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1Avalanche [B-Rank Pet] Empty Avalanche [B-Rank Pet] Sun Jun 03, 2018 12:32 pm



Polar Bear Pet:

Avalanche [B-Rank Pet] U2Wh14F

Name: Avalanche
Species: Polar Bear
Rank: B-Rank
Type: Combat
Pool: 100 Chakra
Elements: Suiton, Fūton
Specs: Ninjutsu, Fūinjutsu
Stats: STR [B-0] / SPD [B-0] / REA [B-0] / PER [B-0] / END [B-0]
Personality: Avalanache might come off scary to many people meeting him. He growls a lot and has a distinctive love to eat, especially meat. Despite the rumors however, he has no interest in human flesh and only renders them apart if he deems it to be utterly necessary or to protect one of the people he holds dearly. While many pets usually are very centered around their Master, Avalanche has made a multitude of friends on his own with wild animals, comrades, pets, humans and so on.

Avalanche has a very refined control over his natural weapons. He is very aware of his unusual strength and has yet to harm anyone that did not deserve it. He has a very peaceful personality and loves to hug and snuggle with people he trusts and shows affection towards.

He seems often ignorant to pain as most of his battles he doesn't like to wear the armor Verdandi tries to put on him. Hence he has quite a bunch of scars but he sort of wears them with pride. In his mothers tribe, scars were a sign of superiority and power. He is extremely confident and has a very playful attitude. During battle he can be very serious and not rarely shoves people away from harm's reach in his own adorable ideal to protect them. Verdandi is his family and so are her Ahoban squad members.

Body, Claws and Teeth

B Rank: Internal bruising/concussion, 2 hits can cause minor fractures, sustained blows to the head can cause unconsciousness. Attacks with the body break the skin with ease. Claws and Teeth can cause deep bruises and leave behind up to 1.5-inch cuts into flesh.

Body Size

As an adult bear and ninja pet, Avalanche has surpassed the normal sizes of an adult bear. Prolonged exposure to chakra allowed him to grow into a fearsome beast of his kind. Using him as a mount is no longer a problem. Considering Verdandi's light weight in contrast to his strength allows him to carry her without any impact to his running speed. Crushing with his fully body weight into enemies might also be his new favourite hobby.

Length (Standing Up): 3.4 meters
Height (Standard Height): 2.0 meters
Weight (Full Body Weight): 850 kg



Last edited by Verdandi on Tue Aug 14, 2018 5:05 pm; edited 21 times in total

2Avalanche [B-Rank Pet] Empty Re: Avalanche [B-Rank Pet] Sun Jun 03, 2018 12:34 pm



I'm aware I can't add him in B-Rank state to my Locker until after Rank-up.

But as I'm about to rank up soon it doesn't seem to make sense to me to create a C-Rank version for a week.

Please approve the training and I shall add him to my locker once I'm Special Jounin.

Training Threads involved:
E-D Rank: Link 1
D-B Rank: Link 2

3Avalanche [B-Rank Pet] Empty Re: Avalanche [B-Rank Pet] Wed Jun 06, 2018 9:41 am



Verdandi wrote:I'm aware I can't add him in B-Rank state to my Locker until after Rank-up.

But as I'm about to rank up soon it doesn't seem to make sense to me to create a C-Rank version for a week.

Please approve the training and I shall add him to my locker once I'm Special Jounin.

Training Threads involved:
E-D Rank: Link 1
D-B Rank: Link 2

Polar bear training to D-rank approved.
Polar bear training to B-rank denied. Request again when you're special jounin.

Also please lower the rank of your pet as it's currently not B-rank.

4Avalanche [B-Rank Pet] Empty Re: Avalanche [B-Rank Pet] Tue Jun 19, 2018 1:56 am



It was hinted to me that the B-Rank denial also meant C-Rank denial.

Requesting approval to fix this. So hence I ask to contemporary ignore the B-Rank training and just see to the C-Rank part.

(Still trained here: Link )

5Avalanche [B-Rank Pet] Empty Re: Avalanche [B-Rank Pet] Wed Jun 20, 2018 11:54 am



Verdandi wrote:Name: Avalanche
Species: Polar Bear
Rank: C
Specializations: Taijutsu / Ninjutsu
Elements: Hyouton (Suiton+Fuuton)



Bear Cub

Being still of young age. Avalanche is very playful. He knows nothing about war and only wants to eat, like quite a lot. He wants to play games and cuddle around. His mother was a fearsome, powerful protector and eventually, if genetics go down the right way, he might someday become a strong protector alike his mother.

