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1Not ideal. (Mission/Inv) Empty Not ideal. (Mission/Inv) Sun Apr 22, 2018 9:49 pm




"Alright, Kirei, today you're on patrol at the South Shore. We've had reports of shipping vessels being attacked as they dock, goods going missing, and there's been a rise in violent crime at this dock. We've added it to our daily routes, but you're the first so be careful. Leaf ninja or not you represent Kirigakure when you are here, and the last thing we want is for you to be humiliated wearing our colors, got it? The policy is for the first ninja assigned to a new route to take one of these if they need back-up."

Kirei stood before a Jonin who he now knew well, the pair met before nearly all of the boy's assignments, so this candor was characteristic for them. Producing a red kunai knife, the Jonin would attach a tag to the back not dissimilar to that of a standard explosive. Kirei had seen these before, flare tags capable of signaling far away for help. The boy took the tool and tucked it away from his other knives before looking back to his superior and saluting, as was the tradition in the Mist.

"Understood. I'll keep my eyes open."

In the same motion, Kirei snatched away the dossier and turned to leave, opening the package with his left hand to observe the map within. Marked just below the city was the south shore, a small port served by a narrow inlet typically was only used by personal ships but recently the popular destination had been expanded to include commercial endeavors; a reflection of the Mist's growing economic production. The treaty with Konoha no doubt benefited the Land of Water far more than the boy's homeland, he'd never seen such military might before and the nation was filled with his brothers from the Leaf as well, bolstering their ranks with Konoha's strength. Navigating his way from the administration building, Kirei didn't know how he felt about this arrangement; he was grateful for all the opportunities Kirigakure offered to him but felt partly annoyed on behalf of his home which seemed to be getting the short end of the treaty. Kirei couldn't help but think this arrangement was intentional, why else would the most powerful nation in the world form an alliance with the shadow of Konohagakure that existed today?

Grimacing, Kirei set to the rooftops, intent to represent his country. He wore his cloak around his body, obscuring most of his form, but proudly displayed his Konoha Hitai-ate tied around his hair, keeping all but the constant covering of his left eye from blocking his vision. Since being unofficially promoted by the Mist, Kirei had immersed himself in missions for the village, spending his days fulfilling as many tasks as they'd allow; often he'd work until the Jonin refused to assign anything for a day or two. During those days off, the Uchiha did what he'd been told to do, training by himself or with others, developing new techniques and unlocking the abilities of his Sharingan. The dōjutsu gave him a wealth of skills to focus on, the duplication of chakra and how its analytic and artistic capabilities applied to fūinjutsu. Throughout his adventures, he had overwhelmed opponents by controlling the earth and attacking with his Katon, but the Uchiha lineage held far more enticing secrets than a gift for ninja arts; Kirei still sought to unlock the pinnacle of his clan's prowess.

Just outside the city lay the South Shore port, as Kirei descended toward the low-lying shipping yard, his eyes ran red, and he took time to observe. Construction meant the area was busy, but outside the city, they were offered little protection. Three major docking yards surrounded by small buildings expanded outwards but then met construction yards for the new commercial warehouses, which were built high with scaffolding; the Uchiha would make his landing on one such balcony. It wouldn't take longer than a minute before keen eyes spotted the thuggish behavior his advisor spoke of, young men, not much older than Kirei himself, darted from the docks with pouches and purses held between their arms. The blonde was off, jumping from the rooftops while his eyes trailed the thieves' chakra beyond the walls. Shinobi speed easily outmatched his targets, and he came down in their path, stopping the trio dead in their tracks.

"Don't you guys know how severe the punishments are in Water Country? Mist ninja will beat you within an inch of your life if they catch you."

In his determination, Kirei hadn't noticed the banners which were strung through the warehouses on this side of the dock. Matching black flags bearing the emblem of two hawks marked them as belonging to the Ni-ta Pirates Guild. This meant nothing to Kirei but for an experienced ninja privy to the village's affairs, would signify them as a vicious group of seafaring mafia, often hired for assassinations and as a passage for criminals and rogue ninja. For weeks now, they'd established new operations on several islands south of Kiri's mainland and were spreading their influence north into the village itself. Oblivious to the iconography, the boy stood addressing waifs with adamant authority while within the buildings, others stirred.

"Who the fuck are you?" The first boy replied, barking at the blonde.

"I'm a ninja from the village, but I'm no-"

The Uchiha stopped mid-sentence, whipping his head back and rolling away from where he stood. He caught the knife in his peripherals and reacted on instinct alone, thankful he already had the Sharingan active, or else his brains would already be scattered on the nearby concrete. His head turned, and immediately he laid eyes on the mob of pirates emerging from the buildings. En masse, their slow approach gave Kirei time to observe their sheer number; his eyes struggled to assess the strength of each man, but by the time he got half way, he knew there was no way he'd be able to win. Stepping forward, a tall figure with red hair, forehead marked with the tarnished symbol of the Land of Waterfalls, marking him as a Nukenin, laid eye on the Uchiha.

"Send his head back to the village; it'll be a good message."

In a flash, the ninja was upon him, and Kirei reached for a kunai at his hip. A sword on the man's back came down for the boy, and he rolled, barely pushing with his knife against the edge of the sword, causing his meager tool to shatter instantly. Before even his Sharingan could follow, the man's fist would whirl around from the other side and connect with Kirei's left shoulder. The boy felt his bone crack and he left his feet, letting free a cry of pain and scrambling with his dominant hand to grip the Flare Tool beneath his cloak. A spark of Katon chakra would ignite the tag, and as his body touched the ground, he would throw it skyward with all his might, igniting the red fireworks in a majestic arc above the docks, visible for miles. Struggling with the pain of his shattered shoulder, Kirei burst to his feet and swung his body away from the group, who just now began to move in pursuit.

Flowing chakra into his feet, Kirei lept with all his strength away, barely missing the Jonin's approach by virtue of his jutsu alone. In response, the missing-nin brought a hand up at lightning speed, forming a hand seal. To the boy's left, a swathe of water would erupt from the sea, thrusting through the air toward him and ensnaring his ankle, swirling around the air into a tight sphere of water. Before his mouth became submerged, Kirei took in a deep breath and tried to steady his thoughts. Through the murky water prison, he relied on the Sharingan's chakra sight to see the more delicate details of the approaching pirate rogue. Walking toward Kirei, the Missing-nin would raise his blade again high across his shoulder, threatening to cut the young Uchiha down and snuff out his life here and now.


