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1Akito Miku (Private Training) Empty Akito Miku (Private Training) Thu Apr 05, 2018 3:04 am

Akito Miku

Akito Miku

A bird flies slowly soaring through the sky and up into the clouds. The rain has long since left the forest as the green glow of the dew on the grass leaves lets one small boy look into the distance as the wind blows, the bangs on his side flowing over the place where his human ears are meant to be. The hair in front of his face swaying as he looks on wondering how he would face her now that he had returned from the exams. He had succeeded and failed at the same time, feelings and emotions bottled up inside as he felt like he could explode. The flames of rage and the sadness of sorrow, a look with eyes aged as he ventures forth into tomorrow. He had wondered for a while now, he wondered who he really was and who he had become. He had not known how far it was, but he knew the truth was that he had no choice anymore. He would have to evolve, he would have to grow. He would have to dissolve, all his worries into the watering rivers flow.

It may not be now, or it might be then. Somehow and some way he would have to rise up again.


2Akito Miku (Private Training) Empty Re: Akito Miku (Private Training) Thu Apr 05, 2018 3:13 am

Akito Miku

Akito Miku

"Mommy..." as he would look up to the sky as he felt it deep down in his eyes as his ears began to twitch, he began to see her face among others. He saw the disappointed look on Airi's face even though she may not feel that way. He could not believe the things he had seen and what he had learned from bamboo jumping monkeys, to muddy river walkers. To giant metal spiders and raging fire breathing monsters. From this time to the next time, he would have to be prepared for what was to come, the truth that no one could foresee. The fall of the sands as if they had become trapped inside an hour glass, destruction had befallen their village and now there were only four powers in this world. The balance of the world itself had been shifted and there was only one truth that he understood, that was the truth that the greatest threat to the world was hidden within the darkest reaches of the mist. Traveling silently on eight legs armed with webs of steel and legs made of iron, the dangers were real, the dangers were unavoidable, the dangers that one would never escape. The dangers of the bloody mist.


3Akito Miku (Private Training) Empty Re: Akito Miku (Private Training) Mon May 07, 2018 5:13 am

Akito Miku

Akito Miku

He began to make his way deeper into the forest as he felt he needed a home, he needed a place to call his own. However something inside of him was telling him to go, telling him to find a way and run away from all the problems of having to stay. He did not get why he felt this way or how it came to be that on this day he would feel there was absolutely no other way. He decided he would need to train himself and improve his abilities even more then before as he took a deep breathe and made his decision.

He decided to begin with his new training regime as he took a deep breathe looking around before placing all his equipment in a secure location as he stood there in a loose shorts and t-shirt feeling the wind blow all around him as he felt he had to understand the true extent of nature's prowess.

He then dropped down to all fours like a cat before changing to a more familiar stance as he began counting. "One, two, three, four..." as he moved up and down, as his first training of push ups began to help improve on his strength which seemed to be too much of a weakness in its current state. He kept doing these as he continued the count as he went on and on. "eight, nine, ten" as he felt shaky, he might be strong as well as being able to lift most things, but his muscles were not used to this position as he often was not able to do many of these in the first place.

Then he reached the fortieth one and began to notice the true struggle begin as his arms became a bit shakier, his mind was being worn down and refreshed at the same time. He could not describe this feeling he felt as he continued counting. "forty-five, forty-six, forty-seven, forty-eight, forty-nine"

The new Miku was going to become much stronger then he was before.


4Akito Miku (Private Training) Empty Re: Akito Miku (Private Training) Fri May 18, 2018 12:37 pm

Akito Miku

Akito Miku

Inside his head he began to think back on how he felt about things in the past. His thoughts were messed up as he felt like he was tired of being what they wanted him to be, but at the same time he knew that he had no choice. He had felt like all his faith in the world was lost, as rumors had begun to float around inside his head. All the truth lost under the surface as he began to wonder what they were expecting of him. Under the pressure of walking in his shoes, he kept on going as he reached the fifty-seventh push up the pain was overwhelming as the sweat began to seep through the pores as he struggled his arms shaky, knees felt weak and his arms felt heavy.

He felt like every step he took forward was another mistake, but he knew he had no choice but to not get caught under the flow of dispare. He had felt like he had started to become numb to the pain, feeling as if he could not feel anymore as he wondered if anyone was watching him. Training so hard to become so much more then this, when all he wanted to do was go on adventures and be happy with his family. He wanted to be more like him and less like the rest of them.


5Akito Miku (Private Training) Empty Re: Akito Miku (Private Training) Fri May 18, 2018 12:49 pm

Akito Miku

Akito Miku

"aaaaaaahh!!!!!!" as he cried out loud having reached the sixtieth push up, he could not believe it could be this hard, he was strong, he was a chuunin-level shinobi and he was barely able to do one hundred push ups as he felt like the weight of his decision was smothering him. He could also remember his mother holding him too tightly, as he wondered if she was afraid he would lose control. He began to wonder if everything she thought he would become would fall apart in front of her, as he decided to try even harder as he kept on going with the pain in his arms and the rapid breathing as his chest felt like it was going to burst.

Going down so close to the ground he felt like he could lose his grip on the ground at any moment. He closed his eyes for a moment as he felt the sweat on his forehead as he kept pushing with all his might and all his strength as he began to think to himself, was it him lifting his weight or was it him pushing down the earth. Because he felt lifting himself should not be this hard, but it was simply that he used different muscles normally as he began to work harder to keep at it. Sixty-eighth push up came with his right arm nearly buckling completely as he just barely avoided collapsing as he felt the pain of all his weight on just one arm as he pushed up with all his strength struggling again and again as he reached seventy as he kept persevering as he began to think of something else, of a better place for him and his family.

