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1Pending [Mission/Kaito] Empty Pending [Mission/Kaito] Mon Apr 30, 2018 5:55 pm



Mission Details:

The early morning air was thick with moisture, and uncharacteristically cold as well, which left Takahiro resigned to the undertaking of a new journey under such ‘spiteful’ conditions. His ears cringed slightly at the brief scraping of metal against metal, as the key and lock would turn, before a heavy but muffled thump signaled that the door had been secured. For a moment there after he stood facing the wooden barricade, the door represented far more to him than an entryway, more than even all the luxuries and personal belongings just beyond it, the object was indicative of progress and represented something far less tangible: Independence.

The 14 year old was still naive in many ways to the world, but in a short period of time during his stay in Kirigakure he was able to mature exponentially. He learned that life isn’t always ideal nor lengthy, and therefore resolved to make the most of his energy and take advantage of his youth. This resolution had real-world consequences on different facets of his life, and even more so upon returning home from his time in the ninja-exchange program. Only recently had his relationship with his mother return to its usual exuberance, who’d been reprimanded in kind for Takahiro’s actions and saw fit to punish him according. He could still hear the words, laced with resentment, that spurred him to seek a place to call his own.

“Wipe that silly grin off your face, trying to appeal to my good nature won’t get you out of this one. Subtle defiance is one thing son, but to have the gall to abandon your village, and under the pretense of being a shinobi and wearing my hitai-ate, while impersonating a genin exchange student. Men die wearing this marker and protecting all that it symbolizes. Your Father included. What gave you the right? Aptitude and raw ability? Did the fact that you have potential, give you the balls? You may have met the standards of the Mizukage and earned yourself the rank of genin, but Konoha will be its own judge. We will cast our own verdict, and as of now you have failed your village. Fix this. As a Kimura you must fix this.”

The young teen’s reaction was akin to the one he’d had on that very day, although milder and more composed. Takagi’s stern warning and advice still ate at him on the inside, he words were insidious and had long since bypassed his own mental wards to engrain themselves into the furthest depths of his sub-conscience. The resulting feelings of embarrassment finally teased forth a sanguine tinge that left what little skin he had visible flush with color. Takahiro’s anger grew rapidly, and his indignation left its traces across his visage, as veins in his clenched hands bulged out indicating the emotional pressure that was building inside him. Relenting from his initial urge to release those pent up emotions in punching the door, some of his newly found maturity had managed to beckon him to make the wiser decision and Taka departed relatively peacefully.

The only casualty of his ire being the now bent railing juxtaposed to his pristine apartment door, which became warped as Takahiro exerted an admittedly unnecessary amount of chakra into it before propelling himself forward and onto the rooftop of shorter buildings nearby. The display, however childish, was purely about control and exercising that control. Takahiro had felt like that rail from just moments earlier on the day he’d sat through that lecture; defenseless and weak. He’d shown little fight as he sat listlessly through it all, all the while standing firmly by the degree of satisfaction Taka garnered from the outcome of a self-admitted, poor decision. What was honestly most troubling to the hypersensitive child was his mother’s perceived lack of empathy and inability to understand his reasonings, however rash they may have been. Processing it all mid-jump, a sliver of a tear pooled in the corner of his left-eye only to be carried off the wind behind him the moment it was finally shed.

It was as if the sensation of the tear gracing the skin of his face had awakened him from a trance, eyes that were once glazed over now gleamed with determination. Irregardless of the thought in that moment that had evoked such a grand shift in emotional state, his motivations were many and not even his own mother could keep her son, a child consumed with wanderlust, from moving on, even from this. Everytime he returned to the rooftops below only to ascend once more, as he traversed the elevated terrain, Takahiro felt lighter as if weight slowly was being lifted off his shoulders. The further he got, the more his mother’s qualms faded into afterthoughts and the more unburdened he felt, until finally one of many mission boards rested squarely in front of him. It was quaint, two wooden posts with cork paneling fixed between them, and faded red shingles sloping into an overhang on either side.This would be his first mission since his return, and as he began to scan the cluttered board he couldn’t help wonder what type of work would be adequate, what would appease his superiors and his Mother above all else?