Chakra 195|200:

NPC Jutsu:

2Not ideal. (Mission/Inv) Empty Re: Not ideal. (Mission/Inv) Mon Apr 23, 2018 8:43 pm



The mission with Nova had been a success of varying degree. In terms of accomplishing the tasks entrusted with them, they had done so swimmingly. The threats that had ended multiple Kirigakure shinobi were put down and would not be continuing their slaughter. However, the rip in Takao’s favourite vest when his left side sustained a harpoon going through it was something he considered a personal failure. The bandages on his right arm carried with them a seal upon the fabric, and that seal had been used to change into a different vest after his departure from Nova at the beach in which they had emerged from.

Thus had marked the long trek back to Kirigakure. Unlike his first and admittedly rather fruitful attempt at returning to the village by stumbling through the wilderness, Takao had opted for the road. He hadn’t gotten far from the docks when his ears caught on to the quiet, distant fizzle of something behind him. His head turned and his gaze rose skyward, catching sight of the line of smoke as it arced above the docks. Obsidian eyes narrowed and flooded with chakra, drawing Aibāningu to overtake the black irides, quickly discerning a multitude of glowing humanoid figures in the distance where the flare had originated. One in particular stood out, which was the vague outline of a familiar face. Although his knowledge of the situation lacked the intimacy of somebody who was present, Takao broke into a sprint back toward the docks of which he had just barely departed from.

Chakra poured from the tenketsu of his legs and into the muscles of his calves, overriding their natural extension as the chakra erupted beneath the soles of his feet. He was thrown into the air in a semi-controlled, barely calculated arc, with his gaze quickly searching for and finding the figures that had caught his attention previously. Although it was little more than a thermographic outline, Takao's skill with his bloodline provided enough detail for him to know that the figure he had seen was Kirei, and that there was trouble afoot. Even if the young Genin was in danger, Takao did not want to reveal himself just yet, and opted to don the ROOT demeanor in which he had revealed to Kirei mere nights prior.

“Damn it,” Takao grunted, his words inaudible over the loud hiss of wind in his ears as he fumbled with the straps of Muninn. The time he allotted himself to prepare was left little room for error, and was just enough for him to remove the straps, pull his left sleeve up, and secure the weapon on the other arm. There was little benefit to his combat ability in doing so, his self-trained ambidextrous handedness was intended more for deception, and this matter required discretion.

The distant, almost inaudible whistle of Takao's rapid descent went unnoticed by those who stood below him. Glowing eyes had marked his targets before even engaging, plotting out the most vague of plans that would undoubtedly change as the ensuing battle raged on, but it was a starting point nonetheless. The trajectory in which he fell had been haphazardly calculated and he fell true on mere luck alone. His arm jerked back once and forward again as the handle of Muninn swung forward and into his gloved grasp, the weapon's mechanisms turning to erect the blade from its housing in a single fast, swift motion. Takao used the resistance of the wind and exceptional timing to spin his body in a full three hundred sixty degrees before he made his sudden landing. His left arm extended and, with the momentum gained from the spin, Takao swung Muninn straight through the arm of the assailant whose katana threatened Kirei.

The smooth, sharp blade bit into flesh effortlessly and tore through skin, meat, and bone alike. The subject of Takao’s mutilation could barely contort his face in shock of his own assailant’s sudden appearance before the helmed shinobi acted again after landing. The blood had barely began to spew from hewn veins when Takao’s weapon-armed elbow slammed into the man’s gut, forcing his remaining hand and arm from the spheroid liquid prison. The result of the strike to his solar plexus left him lurched over, and Takao’s onslaught came to an end when his torso rotated in the opposite direction of the solid elbow strike. The tip of Muninn was forced down between his shoulder and behind his rib cage, sinking effortlessly through flesh and muscle before it skewered the life giving organ thumping rapidly within. The body’s nervous system made him twitch and spasm even though the cold hands of death had quickly embraced him, and he crumbled lifelessly to the ground before the limb that Takao had sliced through earlier would land itself.

The commotion had drawn more attention than he would have preferred. Glowing eyes obscured by the tinted helmet visor stole a brief sidelong look at Kirei to ascertain his condition before they settled back upon the glowing thermographic visages that surrounded them. None seemed happy with their presence, though many were apprehensive to engage after witnessing the spectacle that left one of their own limp on the ground.

“Get up.” Takao said sternly to Kirei, maintaining a position in front of him when one from within the crowd had made a second attempt at his life via a thrown shuriken, which met Muninn’s blade and was sent into the wall. His voice was the same as it was on the night that he had conscripted the young shinobi into the ROOT initiation phase; monotone, stern, and distorted by the rebreather of the mask that obscured his face.

“Pick three.” Takao narrowed his on the visage of two stronger looking characters in particular. He had decided they would be his personal quarries, exempt from Kirei’s choice of combatants.

Without averting his gaze from them, the helmed shinobi swiped the arm-braced blade and flicked the trace amounts of blood from its carbon fiber surface. The crowd of seventeen began to arm themselves one by one, pulling blades from scabbards and knives from pockets, in preparation for their skirmish. Takao’s legs shifted and spread to shoulder width, while his left hand rose and pointed Muninn in the direction of the crowd and his right tightened into a fist.

“I’ll handle the rest.”

Total WC

Chakra: 360/400
-20 | Jump
-15 | Burning Eye
-15 | Muninn withdrawl

Techniques Used

Last edited by Takao on Thu Apr 26, 2018 9:50 am; edited 1 time in total

3Not ideal. (Mission/Inv) Empty Re: Not ideal. (Mission/Inv) Tue Apr 24, 2018 8:00 pm



Struggling desperately to breathe, Kirei fought against the swirling water prison encasing his body with all his power. The searing pain in his shoulder left him with only one arm to compete with, and he was getting nowhere. A single patrol had brought him here, and now he was about to be slain by these pirate warlords. It wasn't supposed to end this way, eviscerated on the misty docks of Kirigakure without even returning home; Kirei guessed it was a fitting end for his life spent ill-prepared. This thought did nothing to lessen his will, determined to push back against the strength of his binding even as the lack of oxygen began to affect his efforts. Even the Sharingan, powerful as it was, started to fade with Kirei's consciousness.  The blurry outline of chakra would swing down, sword lost in the boy's distorted vision before halting at the last moment.

