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1A territorial matter! [Training] Empty A territorial matter! [Training] Thu May 31, 2018 5:36 pm



"A discovery was only fascinating based on the eyes that rest over it's features."

A fairly tall individual walked casually down the side of the Naka River. One filled with various species of fish, amphibians and more. A small dirt path was on either side from previous travelers, but his hands remained stuffed in his pockets with slow strides. The chattering of birds whistled pleasantly through the wilderness the Chuunin found himself in. It wasn't coincidence he found himself was the daily. His whole life his fascination with the natural laws of life, the beings and absolute beauty of what he still has yet to fathom.

"Hmph, beautiful day..." his sigh was let out after taking a deep refreshing breath of clean air.  It was much more rejuvenating then the air in the village. No offense to Konohagakure but he knew delicacies when he found them.

In the distance a shuffle of sound was heard brushing through the tree lines. The Uzumaki was fairly perceptive but one could never be too safe. In this case he was completely obliged to give whatever it was his full attention. //I wonder what's over there...// his mind circulated as he watched a man emerge from the bushes. Another clear sign of safety was the signature Konohagakure head band. In his training he knew how to look for particular things when it came to tricks. Shadows, natural movements and the realism truly showed it appeared to be an ally.

"Hey there!" Daichi waved towards the stranger with a warm welcome which was returned with a wave and smile.

"What brings you out to the veins of the Naka River?" the nameless figure spoke out in obvious curiosity. The Uzumaki shrugged his shoulders before using his hands to start his response; "I just find inspiration by the wilderness, I suppose. These areas give me the freshest breath, the clearest mind and the most wisdom that can be gained..." he answered.

"I guess I can see that. What rank are ya'? Lookin' a bit young if ya' ask me." the man across the river shot another question at Daichi's way, but he was obliged to answer. The "young" man Daichi didn't see anything offensive to the claim, but so as long as no one underestimated him! "I am Chuunin, only twenty-one years old at the moment sir." he replied in all respect. Despite it being a stranger he understood the chain of command fully! The older man appeared to a chuckle a bit, smile and wave off the statement with his hand.

"Haha, such fickle things...I am Jounin myself, but skill lies in the wielder. I am sure you are well on your way. How about a little challenge?" an offer was sent in the direction of the yearning to learn Uzumaki, his reply was with a nod and a excited "Yes!"

"We race to the opening of this forest, the end of this path and we can't directly attack one another. Techniques that benefit your traveling or otherwise is allowed...." he explained the challenge and they'd soon get ready to begin. The mysterious man took a stick and made a line in the dirt where they'd start.

"OH! Almost forgot.." abruptly pointing out his ignorance, but turning to the Chuunin.

"What's your name, kid?" he asked.

"Uzumaki," the young Chuunin said, reaching out his hand for a shake.

The hand shake was returned with a grin; "Kagure, Yuri...shall we begin?" he spoke only to have them both agree, lining up and getting ready to go. On the count of three together they went, but it was clear the difference in speed. Without any form of enhancement it was clear the Uzumaki couldn't propel himself faster, but the man on his left only seemed to enchant himself to glide like the wind. The Jounin finished much sooner, enough time for him to reach the end and even find time to reach into his bag for a snack. It was almost shameful on the Uzumaki's name, but sometimes that's how life worked. "You were astonishingly!" the boy wondered comparing himself to his other seniors. It wasn't unusual to see great speeds from a higher rank but this was intense.

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