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How many changes will the family have to endure before they catch a break?

The past month had been enlightening to say the least. They had moved out of their home despite having lived there only a few short months, all after that fate encounter between her daughter Niala and that bastard Genki. The man had tried to throw Niala out, what was worse was he had tried to put his hands on her. Hanae hadn’t allowed it: she had put a stop to it, and she had hurt him for it. No one hurt her babies, she didn’t care who they were. That had been a day for revelations, a day for her to finally come clean not just to Genki but to her two beautiful children. She had let them in on some of the secrets she had kept so diligently until that point: including how Genki was not their biological father, his elder twin brother was. It seemed at first that her children had taken the news as well as she could expect; better in fact considering the circumstances that had surrounded the reveal. Of course, she heard them while they were sleeping at night, when their dreams were disturbed: how many times had she listened to Niala waking up crying? The thought sickened her stomach, turning it even now, causing her to put down the bowl of rice she had been about to consume, laying her chopsticks across it. ’Niala…’, her thoughts drifted to her daughter, the one out of the twins who seemed the most visibly affected: she knew Kensaku was, but in different ways, and it seemed more hidden.

She felt bad for her daughter, she could see her suffering, and see the changes it was causing. She was no longer the happy and innocent child she once was. While Hanae knew some of this dealt with growing older, becoming a young woman aware of herself, she knew that some of it was due to that bastard. He had created wounds in the young girl that could not be healed: even time would never fully remove them. The knowledge that Genki was not her biological father could only sustain Niala for so long - she had loved the man and known him as a father figure for sixteen years, and then he had thrown it all back into her face. He had said hateful and hurtful things that could not be taken back, things that had caused emotional and mental scars. But then he had tried to attack her. He had tried to strike her down right there in her very room. Hanae had, of course, stopped it before it could happen but the action itself had left its own marks on the young girl - and Hanae was concerned about just how deeply those marks went.

A sigh left the beautiful middle aged female’s lips as she leaned back in a comfortable manner on her seat, bringing her hot cup of tea to her lips and sipping it soundlessly. She found herself staring at the wall across the way from which hung ornate tapestry and other decorations but she wasn’t really seeing them. She was instead reliving that day a month ago, over and over again in her head, while thinking of the conversation she had had with Genki that had started it all. Her daughter had come to her, had confided in her the relations which had happened between her and her fiance Kannon. She had had questions, and Hanae had certainly answered them, as well as providing her with advice to keep them safe so that no mistakes were made that they might regret later when it was too late to fix them. She had decided to give Genki a brief version of the details, if to only make him aware of what he might overhear or walk in on, so that he would be prepared for it, so that he would understand his daughter wasn’t a little girl anymore but a young woman. Genki had handled it all with stony silence, and while Hanae had known he was upset by the information she hadn’t realized just how angry he had been. No, she hadn’t known that until she was downstairs, in the middle of cooking, and overheard Genki yelling.

Why didn’t I just kill the bastard when I had the chance?

Even now as Hanae took another sip of her tea she found herself questioning her method in handling things the way she did: she hadn’t killed Genki. Oh, she had certainly hurt him, had certainly injured him permanently, had certainly left him with a reminder so to speak on why messing with her children was a very bad idea, but he still remained very much alive and currently in the back of one of many wagons that were part of a merchant caravan on its way out of Iwagakure no Sato. Then again the reasons behind his wounds, well, that was something he wouldn’t remember; they as a family were something he wouldn’t remember.

As Hanae’s thoughts continued to drift further she heard elsewhere, in the distance, a door opening and closing and found herself glancing at the clock on the nearby table: it was nearly two in the afternoon and it seemed like Niala was just now getting up - she knew it couldn’t be anyone else considering that Kensaku was off doing something, and Kannon and Chiyoko had left to likely train somewhere early that morning, leaving Hanae and Niala as the only two home. Sure enough her gaze fluttered upon Niala after hearing her make her way down the steps, the younger girl dressed in what was becoming her typical attire: a black t-shirt with black leggings and boots: poking her head around the doorway of the living room Hanae had made herself comfortable in. “Where is everyone?”, Niala would ask, glancing around with brows furrowed in curiosity.

“Your brother headed off to the market about an hour ago so he likely won’t be back for a while, and Kannon and Chiyoko I believe headed off to train early this morning, so I wouldn’t expect them back for a while yet. Just you and me for now.”, Hanae responded to her daughter.

Niala nodded in understanding before tilting her head towards her mother’s cup of tea. “Is there any hot water left on the stove? I could use a cup..” Hanae smiled and nodded her head yes before taking another sip, her answer apparently appeasing her daughter who disappeared from the doorway and headed into the kitchen to make herself a cup of tea. With a sudden thought Hanae found herself yelling after her, “Make sure you grab something to eat, too… it didn’t escape my notice you missed lunch and dinner yesterday, young lady.” Her words garnered her no reply for now, and she expected none: Niala, who had been doing so well when it came to eating, was slipping back into her old habits and had been for a while. Already she was beginning to lose weight, and what little sleep she did get was fitful at best. It was yet another concern weighing heavily on Hanae’s mind that late afternoon.

Word Count: 1,225


”How long has it been?”, Daremo mused, reptilian yellow eyes looking at the gates that led into a town not too far from Kaze no Kuni. Wrapped in a dark brown cloak, he scrolled towards the gates, stop to the guards his identification, before continuing on with his walk. It had been some time since he been to the town when he last saw his ex, Tei, though, her disappearance was not the reason for him to return to the place. No, he was here to check up on a particular Geisha house that was dear to his heart. A place where he has unfortunately been neglecting to visit, until now, due to the emotions invoked by it.

After going down a few familiar streets, surprisingly remember them despite the length of time since he walked them, Daremo came up to the destination he had been seeking. Pausing in front of the modest size building, he took in the appearance of the place where he was raised as a series of emotions ranging from sadness, regret, happiness, and angry, flickered through his orbs. It was not surprising that the place had not changed much since he left. The wooden building still looked the same as the last time he was there. Though, his eyes were capable of picking up some much-needed improvements, including seals that functions eluded him for now. Having stalled long enough, Daremo knocked on the door.

As the door open, revealing an elderly woman, one that he recognized immediately, “Grandmother.”, A soft smile appeared on his face. There was confusing in the woman’s eyes, and it showed when she speaks, “Who are you?”. Of course, she would not remember him; it had been some time since he had the last visit. Though he had asked for his grandparents to watch after the Geishas of the establishment, he knew the knowledge of him being alive would not be known by them; it being a safety measure in case someone targeted his precious people/ “It is me, grandmother, Nanashi.”, There it was, he told the woman his identity. “Makuyo’s boy?”, He nodded at the question, watching as the woman closed her eyes, and feeling a prickle across his skin, and hearing a gasp from the elderly woman. “How?” He nodded in understanding, knowing what she was asking. She wanted to know how he was alive. “I will explain everything, but first, can I come in?”, He asked, walking into the building once the elderly woman stepped to the side. Another sigh escaped his lips, knowing that there would be a lot to tell and explain to the woman, but he was willing to do that.

Sitting at a table surrounded by the Geishas who remembered him, Daremo sipped on the tea brought to him, “So, my sister is living in Iwagakure no Sato now?”, He asked, receiving a nod from the elderly woman. She, along with the other Geishas, had been informed about the truth of his death, and what he had been up to. Of course, he swore them to secrecy that none could tell anyone about what was said, and they agreed. “And you said they are living in my house? I am surprised Genki is not with them.” He mused out loud. To say he was surprised that his sister, and her children, along with two others, were living in his house would be an understatement. When he had given her the keys, it was meant for only her and her children, no one else . . . Not even Genki. But it seemed like his sister forgotten the small detail, though, he could not fault her, especially if the other two people were in dire need, Hanae tended to help those in need a lot.