Verdandi found him as he was just a few days old next to his dying mum. Since she has taken him in at this young age, Avalanche thinks of Verdandi as of his own kin maybe even as of his mother somehow. Verd will train him as a ninja pet and will take good care of the little rascal.

He has a fierce persona and despite being scared by larger enemies he has a cheeky attitude and will try to go on and explore on his own. Verd sometimes has to go to lengths to make sure he doesn't wander off too far but he seems to learn better as he ages.


After several months and enduring a series of hardships along way with Verdandi. Avalanche has grown seriously in height and weight. Now able to carry his Master, but only thanks to the fact that Verdandi is lithe in build and Ava can't really run fast like this just yet. He certainly is still far from being the battle-born creature that will tear with might and fearsome quality through the lines of Verdandi's enemies.

However, he is also no cub anymore. Learning much about the world that surrounds him. Able to understand what Verdandi tells him pretty much perfectly. Unable of speech himself yet other than his own ways of expressing him towards the ice princess. His travels past the borders of Yuki no Kuni seem to have a certain impact on his current appearance. Spending time in suna would wither some distinctive snow-white hair. Adding some fur of darker colour onto his body.

While he has yet to learn any techniques, the bear has had a fair share of combat and knows how to use his claws and his powerful jaw. Getting hit by him, especially when charged by full force is nothing to laugh about anymore. Avalanche is growing into a fully-fledged ninja companion with all powers connected to this.

Techniques: -

Training to C-rank approved, please move your adorable polar bear to your locker.

6Avalanche [B-Rank Pet] Empty Re: Avalanche [B-Rank Pet] Thu Jun 28, 2018 9:09 am



Seeing how my promotion is finally official I ask for the same for my pet.

The C to B Rank training was executed here: Link

7Avalanche [B-Rank Pet] Empty Re: Avalanche [B-Rank Pet] Thu Jun 28, 2018 7:14 pm



Verdandi wrote:Name: Avalanche
Species: Polar Bear
Rank: C
Specializations: Taijutsu / Ninjutsu
Elements: Hyouton (Suiton+Fuuton)



Bear Cub

Being still of young age. Avalanche is very playful. He knows nothing about war and only wants to eat, like quite a lot. He wants to play games and cuddle around. His mother was a fearsome, powerful protector and eventually, if genetics go down the right way, he might someday become a strong protector alike his mother.

Verdandi found him as he was just a few days old next to his dying mum. Since she has taken him in at this young age, Avalanche thinks of Verdandi as of his own kin maybe even as of his mother somehow. Verd will train him as a ninja pet and will take good care of the little rascal.

He has a fierce persona and despite being scared by larger enemies he has a cheeky attitude and will try to go on and explore on his own. Verd sometimes has to go to lengths to make sure he doesn't wander off too far but he seems to learn better as he ages.


After several months and enduring a series of hardships along way with Verdandi. Avalanche has grown seriously in height and weight. Now able to carry his Master, but only thanks to the fact that Verdandi is lithe in build and Ava can't really run fast like this just yet. He certainly is still far from being the battle-born creature that will tear with might and fearsome quality through the lines of Verdandi's enemies.

However, he is also no cub anymore. Learning much about the world that surrounds him. Able to understand what Verdandi tells him pretty much perfectly. Unable of speech himself yet other than his own ways of expressing him towards the ice princess. His travels past the borders of Yuki no Kuni seem to have a certain impact on his current appearance. Spending time in suna would wither some distinctive snow-white hair. Adding some fur of darker colour onto his body.

While he has yet to learn any techniques, the bear has had a fair share of combat and knows how to use his claws and his powerful jaw. Getting hit by him, especially when charged by full force is nothing to laugh about anymore. Avalanche is growing into a fully-fledged ninja companion with all powers connected to this.

Techniques: -

Approved, please move your slightly more cuddly polar bear to your locker please.