Faster than his warped perception could follow, a black haze came to meet the sword and then chakra ignited as the boy's thoughts caught up. Takao's entrance would immediately halt the water prison, dropping Kirei into a soaking heap on the concrete where he coughed and spluttered for air. Heaving in the air, he desperately sought brought relief and the chance for calm to return as Kirei reached across his chest, relocating the injured shoulder accurately, fighting through the pain of torn muscle. The Uchiha pushed at the ground, slowly rising to a knee and then back to standing, legs quivering for a fraction of a second before adrenaline ran steel through his veins. This defiant stand would comply with Takao's order, and Kirei rose his hands into a hand seal, nodding toward the masked figure who stood before him. Kirei wondered as he prepared his chakra, was this fate or was the mysterious figure stalking him still? Sensing hesitation, one of the remianing Jonin priates would bring his hands together in a seal and exhale quickly, a powerful gale of slicing wind rushing forward toward Takao and the blonde. With no time to ponder, the boy made his decision and pushed off the ground, three additional versions of the Uchiha appearing in his wake which would dart off in different directions.

The genuine Kirei, who found purchase on a dock warehouse roof, would pull tools from his belt and leap again to obscure himself and set to work. Three clones would make it visible which targets the boy had chosen, each one launching a single kunai for their intended mark to signify Takao of his decision. Each projectile would be deflected in kind, but the three to the far left would find themselves rushed by the Uchiha clone trio. Meeting the first man head-on, the clone would go low and slide past into the middle of the three, who turned to it but would be met with an explosion of dust from the clone's mouth. The dirt fog, spreading quickly, allowed the second two clones to find the first man at once and launch twin strikes, a strong leg for the back of his shin and a leaping left hook for the jaw would both find their marks. Not satisfied, and still shrouded in the Hidden Dust, the first clone would swing its other leg around, using the first as the axis, and knock him unconscious with the back of his heel. Unlike his brethren, the original clone who performed the doton cover for the assault would find itself on the other end of the mismatch, with two of the pirates raining blows down toward him.

Not wanting any part of it, the clone would disengage, darting out of the mist with the two pirates in pursuit and begin forming hand signs. Unfortunately, the technique formulating in the mouth of Kirei's clone would never come to pass, instead being snuffed out by the blade of a sword catching up too fast and slicing into the clone's chest, causing it to disperse in a burst of smoke and chakra. Rushing to help their comrade, the remaining two clones burst from the dust cloud, squaring off as the pirates turned to face them. After the brief pause, the rightmost of Kirei's clones would jump away, throwing a quartet of shuriken toward the men, two per with shins and shoulders as the targets. This clone would then make haste for the high ground, ready to disperse its chakra back to Kirei when the time was right. Remaining as sacrifice, the Shadow Clone between the men would capitalize on their distraction, running forward with mimicked speed and bursting chakra from its mouth in a volley of fireballs.

Leaping high to avoid the two swords, the clone's onslaught would meet with the shoulders and torso's of the men as it landed and then charged while the patted fire down off their clothes. Drawing a kunai, the shadow clone left its feet and plunged down on the first pirate, slicing him deep across the shoulder and neck before being kicked hard in the ribs and sent rolling. Not enough to disperse the clone outright, it moved to a stand, and around it, chakra would ignite the air in Kirei's signature Cruelty Devouring Blaze. Either side of the closest foe, pillars of fire would spawn and spread around in a vicious circle of flame, spinning and locking him in place. Behind a far warehouse, the original Uchiha darted about indoors, sneaking through the interior while the commotion outdoors crashed and roared with fire and violence. In his fingers, the elegant threads of wire he attached to doorframes and ran between the alleys of the docks would serve as tripwires, making havoc of the battlefield for the many foes Takao would be facing. Frequently, the Jonin would find the untrained pirates tripping over these hidden traps, which would be evident to Takao's keen eyes, aiding him in controlling the pace of the battle beyond taking out a mere three of the pirates.

The fleeing clone en route to dispersal would hop and skip across the rooftops, rolling in desperate cartwheels to avoid the stray projectiles and collateral damage of the brawl below. The docks were turning into bedlam, the clone's Blaze alone, as it ducked between blows and called fire from each direction to combat the two men who threatened to snuff its short life from the world. Above though, the safest of the clones, still with its full chakra, watched for Kirei's guardian, ready to intercept as a body blocker or with techniques should he look to be caught off guard, but Kirei suspected whoever he was he would handily hold his own against these threats. Wherever the original Kirei lurked now, he was out of the way of the danger, laying his traps in secret and letting the clones do his work; occasionally, Takao might notice a stray kunai or shuriken aimed from a second-floor window to strike at the arm or leg of a brawling opponent. These intrusions and the wires he strung would be the only evidence of the real Uchiha.


chakra 43/43/8|200:

4Not ideal. (Mission/Inv) Empty Re: Not ideal. (Mission/Inv) Thu Apr 26, 2018 11:26 pm



Takao’s eyes slowly dulled and lost their glow, fading back to onyx hue. Aibāningu would do little to aid him here, acting as a detriment that obscured the finer details of the battle. Broad daylight meant that the tint of the mask was more akin to sunglasses than complete darkness.

From the corner of his eye, he watched Kirei rise, force his shoulder back into place, and take to the rooftop of a nearby warehouse whilst a trifecta of clones marked their quarries via a thrown kunai and proceeded to engage. Takao acted immediately thereafter, keen eyes catching the way chakra pushed and distorted the wind enough to warrant a terse reaction. A breath within his lungs was flooded with chakra and exhaled in mimicry of the blade, catching it head-on. Strong torrents of wind ripped through the immediate area in which they stood as the pair of techniques collided, canceling each other out.

Dust erupted from the mouth of a Kirei doppelganger, providing Takao with the outer licks of cover as well. The rebreather kept his lungs clear of debris whilst the other pirates were not so fortunate, coughing and swiping at the air as they moved and stumbled toward the outskirts of the technique’s range. The dull rasp of Muninn sliding back into Takao’s sleeve rang out amidst the sounds of Kirei’s conflict, the helmed shinobi resolving not to kill any further, if it could be done.