“I wonder why Genki is not with them.” That was the million dollar question. What had happened to Genki? While the man was not someone he approved of Hanae dating and even marrying, something he made clear everything they met up for their sessions, he knew the woman was in love with the man as much as she could be when her heart was elsewhere. She would not have moved into the house without having a good reason, so what? “I think I need to visit Hanae.”, He spoke, deciding to find out what was going on with Hanae. Standing up, Daremo hugged all of the Geishas, promising to return before he leaves Kaze no Kuni for good. Once all the hugs were given, he exited the building/

Wrapped back in a traveling cloak, Daremo got a ride via a caravan heading into Iwagakure no Sato. The couple being generous enough to offer the ‘civilian’ traveler a ride upon seeing him walking down the road which led to a small village. Small talk was made between them, Daremo learning they had fled from Sunagakure no Sato upon its destruction and made their way to waterfall village. Now they were out once more selling their stuff. They sold various trinkets and the likes to the villages they ventured into. For thirty minutes or so, more things were learned about them, along with him telling them some information that was commonly known.

Upon arriving at the village gates, the guards checked the merchandise, making sure nothing illegal was being brought in, along with making sure their identification checked out, before allowing them to enter. It after passing through the gates and heading towards the market district, did Daremo bid the couple farewell and thanking them for the lift.

Walking down the streets, heading towards his sister former home, Daremo no longer wore the traveler cloak, it being draped over his arm. A dark purple Haori with an intricate chinese dragon, in silver trim, etched on the back, was thrown over his shoulders. The jacket opening up to reveal a creamy white kosode. A pair of black hakama pants held up by a dark purple obi, and black geta finished off his look. His silver hair was in a bun with a pair of long, black senbons keeping it in place.

It did not take him long to reach his former home. The outside of the place looking better than he last seen it. The improve condition most likely have to be due to Hanae moving in. Stopping in front of the door, Daremo raised his hand to knock, but paused, remembering he still had a key to the place, if Hanae did not change the locks. Now, where was that the pair key? Touching the side of the house his fingers looking for any oddities, he found one. Applying a small amount of chakra to the tile, he watched as it opens up, revealing a small pocket which held the spare set of keys. Grabbing the keys, and watching as the opening closed, returning back to what it once was, Daremo opened the door.

Cool air greeted him, along with the smell of tea, and food being prepared. Silently walking down the hallway, he reached the entrance of the living room, and spotted Hanae enjoying a cup of, what he presumed, was key, “I do not know if your sensory skills had slacked or you just doing this on purpose.”, He spoke, referring to his sister’s lack of awareness to him entering the house. It was not like he had been trying to hide his presence from her. It would have been something she could easily sense. Though he also knows, Hanae had a way of ignoring his presence just to rile him up, and he could not help but to wonder if that was the case.

No matter her response, he moved towards where Hanae sat, waiting for her to put down her teacup to hug her, and a brotherly kiss on the cheek. Sitting on the couch beside her, he turned his body to face her, “How have you been?” A simple question that was anything but, Hanae would be picked up the meaning behind the words. He wanted to know what happened. Why she was living here. Where was Genki? What was going on?





I must really be distracted if I didn’t realize you were here.

It was in that moment that Hanae had realized just dangerous in her own head she was: how much what had happened was affecting her too - it took her brother walking into the room for her to realize someone else had entered the house. To her brother’s statement she just shook her head with a soft sigh, “I’m not in a good headspace right now, I guess I’m distracted.”, she commented in response, putting down her cup so that she could return her brother’s hug, smiling as he kissed her on the cheek. As she watched her brother sit, turning to face her, she picked up her cup of tea, realizing it was almost empty. At his question she sighed softly and shook her head: she picked up easily on the meaning behind the words. He wanted to know why they were here, likely why Genki wasn’t. She needed a drink. “Niala, dear… bring in a bottle of sake and two glasses, please.”, she called out to her daughter before focusing her attention onto Daremo. “You might want a drink for this story…”, she added ominously.

Niala, meanwhile, she had been in the kitchen trying to figure out what she wanted to eat, heard her mother’s call and with brows furrowed in curiosity she grabbed a bottle as well as two cups as requested, bringing them out into the living room on a serving tray; pausing in the doorway as she noticed that her mother wasn’t alone: her uncle had arrived - she had assumed as much when the familiar feeling had hit her a moment or two ago. “I thought that might be you I was sensing..”, Niala thought to herself. Though with the usual light in her eyes was gone, and there was only a sobering look where her quick and ready smile used to be. Instead of sticking around as she might have before she placed the tray down on the table and then turned and wandered back off to the kitchen, keeping herself distance, avoiding eye contact.

I’m going to need a stiff drink for this.

Hanae opened her mouth for a moment like she was going to say something to her daughter over her soundless arrival and departure, and then closed it again and shook her head. “She’s still hurting…”, Hanae muttered before turning her focus to Daremo, pouring them both a glass. “You’ll have to forgive her, this past month hasn’t been easy on her… I’ve never seen someone look so broken.” After passing Daremo his glass she’d bring her own to her lips, sipping it before beginning her story from the very beginning as to sate whatever questions her brother might have. “Shortly after Niala, Kensaku, and Niala’s fiance Kannon got back from their trip to Kirigakure and Sungakure Niala came and confided me in about how her and Kannon’s relationship had finally turned physical. She had concerns, and I was more than willing to help her through it. Kannon and his mother Chiyoko were staying with us - Kannon has a very interesting upbringing, and there were people after both of them. They had been staying in Kumogakure when they were attacked, and ended up fleeing here. Anyway… with both of them living in the same house I wanted Genki,”, she paused, the word spoken as if it were a foul one, as if she wished to use a curse instead of his name,”... to understand that he needed to be careful about just walking in to their rooms - that Niala was no longer a child, and he might overhear something. He didn’t respond the entire time, but I didn’t realize how angry he was until later.”

Hanae paused there, taking a sip of her sake while listening to her daughter removing a pan from a cabinet - at least she was making something to eat. “I was in the kitchen cooking when I heard Genki yelling: he called Niala whore, and disgusting. He was about to hit her when I stopped him. From the bits and pieces Niala helped me put together he had walked in on her practicing a jutsu that was causing this rabbit she had locked in a cage to decay while remaining alive. Genki saw it, and the combination of both the sex and that… it sent him over the edge. He tried throwing her out, gave her fifteen minutes in which to pack her stuff and leave. He didn’t care she had nowhere to go, nor any money. After I stopped him from striking he added to his mistakes by trying to attack me as well, especially when I told Niala she didn’t have to go anywhere. In the end I put him to sleep and handled him…” Hanae paused there, sighing even as the smell of delicious food filled the air. “I decided it wasn’t wise for us to stay there anymore, I’m fairly certain Genki was involved in something dangerous, and I couldn’t put them at risk. It hasn’t been easy though; it’s changed both of my kids, but it seems to have hit Niala the worse. They know now who their real father is, but that hasn’t lessened the sting any. She’s been very withdrawn, won’t really speak. I just had to threaten her to get her to make herself something to eat - it’s been over twenty four hours since the last time she did. I think she’s blaming herself still, and no matter what I say to her it doesn’t seem to make things any better.”

As Hanae quit speaking the sound of a cabinet and drawers could be heard, the smell of good food now hanging heavily in the air. Niala was busy scrambling eggs and frying bacon and sausage: making enough food not just for herself but for her mother and uncle as well if they were hungry too. She worked in silence, no smile on her face, no joy to be had from one of her favorite pastimes. Her back was no longer held straight and proud, but rather slouched in on itself, as if she were cowering from the very world. She was hurting, emotionally at least, with wounds that were still wide open and sore, and it showed in the way she held herself, the way she kept her eyes downcast, the way she avoided eye contact.

Personal Word Count: 1,080 | 2,305
Total Word Count: 3,661


The moment he had stepped into the living room, eyes falling onto his sister, Daremo knew something was amidst. A good actor she might be, Hanae could not hide anything from him, he saw through her like a book. Something bad had happened, but he did not know what, however, he was planning on finding out what was going on. For there was no reason why his sister would have spaced out, even in the comforts of her own home. Both of them knew better not to do that, even in a relative safe place. His suspicious of there being something wrong was confirmed when she mentioned being distracted, and not being in a good headspace right now.

