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1She-Who-Invites [Mission | Solo] Empty She-Who-Invites [Mission | Solo] Sat Aug 11, 2018 4:45 pm

Laïs Crowly

Laïs Crowly

Mission name: Evil Hobbies (Repeatable)
Mission rank: C-rank Crime
Objective: Keep yourself occupied with traditional evil actions.
Location: Any
Reward: 450 ryo
Mission Description: You're not truly evil if you aren't bringing unnecessary violence to the table. Of course, you can't just waltz in a village and start mayhem, because that would compromise plans still need to be set in motion. No, you'll be enjoying that dark heart in your lair, with one or more of the following 'hobbies': torturing captured subjects with questionable tools, trying out experiments as you seek to improve secret formulae, plague them with nightmares and horrible illusions, threaten their family and coerce them, put up maddening music or improve your evil monologues as subjects listen to it.
Mission Details: 1875 wc, 3 posts required.

2She-Who-Invites [Mission | Solo] Empty Re: She-Who-Invites [Mission | Solo] Sat Aug 11, 2018 5:51 pm

Laïs Crowly

Laïs Crowly

She-Who-Invites [Mission | Solo] Alchemy+Symbol

In an unused room of the Ryujin facility, not too far off Laïs room. What few would see were the countless glossy eyes seemingly looking at the occultist from within the walls themselves as dim light brought forward by a single white candle and six black ones illuminated the room. In the middle of the occult symbol where she stood, the white one stood before her as the 'ligbt bringer', the six black ones that had been lit from the centre candle now standing in a perfect circle around her to mark every point of the star. Each of them connected by a line of salt running from one end to another, making a six-pointed symbol. A layered circle around it would serve as the ritual's barrier. It'd mean little to the non-initiated but to an occultist it was pretty much a necessity to keep their ritual free of unwanted 'guests'. A variety of inscriptions written in a foreign language would complete the purpose of the circle. The entire occult symbol could easily be seen as an unusual sort of Fuinjutsu in the eyes of the Nations, but those of the Land of Demons would know it had nothing to do with any of that art.

Sitting cross-legged would be the Jugo, a simple looking spear resting on her knees would serve as the medium of her intentions. As the hour of ghosts sounded, the black-clad mystic started her sombre incantations, forcing the forces of the Otherworld to heed her call. Her words would echo in the room as they hit the walls, countless beady eyes fixating themselves on her as if they now spotted the chanter for a first time. As her chant continued, the foreign words of her spell empowered by minuscule amounts of fuuton chakra, the outer candles would flicker as otherworldly energies were pulled into the room and around the barrier of the occult symbol. Soon the entire world outside the barrier faded away, visibility limited to the area within. Unholy screams and shrill keening would mingle with the winds of the Nether, mocking cawing would herald the raven messengers.

Then her chant would hit full force, creating a maelstrom of spirits and wraiths around the barrier which were heeding her call. Former warriors fallen in the sands of Sunagakure who had come to the call of the Valkyrie who was about to select the worthy to follow her to Valhalla. Spirits of Vengeance and War slighted by the Nations more than eager to repay the treachery of the invaders in kind, ready to stand at the Valkyrie's side in hopes to be given a second chance. Revenants tied to eternal torment as they wandered the Otherworld in search of worthy foes that would finally put an end to their endless cycle of undead existence. All of them were raging around the symbols, lead by a murder of a hundred crows which had crawled out of the walls and into the darkness of Yomi itself. It was a cacophonous ruckus only perceivable by the ritualists currently present.

Then the hurricane of sound and spirit would quiet down as quickly as it appeared. Candles flickering. Presences expecting. Wherever Laïs would look around her, armed and armoured spirits waited restlessly around the barrier as far as her eyes could see.

561 of 1875

3She-Who-Invites [Mission | Solo] Empty Re: She-Who-Invites [Mission | Solo] Sat Aug 11, 2018 6:38 pm

Laïs Crowly

Laïs Crowly

"Little girl, remember this. If you would ever invoke demons or spirits be sure you know why you're doing it. When you speak, be clear. When you ask, demand. When you offer, don't offer all."
"I don't get it, poppa."
"Many denizen of the Otherworld envy the living for they squander something valuable and fail to realise it. These entities will stop at nothing to take hold of life itself or ruin it if they can't have it. Be sure you remain strong of will. Do you understand?"
"I don't think I want to do this..."
"You are my child, Laïs. You are destined to walk this path."

The black-clad woman would rise to her feet, spear held tightly in her right hand. Rising it up so it would be held straight before her, as if offering, amethyst eyes would take in the world of vengeance standing at the doorstep of her barrier.

"Einherjar, behold.", she'd call out to the masses of spirits. "This spear will be the medium allowing you to step into the world of the Living. This spear will be the vessel carrying your envy for a power that was unjustly taken from you, and carry your vengeance against those who wronged you. It shall become the weapon that brings forward the bloodshed you desire, the tool that will allow you to bring death upon your targets."

Wordless screaming and agitation rose among the masses like the sound of the sea washing over the sand that awaited its embrace. Some would start growling and roaring, spectral claws lashing out at the spirits around them only to be given retaliation in kind. Others would leave, seemingly not interested in joining a cause long since forgotten by their torn, ageless minds. Those who remained offered her another change to sway their attention in her favour.