Damn--!” One of the senior shinobi within the band of pirates cursed from within the dust. Although their vision was largely unobscured, thanks to their well-honed perceptiveness, they were aware that some of their subordinates were not so fortunate.

I can’t see shit!” “Can’t one of you blow this shit away?!” “Look out!

The cries of several from within the dust were heard alongside hollow thuds and the sound of scuffling. Whilst one of the shinobi pirates slammed their palms together in preparation to blow the debris away, Takao had used what remained of his portion of the dust field to engage several of the pirates. The clang of metal, the tear of fabric, and the dull sound of unconscious bodies hitting the wooden docks they stood upon filled the air before the powerful hand-borne gale came. Another strong barrage of wind tore through the dust and blew large portions away, leaving only trace amounts remaining. As the dust was cleared by the technique, the remaining pirates noticed that four of their comrades lay unconscious on the ground, and that their masked assailant was nowhere to be found.

Having shrouded himself with chakra and cloaked his body with bent light, the Jōnin focused on the two real dangers that remained. Takao engaged while their eyes scanned for him frantically. His cloaked fist slammed into the unsuspecting jaw of one of the shinobi. He staggered and swung his katana wide at the air by instinct. Word befitting of a sailor were spewed from his mouth as a second punch connected.

A brash symphony of wild slashes forced Takao’s momentary retreat. The uncontested ninja did not sit idly by, and weaved a pattern of hand seals while sucking in a lungful of air. As he exhaled, a powerful torrent of water was spewed amidst the breath, not so much at any particular person but rather covering the ground with a clear layer of moisture. As Takao moved, each of his cloaked footprints rippled against the water.

“There!” The shinobi shouted after the torrent came to an end, pointing toward the vague location of Takao’s position. In response, the motley crew of non-shinobi unleashed a barrage of projectile weapons in his direction, and the shinobi who had not spewed water weaved his own set of hand seals. As he did, Takao evaded several of the projectiles, and the ones that he was incapable of evading were instead blocked with the flesh of his forearm. Although pain was present, it was ultimately negligible, and the cloak that shrouded his body flickered and faded. He tore the trio of shuriken from his arm and dropped them with a clang, opting to rush the jutsu casting shinobi rather than retaliating to the pirates. The breath was exhaled, and a relatively thin strip of coarse dust was ejected. Takao’s positioning allowed him to evade the breath easily enough, although as the man’s head moved to follow his helmed assailant, so too did the line of dust. The jet tore through the path and the outer wall of the warehouse, only narrowly missing several of the pirates as well before Takao positioned himself between the two shinobi and forced the first to end his technique, lest he damage his friend.

Takao easily outpaced and outmatched the man whose technique had only just ended, striking him repeatedly with various blows across his body and blocking the attempts made against him. The other shinobi chimed in when the opportunity arose, but found himself at the receiving end of a blow or two that forced his retreat. Instead, he opted for another approach, and strung together a sequence of hand seals different from the pattern he had completed before. While Takao and the man fought, several pirates attempted to attack as well. One found himself with a hard strike to the jaw, and the other a powerful kick to the chest that sent him through the wire-trapped doorway nearby, entangling and ensnaring him thoroughly. The additional combatants allowed the shinobi to land a few solid strikes on Takao’s person, but none were especially impairing.

As the non-contested shinobi sucked in a breath of air, building up oxygen and chakra within his lungs, Takao ducked under the wide swing of the shinobi he had been combatting. In the same motion, he balanced himself with one hand on the ground, and slammed the heel of his boot into the chin of the shinobi just as he was prepared to release the technique at point blank range. The head of the shinobi was thrust upward from the force of the kick and the technique was released harmlessly into the sky. Takao’s assault on the man didn’t end there. Briefly using his arms to support his weight, the leg used to kick the shinobi swung as his body rolled onto his back and then shoulders, spinning further and gaining momentum with the other leg. The unorthodox motion brought the heel of his boot sweeping through the man’s legs and throwing him to his back, while Takao rolled effortlessly back to his feet. The pirates around them seemed apprehensive to join the bout of shinobi versus shinobi, perhaps in fear that they might be caught in the crossfire as they nearly had been earlier.

Total WC

Chakra: 335/400

Techniques Used
By Takao:

By Enemy Shinobi:

5Not ideal. (Mission/Inv) Empty Re: Not ideal. (Mission/Inv) Mon Apr 30, 2018 7:25 pm



From the shadows, Kirei watched his masked protector with careful eyes. Even as Takao slipped within his clone's dust storm, the boy weaved to a low window in order to track the man's movements. Efforts to cut off flanks and play a supportive role would work better than expected until Takao would vanish, his stealth technique capable of concealing him even from the boy's Sharingan. Though the dōjutsu had been rendered useless in tracking the Jōnin, the eye was still an invaluable tool for keeping an eye on the multitude of pirates who still continued to converge on the docks. Through the walls of the interiors he stalked, Kirei could watch the chakra signatures move back and forth, allowing him to strike reinforcements before Takao would even be aware of them. The young Uchiha had been told to choose three, but he was nothing if not ambitious.

Swinging himself quickly down from a second story window, the blonde landed and without delay rushed forward into a sliding tackle for the ankles of two men who ran toward the shore. The target of the boy's foot was neither ankle but instead between them, where he would slither nimbly while producing kunai knives in each of his grips. Strikes would be aimed precisely, for the backs of shin and knee, eliciting painful cries from the falling pirates. The non-shinobi each would have an abrupt date with Kirei's foot before the boy was gone again, twirling away into the space between two warehouses. Kirei glanced across the battlefield again, easily able to discern the chakra of the two rogue shinobi who his guardian had marked. Leaving the Jōnin to his personal quarry, Kirei went high, finding his footing on the roof of a warehouse and staring down.

Takao's emergence from camouflage served as Kirei's checkered flag, clones dispersing and returning what chakra they possessed back to their progenitor. Invigorated by this sudden infusion of spiritual energy, the Uchiha would witness his companion's initial bout, noting his movements and decisions, eager to glean all he could from watching a mighty ninja fight. The analytical powers of the Sharingan made such an observation child's play. The Jonin fought with fluid, though unorthodox movements and his actions appeared effortless as he quickly dispatched of the oncoming assailants. The boy could not resign his watch to mere perception, and when Kirei noticed a lull in the action, he sprung into the open. Takao would see the Uchiha; ROOT mask pulled down over his face and cloak obscuring his small frame as he slid out behind the group of onlookers who stared him down.