Sitting down, he turned his body to face her, reptilian eyes looking intently at Hanae with a hint of concern in them. His desires for answer would have to wait when Hanae told Niala to bring a bottle of sake and two glasses. Her following words, that he would need it, only caused the concern with him to grow. The suspense of not knowing what was going on, having no clue in what exactly caused his sibling to act like this was gnawing at him. Whatever had happened, whoever done something to them, will have to answer to him, and it would not be a pretty outcome.

“The last time we drunk together was when we found out about mother’s death.”. He spoke, remembering the specific time. Drinking was not something he partake in, only doing it sparsely, or doing moments which called for the release that alcohol gave, must like their mother’s death. So for her to ask Niala to bring them a bottle of sake? Yeah, he knew something was terribly wrong. Speaking of his niece, he looked in her direction as she entered the room, and did not like what he saw. The shine in her eyes, which he had grown accustomed to, was no longer there. It seemingly been snuffed out, leaving behind a empty shell. The vibrant light of his niece was no more, and Daremo wanted answers. It because of that reason why, no soon after Niala left the room, he turned his attention to Hanae “What is going on?”, He did not leave her any room in trying to back out of the question. He wanted answer, and he wanted them now.

With each second passed with Hanae saying anything, Daremo was growing restless, as he waited for a reply. As he were about to open his mouth, asking her once again what was going on, she began to speak.Hurt? Why was Niala hurting? What happened? Did someone do something to her? At such thoughts, he had to suppress the raging animal who were beating up its cage in an attempt to get out and take over to deliver punishment to those who might have hurted Naila. Before he could allow the beast control, Hanae finally began speaking, leaving in more confusion.

The sake forgotten, Daremo shook his head, “No need to apologize. There is something clearly wrong here. You nor Niala are acting like yourselves. So what is going on?”, Once again he asked wanting to get to the bottom of what was going on. Hanae had been only giving him small answers, teasing him with the truth that he want to desperately hear. To find out what was exactly going on, and as a brother try to solve it the best way possible. That what brothers and uncles were for, right? Thankfully, he did not have to wait much longer to find out what was going on.

With rapt attention, Daremo listened as Hanae told him what had happened. The tale started out slow and fairly okay, with the twin, and Niala’s Fiance, something which caused his eyebrow to raised, they will definitely be talking about that in private, arrived back home from their trip to Kirigakure. This was something he had already knew, or rather, had an inkling for when Niala did not show up at the hospital after a few days. He assumed his niece had returned home for whatever reason. He had missed her company doing the shifts, with her being one of the few people he got along with.

Daremo’s eyebrow raised at the mention of Niala becoming physical with her fiance’, the two apparently having sex. “Are you okay with them being physical? Considering the risks?”, He question, wanting to see what her opinion on that particular subject was. He had no room to talk about the sex lives of other, considering how young he was when when he had his first encounter, but, still, there is a difference between his upbringing and Niala. As for Hanae, her upbringing was not as bad as his, their mother shelter her more, allowing her to stay with their grandparents more so than anything. She was not exposed to sex at an early age, like he was, the grandparents did not allow it. So, he was curious what her opinion was on her child having sex early on, “She does know the anti-pregnancy jutsu, right?”, He inquired, hoping she did. He was too young to be a great uncle,

Briefly, his eyes narrowed when she mentioned Chiyoko and Kannon living here. The problem wasn’t them living here, but the people who were apparently targeting them. He did not like that at all. They being here indirectly puts his family in trouble, and no God would help the pair if anything happens to Hanae or Niala because of their actions. For a split second, a sickly and dark feeling descended in the room, but was gone as if it was just a trip of the mind. “I see, hopefully them being here has not caused unneeded problems?”, The message was clear to Hanae, ‘Have their enemies tried to attack you or Niala?’

”And we are at the core of the problem.”, The beast within him spoke, having calmed down sometime ago, and listened on what Hanae was saying. The hulking creature behind the cage was laying on its front paws. Indeed, Daremo did not missed the amount of venom in Hanae’s voice when she mentioned Genki’s name. Whatever had happened. What had caused the sun to hide itself within Niala. Whatever had caused her to exhibit a dejected and sadden aura. Whatever had caused Hanae to be not be in the right headspace. It all stemmed from this man. And with the realization, Daremo felt the anger within him become heated.

What started out as a shimmer, the feeling of despair and disease hanging loosely in the air, causing those who were not used to it to scratch random, was being brought to a boil as Hanae mentioned Genki was not okay with Niala and Kannon possibly having relations. His heart began to beat heavily, and the pressure within the room was slowly raising, as Hanae talked about how she heard yelling while she was in the kitchen. “What!”, For those who did not take heed from the warning signs earlier, it would be too late now. A tidal wave of malicious, vile, filthy, diseased ridden intent fell on the occupants of the room, as Daremo’s anger brim on the crest of exploding. “You are telling me.”, With each word, the pressure increased, “That piece of shit called Niala a whore, and tried to hit her!? Not only that but the bastard tried to kick her out!? For what? Just because she had sex with someone else? Because she was practicing something in her heritage?” Rage. That would be a good word to describe what he felt right now. Pure rage.

Crack. The sound of the sake cup, which he had grabbed during the conversation, did not register with him. The liquid falling onto the floor, being accompanied by the shattered bottle of shake. The pressure within the room having increased drastically when Hanae mentioned being attacked as well. Dark, vile, and sickly, pale green energy waft off of his frame as he could not believe someone dared to attack what was his, “And Kaia-mai’s”[/i], the beast reminded him, the cage around him have already shattered into pieces with each attempt it being met with the same result; much like the one who was in control, the animal side was pissed that someone touched what was his. That someone overstepped their boundaries within his territory.

“Where is he?”, Daremo asked, “Where is that man. Because I ensure you, once I get my hands on him, there will be never left for the scavengers to eat. I am going to flay him alive, and gut him like the animal he is. His begging, moans, and cries will the chorus to his own death. Seeing how he has a problem with Niala practicing necrosis, I will gladly give him a crash course lessen in it, using him personally.” As Hanae continued to speak, Daremo slowly began to take control of his rage, drawing it back in, allowing those, who was affected, a chance to breath and not feel like they were facing Pestilence itself. Soon his hand stopped shaking, it having started sometime early, and the eyes that were brimming with rage was anything but now.

Concern and sadness were the prominent emotion in his eyes, listening how all of this had impacted Niala. Hanae believing her daughter, his niece, was blaming herself for what happened, and even though she had tried to convince her otherwise, nothing seem to get through to her. Reaching towards Hanae, Daremo pulled her into a hug, “Don’t worry, sis.”, He spoke, rubbing her back in a soothing manner, “I will talk to her. Maybe she will listen to me.” He did not know if Niala would listen to him. But, he hoped, the relationship they had built while in Kirigakure no Sato would at least put him in a favorable position that she will hear him out. Pulling Hanae back, Daremo captured her lips in a soft kiss, and smile softly, “Let’s see what your big brother can do.” And with those words, he stood up and went into the kitchen.

A frown marred his features upon seeing Niala slouched over the stove as she cooked. Wordlessly, three shadow clones were made as Daremo walked up to his niece, “Niala.”, He spoke, gently grabbing her hand with the utensil in it, and handed it to a clone, “Let’s have a talk.” If she would allow it, he guided her out of the kitchen, and up the stairs. Pausing upon reaching the top, “Which room is yours?”, He asked, moving them both to said room once being told. Guiding her inside of the room, he closed the door behind them.

His arms reaching out gently grabbing her and pulling her into a hug. A hug that was filled with love and concern for her. “You know none of this is your fault right? You did nothing wrong. The only one at fault is Genki. He could not let go of the image of his little girl having sex with a boy, even if the boy was her fiance. As for him flipping out about what you was practice, which I am assuming was some necrosis variant, it seems like he still can’t get over what happened in the past.” Rubbing her back in a soothing manner, he continued speaking, “This was not the first time Genki’s temper got the best of him. Back in Sunagakure, he attacked me in a blinding rage because he assumed Hanae and I was about to, or already had, sex considering our clothing was messed up and crinkled. If he had took time to look, he would have noticed the tears in our clothing and wounds that could only had happened in a friendly spar.” Of course, certain details was omitted, “Nevertheless, he attacked me, and it did not end well for him. To shorten a long story, I ended up being him badly, to the point where he became afraid of anything regarding necrosis. It was the reason why he forced your mother to stop practicing it, because it disgusted him, and because he was afraid of it. Our technique was something he perceived defiled nature.” He allowed Niala to digested the words before continuing on, “So, you see. He always had that temper. None of what happened is your fault. Because, even if none of this happened, Genki would have eventually lose his temper. Do you understand?”, He asked, wanting to know that Niala understand what he was saying.