Last edited by Nora on Fri Aug 31, 2018 11:49 am; edited 4 times in total

2Pending [Mission/Kaito] Empty Re: Pending [Mission/Kaito] Mon Apr 30, 2018 7:11 pm




It was a nice sunny day with the birds singing, flowers blooming, and on days like this with KID in such a joyful mood many pranks are sure to happen. KID, otherwise known as Kaito, was a prankster and mindful to those he pranks as after all his only intention is to entertain and make others smile. But it seemed no one need any chearing today except the usual kids who ask to see more of his sleight of hand, something that he’s known for, and as he sat on a bench with somehow not dirtying his white suit, white shoes, white gloves, white cape, and a white top hat perfectly balanced on his head. The seventeen year-old had a grin on his face as he appeased the children with the flick of a wrist and a dove bursting from his blue button-up, just under his red tie. He gave a bow to the applauding children and people who gathered, silently adjusting his blue socks before straightening to a good 5’8 in height.

The people started to disperse as a group of four kids came up to him, the Detective boys they called themselves despite that two of them were girls, a brown haired girl in pink and a blond girl in a small scientist outfit while comparatively a skinny brown-haired boy in a blue shirt with brown shorts and a very fat kid in a stretching green shirt with brown shorts. “Kaito-niisan! Kaito-niisan!” Cried the children as three of the four kids, the blond one standing with her hands in the lab coat pockets, latched onto his legs and almost tipped him over. Luckily he kept his footing and greeted the children in return, “Hello Genta, Mitsuko, Ayumi, and Haibara.” At the last name he looked over to the blond child with a slight smile. The tree attached to his legs looked up at him and Ayumi in her pretty pink dress spoke up, “Ne, ne Kaito-niisan that was amazing! Can you show us a few tricks, we want to stop some bad guys!”

Kaito looked at the children amusingly, “And why do you think my magic could do something like that?” He knew the answer, but was curious to what the kids would say. Collectively the children followed him as he walked toward the center of the town, really just wondering about, unknowing to whatever could happen. Mitsuko played with his hands as he looked up at Kaito with his freckled face, “We want to help the village by taking missions!” The kids had this eager look that made Kaito feel sorry for them and suddenly a thought came to him, “Hey you can’t really take missions till you become a genin, but why don’t I take a mission and you can join me?” Kaito gave a grin as the children, sans Haibara who just smiled, cheered. Kaito gave a mock frown as he stopped and turned toward the kids, “Now do realize that I will only take a D-Rank with you, alright.”

Pouting they nodded, but cheered up once more at the sight of the mission board. The mission board had a comforting feel with its quaint look and red color to the surrounding wood around the cork paneling that matched with the theme of the village and the tall building behind it where the Hokage worked. Kaito gave a chuckle and soon noticed another looking at the board, not unusual as the board is often crowded except for today, Kaito gave a slight nod in hello. He noticed the children tiptoeing at the board and he pulled the kids back, “Now, now no need to do that I will look.” The children nodded sadly and thankfully stood to the side. Jeez, those kids can be a pain sometime.

  • Word Count: 632

Last edited by Kaito_Kuroba on Fri Jul 06, 2018 1:46 pm; edited 1 time in total

3Pending [Mission/Kaito] Empty Re: Pending [Mission/Kaito] Wed May 02, 2018 1:25 pm



His search was cut short by the feeling of another presence, a passerby or fellow ninja perhaps. It was an odd hunch that proved true as a voice, with an owner Takahiro likely had not met, pacified the desires of what he assumed were multiple people. But before he could even complete a turn to pry, the older boy had assumed a position relatively near to his own. He was oddly clothed by the pre-teen's traditional standards and tastes, but his apparel intrigued the Kimura even still, thus with wide eyes, filled with curiosity, Hiro committed the taller young man's appearance to memory. Draped in white from head to toe, light seemed to wrap about his figure complimenting his suit. His white shoes, cape, odd hat, and gloves all looked the part of performers or magicians he'd seen illustrations of at a much younger age, while his choice of color, to Takahiro, called forth notions of purity and goodness. He giggled almost inaudibly at the thought that if he was indeed a practitioner of magic, maybe even a master of misdirection, then this guy's clean, pure appearance might be subtle, deception or suggestion rather then say symbolic representation.

