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1Soul Eater DOOD Empty Soul Eater DOOD Fri Jan 04, 2013 8:12 pm


Soul Eater DOOD 2qlcqw5
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Even in the midst of the of great world powers the organizations known as the DWMA, Coven, and Arachniphobia being forced to rebuild themselves following the devastation brought on by the Demon God, Kishin Asura, many new students, witches, and villains alike have risen, taking up the task of discovering their talents and fates. Though as reconstruction and stability seemed to reach a zenith, and as the mourning of those lost had began to cease, a few people had begun to realize....

The Madness had never ended. It had merely changed.

Amongst the melodies of the weeping, and the accompanying cries in harmony, a Demon God - a new Kishin conducts the despair in the world like a scourged symphony...

Will you compose your own melody, or will you waltz to the Madness?

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