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1Safety is Key [Private] Empty Safety is Key [Private] Fri Jun 29, 2018 12:25 am




Mission Taken - Divert Refugee Allocation:
I can’t believe how far I’ve truly come since the last time I was here.

There was something to be said about training in the desert: the heat and the sun and the general harshness of the landscape could build up the kind of endurance that couldn’t be found elsewhere. Precautions had to be taken or you risked great sickness and even death if you pushed the limits too hard. You had to learn the perfect balance between how far you could push yourself and when it was time to just give up and call it quits. Of course, training in the desert definitely reaped its rewards as any former Sunagakure shinobi would tell you: Niala included. Her training session with her uncle Daremo after her previous mission had been quite intense: it had gone on well into the night and the pair had not stopped before the morning sun had begun to make its appearance, warming that the lands that had quickly become too cold to be comfortable for any who weren’t prepared for such. The training had been tough, but she had pushed herself diligently through it, unwilling to give up, unwilling to stay down. Her determination had only been rewarded with the session becoming that much harder and harsher as her limits were pushed: how much would it take to break her? How long would she remain strong? How long before she called it quits and tapped out? She had surprised not only herself but she also believed her uncle as well: she had proved that she was stronger than she had been the last time she was here - that she had grown so much in the past few months, and become a better shinobi for it. She had proven she was no longer a little Genin who was green around the gills but rather a seasoned Chuunin well on her way to becoming a Special Jounin. Of course, that didn’t mean she hadn’t paid for the training dearly afterwards. While her uncle Daremo had been more than willing to heal her wounds there were some aches and pains that remained, and as well they should in her opinion. Nothing ventured was nothing gained, and a little pain would only serve to toughen her up. As far as the exhaustion went? Well, she had crashed almost immediately upon returning to her tent, barely making it into bed and certainly not changing into her sleep clothing.

So, it was no surprise that as she woke up her hair was a mess, her clothing was wrinkled and twisted, and what little bit of makeup she bothered with - mainly eyeliner and mascara - had somehow ended up smeared around her eyes. With an annoyed eye roll as she caught her reflection she headed over to the bowl and pitcher on her dresser, pouring some water from the pitcher into the bowl and using it to wet a rag before carefully wiping the smeared makeup off. Instead of bothering to put more on she instead worked on pulling her messy ponytail down and running a brush through her hair before fixing it up once more, twisting her long strands into a bun and securing it so that it wouldn’t be blowing in her face all day. Deciding to forgo her usual makeup entirely since she knew it was a bit past noon and she’d likely just sweat it all off, she instead focused on stripping out of her clothing and after freshening up donning new attire: a black long sleeve netted shirt and leggings which would help to protect her skin from burning, with a maroon t-shirt and shorts worn over top. Her village hita-ate was secured around her head, furthering to help hold her bangs back and out of her face in the harsh winds. Finally her weapons and scrolls containing her puppets were added to her person. No sooner had she grabbed a few grapes out of a nearby bowl she had been working on did she hear someone outside of her tent. “Come in.”, she immediately responded as soon as she had swallowed, curious as to who would want her.

“Koizumi, Niala?”, a voice spoke as a young man entered whom she had seen around before handing out assignments to others.

Nodding her head in response Niala would speak, “Aye, that’s me. What can I do for you?”, she’d ask politely.

Another mission? Busy, busy, busy! But that’s how I like to be.

“I have a mission for you..”, he would respond, holding out a scroll which Niala took automatically - it wasn’t like she was going to say no after all, right? With a nod and a word of thanks from Niala she watched as the young man turned and left her tent, clearly off to deliver more missions or whatever else he got up to when he wasn’t doing that. Glancing down at the scroll in her hand Niala popped the seal and opened it, reading quickly her latest task: she was to escort refugees to the Kumogakure border camps to ensure even distribution of refugees from the rescue efforts. “Well, that’ll give me a chance to speak to my uncle afterwards…”, Niala muttered, tucking the scroll safely away before double checking that she was armed to the teeth and had both of her puppets sealed away on her person.

Word Count: 906 / 1,500

2Safety is Key [Private] Empty Re: Safety is Key [Private] Fri Jun 29, 2018 12:52 am




Alright, I’ll get this mission done, and maybe grab lunch with my uncle.

With a plan in mind for how she wanted to handle things, and all of her gear on her person, Niala headed out of her tent, leaving her space behind as neat as it always was: a personal preference for her considering she didn’t like things messy. She wasted no time in heading to the location the group she would overseeing was waiting, and after double checking that everyone was there who was supposed to be - which they were - and that no one extra was tagging along so that she could ensure even distribution as the mission detailed. “Alright, please listen closely. We will be traveling on as direct a route to the camp I will be dropping you off at as possible. Stick together. No one is to wander off alone. If you need to stop and rest let me know and we can make that possible. Please make sure you’re all appropriately covered - there isn’t a cloud in the sky and I don’t want to see anyone sunburnt. Please keep an extra eye on your children to make sure they don’t pick up or step on anything. If we run into any trouble please do not panic, remain as close together as possible and I will handle it.” Her instructions were basic, and while she knew that as Sunagakure refugees they should know all of this already, she figured it was best to be safe rather than sorry - though from a few mutters she picked up on not everyone enjoyed her ‘treating them like they were the children’ as a few of them put it. Instead of commenting on it though she simply took her position at the forefront of the group and began to lead the way - not needing a map since she had traversed this path on numerous occasions when she had been with her uncle.

Well, if something was going to go wrong at least it was this.

Thankfully, despite the muttered protests of a ‘child’ leading the group they listened to her well enough, sticking together, keeping themselves as covered from the harsh sun as possible. Children were kept in line, either by their own parents or helpful members of the group, ensuring that they remained safe and protected and that no accidents or oops moments occured.

Of course, not everything was going to go as smoothly as planned: the arrival of two half starved coyotes looking for an easy meal making their appearance as the Kumogakure border camps came into view. “Everyone remember what I told you, stay together, and do not run off…”, Niala reminded the group as gasps and words of worry sprang up within the group as they too noticed the two coyotes. Pulling out two kunai Niala moved forward, putting some space between herself and those she was escorting. Thankfully her ploy worked, causing the coyotes to turn their focus onto her, rushing towards her in their desperate act to sate their hunger. As the coyotes lunged for her Niala timed her attack, thrusting a kunai into each throat as it was presented to her and pulling them free while ducking beneath the attack. Both coyotes moved past her, hitting the ground and rolling, leaving behind a trail of blood. Due to the location of the wound they were incapable of even trying a second lunge attack, both crumpling to the ground as they began to bleed out.

Ensuring there was nothing else to sneak up on them Niala returned to the group, keeping her weapons on hand in case anything else made its appearance. After checking that the group was okay she finished leading them to the Kumogakure camps, handing them off to another as they arrived before heading to find her uncle and see about grabbing a bite of food.
Thread Exit

Word Count: 670 | 1,576 / 1,500

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