The lad's hands were a blur, forming hand seals while manifesting the chakra of his Devouring Blaze. The first sign of Kirei's jutsu would be the red aura; thick bands of Katon chakra emanated from the boy, searing the concrete on which he stood and catching the stray threads of clothing nearby alight. Feeling the heat lap against their necks, pirates turned from Takao to glance over their shoulders where they would see the cat-faced predator a fraction of a second before the wall of flame which erupted a meter barely from behind them. Searing into reality, Kirei's will made the inferno manifest, raising his arms in time to direct the swathe, the objective would be to push the pirates back, isolate them from the Jonin and allow Takao to work without hinderance. As they darted away from the blaze and toward the Uchiha, he would bring his hands together, more fire twisting effortlessly into the air and enclosing between the pirates and the blonde then forming into a dome. With his Sharingan, Kirei's eyes could comfortably distinguish his chakra, and that of his technique, from the chakra of the enemies that lay within the swirling mass.

With total command of the miasma, Kirei would dart forward, mentally willing the flames to open for his passage so he could leap forward with a strike for the chin of the closest prisoner. One blow was not nearly enough for the boy to put a grown man down so as Kirei's hit connected and he landed on the ground, he would push off again, rolling back toward the wall of flame which again parted for his form. Outside again, Kirei darted to the left and dropped into a low slide, merciful flames allowing him purchase to rise and unleash his foot beneath the ribs of his unsuspecting victim who turned in response to the sound of Kirei's slide. With a thump, the wheezing man came crashing down, face cracking in an inauspicious meeting of face and concrete. The young Uchiha planted his left hand, turning on its axis to stand and in the same motion, let fly with his free hand a quartet of shuriken for the three other prisoners. In the center, with nowhere to go, the man was struck deep, the metal slicing into the skin of his chest and shoulder, causing him to stumble and fall into the whirl of heat which encompassed them. When the single projectile left for the other two did not meet their targets, Kirei rolled backward anyway, going through his private doorway and running another lap of his sphere to reposition.

Noting the slowing chakra flow within, Kirei parted his sphere in two, each half becoming a fluttering stream of embers. Within, he could see the remaining men collapsing, singed skin and burned lungs gasping for air which the fire drained from them. They would live, but they were no longer a threat. All the while, throughout Kirei's movements and pyromancy, the boy paid particular attention to keep his companion within his sight and observe anything he might do. Kirei didn't know what techniques a powerful shinobi like this would know, but his Copy Wheel was eager, hungry for the knowledge as of yet hidden away. With a break in his combat, Kirei would jump to a warehouse roof and stay out of the way, catching his breath as his shoulder still burned with pain, adrenaline running thin and chakra low. The boy swallowed hard, steeling his resolve and withdrawing a kunai, dual tomoe spinning desperately from bloodshot eyes burning with sweat and blood.


chakra 70|200:

6Not ideal. (Mission/Inv) Empty Re: Not ideal. (Mission/Inv) Thu May 03, 2018 5:07 pm



Although Takao had tasked himself with handling the majority of their assailants, Kirei had taken initiative in combating the hesitant onlookers. Their figures were obscured by a shroud of flames, aiding the young ROOT initiate in weaving through the licks of fire to launch his assault upon those trapped within. Afforded precious little time to observe, the Jōnin found himself under fire at the hands of the two unexpectedly durable enemy shinobi. Bloodied and beaten faces aside, they looked no less hungry to spill his blood, each armed properly and stanced appropriately with their katana in hand.

As both a test of skill and a wordless extension of faith in his abilities, Takao opted to leave the remainder of the pirates to Kirei while his focus remained solely on the two shinobi, with whom he had entered a staring contest brought on by the hesitation of waiting for the other to act first. Takao had yet to fully reveal the nature of his techniques, while the other two had more or less displayed where their prowess lied. One held elemental advantage over him, the other was opposite, and neither seemed fully capable of keeping up with him in close quarters. A breakneck offense would do the trick, and luckily Takao specialized in just that, however the state of the docks and his surroundings remained an issue. It would hardly be a success if in stopping these shinobi, he was forced to level everything in sight and reduce it to ash.


Takao’s eyes narrowed behind his mask, the subtle expression of surprise garnered by his especially vocal subconscious hidden from the two shinobi in front of him. Perhaps it had been the mere passing mention of ash that triggered its emergence, or maybe it was just long enough into the fight for the disembodied voice to start its whining.


Shut up!” He mentally berated his own excessively vocal psyche. Years of being plagued by its incessance left him jaded to its morbidity, yet even though it was dismissed, the disembodied voice had a point. Even if he did need to use fire, recent developments had given him the tools necessary to handle the aftermath.

Having finally grown tired of waiting for something to happen, one of the shinobi launched three metallic projectiles at Takao; one for the head, two for the chest. The other had willed a strong gust of wind from behind his body, catching the projectiles and increased their lethality. Takao ducked under the first projectile aimed for his head, and lifted his left arm to deflect the second as he evaded into it to dodge the third. As he did, Takao feigned a tiger seal, which was unnecessary for him to mould the chakra in his lungs. As he exhaled, the chakra was scattered by the diffuser in his mask, and broadened the size of the technique. A roaring, ten meter wide orb of intense flames shot from the rebreather of the mask and rocketed toward the pair. As soon as it was exhaled, Takao quickly bled and released chakra from his legs, which sent him high into the air above the fireball.

Given precious little time to evade because of the fireball’s speed and close proximity, the shinobi opted to counter the technique head on instead. Weaving hand seals turned chakra and nearby water into a translucent shark-shaped torrent of water from beneath the docks to collide with the raging fireball. The water extinguished the flames with ease, turning heat to steam as the shark continued forward and collided with the corner of the warehouse, slamming into and eating away at the wood. It quickly became apparent that Takao was no longer where he had been previously, and it took the pair little more than a quick look at their surroundings to locate him descending upon them from above.

The second shinobi had already claimed a bird seal and exhaled a volley of six pressurized spheres made from chakra and air. Takao feigned another string of hand seals and met each facet of the barrage with a ball of flame of his own. They collided and his fire prevailed as the superior element of the conflict, redirecting each with increased vigor as the flames erupted over the spheres and turned them back on their caster. As fire rained down upon the pair, they scattered to evade, and Takao landed with a heavy thud just in front of the shinobi who had favoured water for their bout.

