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1Independent Bounties. Empty Independent Bounties. Thu Jul 12, 2018 7:19 pm



Though the prices on the heads of these targets have been ordered by criminal or other independent forces, Hidden Village shinobi are welcome to assassinate the targets of rival nations as they see fit.

Name: Kanako Nara
Age: 19
General Appearance: here
Personality: Kanako is a happy-go-lucky do gooder of the Nara clan, light, bubbly and a deep aspirant of the way of fire.
Goals: As a forward scout of Konohas’ defences she holds to her mission of protecting Konoha’s flanks and warning Jonin to the presence of enemies. She aspires to be the best, to serve her country, to find love and be kind.
Abilities: Kanako, although little more than a chunin with C-2 stats, is a ‘prodigy’ when it comes to stealth ninjutsu. She has B Rank Ninjutsu, Medical Ninjutsu as well as Suiton and Futon. She has a hosto of 10 B rank jutsu, each of which is able to hide her from a sense at will which she is able to cycle through one at a time. She also has all library techniques of the specs / elements she would be able to use.
Equipment: 10x kunai, 10x shuriken, 20m of wire, a wireless radio and a signal flare.
Other: A ninja must have completed 2 other missions in which tracking down Kanako is an objective in some way in order to confront him in a third, and awards 5 EP for his death.

Name: Kais Kyoakuna
Age: 22
General Appearance: here
Personality: Level headed and focused, Kais is a brave soldier for Kumogakure. Not a staunch believer in Hastur, but loyal to his village, he considers deep and philosophical thoughts above his station and not his place to question. A true soldier who many admire.
Goals: To do as his lord commands, nothing more. Doing so has planted him as the poster child for much military propaganda in Kumogakure. Depicted as the ultimate ‘Good Soldier.’
Abilities: Kais is a Sp. Jonin member of Kumogakure’s ANBU, one of the few ever allowed to reveal his face and remain within ANBU squads. He has B-1 stats as well as A rank Bukijutsu, Ninjutsu and Senjutsu & Katon, Doton and Koton. Kais has trained his sage mode and has a host of A rank jutsu that allow him to create ‘fields’ of weapons to fight his enemies, many with varying bukijutsu effects. He also has Senjutsu variants of all library techniques as well as the ANBU techniques.
Equipment: None other than his ANBU equipment including a B rank steel aligned axe. He creates it with his jutsu.
Other: A ninja must have completed 2 other missions in which tracking down Kais is an objective in some way in order to confront him in a third, and awards 5 EP for his death.

Name: Iroh Sanada
Age: 27
General Appearance: here
Personality: Iroh is a brilliant ninja from the land of Iwagakure. Intelligent and deep thinking he’s often a dozen steps ahead of whomever would hope to deal with him. However, all that betrays his brilliance is his jaded and cynical nature.
Goals: Irohs goal is to simply create art as well as serve his nation so long as it allows him the freedom to do so.
Abilities: Iroh Sanada of the Rokkaku clan is a feared stone mason. An A rank ninja who wields S rank Ninjutsu and Fuinjutsu. Combined with a potent summoning contract (Castor/ Beaver), Nin, buki, sen. He’s able to virtually create fortress walls of immaculate design in an instant with his A rank Doton ninjutsu as well as with his summoned ally. Additionally, he has A-1 stats across the board as well as all library doton, ninjutsu and academy techniques.
Equipment: Iroh has no weapons on his person but wears A rank light armor over his whole body. He has a vast array of paper-bombs as well as explosive kunai, weapon scrolls containing cherry bombs etc.
Other:A ninja must have completed 2 other missions in which tracking down Iroh is an objective in some way in order to confront him in a third, and awards 5 EP for his death.

Name: Akira Sangotatsu
Age: 38
General Appearance: here
Personality: Soft-spoken and oddly kind despite his gruff appearance. He seems wise beyond his years and very thoughtful, one to wish for conflict to be settled with words before actions. Never raises his voice or yells.
Goals: To bring justice and equality to the land, by whatever means necessary.
Abilities: Akira Sangotatsu is a powerful A rank hunter ninja Captain of the hidden mist, as such has A-3 stats across the board as well as S rank Ninjutsu, Bukijutsu, Senjutsu, Suiton, Raiton and Katon. He has attained the ability to use his clans dragon sage mode as well as all of his clans techniques. He’s able to use library techniques of any spec/ element he has as well as the Academy, ANBU and Hunter Ninja libraries. Akira is a dangerous foe, if not solely due to his Suiton superiority. His claim to fame is an S rank jutsu which caused an abnormality literally changing the weather to rain heavily, allowing him to use his powerful suiton jutsu.
Equipment: Straight double edged S rank sword as well as S rank light armor. Akira wields a mixture of B rank elemental paper-bombs which create electrical discharges. Water cyclones and the usual explosions.
Other: A ninja must have completed 2 other missions in which tracking down Akira is an objective in some way in order to confront him in a third, and awards 5 EP for his death.

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