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The light of the moon pierced through the clouds that layered the night sky trying to block its shine, casting a eerie and almost ominous glow to the rolling hills that the boy wandered. Crickets could be heard singing a beautiful tune in the moonlight carried over the distance of the hills on the gentle breeze of the wind, of course most people would simply hear chirping but not the boy. Retsu had a unique gift, like the rest of the Aburame they not only could understand and communicate with their Kikaichu, but all forms of insects and tonight the rolling hills were alive with the sound of music. Normally the boy stayed within the dense forest that surrounded the village hidden in the leaves, however on peaceful nights like this the boy enjoys spending hours on end looking up at the night sky  just watching stars which he can not do inside the forest due to the amount of foliage covering the forest. Unfortunately for the boy it did not look like he would get to enjoy the stars tonight as the current cloud coverage was blocking the view of the beautiful stars. The boy could only hope that the wind would blow the clouds out of the way soon and open the night sky up, with any luck he may be able to see a few stars.

The boy found a spot in some tall soft grass sitting down aand propping himself up on his arms as he leaned back and looked at the clouds which blocked the sky. Letting out a sigh as a few Kikaichu came out of his body, "it is a shame that the clouds are blocking the view of the stars," the boy said to his tiny friends who would respond with a slight buzz. "Well what do you want me to do about it," the boy replied, " it's not like I can control the clouds or the wind." Another buzz came from the boy's Kikaichu, "we will just have to wait and see what happens then won't we" the boy replied moving his arms and allowing himself to fall back on the grass before interlocking his fingers behind his head. Normally the boy would not speak aloud for many different personal reasons, however tonight he did not see the problem as there was no one around to hear him anyways. Despite the fact that he could not see the stars right now, it was still a peaceful and beautiful spot to relax and enjoy. The boy would allow his bugs to fly around and enjoy the fresh air as he closed his eyes, normally he would not lower his guard like this however due to the fact that the boy's Kikaichu would be able to alert him should anyone come near and would give him plenty of time to prepare himself should they bare any ill will towards him.


Yamamai Su

Yamamai Su

Yamamai yawned widely with her moths fluttering about as she sat upright in bed. Though she was sleepy still, the bright moon outside drew her moths outwards so compellingly that it rose her from her slumber. Slipping a pink silk robe over her pajama's and a pair of fuzzy slipper's that were made to look like one of her fuzzy flutter friends she would slowly and quietly walk out of the Hyuga compound's gates. Though the gardens were beautiful within the borders, her hive greatly preferred the flora from the garden that was much further away and made it's annoyance known whenever she was feeling lazy and staying withing the compound. Still yawning widely nearly every other step her friend would help guide her and keep the sleepy girl safe in her nightly travels. Walking across a wooden archway over a river, Yamamai would cross into the garden filled with night-blooming flora. She held the robe around her as her swarm would start dispersing themselves in the air and on the plants around her, and she found herself wishing that the overcast sky would have been more clear and that the chilly air had not been so cold. Sighing softly, another few moths would flutter from her lips as she walked further into the garden to find a place to sit as her moths amused themselves.

As he silver winged moths would extend themselves into the large garden, the furthermost would whip themselves into a terror and dive back towards her, sending Yamamai on the defensive. She would crouch slowly and pad forward in her fuzzy slippers to see a swarm, of beetles instead of moths like her own, hovering around the form of a boy laying flat on the grass. Still crouching just behind a bush out of view she would listen for a moment, trying to keep her breathing quiet and her moths from getting her seen,"it is a shame that the clouds are blocking the view of the stars," the boy would say to the swarm above him. After a moment of silence he would snap a retort at an unheard response, "Well what do you want me to do about it, it's not like I can control the clouds or the wind.". Falling silent for a moment more he speak again, "we will just have to wait and see what happens then won't we". Yamamai had to clasp her hand over her mouth to keep from giggling. Having not grown up around other Aburame, as she had identified the boy as, she didn't know that everyone talked to their bugs like she did. A bit of worry would cross her young face as she recalled her other run-ins with older Aburame members, usually capped off with an insult being hurled at her that was far beyond her age leaving her a mess of tears. A sudden loneliness would draw her out of the shadows, along with the youthful hope that perhaps this not-yet-adult would be able to overlook... whatever it was that everyone else was unable to. Slowly she would pad through the grass with her sleeve over her mouth and speak in a soft voice, “I wish the moon would come out too, it's much prettier. Can I sit with you?”. Yamamai's cheeks would blush as they often did when she spoke to anyone but Asa, but with youthful optimism would try to reach out to the unknown boy who lay in the grass.