Pulling her away, yellow eyes stared into hers, “While I can not promise being here for you all the time, due to having responsibilities in Kumogakure no Sato along with help my wife with our children, I will try my best to be available for you as much as possible. I will try my best to help grow and explore any areas that you have a slight interest in. If you like, I will try my best to be a father to you and Kensaku.” Growing up without a father figure was something he had learned to deal with. He had to learn that his father would never be in his life. Though, he might have learned this, those who he was around, the Geishas, took up the role as his father, teaching him everything he needed to know to be a better man than much of the populace. And it would be what they did for him, giving him a father figure, that he will do for his niece and nephew.  Looking at his daughter, niece, Daremo smile softly, “I am proud of you. From the moment I met you in Kirigakure, Spending those long hours working in the hospital together. I have seen growth in you in such a small amount of time. Growth that is simply beautiful. I am happy that you are pursuing interests  that you enjoy. And know, if you need any help, just ask, and I will do my best to help you. Okay?”

Family, it was the one thing Daremo cherished above all else. The one thing that would drive him into madness if something was to happen to them. Those in his family, both related by blood, and not, he will do his best to protect them all, and make sure they have a beautiful future.





Always the loving and concerned brother.

As Hanae was stopped before she could get too far into her horrible story she couldn’t help the small smile that appeared upon her face at her brother’s question. How exactly did she feel about that? “I… “, she paused and sighed, shaking her head. “I have mixed feelings about her and Kannon. He’s a great young man, and I fully believe he loves her and she loves him. Am I happy about their physical relationship? No. Then again, I like any parent would want my children to remain pure and untouched for as long as possible. I have to be realistic about it, though: it’s going to happen whether I like it or not. I would rather be accepting and helpful, someone that Niala can turn to if something were to happen or if she needs help, instead of someone Niala feels she cannot trust or confide in. I taught her the jutsu, as well as other things. I made it clear if she has any problems to come to me.” Hanae frowned a bit: she felt like she was doing the best she could for her child, she just hoped that was the case. She didn’t want to be one of those parents who scared their child into silence, who caused their children to sneak around behind their backs and then end up in trouble and only knew about it after it was too late. She wanted, no she needed, to be there for Niala.

When Daremo moved on to the subject of Kannon and Chiyoko staying with them, his concern being valid, Hanae once more shook her head no. “No, we’ve had no problems at all. It seems the issue hasn’t followed them here. In fact, both Kannon and Chiyoko are gone right now. They headed home to deal with something.”, her voice was laced with concern for them: she cared about both of them deeply, and was no in fact happy with them heading back without the extra help - though she knew Chiyoko was no pushover.

That anger. I haven’t seen it in quite a long time.

And then there it was. The rage. She has been expecting it, waiting for it really. She knew what it was the moment it reared its head, the moment the sickening feeling filled the air of the living room. To her brother’s question she nodded her head in conformation: Genki had in fact tried to kick Niala out, had called her a whore and disgusting, had also tried to strike her. As the bottle of sake and Daremo’s cup exploded from the pressure within the room Hanae didn’t even flinch: she had been expecting it - actually, this was a much better reaction than she had been expecting, more controlled at least. A chuckle escaped Hanae despite the situation, Daremo’s words causing her to remember exactly what she had done to the man. “I seem to have got a jump start on that already… he’s now down an arm.” Taking a sip of her own cup as if she was completely unbothered by Daremo’s reaction she would continue on, “As of this moment he is in the back of a merchant caravan well outside of Iwagakure by now, with no memory as to how he got there or who any of us are.”

In patience Hanae waited for Daremo to gather control over himself once more, his attention seeming to shift for the moment from Genki and onto the more pressing situation of Niala and how exactly she was handling everything. When his arms wrapped around her in a hug she leaned against him, wrapping her own arms around him and squeezing gently but firmly. The gesture gave her reassurance, and comfort: it lessened some of her concerns, it lessened the feeling of being alone that Hanae hadn’t realized until that moment she had been harboring. The gentle kiss was returned before a small smile formed across her face and she nodded her head at his words. “Thank you. I hope she will. I think it broke her heart to realize someone she loved could turn on her so easily.”, Hanae spoke softly before watching her brother make his way out of the room to find Niala; Hanae remaining where she was as she picked up her cup once more, ignoring the shattered pieces of glass for now - she was more concerned over her daughter than picking them up.

What all did she tell my uncle?

The thought raced across Niala’s mind as she felt a hand at her back and lifted her head to find her uncle standing there - along with several clones. She shifted her focus back to her hands as the cooking utensils were removed from them, allowing herself to be led away from the stove. When he mentioned wanting to have a talk she simply nodded her head in response, allowing herself to be guided out of the kitchen and up the steps to the landing above. At his question she pointed to a half open bedroom door halfway down the hall before making her way there and inside. The room itself was a revelation of her mood: it was barren, empty. In the half closed closet were stacked boxes brimming with the beautiful decorations, lights, and other objects that were memories of her past life, that were a look into the type of person she was. They had simply been left in the closet, out of sight, just like her emotions were being suppressed. The room itself had several bookcases in it filled with books that dealt with puppetry or medical ninjutsu while others were just simply for enjoyment: fantasy books, books about adventure, even a few romance novels tossed in at random. The room was pristine, clean, the bed - devoid of her usual colorful sheets and blankets - was down in a simple black and white and made to perfection. The room was like a wasteland of emotions of feelings, functional but that was it. The only portion of it that looked lived in at all was her desk, cluttered as usual with scrolls and books, notes on techniques she was creating, and notes on puppet ideas.

It’s not my fault? I want to believe that so much, I really do.

Niala was aware of the door closing behind her and turned towards her uncle, her usual curiosity showing in her gaze though it was dimmed like everything else. As she was drawn into a hug she didn’t respond at first until his words registered: this wasn’t her fault? As she shuddered she wrapped her arms around her uncle, feeling the tears she had been suppressing and holding back begin to flow down her cheeks as her shoulders shook. Even as she clung to her uncle she found herself hanging onto his every word; some of which had been told to her by Hanae or by Kensaku or Kannon. Yet, none seemed to have the effect as Daremo’s did: though she couldn’t explain why that was.

Outside of some sniffling she remained quiet as she listened to her uncle’s words: Genki’s rage, his hatred of what Niala was doing, it didn’t come from her but rather stemmed from a situation from long ago. A situation where her father had jumped to a conclusion, had attacked her uncle, and been nearly beaten while likely experiencing things that terrified him. This was also the reason why her mother never openly practiced the necrosis techniques Niala knew she was capable of: Genki had forced her to stop practicing: the techniques disgusted him, and he was frightened of them. As Daremo mentioned that Genki had always had that temper, that even if none of that had happened he still would have lost his cool eventually, and then asked if she understood she found herself sniffling once more as she nodded her head and wiped the tears from her cheeks.

Thank you, you’ve helped me more than I can ever express.

As her uncle pulled away to look her in the eyes she met his yellow stare with her own blue one, little drops of tears still making their way down her cheeks even as she sniffled: yet now there was the softest of smiles on her face where before there had been nothing but a blank slate waiting to be filled. She listened as he spoke of trying to make sure he was available for her if she needed anything: that while he could not be there all the time due to his own responsibilities and his wife and child, that he would try his best to be there when he could. As he went on to mention trying his best to be a father figure for her and her twin she nodded her head in response, her smile growing a bit more.