The shinobi swung wide and strong, but met Takao’s Muninn-protected arm. Flesh and bone collided with the metal housing of the retractable tonfa, causing a hollow sound to ring out as the shinobi dropped his blade and Takao’s right hand gripped the wrist of his offender. His strength proved superior as he pulled the shinobi closer and jabbed his elbow into the unprotected flesh of his throat. Staggered and choking from the strike, Takao didn’t let him recover. The helmed shinobi grabbed the collar of his shirt, kicked out his knee and bent it backward to force him down, and effortlessly exhaled a white-hot jet of pressurized flame onto his grappled victim. A loud scream of horror left the man’s throat until the fire devoured the oxygen in his lungs, rapidly burning away flesh and muscle. Fire erupted around the pair as Takao finished vomiting fire onto his quarry; he stood unaffected, and the man laid reduced to a fried husk of whatever mangled and burnt muscle remained.

It was more telling of his abilities than he would have liked, but ultimately it mattered little. Only two of them would emerge alive from the fight, one way or another, and the other was bound to learn eventually. Takao set his sights upon the remaining shinobi, who was visibly shaken by the culling of his two degenerate companions. Stepping unharmed from within the flames, Takao slid Muninn from its housing, ready to finish the fight.

Total WC

Chakra: 260/400

Techniques Used

By Takao:

By Enemy Shinobi:

7Not ideal. (Mission/Inv) Empty Re: Not ideal. (Mission/Inv) Sun May 06, 2018 6:28 pm



Kirei had precious few seconds to steady himself and catch his breath. Still green to the ninja way, the Uchiha's conditioning needed improvement, but the will alone was, for now, enough to hold the aching body aloft for a final push against these foes. From his perch, Kirei could watch as his companion engaged in a standoff, attention rooted firmly on the two shinobi who chose to quarrel with him. Surrounding the zone where true combat would soon take place, the untrained pirates, it appeared, were left to Kirei. Even as a shinobi, the boy's immature muscles, and small stature made it hard for him to take a horde of grown mercenaries without assistance. With no internal monologue or partner to guide him, Kirei was left to swallow his doubt, steady himself and leap from the roof to do his duty.

"Three, two, one..."

In a rush of flame, Kirei descended from above into the gathering remnants poised to strike at Takao from outside the battle, drawing their attention into the meteor invading their perimeter. Kirei stood fast, a wreath of flame circling his head before expanding in elegant strokes for the men surrounding him. One by one, swathes of fire burst into being in time with the boy's movements. As he ran forward, the Blaze followed, swallowing the pavement, scorching it black in his wake. Six torrents of devouring fire became his wings, shielding him from surprise attacks while his right-hand thrust out and the inferno mimicked it, becoming a pillar of flame that lurched from the target's right and crashed upon him, knocking him down and washing over him like a torrent of water. Kirei turned, raising his arms to conduct the Katon upwards from his wings and rain it down while rushing the men who drew swords and armed themselves once adjusted to the sudden wave of heat which singed the hairs on their arms and pulled forth sweat from their brows.

Even though they were untrained and unprepared for Kirei's quickness and finesse, the men towered over and outweighed the small Uchiha by a significant amount. The boy came in low, wave of fire streaming over his back to catch the men high while he rolled onto his shoulders and lashed out with each leg to strike and spin away the footing from nearby foes. In tandem, massive gushes of fire roared outward in their own spiral, rising and falling to create rhythmic waves of heat which repelled the surrounding pirates, allowing Kirei to leap back up to his feet. Panting and sweating, Kirei fought through his Sharingan, surrendering himself to the Uchiha prowess and trusting its instincts. As two men came from his left, one came from the right, and he opted for the singular opponent first, twisting to meet an encroaching fist with his forearm before rolling away and striking with his left heel at the man's calf, causing him to topple forward into his fellows. With a thunderous crash, bodies folded over one another onto the cement and Kirei bounded away, gathering distance and forming fire in a searing flourish to dissuade any pursuers.

Gathering distance was a thinly veiled attempt to buy the boy extra time, any additional seconds to catch his breath and react to the pirates would mean the difference between life and death. Unlike Takao, Kirei was on his last legs, pushing himself on adrenaline as he expended chakra to fuel his greedy Blaze. The boy's arms rose, shaking in time with the blistering inferno conjured by his fingertips which were then thrust forth toward his quarries, carrying the flame in its wake to wash over the area before him. Drowned out by the thumping of his own heartbeat, Kirei's perception wasn't enough to notice the group who circled around the warehouses to barge through the door behind him. By the time the Uchiha spun to meet the sound of hurried footfalls, it was too late, and he was met with a thunderous blow across the side of his chin and face. Reeling from the pain, Kirei stumbled away and rose his hands to fight, Sharingan tracking the assailants as they spread around him. A sharp pain emanated from the small of his back, a sturdy boot planting itself swift against the boy's body and throwing him forward with a yelp. The first fist met with Kirei's forearm but the second, which came low, hit the boy in his stomach to send him back again, tossing his body around like a pinball between the pirates' barrage.

Crying out, guttural and desperate, Kirei twisted his body into a strike against the nearest foe. His fist, easily deflected, fell forward and Kirei rolled with it to pass the surrounding pirates. Coming off his shoulder, the Uchiha winced with pain and pushed off with all his strength to stand without losing any momentum. Every muscle in his arms burned with pain but still be brought to his lips the necessary hand seal and breathed in deep, inhaling a mixture of blood and air before spitting the fiery inferno from his gullet while igniting the Devouring Blaze throughout the air in unrestricted strokes of fire. Twin fireballs roared with one another as they lept forth to consume the onlookers while walls of heat collapsed, replaced by another spawned from Kirei's will to enclose the pirates within his explosive radiance. Seeing their comrades fall, crying out with clothes aflame, and the vicious wrath of the Uchiha Katon, morale was broken, and the retreat sounded.