He then began to think of the villages on fire as the sand turns to glass, so are they days of their lives ended as he felt he needed to become stronger then anyone, faster then the world and better then the best as he struggled on again and again to be the very best there ever was. He kept on going as his mind started going blank as he began to only know three things. The count that may never end, the pain that will never end and the reason why he had to not let his will bend.


6Akito Miku (Private Training) Empty Re: Akito Miku (Private Training) Fri May 18, 2018 1:02 pm

Akito Miku

Akito Miku

It had felt like an eternity as he passed the eighty-fifth mark as his mind had entered into battle mode seeing failure as death in this moment as his need for survival began to drive him insane. He was breaking his mind while breaking his muscles apart. In order to become stronger one had to break down and rebuild, as he knew it was his time to enter the serious world. He then began to think back on all those times he wanted to have fun, and all those times he did not manage a smile or even read the mood at all.

As the time was drawing to a close his mind was going blank, he just had a bunch of numbers. The count was all there is as he became lost in the heat of his passionate training as his heart was racing he finally hit one hundred and then he felt relief before passing out as he hit the dirt face first as his head instinctively moved to the side in order for him to breathe as his ears twitched to only listen in for danger as the wind blew over his small frame as he began dreaming of numbers going from one to a hundred, the never ending push ups as he began to feel like this training would be too much for him. However he could feel something change as this was not the end, but merely the beginning of a new revelation. The truth that was hard work and training.


7Akito Miku (Private Training) Empty Re: Akito Miku (Private Training) Mon May 21, 2018 4:06 am

Akito Miku

Akito Miku

After some time passed Miku woke up as he cried out with a loud yell.


He began panting, as his breathing was heavy he took a deep breathe and began to slow his breathing as his heart was still racing and then he felt this strange stinging sensation in his arms as he yelped when he put his one hand on the grass. He was breathing and panting and weaving and then he blinked a few times having rested for quite some time, his arms still hurt so he thought to himself he could not use that as an excuse when he still had the rest of his body as he leaned back and stretched out his arms and legs a bit yawning and releasing all the strain he felt before switching to a focused look again.

He then began with something that seemed a lot easier as he bent his knees carefully and had to carefully tuck in his tail as he began with some sit ups which seemed way easier, at least until he got to the fortieth one as he noticed a sudden pain in his mid section like he had been punched in the gut really hard. He began to think to himself, that doing a hundred of these was not going to be as easy as he thought, he began to shiver at the thought of how it might feel if the squats happen to be just as bad. However he had no time to complain as he continued with sit up number fifty one as the burn was there, the pain was a sign of growth or at least he hoped it was or else this was just torture.


8Akito Miku (Private Training) Empty Re: Akito Miku (Private Training) Fri Jun 08, 2018 12:28 am

Akito Miku

Akito Miku

He began rhyming in his head as the painful sit ups continued
"Fifty two, is the number of sit ups i hate to do"
"Fifty three, is the reason I am doing this for free"
"Fifty four, is the number I do not like anymore"
"Fifty five, is the number that shows I am alive"
"Fifty six, is a number for me to pick up sticks"
"Fifty seven, is the number of sit ups to go to heaven"
"Fifty eight, is the number of sit ups I do till late"
"Fifty nine, is a number i find real hard to rhyme"
"Sixty, is how old you have to be"
"Sixty one, is the number that we all know is meant for fun"
"Sixty two, is the number that tells me that i love you"
"Sixty three, is the number that reminds me of me"
"Sixty four, is the number for settling the score"
"Sixty five, is the time when i will arrive"
"Sixty six, is so i can start a new mix"
"Sixty seven, why do we not have an eleven"
"Sixty eight, the number for those who are late"
"Sixty nine, maybe i should drink some wine"
"Seventy, and my stomach feels empty"
"Seventy one, am I almost done"
"Seventy two, do I still love you?"
"Seventy three, how could any of this be"
"Seventy four..."

It was at this time that he passed out and a nearby medical shinobi found him and took him to go rest in the hospital bed


9Akito Miku (Private Training) Empty Re: Akito Miku (Private Training) Fri Jun 08, 2018 9:25 pm

Akito Miku

Akito Miku

Akito Miku stood there as he looked on wondering who that bald man was standing before him as he stood there with all his gear as the man said. "Good Luck" and just walked off as Miku tilted his head as the man had a strange red cape that made him wander if he should also get a cape one day as he woke up to a familiar place.

"Miku!! Can you stop getting injured in training already, I thought you grew out of that already!" as the angry young nurse got dragged out by two other nurses as the head nurse glared at Miku. "I will not bother wasting my time telling you not to get injured, but if you are thinking of getting out of bed right now, I will show you what being injured should really look like"

As he looked down he sat up a bit and looked down a bit worried, then he saw a familiar face as he looked to the side as the lady was also nervous. "Ja...Miku, you do not need to try so hard, but I will not stop you" as she moved closer he felt a strange feeling only to realize she hugged him. He was really confused as he started crying as he did not show her his face. She could feel a slight wetness as she new he was crying, but she also understood that boy's do not want to let girls see them cry. She held on and thought to herself that Shippo needs to spend more time with the family, but he was very busy being a squad leader and did not have too much time for most of these things in any case.

The hug continued for Miku has no idea how long, until he ended up falling asleep again as his mother Ashi laid him to rest and kissed him on the forehead rubbing his cute little cat ears gently.

"I love you"

With that his training came to an end for now as he got in some good rest.


1875 [Training Endurance C-C3(575+600+700)]
+575 [Training Strength C-C1(575)]
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