[593 word count]



The boy bolted up when his Kikaichu alerted him to the presence of a strange chakra source, the fact that they did not sense it sooner was what was odd for the boy. It meant that it was a small source and wasn't moving at an alarming rate, but the way that his Kikaichu was acting it was as if something was wrong as if it was a human causing the boy to wonder if they had overheard him talking to his Kikaichu. The sound of a girl's voice from behind him answered his question as well as caused the boy to turned, his tinted goggles reflecting the moonlight as he turned, his masked covered face looking to the source of the voice. His tinted vision was met with the sight of a girl with her hands covering her face trying to hide the fact she was blushing, which was not exactly working. The girl looked to be much too young to be out at night alone, wearing pajamas no less, it was a very shocking sight. Retsu was grateful that his mask covered his face because the look on his face would probably make the young girl laugh. The sight of the silver winged moth on the girl's shoulder however intrigued the boy, and when he saw more flying around her it explained why the boy's Kikaichu acted as if something was wrong. They sensed an Aburame yet this Aburame's Kikaichu was altered they were still Kikaichu that much was obvious, yet rather than beetles like every other Aburame they were moths which was something the boy had never seen before. Of course it was possible that the girl came from a distant relative clan such as the Kamizuru clan of Iwagakure who dealt with bees, however the way his Kikaichu acted that was not the case. The boy signaled his Kikaichu to form a message in the air, "You are welcome to sit wherever you like" before they returned to the air above the boy now soothed by the boy telling them the girl and her moth was no threat and to give them some room. It was obvious that the girl had overheard the boy speaking out loud to his Kikaichu otherwise she would not had said what she had, which in itself he did not usually allow to happen and although he could speak he still got nervous when it came to speaking around other people even if they were young girls.

Once the girl found a spot she was comfortable sitting on the boy would form more words in the air with his Kikaichu "My name is Retsu, its nice to meet you." After which the Kikaichu reformed to say, "What is your Name? Why are you out here all alone?"


Yamamai Su

Yamamai Su

Yamamai's timid nature was obvious with her body language, her lack of direct eye contact and hiding most of her face behind her sleeves. "You are welcome to sit wherever you like" she would read as the boy's Kikaichu danced out letters in the air before they returned to the air above the boy now more calm after having identified there was no immediate threat. Her silver moths confirmed to her the same information, though they would flutter closer to her in a somewhat protective manner. Padding across the grass slowly in her slippers she would approach the boy and look at him though she was not able to see much behind his obscuring garb. Though her nerves fluttered inside her stomach alongside her hive she was glad that she was not shunned as every other Aburame she had met had done. Flopping down on the grass her moths would collect under her arms and back to slowly settle her to the ground before curiously flitting among the beetles. Laying back in the grass with her lavender and silver hair in a halo around her head she would uncover her mouth and yawn widely, not hiding the flutter of moths from her mouth in hopes that this potential friend might not shy away in disgust. After she settled onto the ground she looked to the boy's bugs which spelled out more in the air "My name is Retsu, its nice to meet you." After which the Kikaichu reformed to say, "What is your Name? Why are you out here all alone?"

“My name is Yamamai, nice to meet you as well Retsu”, Though her voice was soft and childlike she spoke with almost a sense of formality that she had begun to pick up in her classes that she took with Asa in the Hyuga compound, and seemed almost forced likely from disuse. “They like the moonlight a lot, it's hard to sleep when they want to be outside so badly. They like the flowers here much more than the ones in the garden at home, even though its further.”, soft and drawn slowly from her lips she would talk about her swarm for the first time with someone who might have a similar experience. “Do yours like the moonlight too?”, she would ask curiously as she sat up and leaned over to stare more closely at one of the shiny beetles clinging to a blade of grass. Though she had been told several times that she was abnormal from her teachers, Yamamai never been close enough to another Aburame to look at the bugs that inhabited their body. On of her moths would land beside the beetle, they were similar inside but rather than the silvery shell and hidden wings on the Kikaichu of his hers had the soft powdery silver wings and soft furry bodies, with tasseled antennae in front. “Can I touch one?” she was taken with wonder at the difference in the two, and if permitted would stick her index finger out to let the beetle crawl onto it and the other one for her moth and hold them up side by side.