Pirates who remained turned tail from the boy and his masked guardian, fleeing to their boats and inland to hide out in the city where they would spend their days hiding from the ANBU. Surrounded by burning wood, Kirei's desperate inferno left the better part of two warehouse walls dismantled but kept himself alive. The boy would fall, slumping to his knees on the scorched pavement, wiping the ashes from his brow with the back of his sleeve and heaving smoke into the air. Cuts on his lips and cheek still dripped blood, and the waning cocktail of adrenaline and chakra was fading fast, causing his shoulder, ribs and back to throb with bruises and torn muscles. The Sharingan faded away when silence returned, Kirei unable to sustain the dōjutsu any longer and hoping he no longer needed it.



8Not ideal. (Mission/Inv) Empty Re: Not ideal. (Mission/Inv) Thu May 10, 2018 9:06 pm




As the last licks of flame left Takao’s unburnt person, he broke into a sprint. The morale of the pirates was left in tatters, only a shred remained within the shinobi that stood steadfast amidst the burnt and bloodied docks. Heavy thuds of Takao’s boots padding against the wood were barely audible as the remainder of the pirates fled to boat and inland, seeking whatever solace they could find from their shinobi assailants.

The shrill sound of clashing weapons rang out as Takao’s bladed tonfa collided with the shinobi’s katana. Tiny shavings of metal sparked and ignited as their edges slid along one another with each clash. In the flurry of blows, both side sustained superficial cuts and scratches from the other’s blade. The shinobi swung Takao’s tonfa aside with superior leverage, and carried through with the slash to bring the blade down at his head. But as Takao’s arm was swept away, he stepped forward, and slammed his knee into his opponent’s lower ribs. Through the cloth that covered his joint, he could feel bones crack and crunch under the power of the blow, which sent the shinobi staggering backward.


Takao’s expression flinched behind his mask, unseen to his opponent once more, as the voices within his head screamed and shouted. The sheer volume of their urging made his own thoughts a whisper amidst their yelling, and his actions less his own and more theirs. Having been forced into a momentary pause as a result of his inability to think clearly, the shinobi had taken the opportunity to strike. Black eyes widened as he watched the shinobi suck in air and lift his fist, prepared to pound it against his stomach. For a brief moment, Takao hesitated, now unable to properly consider his options as the voices grew louder and louder in his head. His judgement was clouded, and his inaction a result of the deeply seeded mental turmoil of his own thoughts being lost to louder, more intrusive suggestions.

The shinobi exhaled the breath as his fist came pounding down onto his stomach. The highly compressed oxygen within his gullet tore into the wooden boards as it closed in on Takao, razor sharp blades of wind slicing everything in its path. Instinct kicked in and chakra began to flood his legs, but he didn’t move.

B̸̺̠͓̼̤̳̫̦͉̎̃͂Ǔ̴͕̔̽̇̏͑̍͝Ř̴̰͇̥̦̯̻̹̞͙́̂͒N̶̮̘̩̫̍͊̈́̐̅͑͘ ̸̛̳̆̇̎̈́͝Į̸̘͔͚͗̓́ͅŢ̴̛͍̬̀̐̐̏̌̓͒ ̵͈͎̋Ä̷̝̜̣͔̰̙́̆̈́̊̑͠Ḷ̵̜͕̲̙̘̬̅̔L̴̙̪̯̓̃̆̿̅́̆̈́͜͜͠ͅͅ ̸̗̟̥̺̮͕̝̂̒͋̿͂N̸̢̙̘͈̰̞̔̓̀͌̚̚͜Ǫ̴̰̽̐̍̅͋̅͠W̶͕̖̒̇̏̿̏͊͗̕͘͜

The voices overwrote his instinct and Takao’s eyebrows furrowed. Finally giving in to his frustration and their wishes, chakra was kneaded within his lungs in an instant. He exhaled before the torrent of slicing wind could reach him, and leaving his lungs with his breath was a massive, volatile plume of powerful flame. Elemental weakness allowed the flames to overtake the bullet with spectacular ease, and turned it on its caster. As the swathe of fire consumed the air, it turned into a sea of flames, reducing everything that it touched to ash, including the shinobi who had stood within the fire.

The sounds of conflict faded, and left only the crackling of fire to break the newfound silence. In the distance, he heard shouting, likely townspeople upset that their buildings had been set alight and destroyed in typical fashion for a bout between shinobi. Takao slowly inhaled and steadied his breath, turning away from the destruction to let the locals take care of the damage. It hadn’t been his fight, and it certainly wasn’t about to become his mess.

Takao approached Kirei, slumped and exhausted, and watched as he swiped ash from his face. “Let’s go, before the townspeople blame us for this mess.” He said, unwilling to be at the receiving end of a disgruntled mob’s torches and pitchforks. The helmed shinobi leaned down and, without the consent of his young partner in crime, lifted the spent Uchiha onto his back, provided that there wasn’t a struggle to discourage him from doing so.

“Only until you’ve got the energy to walk.” He added bluntly before they departed from the burnt warehouse, and back on the road bound for Kirigakure.

Total WC

Chakra: 230/400

Techniques Used

By Takao:

By Enemy Shinobi:

9Not ideal. (Mission/Inv) Empty Re: Not ideal. (Mission/Inv) Wed May 23, 2018 6:19 am



From above, the docks must have looked like a bonfire, burning into the heavens like some great tributary aiming to catch the eye of a wayward God, one who had left long ago. Whatever deity had watched this bloodbath would have pitied the men who challenged those who could wield the power of heaven, but there were no words sent from on high, no comforts exchanged between the Gods and men; instead, Kirei found silence. Nestled in the cradle of the muttering flames, which lapped delicately at the exposed frames of warehouses, spreading slowly and surely, the Uchiha spluttered to himself. The boy's affinity for Katon had often left him coughing ashes onto the ground after intense training sessions but never had his every nerve burned with such intense production of chakra at once. Head to toe, Kirei felt as if he were on fire, digging his fingers deep into the trenches of his clothes, the boy did his best to steady his breathing and compose himself.

Through the thumping in his head and blurred vision, Kirei turned to see a shadow emerge from the walls of the flickering inferno. The figure knelt down, and Kirei collapsed into the arms of his guardian, content to allow the man to carry him as he made his intentions known. The Uchiha was far from unconsciousness, though his body ached and his mind was coming down from the adrenaline, making him feel dizzy and clouding his thoughts.  En route toward the hidden village, Kirei would clutch firm against his companion's body, resting his eyes and trying his best to shake the taste of smoke from his tongue. Every so often, the boy would spare a glance at his savior if only to check and make sure he had not hallucinated and been captured by the pirates instead of conquering them. Kirei was comforted to know such a strong shinobi had deigned to watch over him but felt saddened, hoping he had been of any help at all but realizing perhaps he should have retreated at the onset of combat.