"But there is a catch. My offer does not come for free as you will be bound and shackled to this vessel just as much. By my will you will remain, my touch being the only one to caress you aside from the lives you'll be taking, your words only heard by my ears. Grant me your skill and I will grant you the ability to slake your warrior's hunger."

Even more would leave, scorned at the thought of having to strike a bargain. Others would attempt to assault the barrier that kept the ritualist away from the greedy hands of the vengeful spirits, black candles flickering with every strike. Dancing but not wavering despite the knot forming within Laïs stomach as she understood the importance of her father's words. The error of the ritualist was not one of weakness. It was the mistake of playing with forces beyond their comprehension. Steeling her resolve, Laïs would raise her chin, staring deeply into the hollow eyes of the monstrous entity trying to shatter the barrier with its fists. Allowing the Beast Within to surface just briefly, amethyst would turn a faint claret as low growl would leave her throat.

"I dare you to break this barrier, wraith, and your fate shall be one of eternal damnation at my hands. Come, so I can shred your existence to pieces with my own hunger."

It would bash its fist once more against the barrier before it's eternal wrath would bore itself into the flickering battle madness inherent to the Jugo's blood. Contemplating. Then, a low grunt as it opened its spectral hand in agreement. Thrusting the spear through the barrier and into the spectre, its presence would vanish from immediate sight and throw a faint aura over the promised host. As if the first acceptance had broken the ice and paved the road for others, other spectres and fallen warriors would step forward. One by one they would accept the bargain of the spear's prison in favour of unleashing their rage to ravage the lands of the living. Then, as the last of the interested had come to accept the deal, the remaining legion of the Otherworld entities would leave. Yomi itself would let go of its embrace over the room, returning what little light it once had back to full perception.

"Proud warriors inhabit this spear now and so your name shall be Einherjar. Guide my hand and you will yet find solace in your prison."

Total: 1213 of 1875

B rank - Einherjar x 1:

4She-Who-Invites [Mission | Solo] Empty Re: She-Who-Invites [Mission | Solo] Fri Sep 07, 2018 5:55 am

Laïs Crowly

Laïs Crowly

The ritual came to its end, the occultist now holding a spear simple in look but rich in potential. Borrowing the power of the slain was but the first step of her future goals. A little test of her own powers and trial to see how things could be done. With this ritual having come to a success the path to more laid bared before her. Perhaps her foster father was right. Perhaps she was destined for this. Where only the future would provide the answers, the ravens perceived no differences in time. All time was the same. A dumb concept brought to life by the narrow minds of humans who were not able to grasp more complex natures than the single, linear path Time brought them. So simple these humans were they could not even see that their time 'line' was a vicious circle repeating their own past over and over again. The past heralded the future, the future repeated the past. No wonder the Corvus required no such thing as a concept of time.

Naturally, that was not the only reason. Spirits didn't require a body and were thus not affected by the material world. Lifting Einherjar to put it in front of her eyes, the crow sage wondered what does would mean for the spear. The spirits were bound through the will woven within the ritual, not so much by the spear itself. The 'container' would be needing improvement of some sort as time moved on, believing the spirits to grow lesser in amount as the stronger ones remained to wrestle control over the spear. Seals might prove a useful addition but she didn't hold that sort of knowledge and frankly held not much interest in writing either. It mattered little for now, the sage satisfied with the results as they were. Figuring out how to improve upon her own grip would come with time.

Lais would tuck the spear onto the back holder she got for that purpose and leave the room. There were other preparations to be made. A custom armour had been requested, plans had been revealed. Yosei infiltrating Konoha, Lamya rampaging in the sands, her own to collect the journals. There was work to be done. Daremo had left the area, even though he seemed interested in joining her towards the Land of Demons. She had no clue what direction he had travelled in, making the plan rather difficult to execute, but Konoha seemed like a viable stop. Not only to gather up on materials. A visit to the origins of the Snake, a visit to a place she had never been. What wonders would await her there?

The sun was slowly rising, twilight at the horizon. A night spent with ghosts and wraiths rather than nightmares for a change. The exhausted looking Jugo barely saw the difference these days. Her nights were troubled either way, the days feeling like a waking dream to trod through. Suna's sun would soon rise up high in the sky, burn the skins of the careless again. She couldn't say she disliked the warmth but a change of scenery from the endless sand desert was a welcome gift. Taking out an odd mask that had been delivered to her, the occultist placed it on her face. With her black raven cloak, hood raised to hide her identity, she could easily pass for an ANBU now. The headband of Konoha at her disposal added even more to the mystery, an unknown entity moving around unquestioned. The idea was an appealing thought even if the sage had no intend to infiltrate into the Village's core. An idea worth trying out.

As the first sunrays eventually bathed the soft sand into dull gold, the occultist changed into her black bird form and spread her wings. Leaving her personal room behind to greet the skies. It was time to pick up her requested armour. Try it out. Preparations for a coming war. Not one to be fought in this world. One to be fought in the otherworld.


Total: 1894

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