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1Exodus [Quest | Nova | NSFW] Empty Exodus [Quest | Nova | NSFW] Thu May 10, 2018 4:42 am



Mission name: What Lies Beneath Kirigakure
Mission rank: C-rank.
Objective: Sortie the Ranks
Location: Kirigakure no Sato
Reward: 300 Ryo +1 EP
Mission Description: Kirigakure is once again going to war! All over the Land of Water, the Hidden Village have been called to prepare for a united effort to quell the dissidents within the remnants of Sunagakure in order to promote a new peace.
Development References: What lies beneath
Mission Details: Ninja have been called to sortie and organize a plethora of tasks to ready the nation for the coming task at hand. Accumulating weapons, performing last minute checks on sailing craft and equipment, preparing supplies as well as accommodating last minute training to other ninja for the gruelling trip to the desert.

Last edited by Izumi Karisuma on Wed May 16, 2018 5:02 pm; edited 3 times in total

2Exodus [Quest | Nova | NSFW] Empty Re: Exodus [Quest | Nova | NSFW] Thu May 10, 2018 4:43 am



Izumi had her orders; however shocking they might be they were right in front of her, clear as day. Signed and stamped with the Ayakashi’s personal seal. War was coming and Izumi had a very unique role assigned to her. While many of the country had more mundane preparations before them, Izumi’s habit of finding acquaintances was finally being called into order. How the Mizukage had obtained the information she had gleaned of Izumi’s relationship to Syekren was not something that really concerned Izumi. It was most likely exposed when the pair had been seen at the country gates when they first arrived from the ruins of her original residence, the Village Hidden in the Sand. No matter, Izumi was being called to service as a spy. She was no doubt equipped for such a task, skilled in gathering information and able to hold her own if caught Izumi was the perfect choice for such a mission. The fact that she would have a good cover story for leaving the mist only made it better. Izumi was supposed to make it look like a real defection. It shouldn’t be a hard task for her, except for one tiny problem that had cropped up. Izumi had developed feelings for someone who still was living in the Mist Village. How would Izumi explain this Nova. No doubt the younger lady would want to accompany Izumi, how would Izumi find the strength to tell her no. She doubted she could do it, so she needed a backup plan. Part of her preparations would be hiding her wealth and protecting it from seizure. Izumi would arrange for one of her trusted staff to become owner of her house while she was away, her money would be discreetly transferred to Kumo by the same man.

Izumi’s heart was pounding as she paced back and forth reading the letter again and again. No matter how many times she read the words they stayed the same. Izumi looked over to her bed, Nova still curled up in it. Nova was unaware of the news and Izumi was debating waking the young woman up not wanting to lose any time she might have with her even if that time was just watching her sleep. Izumi crept over to the sleeping young woman and bent down to give her a kiss on her cheek. Whispering sweetly into Nova’s ear, “Wake up love.” Izumi wanted to have some time with the young woman before breaking the news to come regarding her new assignment. Maybe Izumi could devise a way for her to come. Even if it took pulling every favor she had and leveraging every dirty secret she could muster, Izumi would get Nova assigned to go with Izumi on this one. Izumi couldn’t bear to leave her alone. Stroking her hair until she woke, Izumi awaited the young woman in a silk robe with her hair tied up neatly out of her eyes. The look of stress would be obvious to Nova who knew her so well.

515 words.

3Exodus [Quest | Nova | NSFW] Empty Re: Exodus [Quest | Nova | NSFW] Sun May 13, 2018 2:11 am

Nova Makato

Nova Makato

Nova snored softly into the silk pillowcase that she was wrapped around as the sun was just beginning to rise. In her sleep she had flung the covers off her, and having only worn a light shirt and underwear to bed she shivered slightly while still asleep. On her neck still sat the opal chain that Izumi had clasped around her neck some time ago, Nova having never once removed it since then.Dreams the night before had been restful and relaxing for the first time in a while, it was much easier to find peace in Izumi's arms than it was in the mansion with its ever present feeling of something lurking in the shadows. Not only that, but the feather stuffed mattress and extraordinary quality of the bedding made quite the difference when in contrast with the simple twin bed that her room in Lord Osada's mansion. Though Nova had not outright accepted Izumi's offer to share her home, she had found herself here more often than not and had in fact not returned to the island manor in over a week. Not only that, Izumi had cleared out a section of her dresser, closet, and even the bathroom counter for her belongings. A gentle pressure on her cheek would draw her slowly from her sleep, and as she turned her head from the pillow would see Izumi looking down at her as she spoke softly into her ear, “Wake up love.”