Then, he spoke five simple words that seemed to unlock everything she had bottled up, that seemed to be the key to the Niala she once was instead of the nearly barren shell she had become: I am proud of you. A hiccup escaped her, her breath catching, as fresh tears rolled down her cheeks while her smile grew far more pronounced; reaching her eyes, causing the blue orbs to sparkle and light up with life and energy. She found herself nodding to his words once more before capturing him in a hug, her grip tight, conveying all of the emotions she couldn’t put into words at that moment: love, thankfulness, relief that she was understood and not judged, happiness, and the mental healing that even now her mind was going through as it unlocked itself from the nightmarish place it had been in for the past month.

Never again will I allow someone to break me like this. I will remain strong.

Pulling gently away she would find herself glancing around her room, concern filling her eyes as if for the first time in the past month she had truly realized where she had been at emotionally: how destroyed she had been. “I guess I’ve been in a really bad headspace this past month…”, she muttered softly. She knew she had worried her family, and yet even as the realization of what she had likely put them through hit her there was no sadness or guilt: she knew they understood. She knew they were there for her. How she had convinced herself otherwise, how she had allowed that bastard break her like this… she would never allow it to happen again. The realization took the slump out of her shoulders, her demeanor changing to its usual confident self. “You know… I’m kind of pissed at myself now. I let him get under my skin that badly…”, she admitted as she reached up and wiped the remainder of her tears away with the sleeve of her long black shirt. In that moment she knew two things that was for certain: for one she would never allow anyone to hurt her or break her like that again, and for two she was going to do all that she could to be the best person and the best shinobi possible. She was going to pursue her interest regardless of how anyone felt about, and she was going to become the best as what she could do. She would become someone that her family could be proud of, and someone that her enemies were terrified of. “I’ve got a lot of work to do…”, she spoke softly. “I want to be someone my family can rely on and turn to when in need, and someone my enemies are terrified of crossing…”, she paused, turning her gaze from her bedroom and onto her uncle. “... and I’m going to need your help getting there.” She knew what she wanted wasn’t going to be easy. It wasn’t going to be a walk through the park, or a field of flowers. There was going to be a lot of frustration, blood, sweat, and tears involved. She would have to make decisions most people couldn’t, do things that most people were disgusted or frightened of. This knowledged showed plainly in her gaze, and yet there was a steel-like determination there too: she was willing to walk through hell itself if it meant reaching her goals. She was determined to allow nothing and no one stand in her way anymore. She refused to be broken by anyone, ever again.

I will be someone my friends and family can rely upon, and someone my enemies are terrified of.

Oh yes, she had plans now. Plans and ideas. She knew it was going to be a lot of hard work, that it was going to take time. She wouldn’t wake up tomorrow super strong and able to take on the world. This was something she was going to have to work on, something that was going to take a mountain of dedication. She was going to be tested mentally, physically, and emotionally, and if she broke that would be the end of her. She couldn’t allow that, she wouldn’t allow that to happen. She wanted this, wanted it more than anything she had ever wanted in the past. She had started her shinobi career content with where she was, content to move along at the pace she was. That had slowly begun to change, she had begun to become her own person, to explore her own interests. Then that had all been thrown back up into her face: she was no longer Genki’s perfect little china doll, no longer the pure and innocent child she once was. But, she was going to rise from the ashes of her sadness and despair like a phoenix rising from the flames. This past month would not define her: she would rise above it, she would become stronger from it. She would take the lessons she learned and move forward. She wouldn’t allow this to rule her life, instead she would do exactly what Genki - what others as well - would fear: she would become the kind of monster needed to keep her family safe. Someone whose name struck fear and terror in the hearts of those who would dare to stand opposed to her.

The best part? She knew she wouldn’t be doing this alone. She knew that she had support now, people she could turn to, people she could confide in. Her family wouldn’t turn their backs against her like Genki did. They would always be there for her. They would help her, and strengthen her when she was feeling weak. When she was ready to give up, to throw the towel in, they would be her strength and endurance.

From downstairs the smell of delicious cooking food wafted up to her and she felt her stomach roaring to life. When was the last time she had eaten? She couldn’t remember; when had she consumed more than a few bites here or there to keep the stares of her family down, to keep the concern of them at bay that she couldn’t stand to face. Now she was starving, hungry. She knew she would need to eat; to properly take care of herself. She couldn’t be lax or slacking anymore. As much as she wanted to grow stronger she knew knowledge could only push her so far, she would have to be strong physically too.

“I suppose the first thing I need to do though is have breakfast… Probably before mom kicks my ass for not eating.” Oh yeah, she definitely knew Hanae would if she pushed things too much further. Her mother had once before threatened to sit on her and force feed her rice and fish when she had gone three days without eating - a desperate mother knew no limits. That, and this was Hanae: the woman didn’t make empty threats. If she said it, then she was willing to do it.

Personal Word Count: 2,695 | 5,000
Total Word Count: 8,775


Going up the stairs was an uneventful for affair for Daremo. The silver haired man leading his niece up them, wanting to speak to her in the privacy of her own room, away from the eyes and ears of Hanae. Though there was nothing about the upcoming conversation that he needed to hide from his sister, he was doing it for Niala’s benefit. Though his own kids are not that old, as a doctor, he has dealt with teenagers who would not say anything in front of their parents, believing they would be looked at in a different like. That the parents would hover whatever was admitted over their head for leverage. Or condemn them for whatever what they did not want to be known by said family members. And while he knew Hanae was not like that in the slightest, she being one of the most opened minded people he knew, he wanted to give Niala some frame of mind. That whatever she was going to tell him would not be heard by anyone else. That she would be able to freely speak her mind without having to worry about offending her mother or saying something she did not want her parent to know at the given time. She would be free to say whatever she wished.

]i]”Emotionless.”[/i], Daremo agreed with the statement made by his inner self as he looked around the room.  Initially, expected to see the typical stuff found in a feminine bedroom. The walls painted a shade of pink. Posters of her favorite music group. Stuff animals aligning her bed, which had a pink, or any other feminine colored, linens on it. There would have been a warm, vibrant, and welcoming atmosphere to those who entered. However, upon stepping into the room, there was none of what was mentioned. Much like the girl’s current state everything in her room was bleak, and lacked any real emotion, everything felt . . . ? Yes, that was what her room felt like the moment. Though calling it a room would been a stretch for it felt like no one lived in it. Only thanks to the bookshelf, full of various titles, the scrolls and other clutter on a nearby desk, and him knowing that this was Niala’s room, gave him any indication of someone staying there. The room was in pristine condition. There was not an ounce of dirt anyone, nor anything out of place for that matter. Everything was in their designated spots with nothing being out of order. Daremo frown at the thought.

Said frown disappearing as quickly as it came as he embraced his niece into a hug, telling her the actions of that man was not her fault. That she was not to blame for the actions of another. Initially, he wonder if the words he was speaking was reaching her. Was she actually listening to them, understanding that none of this was her fault? Or was she, like so many other teenagers, allowing the words to go into one ear and out of the other? He hoped she was not doing the ladder. Any concerns he might have with her no paying attention was put to rest when he felt her shudder against him and respond by hugging him back. Nothing was said as tears tore through her shuddering body, damping his shirt. The wetting of his shirt did not bother him. The only thing concerning him right now was Niala, his precious little niece.

”I can not imagine what you felt.”, Daremo silently mused to himself, hearing Niala’s soft sniffling. A childhood far from perfect, he never had to experience a father doing something like this to him. He never experienced someone attempting to kick him out, and nearly assaulting him in the process. Never had someone who was close to him say mean and hateful things to him. Sure, if something like that would happened now, the person would end up six feet under, and he would go about his way. The same could not be said if he was younger, and, dare say, his mother did something like this to him. There would not be anywhere he could go. He would have resorted in living on the streets, and doing what was needed to survive. Emotions would have been on high as the shock of a parent, his parent, doing something like this would have been unthinkable. Knowing this, he could not fathom what Niala was going through. The only thing he could was comfort her with soothing words, a loving embrace, and calming back rubs.