Yamamai would tilt her head to the side, wondering how her swarm was so different from his. They bore no resemblance whatsoever to each other past being insectiod though they seemed to have a similar flow of chakra. She would sit quietly staring at the two different bugs for some time, before looking at Retsu, “Do you think mine are weird?”. Her question showed her awareness of her differences from other Aburame, but his lack of disgust in the way he talked to her made her think perhaps not all would hate her for being different.

[627 Word count]



Yamamai was a very beautiful name, and despite the fact that the girls voice was soft the boy could hear the formality in her voice. Even though it sounded slightly forced, it was clear that the girl had some form of regal training a lot more than a boy who had spend the last several years in the forest at least. When the girl spoke of her swarm her words seemed slower and more drawn out than when she introduced herself, it was almost as if she was not comfortable speaking about them. The boy did not know why the girl did this but he was not one to judge someone based off of their habits, as he used his Kikaichu to form words in the air rather than speaking himself. When the girl asked if if his Kikaichu liked the moonlight too a smile formed on his face behind his mask, he was about to summon up some of his Kikaichu to form the words he was thinking however he changed his mind and decided to answer the girl himself rather then through his beetles to perhaps show the girl there was no shame in talking about them. "Well we prefer the moonlight opposed to the sunlight, its much to bright and hot during the day to really enjoy the hills during the day and we tend to keep to the forest where it is shaded. I come out here to enjoy the view of the stars and well they enjoy the smell of the flowers and the breeze that flows over the hills," his voice waa soft yet not quite as soft as the girls and not nearly as formal however his voice was gentle and held kindness in his words. When the girl asked if she could touch one of his Kikaichu the boy would let out a small soft chuckle before saying, "of course you may, they will not harm you." As the girl held up her finger Retsu would command one of his Kikaichu to it, having the tiny beetle land on the tip of the girl's finger. The boy would watch as the young girl compared her moth to his beetle, the differences between them were obvious but that was only in appearance the fact of the matter as far as the boy was concerned was they were the same no matter what they looked like on the outside because on the inside they were the same. Both of the hives functioned by siphoning the chakra of their host, and by giving their host protection and so to the boy this girl was his kin even if her hive did not look like his.

When the girl ask if he thought her kikaichu were weird, the boy was more than a little shocked. Luckily his mask would hide this fact from the girl, however the boy had never encountered a question like that before. Of course this was the first time he was meeting an Aburame that had these type of kikaichu, the boy would let silence linger for only a second as he recollected his thoughts to give his answer. When the boy did speak his voice was kind and sounded like that of an older brother speaking to his sister or even a father speaking to his daughter. "No Yamamari I do not think that they are not weird, in fact I find them rather interesting. I have heard of many different types of Kikaichu that different Aburame had used over the years in the past, and though I have not heard of moths before tonight the only thing I see when I look at them is a beautiful Kikaichu. Even though they look different on the outside it does not change that they are still Kikaichu, even my own hive looks to them as brethren. I am curious as to how your Kikaichu took on this appearance, did you breed your Kikaichu with another species like the moth to give them this appearance?" The boy's words were that of the truth he was interested in knowing how the girl's hive had became mutated but he did not look at them as if they were any different than his own.


Yamamai Su

Yamamai Su

Yamamai looked up at the beetle-kikaichu as she expected to see them form words in the sky again but instead was surprised with a voice, soft like hers, would break the silence of the night air, "Well we prefer the moonlight opposed to the sunlight, its much to bright and hot during the day to really enjoy the hills during the day and we tend to keep to the forest where it is shaded. I come out here to enjoy the view of the stars and well they enjoy the smell of the flowers and the breeze that flows over the hills," A smile would spread across Yamamai's cheeks as she felt a kindness in the boys voice. Not only did he respond to her silly question with a note of positivity he would allow and almost encourage her to look upon one of his own bugs, letting it perch on her finger and saying gingerly to her, "of course you may, they will not harm you." It seemed as though he would watch her reaction more than looking at the bugs themselves, but Yamamai smiled as she twisted her finger around to look at the beetle more closely. The moth from her other finger would flutter off as she gently touched the shell of the beetle and felt the strength of its natural protection and whispered just loudly enough so that Retsu could hear her as if she was afraid she would scare the beetle from her fingertip, “They look so different.... but they feel the same”. The smile and pinkness of Yamamai's cheeks would last as she let the beetle go on its way.