"Sorry that I wasn't able to help with the Rogue ninja, I'm getting stronger, though, I promise."

The Uchiha spoke weakly, through a light cough with his head hanging, as the two slowed to a stop and Kirei tested his weak knees, which were now steady enough for him to stand. Easing himself away from the breast of his protector, the boy stumbled for a second like a newborn finding foot for the first time amidst the forest. The boy looked over his shoulder, glancing at the masked figure and clearing his throat, anticipating his voice to betray his boyish stature in times when he wanted to remain serious.

"Thank you, for showing up when you did. I'd be dead if you didn't see my flare. I've been out here for months and haven't come that close to biting the bullet yet. My heart is racing, God, my mouth tastes like fire. That was awesome though, right? I mean, intense."

Catching his breath, the boy appeared to be regaining his composure, standing on his own strength and stretching his arms, wincing as he moved the injured shoulder but otherwise on the rise. Kirei peered out across the trees, looking over the canopy he could see the rising tower of smoke which stood as the shoreline's blasphemous Tower of Babel from which no corner of the country could not be seen as it tried desperately to wrench into the heavens. The boy let out a sigh, mentally cursing his ineptitude for allowing such destruction. Turning back to address his companion again while the thoughts were fresh in his head, Kirei spoke low and with a severe tone.

"I'll have to be back in the city soon to tell the Village what happened. I was on patrol, they'll need to know how many I let escape. I can make my way back to Kiri alone, I won't mention you at all."

The Uchiha lingered just long enough to await any replies before leaping and vanishing into the treeline with a flourish of leaves and dust. Racing through the forest toward the city with the aid of his remaining meager chakra reserves gave him little time to think, focusing instead on keeping one leg in front of the other before he came to a quick stop on the bustling city streets. Not far from the administration offices, the boy's last efforts were to wander through into the halls where his contemporaries sought missions of their own. The burned, bloody and dirty Uchiha met with long stares as he made his way toward the assigned Jonin's office, the same small room where since his arrival he had picked up his missions. Pushing open the door with great struggle, Kirei vanished into the office.

"...So you didn't call for help when you encountered a dangerous pirate operation and were unable to subdue the entire threat by yourself? You can't tell how many escaped into the city and you burned down half of the southern docks? Go and get yourself checked by the medical staff, the moment you are cleared for missions you're going to help clean up this mess."


3500 completes a-rank mission
2000 trains doton c to b

10Not ideal. (Mission/Inv) Empty Re: Not ideal. (Mission/Inv) Sun Jun 17, 2018 12:06 am



Each step taken drew the pair closer to Kirigakure, though the helmed figure had no intention of passing through the gates with Kirei in tow. For as long as he could manage, he would operate in the metaphorical shadows, set on keeping his actions and his intentions from prying eyes. This interference was an anomaly, one born from mere coincidence that Takao happened to be in the area. It was an act of weakness as well, in its own way, that he could not keep himself from interfering. This organization, ROOT, would not bear the same fruits as its predecessor. Despite finding its origins in bloodshed and brainwashing, this iteration would be what it should have been. The sacrifice of a few for the rest. A sidelong gaze carried dark black orbs to the exhausted shinobi that rested in his charge, and a hundred voices boomed in his head. The mindset that he held was not unique, nor was it especially common. To find others as zealous about the protection of the leaf as he was a daunting task indeed, and even more so when special care needed to be taken to ensure that such secrecy did not find its way into the wrong hands. This boy was the first step over the starting line, and it was a long and treacherous road downhill.

His breathing had stabilized to a steady rhythm, yet still inaudible behind the rebreather of the mask. The voices in his head mused that this was selfish; to indoctrinate a child and mould their mind and their lives to the protection of the leaf-- his interpretation of protection, was hardly a selfless act toward those whom he manipulated. Would these comparatively small renegade acts of skewed morality balance themselves with the good they proposed? His thoughts continued, and he wondered if when his final bell tolled and he stood before his maker, would this interpretation of protecting and justice save him, or damn him? Dark rings beneath his black eyes were the badges he bore for these thoughts plaguing his mind in perpetuity. Finally, the silence between them was broken, and Kirei uttered an apology.

“Do not apologize.” Takao spoke bluntly in response.

“This was an advantageous coincidence. I intended to test your capabilities myself to determine where your skillset best lay, but this incident has given me important insight. You did well. Better than I was expecting. But make no mistake. This was a coincidence. I’m sure that I do not need to tell you that the lives we lead are perilous, and that I cannot be lurking nearby to help every time.”

Perhaps it was harsh, and perhaps not. Takao hardly had a metric to measure such matters, thus he only spoke true and factual. Unknown to Kirei, the comment that followed had urged a slight smile from the raven-haired shinobi.

“It was, in a word, intense.” The thrill of the fight and the undeniable high of adrenaline were the sole reasons that he remained a shinobi. Had he no interest in either, his career would have ended long ago. But he was one of a dying breed that enjoyed it, and thrived in it.

“Do not worry yourself with collateral damage. No innocent lives were taken or damaged, only property that can be rebuilt. The criminals that were culled today have claimed countless innocent lives. The destruction wrought on that minute portion of the docks is a small price to pay for the ” It was difficult for him to determine whom he was talking to:;Kirei, or himself? They were the same words that he echoed in his own head when witnessing the destructive fallout of his own manner of fighting. Buildings and property could be rebuilt and fixed, but an innocent life taken in the crossfire was irreparable.

Eventually, Kirei was let down when he was capable of walking. Takao’s advance had stopped, having drawn too close to the village for his comfort. He nodded in recognition of the young shinobi’s declaration.

“Good. Continue your training, and wait for our next meeting. I have big plans for you, and I know you won’t disappoint.”

With the last of his words spoken, Takao shrouded his body with chakra, and bent the light in his immediate vicinity, disappearing without a trace an instant later.



Wind Tunnel || -1,750
Devouring Judgement Flames || -1,500
Wind Release: Rasengan || -1,400

4,650wc used
32wc discarded

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