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1Eclipse Empty Eclipse Mon Aug 20, 2018 10:00 am

Laïs Crowly

Laïs Crowly

The sun was well up by the time the Jugo woke. Bathing in her own sweat, body and bed soaked. Pearls of perspiration covered her whiter than usual face. Still breathing heavily, she felt as if she finally found the end of the nightmare she had broken through with the sunlight filtering through what little holes it could find. And yet, the nightmare was far from over. An eerie silence cloaked the area. It pressed heavily on the woman. Truth. Reality. Despite the dream being nothing tangible, the Jugo felt the message behind the nightmare as a truth pressed upon her as hard as the floor itself. Lamya... was gone. The Snake Sage's imprint in Lais' aura had torn itself apart with such a vicious force it had torn a hole in her own soul. For a moment it felt as if life itself had been bleeding out of the woman, left her trapped within the nightmare of the Otherworld as it tried to pull her into Yomi. Not because it had been her time to go but because it didn't discriminate in life force in the slightest. Yomi was entitled to Lamya's existence and so it had come to claim it wherever it crawled.

Weakened by the struggle, Laïs found herself in her own room completely cloaked in darkness with all but the few strands of sun. What was to become of her? With Lamya gone it felt like her whole life suddenly had lost its meaning itself. Immortality...? Was this even needed without her mistress around? World domination? Ryujin? The whole plan crumbled without any sort of support holding up its existence and necessity. These plans were inherent to the Serpent. Was it strange to say the Jugo suddenly felt naked and fragile? That she was lost and confused now that the imprint and reason of being had fallen away? Orochi Risu had given her more than her own parents could ever have given her in such a long time. She felt compelled to continue her Snake Sage's plans but... she was not the Snake. She could not do what Lamya had done. Laïs didn't care for world domination. She cared to end the world and throw it under Yomi's grasp. But immortality... She could continue that. Transcend death itself. She'd do better even. Not just live, die and return. She would step into Yomi willingly and find the soul of her mistress which had been pulled into the Otherworld. Holding up Einherjar, she would steal the soul of her mistress from the clutches of the Otherworld and preserve it within her spear until she could find a means to bring her mistress back to life.

"Your story has yet to end, World Serpent. They may have destroyed your body but they will not destroy your essence."

Climbing out of bed, Lais would peer through the little holes of the curtains that allowed the light inside and sighed. She was supposed to have left before the sun was up. Nothing could be done about it. Attributing the events to a cycle that simply should have been, Laïs would gather what little she had left of her materials and stash it in her bag. Donning Hakana and draping her black hair over the cold steel of her armour, she'd proceed to swing the bag over her shoulders and invoke Einherjar from behind the Veil that separated the World from Yomi, manifesting its non-existent spiritual form. As she was about ready to leave Sunagakure, the slow threatening hiss of a snake would catch her attention and as she turned her attention to its source, a white snake would rear its head from under her bed.

"Child. I hope you don't intend to run."
"Uraeus. What are you doing here?"
"Until I remain I do as I please, child. I am making sure you do what Lamya expects you to do."
"Her apprentice I may be but I use my wings how I see fit. I can't do what she did. I am not Lamya"
"You are right. You will never be the presence she was. Still... Don't squander her trust, bird."
"I intend to bring her back but I have to find her soul in the Otherworld first."
"I will watch your steps..."

The snake would pull back its head and disappear from her senses, making Laïs roll her eyes. Opening the door and leaving her room to never return, Lais would move to meet up with Yosei. He would know a way to get inside the Otherworld for longer than just a brief moment...

[EXIT], no response from Yosei.


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