I have a rash and I need help Empty Re: I have a rash and I need help Thu Sep 13, 2018 4:26 pm



Maikumaru looked down from the pillar, as the boy had elaborately escaped from his trap. He smirked, standing high on the pillar. “Impressive.” He crossed his arms before jumping off the large platform, and landed twenty meters away from his opponent. He plotted his next move. This one was particularly good at evading attacks. He was likely to have a few tricks up his sleeve. He needed to bombard him with as much offense as humanly possible, to not give him the time to escape. Maikumaru created the Clone Hand Seal, which created an exact clone of himself.

The plan is to use the clone to perform simultaneous attacks with the original, in order to apply pressure to the opponent. His next move will waste quite a bit of chakra, accounting for what he was about to do, what the clone was about to do, and the clone upkeep for himself. He was very reckless in his chakra reserves, but he knew it would be worth it. Maikumaru took a step and chakra instantly rushed through his body. It was like a hyper rush power, that was released when he dashed forward, using his Sprint Burst Technique. When coming in the right range, he would use an extra jutsu known as shocking barehug, empowering him more, causing him to move faster, and charging his body with Raiton. He was going to crush him with Shocking Bear Hug. If he evaded, he would have the clone would sit back to wait to use Electromagnetic Murder on the boy if he tried to escape somehow.

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