Full of concern, yellow eyes, stare into blue ones which were misty with tears. Ever gently, he brought his thumb up, softly pressing it against her cheek, and wiping away the tears that were threaten to stain her beautiful face once more. “You will be okay.”, He whispered, a soft smile appearing on his face upon seeing the faintest one of hers. There were some concern that he would have not been able to help is niece, that she would forever be stuck in the emotionless shell, but those thoughts were erased upon seeing that soft smile. She will be just fine. He was sure of it.

Somethings were still not settled though, as evident when she started crying upon hearing him saying how proud he was of her. ”How long?”, Indeed, how long has it been since someone ever told her the words. Has anyone even told her how proud they are of her? He did not want to dwell on those thoughts, instead, focusing on Niala. No matter the amount of time that went by since anyone had spoken the words to her, his own statement seem to have helped her as evident as the smile on her face. This smile being different because it reached her eyes, that were no longer emotionless and dead. Daremo smile widely as he felt the impact of Niala capturing him in a tight hug, and conveyed everything that words could not. He returned the hug, “You are my precious niece. I will try my damndest to be there for you.”, He spoke, restating what he had said prior.

Daremo watched as she pulled away, and glanced around her room with concern in her eyes, “Headspace? I can tell you are my sister’s child alright.”, He sighed, reaching up to ruffle Niala’s hair, “Only you two use the word ‘headspace’ in that fashion.” Really, Hanae had tried to get him to use the word ‘headspace’ to describe when he was in a bad mood. . .it never worked. Either he just blatantly tell others that he was not in the best of moods,  or they figured it out by his aura alone. Af first, he did not say anything when she mentioned about being pissed off for allowing that bastard to get under her skin, “Don’t beat yourself up too much about it. You are human. We are all prone to those moments, even I am.”, He spoke, recalling his small episode in the living room moments of go. Just because he had some control over his emotions, does not make him exempted from moments which Niala experienced. It was natural.

Though her voice was soft, he still her speak about wanting to be someone her family can rely on and can turn to in the time of need, and someone who her enemies were terrified of. Yellow eyes met hers, and silence reigned as he stared into her own eyes, “Hmmm.”, his eyes narrowing at her. For a brief second, Niala would feel a sickly sensation as Daremo’s chakra was slowly being uncoiled. The hairs on the back of her hair would stand up on end as his chakra passed Chuunin level. As it inched to that of a special jounin, the sickness feeling would increase. “Fine. I will train you.”, Just like that, the test he had put her under, to see if she would waiver under a taste of his pressure, disappeared as quickly as it came, “I will make you strong enough to bare the burdens of the family, and the hatred of your enemies. Because you are my sister’s child, I will expect the best out of you, and I won’t accept nothing less. By the end, you might very well hate my existences, but you will come out stronger than what you are. I do hope you don’t back out.” Though it might have sounded cruel and mean to do the things to family, Daremo needed her to understand what she was getting herself into. While he will never seriously hurt her,  he will push her beyond the limits, and breaking the self-imposed limiters. She will understand what it meant to get strong, to see the challenges that awaits her on the path of power. He will show her the road which he is still traveling.

Moving towards the bookshelf, Daremo looked at the amount of books Niala had accumulated. “Impressive collection you have here.”, He said, pulling one of the books off the shelves upon and seeing the name on it. “Mmm, was some of these from Iwagakure?”, He asked, smirking at the name on the book, it being familiar to him, flipping through the pages, remembering times of old, before placing it back on the shelf. Who would have thought that book of his would end up in the hands of his niece?

The smell of delicious cooking food wafted up, reminding him that his clones had been finishing up the cooking for Niala. Though knowing his sister, she would have probably taken over the cooking due to her cooking, in her words, being better than his. Looking at his niece, he was just about to open his mouth, mentioning about going to eat, knowing that Niala had not been eating much, but he did not need to for his niece seem to have her appetite back. “Hey, at least the ass kicking would be out of love, right?”, Chuckling softly, he moved towards Niala, “Come on, let’s go eat before Hanae comes up here and beat our asses.”

“Do you have any idea what you want to be trained in?” The question being proposed as he lead Niala downstairs. Daremo wanting to see if she had any idea of what she wanted to learn, “It is not as simple as just being strong. You need to have some idea of what direction you want to take. There are many different things to train in that will make you ‘strong’, but what is the point if you are not enjoying the areas being trained? If you don’t have an answer right now than don’t worry about it. You will eventually find one throughout the training we will be doing.” Reaching the bottom of the steps, Daremo took note of Hanae not sitting in the living room anymore.

“Hanae?”, He called out, walking into the kitchen, and seeing Hanae finishing up the cooking while his clones were regulated to setting the table. This being expected for, as mentioned, Hanae believed she was the better cook being the two. “You know my clones could have finished cooking, right?”, He asked, dispelling the clones after they had set the table. Daremo gaining the memories of the clones. No sooner after the pair went into the room, Hanae came into the kitchen, and ordered the clones to busy themselves with something else, asides from cooking. From the memories, she had them to clean up the house, particularly the mess made by him, along with other things, “Did you really have to order my clones around like this?”, Sighing, Daremo just shook his head, “No respect for the clones.” Only those who were close to him, family, knew he had a tendency to joke with them. He being more relaxed around them than others. They were his family. They knew him better than most, and because of this, he was able to relax around them.

Walking towards the refrigerator, Daremo grabbed the carton of orange juice, placing it own the counter as he went to retrieve a glass. Pouring him a cup of juice, and placing the carton back into the refrigerator, he moved to sit down at the table with his niece and sister. His eyes focusing on Hanae, “ Just so you know, Niala asked me for training. I will beginning the training after breakfast. You going to watch?”, He mentioned to Hanae.





You should tell him. He needs to know. If he’s going to be training you then he deserves to know.

A smile spread across Niala’s face as her hair was ruffled and his comment was made about her and her mother both using the same term: headspace. Yes, her and Hanae were quite similar, she often picked up things from her mother - the ways her mother talked, the ways she did things. But there was one thing she had going on that her mother didn’t: at least not unless Hanae was just that good at hiding secrets.

”Oh, going to mention me finally? I was beginning to think you were too daft to notice that there’s someone else in here besides you.”

”Oh god…”

“God? While I’m quite flattered by the compliment I’m not there yet, honey. As far as your mother keeping secrets, look at what she kept from you and your brother for so long…”
A tsking noise sounded in Niala’s mind as if whatever this thing was that was speaking to her disapproved of Niala having not caught on to certain truths earlier. ”A thing? Oh, now you’re just being insulting, dearie. I’m nothing more than a fragmented portion of you, sweet thing.”

“... You are me?”

“Well, it’s not quite that black and white. I’m your rage, your darkness. I am the violence you wish to unleash upon the world.”

“I wish for no such thing.”

“Duh… that’s because I’m here. You are the good, the sweet, the gentleness. I am the horror that stalks the night. Yin and yang if you will.”

No, this could not be happening. She knew it was there, she knew she had nearly lost herself when it came to her mother when they first had moved here: she had nearly attacked her. During that time it felt like she had been locked away, forced out of control of herself. She had watched the scene as if she were looking through a window, there but utterly unable to stop what was going on. “Was that…?”

Oh my gods, how do I shut you the hell up?!

“Was that me? Oh yes. That was a fun day, wasn’t it?”
Dark chuckling followed the thought, and Niala slammed that mental door shut to focus on the here and now, thankfully having spaced out for no more than a short second or two. “At least my mom’s alone in her headspace...I’m not…”, she spoke softly, hating to admit it, curious as to how Daremo would feel about it, how he would take the information.

In her head she heard laughter as whatever this entitiy within her was began to laugh, finding the whole situation funny, in fact it seemed to snapped back to the ‘present’ after feeling like she was drowning in laughter just long enough to feel… what was that?! She felt sick, yet the feeling wasn’t natural, it was wrong - very wrong. It took her but the briefest of moments to realize what it was she was feeling: her uncle, her uncle’s chakra. This was coming from him. A lesser person probably would have backed away, they probably would have left the room in terror - or to go vomit. However…..”Stay put, dearie…”, the voice in her mind spoke, the words seeming to command her body to do just that: to remain exactly where it was instead of doing what any sane person would have: leaving. Then, just as suddenly as the sickly feeling had begun it was suddenly gone and her uncle spoke words that caused a grin to spread across her face: he was willing to train her. Oh sure, her mother would have done the same thing had she gone to her, but she also expected her mother to coddle her, to hold back. Niala wanted no such treatment. ”You are a glutton for punishment, dearie.”, the dark voice spoke, causing Niala to snap back mentally to the thing, ”Shut up!”