A sleepy smile would spread across Nova's face, whos cheek was red from resting on it and face was framed with a mess of auburn and teal hair. “Good morning”, her grogginess was audible in her voice and she had barely finished speaking before breaking into a huge yawn. After yawning she would slide to sit up and while doing so got a closer look at the red-headed expression and noted a look of stress that was so rarely visible on the fiery girls face. “are... you okay Izumi? Whats wrong?” Nova's brow would furrow in concern as she would lean forward and hug Izumi and spoke to her. “Why do you think something is wrong?”, Izumi would say lightheartedly with an obviously forced smile as she leaned back on the bed. As she did, her hand would press into a folded letter that lay on the bed from before, which Nova would snatch from the sheet before Izumi would be able to and unfolded it on her lap. A quick scan of the document would show the Mizukage's seal as well of mentions of an Uchiha by the name of Syekren and being a spy. Without looking up from the sheet, Nova would jokingly ask. “So where are we going this time? We'll have visited all the different villages by the time we're done won't we?”

[481 Word count]

4Exodus [Quest | Nova | NSFW] Empty Re: Exodus [Quest | Nova | NSFW] Wed May 16, 2018 5:04 pm




5Exodus [Quest | Nova | NSFW] Empty Re: Exodus [Quest | Nova | NSFW] Wed May 16, 2018 7:39 pm

Nova Makato

Nova Makato


[574 Word count]

6Exodus [Quest | Nova | NSFW] Empty Re: Exodus [Quest | Nova | NSFW] Fri May 18, 2018 2:30 am



Partly NSFW:

7Exodus [Quest | Nova | NSFW] Empty Re: Exodus [Quest | Nova | NSFW] Fri May 18, 2018 4:13 am

Nova Makato

Nova Makato

A look of bliss spread across Nova's freckled cheeks as Izumi's gentle fingers slid the hair that hung in front of her face behind her ear, Izumi's light blue eyes meeting Nova's emerald ones with a look of deep compassion. Though she was good at maintaining an even composure, it seemed a hint of displeasure tinged Izumi's voice as she spoke softly, “It’s nowhere knew to us, in fact we’ll probably need a disguise. My orders are to go to the Lightning Country to spy on a man I know very well. He’s … my sensei … from home. I was just getting settled here, and what’s worse we’re supposed to make it look like I’m defecting. Are you sure you want that burden? Everyone we know here will think we’re traitors. Some might even come after us.” Nuzzling her cheek against Izumi's hand, Nova looked for a way to phrase her thoughts for a moment before speaking carefully, “I'd go with you anywhere as long as you are willing to have me. I don't ever want to leave your side.”. Letting her eyes slide away from Izumi's gaze and drop to the floor with a slight embarrassment that she had let her emotions show so clearly, Nova fell silent. Slowly letting her gaze meet Izumi's again, it seemed as though the cornflower blue irises glistened as they looked at her. Izumi's hand slid under the base of Nova's neck tangling in the mess of hair and pulled her lips to hers as she spoke softly and let her words be cut off with the pressure of their lips on eachothers, “I love you”.  

After a passionate moment, Izumi would wriggle out of the bed and get to her feet. As Izumi strode to her wardrobe to dress, Nova would stand and walk to the dresser near the wardrobe to dig through the drawers that had been delegated to her. Slyly Nova would look at the Karisuma as she dressed, partly to oogle as well as trying to gauge what kind of attire would appropriate for the day. Shorts and a tank top made up the simple attire of the red-headed girl, though it's simplicity allowed her naturally stunning appearance to show itself. Unintentionally Nova would sigh almost in envy as she tried to decide what to wear though nothing would look quite as good on her as it did Izumi. Settling on a similar outfit to Izumi, she opted on a tank top in black and tight shorts in charcoal grey. Her hands had started to open the next drawer to pull her kimono to wear over top but paused with it under her fingers, “Guess you'll have to take me shopping when we get there. Cant wear this anymore.”. Her voice was teasing almost as she help up the signature kimono that she had donned in the exams; A fine work of emerald silk and delicate embroidery along the hems and sleeves. Passing on the over-piece of clothing, she looked to see Izumi walk by in the direction of the bathroom who spoke as she strode by, “Hey Nova, do you think you could dye my hair? The red hair is kind of a dead giveaway… I have some experience in doing but I think you’d  be better with a complete color change don’t you think? It might be fun anyways, something simple and easy to do before we have to be on edge 24/7.”

