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1Northern Earth Country Dragons {wip} Empty Northern Earth Country Dragons {wip} Sun Aug 19, 2018 6:31 am



Northern Earth Country Dragons {wip} ZuJ59Vl
Northern Earth Country Dragons {wip} ZDw0NnD

Northern Earth Country Dragons {wip} W9WfrGX

Item: Contract Scroll
Rank: B
Species: Northern Earth Country Dragon (Mythic)
Elements: Yōton (Katon + Doton)
Specializations: Taijutsu, Ninjutsu
Quantity: 1
Price: Free
Description: The scroll remains one of the most important pieces of equipment in a shinobi's arsenal for it's utility when combined with fuuinjutsu. When purchased the shinobi can choose to have something specific placed on the scroll ahead of time or left blank.
Appearance: A large generic contract scroll that is 3 feet long and 1 foot wide.


Last edited by Takao on Fri Nov 16, 2018 12:33 am; edited 1 time in total

2Northern Earth Country Dragons {wip} Empty Re: Northern Earth Country Dragons {wip} Mon Aug 20, 2018 1:12 am



Northern Earth Country Dragons {wip} Tp8qcA9
Uranauzo | 占うぞ
Origin: Custom
Rank: S (Giant)
Species: Northern Earth Country Dragon
STR: S-3
SPD: A-1
END: S-3 (SS-2)
PER: A-1
REA: S-0

Element: Yōton, Katon, Doton
Chakra: 200
Specialization: Taijutsu, Ninjutsu, empty slot
Weapon Style: n/a

Personality: Uranauzo, as the largest and strongest of the Northern Earth Country Dragon Clan, is innately domineering and dictatorial. After taking control of the previous boss summon half a millennia ago using a civil-war and coup, he has ruled over the remnants of the clan with an iron fist, and has worked tirelessly to repopulate the clan's numbers in preparation for war and battle. Despite his apparent arrogance and dictatorial tendencies, Uranauzo cares greatly for those within the clan that he rules over. He seeks not just for his fellow dragons to survive, but to thrive as well. He is noted to hate other dragon clans with a passion, and regularly seeks to eradicate them so that only him and his remain.

Jutsu: 14 slots

Northern Earth Country Dragons {wip} W2MLilt
Saishozo | 最初ぞ
Origin: Custom
Rank: A
Species: Northern Earth Country Dragon
STR: B-2 (A-0)
SPD: B-2
END: A-1
PER: A-3
REA: A-0

Element: Yōton, Katon, Doton
Chakra: 150
Specialization: Taijutsu, Ninjutsu, Iryōninjutsu
Weapon Style: n/a

Personality: Saishozo is the oldest dragon of the Northern Earth Country Dragon Clan that remains alive, boasting several millennia of age and experience. Within the clan of dragons, he is regarded has the wisest being alive, possessing knowledge and understanding that would baffle even the smartest of mankind. Saishozo speaks slowly, partly due to his advanced age, and is immaculately articulate with his choice of words and pronunciation. Saishozo is eager to share his knowledge to those who are willing to listen, and thirsts for the opportunity to do so, as the majority of dragons prefer to quarrel over strength and power in place of wisdom.

Jutsu: 10 slots

Northern Earth Country Dragons {wip} W4QXl7m
Geni'zo | 野溢ぞ
Origin: Custom
Rank: A
Species: Northern Earth Country Dragon
STR: B-1
SPD: A-0
END: B-1
PER: A-3
REA: A-3 (S-1)

Element: Yōton, Katon, Doton
Chakra: 150
Specialization: Taijutsu, Ninjutsu, Iryōninjutsu
Weapon Style: n/a

Personality: x

Jutsu: 10 slots

Northern Earth Country Dragons {wip} 6Jcdc07
Sawayakazo | 爽やかぞ
Origin: Custom
Rank: B
Species: Northern Earth Country Dragon
STR: C-2 (B-0)
SPD: B-2
END: C-1
PER: B-1
REA: B-2

Element: Yōton, Katon, Doton
Chakra: 150
Specialization: Taijutsu, Ninjutsu
Weapon Style: n/a

Personality: (Self-explanatory)

Jutsu: 10 slots

Northern Earth Country Dragons {wip} Z8nuyKM
Jurouzo | 十郎ぞ
Origin: Custom
Rank: B
Species: Northern Earth Country Dragon
STR: B-2
SPD: C-1
END: B-3 (A-1)
PER: C-3
REA: C-3

Element: Yōton, Katon, Doton
Chakra: 150
Specialization: Taijutsu, Ninjutsu
Weapon Style: n/a

Personality: (Self-explanatory)

Jutsu: 10 slots

Northern Earth Country Dragons {wip} QvHfHOI
Kohakuzo | 琥珀ぞ
Origin: Custom
Rank: D
Species: Northern Earth Country Dragon
STR: E-1
SPD: D-2
END: E-1
PER: D-2
REA: D-0 (D-1)

Element: Yōton, Katon, Doton
Chakra: 100
Specialization: Taijutsu, Ninjutsu
Weapon Style: n/a

Personality: (Self-explanatory)

Jutsu: 6 slots

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