"I don't mean to be rude- I just have to ask. What do you do? I mean obviously were both probably here looking for work.. I figure your outfit isn't designed for the purposes of being a ninja,"

The Kimura couldn't hide his pearly white teeth for a moment; A big wide smile would surely convey to the individual across from him his light-hearted intentions.

"So would I be wrong in assuming that you have another, much more wonderful line of work? Those gloves and that hat.. don't take this the wrong way - they remind me of the magicians I used to love so much as a little kid. At least until I realized it was al-"

His lips would tense, jaw clenched, as mentally he chastised himself for being so loose lipped.His eyes would avert and refocus on the small group of children. Their eyes were in turn quite focused in on him, and they appeared to be intent on hearing what he had to say, perhaps still wondering about the end of the statement he had left unresolved. But in his better judgement and intuition, he feared a moments honesty might rob the youths' of childhood memories that might prove to be of immeasurable relevance to them. Thankful to have reacted quickly in filtering himself, Takahiro would not be the one responsible for tainting these children's innocence. In due time, some other experience would rob them of their naivety. He glanced once more over at the board then began to speak once more in a bit of a digression,

"Judging by your friends, maybe I'm not so far off? And if not, then perhaps a show is in order?"

It was a calculated challenge, designed to get him the answers sought while relinquishing the spotlight to the man with whom the entourage was truly concerned. It was chance for his skillset, if Taka's hunch proved correct, to astonish his familiar's once more into a state of unwavering belief and interest. It was not like Takahiro to rain on anyone's parade.  


Last edited by Nora on Tue May 08, 2018 12:54 pm; edited 1 time in total

4Pending [Mission/Kaito] Empty Re: Pending [Mission/Kaito] Thu May 03, 2018 3:35 pm



Kaito was skimming the mission board with his eyes as he filtered and thrown out unwanted missions within his mind. Some of the missions were either too dangerous or too boring and although Kaito’s mind strayed on on of the C-Ranks he didn’t want to put the little ones, who were only Academy students, in danger. He brought his right hand up to his chin, his long and otherwise not bony pointer finger curved around his strong jaw to his left and his thumb resting opposite to the pointer finger, and preceded to set his right elbow in his left hand as he thought. Kaito’s choice of position stretched his suit comfortably around and over his broad shoulders, his back was strait showing off a slim waist and his long powerful legs pressed just about together. His mind drifted of in his growing boredom to thinking and calculating three times over on varying magic tricks, new or otherwise - despite on one of the three rules of magic to not repeat a trick on the same audience and its hard to find new people in this village.

Kaito’s attention was drawn from the board and his thoughts as the person next to him started talking to him in a possibly giddy tone at first guess. A small smile, not his usual cocky smirk or showman’s grin, grew on his face at the, at first observation, younger one’s enthusiasm. Suddenly the younger one’s jaw tightened that cut of his words and he glanced at the kids that were listening in, Kaito gave an appreciative smile as he realized what the young ninja was going to say, but ended up stopping himself before he said it. The young one continued digressing from the earlier line of thought, Kaito then thought about it before immediately grinning and sweeping into a bow then straightening into his earlier pose. “You are correct for I am indeed a magician, but i’m also a ninja, I can just switch from this outfit to another depending on the mission with a flick of my wrist.”