Ah yes, I’m quite the bookworm. I want to fight with my mind, not brawn.

Thankfully, a distraction came in the form of her uncle making his way over to the bookshelves that Niala secretly prided herself on: some of the books there were rare and unique, some were one of a kind, while others were one of a handful that had been made. At her uncle’s compliment another grin spread across her face and she found herself nodding her head in response. “Yes, Iwagakure and elsewhere. That’s kind of why it took me so long to make my first puppet - tended to spend my money on books.”, she added the last part a bit sheepishly, a soft pink tinting her cheeks as she admitted to how much of a bookworm and a nerd she was at heart. Then again, she used her mind to make up where her body was lacking. She was built small, a frail thing, she would never be capable of pulling off some of the things other shinobi could, which is why she chose to use her mind to fight instead of relying on brawn.

As the smell of delicious food continued to waft upstairs she nodded to her uncle’s words, still grinning as she walked over to the bedroom door. “Yeah, unfortunately I don’t know if she’d kick my ass at this point, or sit on me and force feed me - she threatened to start doing that if I didn’t start eating.” It was perhaps a good thing Niala was so hungry too, as that was precisely what Hanae had been planning on doing had she not been willing to eat. Of course, Niala didn’t know that - Hanae didn’t make empty threats after all, if she said she was going to do something that meant she was going to do it.

That’s an interesting question.

As she followed her uncle down the steps she thought about the question he had posed to her: it was something she had actually thought about quite a lot. She knew he was right in what he was saying - if she focused on something she didn’t enjoy her heart would not be in it. She would not have the focus needed to take that study on to greater heights. She would, in the end, end up stunting her own growth out of sheer boredom. “I have a general idea of where I’d like to go with my studies and training. I have little to no use for ninjutsu, it’s common and common makes it boring to me. I understand it has a greater range of use than most things anyone could specialize in, but I prefer to learn to use medical both offensively and defensively: I want to use it for more than just healing. I’ve already begun to create techniques that combine my ability to use puppets and medical at the same time. Both of the puppets I currently have have the same set up as you saw me use in Sunagakure: a giant chamber inside of them I can use when I send my puppets into battle so that I can retrieve a downed ally while keeping them safe from further harm. I’ve devised a technique that also allows me to heal them while they’re in that protective chamber. It needs some work, it’s nowhere near as strong as it could be… But, I also have been working on a technique that is quite the opposite: trapping enemies in my puppets and then through the same set up using my chakra strings to send medical chakra into the puppet that causes negative effects. Essentially, I’d like to learn more about what you and mom can do as well… as you heard I was creating a technique in my room the day Genki found me - it was essentially causing the flesh and fur of a rabbit to rot and decay like a corpse would, only the rabbit was alive.”, Niala paused there, glancing into the living room to see that her mother wasn’t there.

Following her uncle into the kitchen a grin spread across her face as she found her mother at work, the clones of Daremo’s busy setting the table. It was just like her mother to boot others out the kitchen, she just didn’t expecting her to be able to convince a bunch of clones to go do something else. Grinning and giggling Niala spoke, “At least she didn’t chase them out with a frying pan…” Her lighthearted comment caught the attention of her mother who looked over to her with concern. Seeing her smile though, and the light back in her eyes, she tossed a thankful look over to Daremo before tossing down the cooking utensils she had been using and all but tackling Niala as she wrapped her up in a hug.

Niala returned her mother’s hug - which seemed to have no end - and patted her back gently. “Okay, mom. You’re squishing me. Need my lungs to breath, thanks…”, she spoke jokingly.

Hanae smiled and chuckled. “Psssh, I can always just grow you a new pair…”

Niala shook her head, going “Nope, nope, double nope” under her breath as she headed to a nearby cabinet and pulled out a glass. “No offense… but I would rather never know what it feels like to have any organ grown inside of me, ever…” Niala spoke, shuddering.

Hanae simply grinned wickedly. “Wait till you have to transplant an eyeball for someone….”, the woman chuckling as her daughter nearly dropped the empty glass she was holding.

Niala chose to ignore her mother in favor of the orange juice Daremo was about to put back in the fridge. Sliding on the wooden floor in her sockets she slid her way skillfully in between him and the fridge, grabbing the carton of orange juice before it could be put back. “Interception!”, she joked playfully, pouring herself a glass after coming to a stop. Soon as her glass was poured she placed the carton back in the fridge, closing the door before joining everyone else at the table, taking a sip only after she had sat down.

Hanae meanwhile looked between Daremo and then to Niala, eyebrows raised. “Niala… you do know what you’re getting yourself into, right? He’s not going to take it easy on you...”

Smiling, Niala nodded. “Oh, I expect nothing less. In fact, I expect uncle Daremo to be harder on me because I am his niece. I fully expect him to push me harder and expect more out of me than the average nobody from the street - if they die later on from lax training it makes no difference, but I’m family. Am I right?”, Niala would ask, glancing to her uncle for confirmation. Hanae opened her mouth to speak at that point, having expected some kind of argument instead of Niala agreeing, and then closed it as she nodded her head, glad her daughter understood to some degree what she was getting herself into.

Hanae’s attention would shift from her daughter to Daremo as she made herself a plate of food from the abundance laid out on the table, catching out of the corner of her eye as Niala did the same: glad to see her daughter taking so much and willing to eat once more. “I might take a peak at what you two are up to.”, Hanae commented thoughtfully, clearly interested. Then again, she was happy to see her daughter willing to do anything that didn’t involve sitting around her room and not eating. Whatever Daremo had done, whatever he had said, Hanae was eternally grateful for. He had pulled Niala out of that funk she was in in mere moments, where as Hanae and everyone else had been trying for nearly a month. Then again, even from the brief interactions she could see between the two she knew Daremo was like a father figure to the girl, and perhaps that was exactly what Niala needed: someone who was like a father to set her straight, to make her understand that none of this had been her fault, that she wasn’t to be blamed for it. “What kind of training will you be starting with?”, Hanae inquired interestingly. Niala, who had begun to eat slowly - not wanting to upset her empty stomach that had once again become used to there being no food on it - paused mid third bite of her plate, curious as well. ”I wonder if you will be hurting when this is done… Proper training is painful after all, yes?”, the dark voice purred in her head.

Personal Word Count: 2,140 | 7,140
Total Word Count: 13,009


”If I did not know any better, I would have wondered what she had inherited from her father.”, Daremo could not help but to agree with the beast’s assessment of Niala. Both of them having heard the comment regarding of sharing headspace with another. The revelation was surprising, but at the same time not.  It brought a visible frown on his face, and his eyes dimmed a little as he remembered things that should never be brought up again. ”You know why mother did it. Do not beat yourself over it. She is happy now. She has a family”, Even still, there was no denying the fact that he missed the old her. Missed the person who she once was, and wished to see them again. ”Even if it meant jeopardizing her family?”, Yes, as much as they meant something to him, he desired to see her again . . . whole. ”And I am considered the dark half.”, the loathing it was eluding could be felt, ”Yet, I understand what you mean. I too miss her. That is why I was surprised when she told us what she did. It seems like that aspect is not completely suppressed, either that, or it is awakening.”. He hope it was the latter, that the original aspect of her was finally awakening from its long slumber. He just hope this time around nothing bad happens to those around her, ”We will stop her if it comes to that” But the question is, would they even want to? Would they want to stop her from unleashing hell? He did not need to hear the beast’s answer for it was given via its quietness, no they would not. They would only protect those close to them, leaving others to their own fate.