8Avalanche [B-Rank Pet] Empty Re: Avalanche [B-Rank Pet] Thu Jul 19, 2018 3:09 pm



Verdandi wrote:
Previous Version:

Polar Bear Pet:

Avalanche [B-Rank Pet] U2Wh14F

Name: Avalanche
Species: Polar Bear
Rank: B
Specializations: Taijutsu / Ninjutsu
Elements: Hyouton (Suiton / Fuuton)
Personality: Avalanache might come off scary to many people meeting him. He growls a lot and has a distinctive love to eat, especially meat. Despite the rumors however, he has no interest in human flesh and only renders them apart if he deems it to be utterly necessary or to protect one of the people he holds dearly. While many pets usually are very centered around their Master, Avalanche has made a multitude of friends on his own with wild animals, comrades, pets, humans and so on.

Avalanche has a very refined control over his natural weapons. He is very aware of his unusual strength and has yet to harm anyone that did not deserve it. He has a very peaceful personality and loves to hug and snuggle with people he trusts and shows affection towards.

He seems often ignorant to pain as most of his battles he doesn't like to wear the armor Verdandi tries to put on him. Hence he has quite a bunch of scars but he sort of wears them with pride. In his mothers tribe, scars were a sign of superiority and power. He is extremely confident and has a very playful attitude. During battle he can be very serious and not rarely shoves people away from harm's reach in his own adorable ideal to protect them. Verdandi is his family and so are her Ahoban squad members.

Monstrous Strength

Wields +3 tiers to strength but -1 to perception, speed and reaction time.

Claws & Teeth

B Rank: External bleeding, concussion, fractures bones, breaks them on repeated impact, breaks into skin with ease, 2.5-inch cuts and piercing.

Body Size

As an adult bear and ninja pet, Avalanche has surpassed the normal sizes of an adult bear. Prolonged exposure to chakra allowed him to grow into a fearsome beast of his kind. Using him as a mount is no longer a problem. Considering Verdandi's light weight in contrast to his strength allows him to carry her without any impact to his running speed. Crushing with his fully body weight into enemies might also be his new favourite hobby.

Length (Tail - Head): 4.5 meters
Height (Feet - Shoulder): 2 meters
Weight (Full Body weight): 650 kg


You will have to lower the damage of his natural weapons. As stated in the pet guidelines, natural weapons are of 1 rank lower than the pet. Furthermore they follow normal item guideline rules, in the sense that they cannot have max piercing and slicing damage for their rank unless they're A-rank+ (S-rank pets).

9Avalanche [B-Rank Pet] Empty Re: Avalanche [B-Rank Pet] Sat Jul 21, 2018 7:04 pm

Chigetsu Hōzuki

Chigetsu Hōzuki

- Half Approved! Everything looks good for the pet’s stats and damage.

- While it’s okay for Avalanche to have elemental natures, the current Seijutsu guidelines state that pets cannot cast elemental techniques unless they are a Seijutsu pet. This means it won’t be able to learn elemental jutsu, but it’s fine for it to have those natures even though it won’t be able to currently use any jutsu with them. I just wanted to point this out.

10Avalanche [B-Rank Pet] Empty Re: Avalanche [B-Rank Pet] Sat Jul 21, 2018 7:31 pm




Full approved!

11Avalanche [B-Rank Pet] Empty Re: Avalanche [B-Rank Pet] Sun Aug 12, 2018 12:27 pm

Chigetsu Hōzuki

Chigetsu Hōzuki

Verdandi wrote:Polar Bear Pet:

Avalanche [B-Rank Pet] U2Wh14F

Name: Avalanche
Species: Polar Bear
Rank: B-Rank
Type: Combat
Pool: 100 Chakra
Elements: Doton, Raiton
Specs: Ninjutsu, Taijutsu (STR +2)
Stats: STR [B-2] / SPD [B-0] / REA [B-0] / PER [B-0] / END [B-0]
Personality: Avalanache might come off scary to many people meeting him. He growls a lot and has a distinctive love to eat, especially meat. Despite the rumors however, he has no interest in human flesh and only renders them apart if he deems it to be utterly necessary or to protect one of the people he holds dearly. While many pets usually are very centered around their Master, Avalanche has made a multitude of friends on his own with wild animals, comrades, pets, humans and so on.