Yes, Kaito does have another outfit stored away for the purposes of stealth and even leisure when he doesn’t feel like walking around in his KID outfit. Now what to do, it’s obvious that the young ninja hasn’t seen him perform so he can use old tricks, but the children have seen him perform many times. Kaito then suddenly poofed a few feet away from the board with a five-by-3 foot stage with red fabric surrounding the dark wooden stage. Kaito himself had his back straight, his legs touching each other, and his hands in the air as he cried out with a grin,Ladies and Gentleman! A crowd gathered around, but Kaito kept his eyes on the young ninja’s and with a wink the show started.

Firstly Kaito produced a bottle from somewhere on his person and precedes to ask the audience and kind of drink as then proceeded to produce each of the drinks asked for into a variety of battles he made appear as more drinks were asked. Soon Kaito threw the bottle in his hand into the air and it exploded into confetti and handkerchiefs, “You may take the drinks lined upon the front of the stage.” It’s not he needed them really, who asks for a beer-sake hybrid anyway’s? Kaito pulls a paper from his sleeve and folds it into a dove then set the paper dove on his hat, but then the paper dove flew around the audience, flying in front of the young ninja’s face before going to land on the young ninja’s shoulder and turn into an actual dove or do that on another person. Kaito faked a shocked face as the audience laughed and then Kaito chuckled as well.

After that Kaito made the stage disappear and popped in front of the mission board while grabbing a mission without looking, unnoticeably to others. Kaito held out the mission to the young ninja, “So how was that?” Wasn’t Kaito’s most elaborate trick, but it was a small thing he’s been working on that not most have seen. Some of the children jumped excitedly while Mitsuko looked at the mission Kaito had in his hand, “Kaito-niisan this is a C-Rank, I thought you said only D-ranks?” Hmm it does seem he did grab a C-Rank, ‘Protect the Merchant’, before Kaito could speak up Ayumi beat him to it, “It’s alright Kaito-niisan! Why don’t you do the mission with this ninja guy.” Kaito looked at the young ninja.

  • Word Count: 760

5Pending [Mission/Kaito] Empty Re: Pending [Mission/Kaito] Thu May 03, 2018 10:44 pm



“You are correct for I am indeed a magician, but i’m also a ninja, I can just switch from this outfit to another depending on the mission with a flick of my wrist.”

A wonderous look took hold of Takahiro, his eyes glimmered a most translucent of blue hues in the burgeoning sunlight. Both hands would raise, forming into mitts, as they began to jitter slightly from the rush of excitement considering what a delight this new acquaintance of his might turn out to be. The boys inclination towards the unknown, the unexplained, was well-documented amongst the locals. A delight it was to see the boy enjoying his youth they would often think, admiring his demonstration of courage in seeking out truths they hadn’t. While un-admittedly from him, and others like him, they derived a certain vicarious pleasure from well within the confines of their adult lives. 

Today was however the rare exception, as people of many walks of life had proceeded to gather in combined anticipation for the main event, though just seconds prior there had been no sign, or forewarning, of the extravaganza being orchestrated gracefully right before Takahiro’s very own eyes.  He made a mental note to absorb every detail that he could from the experience, for more purposes than one to say the least. 

“Ladies and Gentlemen!”

While obviously a bit on the eccentric side in Taka’s eyes, the Kimura teen was, if not completely sold by his showmanship, in the least definitively was entertained and distracted for the moment. He tried to remain attentive during the performance despite his attention shifting to even the more trivial details. The stage adorned with fine, red cloth was composed of deep brown, hardwood of uncertain variety. It was real, obviously tangible as the older teenager standing atop it almost seemed to be addressing an audience far larger than was present with a well-projected voice and bravado on full display.

‘How did he manage this? I’ve seen plenty of magic tricks, but never a grand stage reveal. He’s a good magician… Or, waitt - A good ninja?’

It was an interesting notion, that perhaps his skills as a ninja were what provided him with such ample talent as a purveyor of trickery. Taka’s observations for a fleeting moment became more akin to analysis. He tried his hardest to find the “How?” and “When?” to each bottle that magically appeared only to sulk internally as he failed repeatedly. His efforts were further mitigated by the occasional direct eye contact Kaito made, and eventually the urge faded entirely into explosions of confetti and the virgin flight of a paper dove. Where a magical reappearance hadn’t appeased the subtly suspicious child, a single origami-like object flitting lithely about the heads of the crowd, would prove effective in easily enticing him closer.  

