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The sun was setting as Sanosuke walked towards the Duran Tree of knowledge. He had just faced a tough day of training that left him exhausted both mentally and physically. In the morning he had went to the Akako Dojo to learn yet another Kenjutsu technique and then later went here to train in chakra flow where he met a mysterious man that had unsuspectingly help Sanosuke gain better insight in his chakra use. And now he was coming here again, but not for training just for relaxation. Sanosuke climbed the mountain trail to the very top until he got to the tree.

The tree was as he remembered it, it was taller than any tree he had seen in Kumogakure with crimson leaf petals and red spiked fruit on its branches. In the morning when the sun is high, the tree looks like it doesn't belong in Kumo and should be be taken down. But at Sunset, it looks so beautiful that any outsider would shed tears at its beauty. Sanosuke sat down at the trunk of the tree and rested his eyes, he had a long day and just wanted to sit back and relax.

Ai Tsukino

Ai Tsukino

Ai really hadn't been paying much attention to where she was wandering to. She had been becoming increasingly bored recently, almost to the point of extremes; hell, she had been spending the last few hours just wandering at random. Wandering and humming some odd-ball tune that at least for most made absolutely no sense at all.

So the fact that she had wandered to this particular tree wasn't at all that random, given she'd been almost everywhere else. Her gaze fell upon the male sitting up against it and she stopped, having been in the middle of a random spin of boredom. Her hands instantly went behind her back, and her head tilted slightly, curiosity shinning in her eyes, though she kept quiet; mentally debating between staying or fleeing.



Upon resting on the Duran tree, Sanosuke heard the sounds of someone approaching him. When he looked up he saw a girl with white hair in the front and black hair in the back. Her eyes were a sparkling electric blue that startled Sanosuke with the beauty of them. Sanosuke tried his best not blush, Wow this girl is really cute. Sanosuke composed himself before he spoke. If he said anything stupid just because he hadn't taken the time to calm down and think before he spoke, he would hate himself for a while.

Then he noticed that she was spinning around for some reason and that brought his interest. "Wait, why were you just spinning?" Sanosuke asked.




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