Avalanche has a very refined control over his natural weapons. He is very aware of his unusual strength and has yet to harm anyone that did not deserve it. He has a very peaceful personality and loves to hug and snuggle with people he trusts and shows affection towards.

He seems often ignorant to pain as most of his battles he doesn't like to wear the armor Verdandi tries to put on him. Hence he has quite a bunch of scars but he sort of wears them with pride. In his mothers tribe, scars were a sign of superiority and power. He is extremely confident and has a very playful attitude. During battle he can be very serious and not rarely shoves people away from harm's reach in his own adorable ideal to protect them. Verdandi is his family and so are her Ahoban squad members.

Body, Claws and Teeth

B Rank: Internal bruising/concussion, 2 hits can cause minor fractures, sustained blows to the head can cause unconsciousness. Attacks with the body break the skin with ease. Claws and Teeth can cause deep bruises and leave behind up to 1.5-inch cuts into flesh.

Body Size

As an adult bear and ninja pet, Avalanche has surpassed the normal sizes of an adult bear. Prolonged exposure to chakra allowed him to grow into a fearsome beast of his kind. Using him as a mount is no longer a problem. Considering Verdandi's light weight in contrast to his strength allows him to carry her without any impact to his running speed. Crushing with his fully body weight into enemies might also be his new favourite hobby.

Length (Standing Up): 4 meters
Height (Standard Height): 2 meters
Weight (Full Body Weight): 850 kg



1/2 Approved!

12Avalanche [B-Rank Pet] Empty Re: Avalanche [B-Rank Pet] Sun Aug 12, 2018 2:20 pm




You don't have taijutsu yourself, therefor the pet cannot know taijutsu. Same goes for the elements.

13Avalanche [B-Rank Pet] Empty Re: Avalanche [B-Rank Pet] Thu Aug 16, 2018 9:39 pm

Chigetsu Hōzuki

Chigetsu Hōzuki

Verdandi wrote:Polar Bear Pet:

Avalanche [B-Rank Pet] U2Wh14F

Name: Avalanche
Species: Polar Bear
Rank: B-Rank
Type: Combat
Pool: 100 Chakra
Elements: Suiton, Fūton
Specs: Ninjutsu, Fūinjutsu
Stats: STR [B-0] / SPD [B-0] / REA [B-0] / PER [B-0] / END [B-0]
Personality: Avalanache might come off scary to many people meeting him. He growls a lot and has a distinctive love to eat, especially meat. Despite the rumors however, he has no interest in human flesh and only renders them apart if he deems it to be utterly necessary or to protect one of the people he holds dearly. While many pets usually are very centered around their Master, Avalanche has made a multitude of friends on his own with wild animals, comrades, pets, humans and so on.

Avalanche has a very refined control over his natural weapons. He is very aware of his unusual strength and has yet to harm anyone that did not deserve it. He has a very peaceful personality and loves to hug and snuggle with people he trusts and shows affection towards.

He seems often ignorant to pain as most of his battles he doesn't like to wear the armor Verdandi tries to put on him. Hence he has quite a bunch of scars but he sort of wears them with pride. In his mothers tribe, scars were a sign of superiority and power. He is extremely confident and has a very playful attitude. During battle he can be very serious and not rarely shoves people away from harm's reach in his own adorable ideal to protect them. Verdandi is his family and so are her Ahoban squad members.

Body, Claws and Teeth

B Rank: Internal bruising/concussion, 2 hits can cause minor fractures, sustained blows to the head can cause unconsciousness. Attacks with the body break the skin with ease. Claws and Teeth can cause deep bruises and leave behind up to 1.5-inch cuts into flesh.

Body Size

As an adult bear and ninja pet, Avalanche has surpassed the normal sizes of an adult bear. Prolonged exposure to chakra allowed him to grow into a fearsome beast of his kind. Using him as a mount is no longer a problem. Considering Verdandi's light weight in contrast to his strength allows him to carry her without any impact to his running speed. Crushing with his fully body weight into enemies might also be his new favourite hobby.

Length (Standing Up): 3.4 meters
Height (Standard Height): 2.0 meters
Weight (Full Body Weight): 850 kg



1/2 Approved!

14Avalanche [B-Rank Pet] Empty Re: Avalanche [B-Rank Pet] Fri Aug 17, 2018 5:56 am





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