His excitement reached its peak as the bird found its perch atop his own right shoulder. While realizing he’d been consequentially thrust into the spotlight left his cheeks with a sanguine tinge, Takahiro also bore a wide, shocked smile that instantly became his mouth just hanging agape as the bird stirred to life before his very eyes. The clever misdirection made Kaito’s changing locations and stage disappearing seem all the more instant and inexplicable. Despite this Taka quickly noticed and would move to meet him after glancing back at the mission board on a hunch.  

“It’s alright Kaito-niisan! Why don’t you do the mission with this ninja guy.”

He arrived only in time to here the tail end of the older shinobi-magician and kids’ conversation. Confusion flashed across his face before the suggestion called to resolutions he’d previously made with himself that day. A mission was what he had set out for and surely he would accomplish it; It would be one more step towards the validation he sought. Besides, as Takahiro had quickly grown fond of his antics, the idea of setting out with a partner for once didn’t sound as undesirable as it usually would.

“What’s the mission? Hmm” as his right gripped his chin while his elbow rested firmly between his other palm and stomach, Takahiro then drew on context clues before continuing,

“Well sure. I mean it is what I set out to do today… Not to mention I have plenty of questions to ask too! Well. What do you say Mr. Kaito!?” It was a simple gesture acknowledging his seniority, that surely spoke to grand first impression he’d made on him.


Last edited by Nora on Sun May 13, 2018 2:52 pm; edited 1 time in total

6Pending [Mission/Kaito] Empty Re: Pending [Mission/Kaito] Mon May 07, 2018 8:47 pm



Mr. Kaito? A slight blush tried to grow on Kaito’s face, but he quickly shut away with his poker face and gave a tentative smile instead. He turns toward the entrance of the village and tilting his head toward the young ninja, a gentle smile on his face and his eyes lazily lowered, “I don’t mind you asking me any questions … young ninja - sorry, I don’t know your name and you appear younger than I in years. To note though I won’t answer anything too sensitive as I will keep some secrets, in any case though let's go inside the Kage building so we can get this approved and meet this old man!” And with a grin he set off to the Kage building.

The Kage building was three stories, but at least twenty-one feet tall in a nice cream color that almost made it blend into the mountain behind it if it weren't for the three red rings that marked the separation of the floors and roof. Kaito walked joyfully into the building and headed straight for the receptionist desk. The room, and in fact the entire building, was circular shaped with red floors and green wallpaper that had various pictures on the walls and seats pressed against the walls with the receptionist desk that was right across the door a little to the right, to make room for the stairs that led up to the other floors. The woman standing at the desk was a beautiful woman with long light-brown hair that curled around over her right shoulder and a green head ribbon that curved an inch above her widows peak, under her hair, under the flaps of her ears that had gold beads, and tied in a bow at her neck. She wore a simple blue and green dress of indiscernible length with a light blue jacket over it, and finally a leather band on her right wrist. When the woman looked up and spotted people walking to her, as the children had already ran off, her blue eyes lit up and she smiled.

“Manami-chan! How are you this lovely evening?” As he said this Kaito leaned over the desk with his left ankle behind his right, his right arm upon the desk and under his chest, his left elbow on the desk and his hand leaning toward Manami Yuuna with Nutmeg Germanium, Calla Lilies, and Bittersweet flowers. She chuckled and set the flowers in a nearby vase that appeared in a poof of smoke then proceeded to grab a water just and pour some water into the vase. As she did this she spoke to Kaito, “Thank you Kuroba-kun once again for the beautiful flowers, and I am wonderful, you?” Kaito crossed his arms on the desk as he smiled at Manami, “I am indeed wonderful, the wonderful tricks I did, the audience, and a new friend that I plan to do a mission with called ‘Protect the Merchant’.”Kaito gave a brief notice about his company and Manami gave a smile while not showing any thoughts on the mission or about the person they’re suppose to protect.