Snapping out of forelonging, Daremo looked at Niala, “Yes, let’s just believe that for now, it is for the best.”, He spoke, attempting to dismiss the thoughts of her from his head. It is ironic Niala would be the one who brought back such memories, things he did not wish to think about much at all. ”Is it really surprising? She is her child after all. Let’s hope she has more mental fortitude than her mother did at that age.”, If she did have another person, an aspect similar to her mother’s, than Daremo will take on the role that his mother did when Hanae manifested hers all those years ago. ”You know she won’t let you take it that far. She is protective over Niala”, Unfortunately, Hanae did not have a choice in the matter. Daremo was going to do things his way, and if it meant bringing Niala to death’s door? So be it. If Hanae survived, ”At the cost of her mind splintering twice”, than Niala could too. ”I do not have faith she will survive.”, Neither did he, but he was going to see had the fortitude for what was to come.

Impassively he watched the demeanor of Niala changed, she finally noticing the sudden change in the air. Good, she quick enough to notice there being something wrong, her awareness was not terrible. Increasing the pressure, the blunt of it being forced onto her, he watched as she nearly looked like she wanted to take a step-back but something was preventing her from doing so. Intense yellow eyes drilled into her, mercilessly hammering away at her very being, carving through any resistances that she might have. He wanted to see who she was. Who was Niala behind the facade she puts on? Was she someone strong enough to withstand his teaching? Someone who is able to rise and meet his challenges head on? Or was she someone who would flee from adversity? Give up when the things get unbearable? As he bear into her, Daremo wanted to see her soul! ”Fuffuffuffuffu, look what we have here. She has potential, no?”, The beast crackled, watching as Niala stood her ground against the pressure’s onslaught, ”I think she will be just fine, dontcha?” He did not answer the question proposed, the beast within him already knew the answer to that question. “I see.”, He did not elaborate on the comment as he walked towards the bookshelf, looking at the books.

Daremo looked at the book in hand longingly, the name on it being one of familiarity to him: Guanyin Nanashi. A former Sannin of Iwagakure no Sato who died after been assassinated by some unknown entity. That was what the public knew. The truth of the matter was something else entirely. The man did not die. He was very much alive, and currently standing in the room with Niala. He wonder should he mentioned that to her? To tell her that he was the author to a few books on her shelf? That he faked his death to keep from being questioned in the death of a noblewoman who wanted him for herself. She having done everything in her power to remove any obstacles in preventing her from getting to him. To stop her from meddling, he did what was necessary.

“Good you are study even when not being forced to. Most people around your age rather be doing something else besides studying. You are a step ahead of many, but, just because you are, do not become lax. There are those who study as much, if not more, than you do. So keep on studying.”, Daremo spoke, parting on a piece of wisdom gained throughout his years as a shinobi. No matter what someone does, there will always be someone better than them right around the corner. History has written about the amount of people having died because they stopped studying and gaining strength. He would not let that happen to Niala, if he can help it.

Daremo chuckled at her statement regarding her mother, any worry about the woman disappearing for now, “She will probably do both . . . out of love.”A loving parent Hanae was, she did not play around when it comes to making sure people eat. He having been on the receiving end of one of her rants when he had forgotten to eat in a few days. Never again would he make the mistake around her.

As the pair walked down the stairs, Daremo patiently waited for Niala to figure out what she wanted from the training. To see where her initial thoughts lies when it came to pursuing her means to gain strength. He did not have to wait long for her answer, “While ninjutsu might be boring to you, it would be foolish not to get an understanding of it, so you can be prepared when facing someone who uses it extensively.” While he himself was in similar line of thinking at Niala, Daremo did not turn away from using or learning much as he came about ninjutsu. It would do him no good if he was unaware of what all the element could do. “As you know, medical ninjutsu, and all of its applications, is something I am well verse in. I even written a few books over some of the more . . . dark aspects of the generally perceived ‘harmless’ specialization.” Not wanting to tell her that some of the books on her bookshelf was written by him, he decided to mention it in a roundabout way. If she somehow manage to catch onto the fact that she had been reading some of his earlier works than he would gladly admit it. Until then? He will remain silent on the matter.

“Puppets is not something I am entirely familiar with, but I will help you where I can with that. “ Admittedly, that was one area he lacked a lot of knowledge in. While he had seen puppeteers in action, he never got the chance to properly study them for whatever reason. This would a great opportunity for him to do so. A smile appeared on his face when she mentioned learning the techniques that he and her mother uses. Seems like she would be the second one to be passed on the knowledge of his craft. But, out of the two students, he wonder who would eventually succeed him, “I would ask you if you positive on wanting to learn such dark arts, knowing the consequences and stigmas that comes from such. But, I doubt that would change anything. “, He had a feeling she was like her mother in that regard - headstrong. When she set her mind in doing something, she won’t give up until it is done.

Walking into the kitchen, and seeing what Hanae had done to his clones, Daremo could not help but to sigh. Dispelling the clones, gaining their memories, that were quickly sorted, “Yay for small miracles.” He spoke, having heard Niala’s comment about the frying pan, and walked over to the refrigerator to  get him something to drink. He allowing the mother and daughter to have their small moment together, As the pair conversed, he snorted at Niala never wanting to transplant an eyeball for someone, “Transplanting an eyeball is not terrible. I have done it number of different times. It is transplanting other things, like limbs or internal organs, that will test you.”. A smirk dancing across his face as the hand with the orange carton was lifted above his head before Niala had a chance to grab it, “You are far too young to get me with that.”, He jested, keeping it out of her reach must to the amusement of Hanae. Soon though, he would hand her the carton, and looked at Hanae who warned Niala about the dangers of training under him.

“Family?”, His eyebrow raised at the remake, “Yeah, you are family, that is why I will expect more out of you than any other. And considering one of my last students nearly died during one of my training sessions, I hope you are ready for pain.”, Hanae did not bat an eyelash at the nonchalant way he mentioned how he nearly killed a student, “Don’t worry, because you are my niece, I won’t go to that extreme.” He had to reassure her that he would not go that far with her, less she suddenly wants to back out of the training. He can’t have that now.

Before sitting down at the table, Daremo made himself a plate of food, and sat across from Hanae, catching the look she gave him at the mention of watching them train, “That would be a good idea. You was always the better healer between the two of us.” Yes, he freely admits Hanae’s healing ability was better than his own. Though, the only reason being was do to him diving into the darker arts more than his sister, “You can always help with healing Niala, when she gets roughed up.” While he did not know how well her puppet would stand up to his onslaught, Daremo was fairly confident that Niala would get roughed up in the upcoming spar. Taking a bite of the food, his attention shifted to his niece, “Once we finished eaten, and given enough time for the food to settle. We will have our sparr. It will be a simple one to gauge your current level, strengths, and what areas need to be approved up on.” He spoke, giving her a run down on what will happen soon. “You are chuunin still, right?”, If he was given an affirmative, he would continue speaking, “I will be fighting you at a Special Jounin level, see how that will be your next step in rank. If things progress, I will fight you with my full abilities to give you an idea of what a Jounin battle feels like, okay?” Some might see it strange that he would eventually fight Niala with his full capabilities, but Daremo did not. It was the same training his mother put them threw, and it shall be the training Niala endures. He just hope she was ready for what was to come.

Exit Thread | Continuing Elsewhere

Total Thread Word Count: 15,026

Personal WC: 7886
Training Senjutsu C ->B[7000|7000]

Last edited by Daremo on Mon Jun 25, 2018 2:36 pm; edited 1 time in total



Exiting Thread, Continuing Elsewhere

Personal Word Count: 7,140
Total Thread Word Count: 15,026
EP Earned: 6

Training Jutsu below with Quick Learner (10% reduction to WC)

Chakra Reverse Pulse (B-Rank): 7,140 - 1,350 = 5,790
Healing Aura: Longevity (B-Rank): 5,790 - 1,350 = 4,440
Medical Art: A Medic's Prayer (B-Rank): 4,440 - 1,350 = 3,090
Medical Art: Purge (B-Rank): 3,090 - 1,350 = 1,740
Medical Art: Purify (B-Rank): 1,740 - 1,350 = 390

Discarding 390 Words

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