A smile would spread across Nova's face as she nodded vigorously, “I'd love to! What color were you thinking? We will need a few things... I can write a list if you would like. Ooooo... maybe I should do mine too? What do you think?”. Nova would prance over to Izumi and started playing with her hair. “I think I know what ill do.”, with that she wrote down an extensive list of items that she shoved in Izumi's hands with excitement and hoped the staff would return with it quickly. Though it was not a long wait, it was enough time to pack the necessities for travel. Nova found herself passing on more items than she had expected, bringing enough clothes to fit in one small duffel bag and all of her crafting tools. Nova would write out another list for the staff to acquire, this one including rations and preservable foods to last for two people for quite a long trek. Having the pair of puppets would come in useful, if nothing else she could use the second one as a pack mule to carry supplies. After the food, several waterskins, and medical supplies, wineskins would scratched onto the list as an afterthought.

The preparations were done by the time staff returned with a large basket of all the supplies Nova had wrote on the list. Along with that, a pair of men carried in a seat and washtub like that of a salons. Nova's eyes widened at that, a grin flashing at Izumi as she plotted what to do to the fiery mane. Though Nova was particularly fond of the flaming locks, she had an idea of something that would not quite take away Izumi's charm, though would be enough of a change to disguise her in their travels. With that she got to work; a flurry of hair clips and mixing of dyes would happen and Izumi would be subjected to the chair until Nova decided she was done. Nova hoped Izumi would relax as she worked, she herself always having found dying ones hair a relaxing experience. The brush coated in the thick dye would mask the glow of red hair, inky black spreading from roots to tip. The clips did their job and held small locks of hair out of the black dye, with which Nova painted with a red even brighter than the color before, before wrapping it in a sheet of foil. Nearly an hour had passed when Nova pulled away and wiped the sweat from her forehead with the side of her hand, leaving a black smudge on the pale skin and smiled. “Now you gotta let it sit for a while.... now what color should we do mine?”

[1066 WC]

8Exodus [Quest | Nova | NSFW] Empty Re: Exodus [Quest | Nova | NSFW] Fri May 18, 2018 4:46 am



Nova had look of absolute adoration on her face, one that showed happiness and devotion all in one. Nuzzling her soft cheek against Izumi's warm hand, she spoke with a hint of flush, “I'd go with you anywhere as long as you are willing to have me. I don't ever want to leave your side.” Nova's gaze dropped from Izumi's clearly trying to hide embarrassment from the older girl, Izumi would pull Nova back up and brush her lips against Nova's letting slip a soft, “I love you.” before wriggling away to finally dress herself. Nova was playful as usual, “Guess you'll have to take me shopping when we get there. Cant wear this anymore.” Holding up a kimono that had been her signature attire during the exams. This would elicit a giggle from Izumi. As Nova hobbled by in the tight shorts she'd chosen, Izumi would give her a swift slap on the bottom, causing a satisfying jiggle and a yelp from the younger girl. Having asked her to dye her hair, Izumi got a quick and happy response, “I'd love to! What color were you thinking? We will need a few things... I can write a list if you would like. Ooooo... maybe I should do mine too? What do you think?” Izumi nodded in agreement with Nova as she pranced on over to the older woman. Nova inspected Izumi's hair playfully, “I think I know what ill do.” Nova wrote out a list of necessities quickly and handed it over to Izumi who called out to one of her staff members and handed off the list, they silently scampered off to retrieve what she needed. While they waited for the servant to return, Izumi and Nova packed trying to keep the baggage as light as possible as well as ensuring to leave out any recognizable clothing. Nova wrote out another list, this time of rations and other travel essentials which was again handed off in a chain towards the staff who made haste once again to gather their needs.