Manami then turned her body toward the stairs to her right with her left forearm resting on the desk and with her right she pointer at the upper floor. “You will find Huang-san on the second floor waiting for you. Have a nice day!” She said while nodding to the one(s) she is addressing. Kaito gave a wave as he walked backwards to and onto the stairs, turning around about halfway up.

  • Word Count: 596
  • Tread Count: 1988

7Pending [Mission/Kaito] Empty Re: Pending [Mission/Kaito] Sun May 13, 2018 2:51 pm



While assuring him that his question were welcome, the older, showman of a ninja’s response was enough for Takahiro to realize he had been loose with his mannerism, despite his attempts at formality.

“Sorry, Ha-Ha, I’m Takahiro, a Genin of the village, feel free to call me what you will but be kind. I’m not the prying type though you will catch me asking a few questions to satisfy my curiosity from time to time. And umm, it sounds like a plan!?”  

There was always something to be admired in an action-oriented individual; Takahiro seem to only respect Kaito even more after his subtle display of assertiveness. The older Kaito’s clever disposition and diverse skillset had quickly painted him as capable, while his nature grew in complexity with each interaction after another. While half his energy was devoted to simply understanding his new mission partner, the other half still reeled with excitement, desiring more of the splendid visual trickery that had impressed him so. Like a child's happiness coaxed out with something delectable then subsequently shunned in searching for more he reigned his impulses in, resigned to being content with simply savoring the short-lived magic show from a few lingering moments earlier.

His new partner wasted little time in taking the helm, leading them onward to the headquarters of the Kage and administration. There path would intertwine with hundreds of others as the two young shinobi were swallowed by a surging river of people; Takahiro despite being tall for his age was still relatively small in comparison to most adults. Thus his path was a bit more distorted, and considerably less smooth as he transitioned through the masses while making it a point to keep a clear line of sight on his companion several meters ahead of him. Kaito's white ensemble made the task relatively easy despite the many moving objects obstructing his vision.

"Excuse me. Excuse me. Sorry!"

In excusing himself to one person, he found himself bumping backs with another. An older man with a thick, bristly beard and an angry scowl turned to address him only for his aggression to subside as his eyes peered downward to assess a wide-eyed and worried Takahiro. The Kimura child couldn't help the anxious feeling that arose the minute they locked eyes. Beneath a weary exterior however, the newly cultivated ninja in him had already begun formulating a plan of action. Unbeknownst to Takahiro however, the comparative giant before in his many years of experience had long ago learned the value of sizing up the opponent. His observant eyes would narrow to focus, identifying the familiar glint of branded rectangular steel that signified to all that this boy was a shinobi of the Leaf, an adherent
of the Will of Fire.

“Sorry about that, I thought you were another one of those damned pickpockets. Well don’t let me get in your way son, seize the day!”

His facial expression grew perplexed, as he pondered what had changed the course of their interaction so quickly. However, the adult man’s attempt at motivating him seemed earnest and with a tense bit of caution he widely maneuvered about the man whose rotund anatomy and expansive gut had revealed themselves, like a blight on his intimidating façade.

“Thaaank you!?”

Off to the races he was once again, with haste he made up the ground. As the Kage building grew large and imposing in his hurried approach, Takahiro was mildly sure he’d caught a glimpse of a white coattail disappearing into the slit of shadow that was inevitably repressed by one of the grand, old structure’s main doors. He crossed under one of the arches of the barrier walls that etched a safe perimeter about the administration compelx. Takahiro couldn’t help but notice the bleak, empty qualities of the minimalist style courtyard. He absorbed all that he could, which admittedly wasn’t much, as his light steps, barely stirring any dust, carried him to the same door through which many mighty and mediocre ninja had passed during the course of their service. Takahiro honored those who preceded him with a short moment of mindfulness and a bow. Firmly he gripped the robust handle before he enthusiastically swung the towering ingress open and entered with the demeanor of a boy bent on conquering whatever task rest ahead of him.

