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Mission name: Setting up Camp.
Mission rank: D-Rank.
Objective: Help the soldiers set up perimeter camps.
Location: Konohagakure wilderness.
Reward: 150 Ryo.
Mission description: Soldiers of the Land of Fire are setting up camps at various locations throughout the vast forests of the nation, these camps are for signalling and testing of communications equipment and they would greatly appreciate any eager young ninja's help with setting up any of the equipment.
Mission Details: You're helping to carry encampment supplies to a desired location and helping to set them up. You'll surely be recanted with many war stories from the soldiers who will be working with you.




It was just after one o'clock when the young Aburame was summoned to the to the administration building, something about a personal request which was odd considering the fact that there were not many people that knew the boy. Still it did peak the boy's interest to want to find out who the person was, he doubted that it was Lady Yasuda considering she has other ways of summoning him, and she would ask him to her manor rather than the administration building. As the boy drew nearer to the building he thoughts began racing faster, who was it that knew him well enough to ask for him by name for a personal request, it was not like the boy knew very many people within the village and even fewer of those people knew the boy by name. As he entered the administration building the boy's questions were answered, there were a lot of people inside the building but only one that the boy recognized. Retsu did not know the man's name nor did he know how the man knew his name enough to request his services personally, when the man caught sight of him however he rushed over to the boy. "Oh thank goodness they found you, I was afraid that they wouldn't because I did not know your name. I told them that you had picked up my packages the other day and they found your signature." The man said once he reached the boy, his words flying out of his mouth so fast that a lot of his words slurred together. The boy did not say a word though the man explained how he found him, something the boy would have to fix later, it did not explain why he was here.




The boy had used his Kikaichu to speak to the man last time, however this time the boy did not need to do so as the man broke the silence with the answer to the question the boy was going to ask. "I hope you do not mind that I requested you for this, however I have been assigned a mission out in the wilderness to setup a communication camp out there to run some test. My patrol could use some help carrying some equipment, as well as a shinobi should anything occur." The man stated after a short pause however the man would quickly add, "Not that anything is going to happen of course, but the company of a shinobi is always a good thing to have of course." As the man spoke the young Aburame would contemplate what it was the man was asking, the boy summed it up in his mind that the man pretty much needed a pack mule to carry his stuff. The boy of course was not one to be rude anf the mission was simple, though he doubted he would be much help when it came to the physical labor of carrying the gear of the man. He thought back to when he had helped the merchants unload their ship and how much his Kikaichu could do, at the same time it would get the young Aburame out of the village for a while which he could not argue with. The young aburame would simply nod to the man to signify that he agreed to the job causing the soldier to exclaim in excitement with a brief yelp. "Oh that's fantastic, just follow me all the gear is down at the village gate." The boy would just remain silent, with a nod he followed the man down the road from the administration office to the village gates.




As they walked the man talked though the boy was in his own thoughts and did not really pay attention to what the man actually said. It did not take the pair long to reach the gate to the village, once there the young shinobi saw that along with himself and the man they would be traveling with 3 other soldiers. The good news was that there was not a lot of gear to carry, however the Aburame took it upon himself to call forth his Kikaichu to carry all of the gear so that the soldiers would not be weighed down. "Oh well thank you, this should make travelling a lot easier." The man stated when he saw the boy's bugs carrying all of the gear for the mission. "I guess we are ready to move out to the southern forest, it should only take us a few hours to arrive and get everything set up." The man stated to both the boy as well as his soldiers, with that said the man turned and began leading the group through the gates and towards the small south forest. The journey to the small south forest would first take the group through the dense forest that surrounded the village hidden in the leaves, a forest that the boy knew well having spent the last several years living within it. As they walked the soldiers would talk about this and that, mostly about the things that they had seen or the things that they had done. It did not really interest the boy, however the more they talked the less they would look to the boy for conversation.




The boy was lost in his own thoughts while the soldiers recanted story after story, it was not until one of them started singing followed closely by the others in tune that the boy's attention was brought back to the soldiers. "He rode through the streets of the city, Down from his hill on high. O'er the wynds and the steps and the cobbles, He rode to a woman's sigh. For she was his secret treasure, She was his shame and his bliss. And a chain and a keep are nothing, Compared to a woman's kiss. For hands of gold are always cold, But a woman's hands are warm! Yes hands of gold are always cold, But a woman's hands are warm!" Retsu did not know the song or what it meant, however the fact that they all sung it in harmony lead the young Aburame to believe that it was a common song among the soldiers. The soldiers would continue to sing as the small group traveled through the dense forest towards their destination, to the boys surprise the singing seemed to distract all of them from the time on the road as they reached their destination in a time that seemed faster than the boy expected. The soldiers would continue to whistle or hum the tune of their song as they began setting up camp. The set up of the camp was not hard either the five of them all worked together to accomplish different tasks in order for it all to get done faster, while the young Aburame worked on setting up the tent one of them began making a fire, two of them went to scout the area around them, while the captain began working on the communication lines and making sure the radio was all set up. By the time the boy finished the tent the fire was already going and the man that set up the fire went to join the two that were scouting the area, leaving just the boy and the captain who was still trying to set up the communications at the camp site. "I can not thank you enough for all of your help today kid," the captain said as he walked over to the fire having finally finished the communication setup. "I know your not much of a talker but your help is appreciated, the other men should be back soon with some food if you want to stay and join us for a meal." Even as the man made the suggestion the boy could tell by the look of the man's face and the sound of his voice that he already knew what the boy's answer would be. Tossing a sack of Ryo to the boy the man said, "thanks again for your help, be safe on your way back." With that the young Aburame would nod before saluting the man and taking his leave from the camp site and head back to the village. Though as he walked he considered staying out in the forest rather than going back to the village itself, soon the boy found himself humming the same tune as the soldiers song that they had been singing.

{Exit Thread}

~1435/750 Mission Completed
~735/600 Additional Word Count
~135 Words Discarded

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