Much of Izumi's stress had gone now that they had a plan in place and that things were coming along smoothly. The staff brought in large baskets of things, both supplies for the journey ahead and the things that Nova had asked for for the purposes of dying Izumi's hair. Nova took Izumi by the hand and sat her down on a chair with washtub behind it for the deed to be done. Izumi usually had her guard up but this was actually quite relaxing, letting out a deep breath Izumi allowed Nova to work her magic. The process was more involved than what Izumi usually did for her hair on her own, but that was probably a good thing considering that they were going incognito. There were clips and foil involved a new revelation to Izumi's hair dying repertoire. The younger girl wiped away sweat from her brow leaving a streak of black that told Izumi what colour the hair would end up being. “Now you gotta let it sit for a while.... now what color should we do mine?” This was the most difficult request of the day, the previously red-headed Karisuma really hated doing nothing. There was much foot tapping ahead however, first she had to answer Nova's question. “Purple would look pretty with your eyes I think. And I know you hate normal colours or I'd tell you blonde. D-did you know I'm a natural blonde?” This was something that Izumi figured had never really came up, but Izumi wanted Nova to know everything about her. The beautiful Karisuma had certainly come to love Nova. After waiting a couple hours for the dye to finally set Nova would rinse it out of Izumi's hair and show it to her in a mirror. As expected, the hair was mostly black with some streaks of red here and there. Izumi would thrust herself into a hug with Nova, “I love it, thank you so much. I hope it's not too hard for you to get used to … d-do you like it Nova?” Izumi had one last touch to make to her outfit, and that was replacing the Kiri headband with that of her original home, the Village Hidden in the Sand.

736 words for a total of 2,246.
Extra 246 words will be used for extra ryo, for a total of 350 ryo.

Exit thread.

9Exodus [Quest | Nova | NSFW] Empty Re: Exodus [Quest | Nova | NSFW] Fri May 18, 2018 2:29 pm

Nova Makato

Nova Makato

“Purple would look pretty with your eyes I think. And I know you hate normal colours or I'd tell you blonde. D-did you know I'm a natural blonde?”. Purple? Nova had never considered that option but it struck her fancy. “I thought so but I wasn't sure, your roots were showing a bit. Looks like you were due for a dye anyways”, she would say lightheartedly, pausing for a minute before speaking softly once more “I'd like to see it one day”. After combing it and drying it, Nova spun Izumi in front of a mirror to see her glistening locks of ebony and crimson hair. Izumi would catch Nova by suprise with a tight hug, “I love it, thank you so much. I hope it's not too hard for you to get used to … d-do you like it Nova?”. It was Nova's turn to brush the hair from Izumi's face, smiling at both her handiwork and the look of love on Izumi' face. “It looks amazing. You look amazing.... Alright. My turn.”.

Nova would guide Izumi through the steps of bleaching then lathering her own hair in bright colors, resulting in a mess of stains all over each of their hands. Izumi would even get the chance to see Nova as a blond for a fraction of second after the bleaching finished before starting to brush the dye through her hair. A mound of hair slicked back with violet dye wobbled atop her head as she let the color permeate the waves. “You think I should cut it too?”. Nova would wonder aloud, gazing into the mirror and trying to picture her new shade of hair when it would be done. After what felt like hours, Nova would lean back over the wash basin for Izumi to scrub her hands through the wet waves. Slowly the water running through her hair would turn from purple to lavender and finally clear, leaving pale locks of lavender at the bottom to dark violet roots. Izumi would dry and comb Nova's hair as Nova had done for her, before letting her see her violet locks. It was a shocking change, one that made her heart jump, “It's.... so different. Does it look okay?”. Anxiety was easily perceptible in her voice as she turned back to look at Izumi's reaction. Again, nothing but the look of love was on her face, “It's beautiful..”

Turning back to the mirror and swishing her hair back and forth, a strange feeling would settle in the pit of her stomach. Eye dropping from her new look down to her prosthetic leg she was spurred into action. From a corner of her dresser, she pulled a small object wrapped in cloth. As the bindings fell away it revealed the dinged up Suna headband that was once a part of her leg. Taking it and striding out of the bed room and into a large temporary workspace she had been allowed in Izumi's home, she sat at a table of tools and removed the leg setting it on the table before her. First she would pry the Kiri one that had been there for such a short time from the setting, before sliding the Suna one back into place and bolting it down. Though it was easy to hide if need be, and she could even cover it with a headband from another place, it felt right to be donning the symbol of her village once again, even if it had fallen to dust. Faceplate now replaced, a new mane of hair, Nova felt like a new woman. Though their 'disguises' were not perfect, they would keep those who knew them only upon appearance from recognition. Looking down at the leg once more, Nova pondered perhaps wearing clothes that would cover her leg or even just wrapping it might help in their steal as her injury was a well known one.

“So Kumo first...will we be going back home too?”, A tint of homesickness and longing would touch her voice with her last words, now prepared to leave yet another village behind.

[Word count 698]
[2815 Total word count]

Mission payment 300+200 extra WC

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