The fluorescent lights above bathed the curved hallways in ceaseless, but sparse light tinged yellow by time and debris. As he navigated his body was washed over by both light and intermittent shadow in an almost rhythmic manner. He became mindful of any unnecessary noise as he focused on picking up on any auditory clues as to which office Kaito might’ve entered. A few second passed, then two voices came into audible range but the light slapping sound of his sandals, which echoed throughout the corridor, obscured them. Trusting a feeling, Takahiro would let his ears carry him towards the individuals. Following the sound and the curved path of the hallway, the Kimura found himself, several meters later, bathed in the foreign, vivid light of an ajar doorway. From there he identified Kaito and his exuberance, as well as the female shinobi he’d been addressing. He entered with a smile that spoke proudly of his decision to follow his instincts, only catching a small part of the conversation due to his tardiness.

“..and a new friend that I plan to do a mission with called ‘Protect the Merchant’.”

Takahiro wondered whether it was just convenient for him to say such things, or if it was an earnest introduction. He rosey tone washed over his complexion as though he’d received the most meaningful of compliment. Kaito undoubtedly had little understanding of the fragile state of Takahiro’s early teenage psyche, he was likely unaware of how isolated from his peers he’d been in recent weeks. To hear such a thing even if only an exaggeration or formality filled the younger boy with a sense of comfort. At least for now, for the duration of the day perhaps he had someone he could call a friend.

You will find Huang-san on the second floor waiting for you. Have a nice day!”

By the time the Kimura’s thought process had come to an end, Kaito was well on his way up the stairs and waving as he exited. Following suit, he waved as well still unsettled enough that he passed on the opportunity to make an introduction of his own. Instead he tried to keep with the pace, entering the stairway just seconds after.

“Sooo.. Mr. Kaito, what type of merchant do you think this Mr. Huang is? That he would need our protection in the safest of villages..”



3360 WC total
-1500 C-Rank Word Req.
1860 WC remaining
-450 Word Req. for D2 Speed -> D3 Speed
1410 WC remaining
-1400 to ryo
1400 / 100 = 14 x 25 = 350 ryo
+ 350 ryo from extra words
+1 C-Rank Standard Medical Jutsu: Reflection Clone Jutsu (instead of ryo reward)

Last edited by Nora on Fri Aug 31, 2018 12:03 pm; edited 1 time in total

8Pending [Mission/Kaito] Empty Re: Pending [Mission/Kaito] Fri May 25, 2018 1:28 pm



Kaito had a grin as he faced down and waved at Manami, “Thank you Manami-chan! Come on Takahiro let’s go meet this guy.” Kaito practically bounced his way up, thinking about Takahiro’s question. He stopped for a moment  at the top of the steps as he looked up, crossing his arms and tilting forwards and backwards, “Maybe he’s actually a ninja, or a killer who’s using us as a disguise!” Kaito wrapped his arms around himself, his head tilted up, and an tearful tone to his voice to over exaggerate what he was going to say next. “Maybe he angered a mob boss in order to protect his forbidden love!” Maybe Kaito let his mind run with that, but what can he say? The spotlight was made for him and he loved being dramatic. Kaito started to move as he gave a chuckle “Could be anything, could be a fat man or a skinny man and he may just be paranoid.” He sent Takahiro a smile hoping that he didn’t give the kid the wrong idea. Kaito continued to move till he was at a door with voices coming through, he stopped at this door specifically as he heard Huang’s name from inside, and stepped to the side as he planned to follow Takahiro and made a gesture with his right hand in a gliding motion at the door.

  • Word Count: 229
  • Thread Count: 2217


Last edited by Kaito_Kuroba on Mon Jul 02, 2018 9:19 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : It has been over a month since the last post without any note to me about the time, so i'm just going to exit.)

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