Her question seemed to catch Retsu off guard, an awkward silence permeating the bug filled air around them for just a moment before he would respond, "No Yamamai I do not think that they are not weird, in fact I find them rather interesting. I have heard of many different types of Kikaichu that different Aburame had used over the years in the past, and though I have not heard of moths before tonight the only thing I see when I look at them is a beautiful Kikaichu. Even though they look different on the outside it does not change that they are still Kikaichu, even my own hive looks to them as brethren.” His words would warm her heart, though it send a wave of confusion through her as for the first time another of the Aburame clan would show her any amount of kindness rather than with venom and hate. Emotions that were so overwhelming for a small child who had in all her short life never been met with such a way of speaking and kindness that Retsu showed to her and she immediately felt drawn to him like a moth to a flame. It would confuse her for a moment though, and she was unsure of how to react to this as words of encouragement like this did not come from her teachers nor her adoptive father. Though her eyes were swimming with tears she would become distracted from the matter that bothered her with a question, again spoken by Retsu's calming and soft voice, “I am curious as to how your Kikaichu took on this appearance, did you breed your Kikaichu with another species like the moth to give them this appearance?"

“I don't know where they came from, I was too young when they picked me I think.., her voice sounded hollow and sad for a moment with the next words she spoke, “I think they were my mothers but I'm not sure, and no one will tell me about it. Asa tried figuring out for me from her father's papers but she wouldn't tell me either.”. It would seem that even in youth she had a sense of being in an uncomfortable situation and would try to lighten the mood, “You've never seen anything like them before though? My moths I mean...I found a few moths that looked almost like mine but were a little bigger in the gardens back in the Hyuga place”.

[697 Word count] 



It was strange to the boy that the girl did not know where her Kikaichu came from, if it was not her that had caused the mutation to them then it must had been one of her parents. Of course Retsu was just assuming that, however more often than not the hive of the Aburame was but an extension of one or both of their parents, or the first generation of it was at the very least. This was considered common knowledge among the Aburame and it raised the question as to why this girl's parents did not explain this to her. The only reason the young boy could think that they would not tell her was that they were not in the young girls life, this would also explain why she suddenly seemed sad. The very thought tore at the boy as it would mean that the girl had lost her parents at even a younger age than he was when his parents were taken from him. He did not recognize the name Asa that the girl spoke of, nor did he know why that girls father would have papers about it. However considering the fact that the girl seemed so interested in his hive he could only assume that she was not raised among the Aburame, this might also explain why the girl was not comfortable speaking about her moths as those who raised her no doubt looked down upon them as most of the village did to all Aburame. The boy's ears would ring with the words that his father once spoke to him when he first realized the harshness of the world outside of the Aburame compound "The world fears that which they do not understand." Those words still hold truth in them today as they did when his father had first spoke them all those years ago, because the Aburame were not like other Shinobi they were often looked down upon even though time after time Aburame throughout history have proven their worth to the village hidden in the leaf there were those that did not understand their bond with their Kikaichu and therefore feared or sometimes even hated the clan.

The boy's thoughts were interrupted by the words of the girl, another smile formed on the boy's face beneath the mask at her words before he let out a soft chuckle. "I am sorry, you misunderstand Yamamari. I have seen regular moths before, I meant that I have not seen Kikaichu with the appearance of moths before." His words were as soft and as friendly as before and in no way gave the impression that the boy was talking down to the girl or that he thought her to be stupid as he often did, it was simply a misunderstanding and nothing more. Though he did not say anything about it the girls mention of the Hyuga compound did not escape the boy's attention, in fact it actually answered a lot of his questions as to her formal training in speaking as well as why she did not know where her Kikaichu came from. The boy was not one for making assumptions, the young Aburame prided himself on his own form of information gathering however he never acted until he had absolute proof. "Yamamari, forgive me if this is a tender subject and you do not have to answer, but did your parents not teach you about your Kikaichu?" His words still held his kindness but also held a sense of understanding behind them. "As long as you do not mind sitting here a while I can tell you a little about them, though of course I will not be able to say to the reason as to why you're hive holds the appearance of moths. Perhaps I could give you an insight into the nature of the creatures themselves." Though the boy of course hoped that the girl would stay and speak to him more, as it would also give him the chance to learn more about the girl herself as well as her situation it was the girls choice and if she felt so inclined she could leave at any time considering how late it was.


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