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For Hibana Akashi, the days since his arrival to Konohagakure no Sato were days spent hopping from one mission to another. Coming from a long awaited return to the village he had been born into, the Hibana sought to rise through the ranks of shinobi quicker than anyone in the village’s history had previously risen. The rank of genin was a rank not fit for someone of his abilities, he had already achieved feats greater than that of the rank named to him and believed himself worthy of a promotion. Nonetheless, he had still yet to receive so much as a word from the Hokage or the administration building about a much deserved promotion. The snub frustrated him. Clearly someone in the building failed at their job. He’d prove them wrong. Again the start of the day saw him walking the streets of Konoha. This time he was on his way from the administration building after having just received briefing on his next mission assigned to him. Taking in his requests, the administration solely gave him missions of a higher rank typically allowed to that of the village's Chunin. Higher ranked missions meant a higher chance that combat would be present, and combat proved an excellent way to show the higher ranking shinobi that he deserved a promotion. Though unlike the previous C-rank missions he had dealt with, the case given to him seemed to be particularly underwhelming. It was a simple mission that required him to solve a mystery of damaged goods being delivered. It had mostly been charged as a C-rank mission due to the lack of urgency required held by the post office.

Found in the upper echelons of the village was a green building not far off from the administration building. A large orange sign written in black Kanji confirmed the building as the postal office. The Hibana entered, walking to the empty reception desk. In the back room a commotion appeared to have developed. Murmurs of the employees could be heard from the outside, it appeared as if they had been arguing. Akashi rang the small bell found on the surface of the wooden desk. Grabbing the attention of the employees, a woman dressed in a light blue outfit emerged from the back room. “Good morning sir. Opening time is an hour from now, please come back later.” She greeted, attempting her best at a polite yet efficient conversation. He felt a sense of urgency from the woman, clearly they had been discussing something important in the back room. “I could come back later, but I don't believe that would do anyone good. I am Hibana Akashi, the shinobi sent to deal with your issue.” Relieved the woman sighed and gestured for the Hibana to come follow her. “You should've said so.” She huffed, grumpy. The woman led him to the garage where another man with a similar outfit was found. The man, middle aged, wore an outfit a tad less formal looking. From what he could tell the man was one of the postal office’s mailman, the subject of his mission.

The man looked worried, clearly he was out of himself. He fumbled around boxes, double checking each one before gently placing each one in the back of his truck. The man moved slow, clearly he was afraid of damaging the goods. “Tomo!” The woman yelled. “This is the kid who'll work on the deliveries. Go and talk to him.” Busy, the woman left to do her other work leaving the two alone. The man looked at him with tired and concerned eyes. “Just you? There should be two… I asked for two… I know I asked for two!” The man was clearly shaken. A hint of desperation crept in his blank face. He looked down the floor, staring at the concrete with baggy eyes before moving back to his boxes. “Come back with two… Need two…” Clearly the man was irrational. There was no point making conversation with him until his mission partner had arrived. With the administration building’s failure to set up a rendezvous spot, the Hibana figured at arriving early at the postal office to see if the mysterious partner had arrived before him. It appeared as though he had been the only one with the idea so far. Taking the free time in between his partner’s arrival he gathered some information from the more rational employees of the postal office. After asking around as much as he could, he waited outside the entrance taking in the early morning breeze.


Mission WC: 770/1500

Last edited by Akashi on Fri Apr 13, 2018 8:55 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Added mission NPC)



Yūji has always been in his clan's compound and hasn't had many missions. Today he has been assigned his first C-rank mission. His partner is unknown to him since he's never met the guy. After taking an hour to read a book under a tree, he'd start heading towards the post office where apparently he was supposed to go. He read his book on the way, though looking up every few seconds to see what was ahead of him. He closed his book with one hand and slid it into his pocket on his left leg. He continued to walk towards his destination but was also wondering what his mission was going to be like. Apparently, this was some sort of 'solve the mystery' type thing which didn't really sound intriguing to him. Though he might be able to be of good use towards solving anything. Next, he thought about his partner. He didn't really mind the details and just listened to his briefing. Damaged goods? Sounds like some mischief started by young kids. After he'd come back from organizing the mission in his head, he'd arrive at the post office. It was obvious this was the place. There was a big sign with huge Kanji letters posted on it.

Yūji kept walking, noticing a pretty tall red-haired young man. He gave him a glance and he was pretty sure he did the same. Though he kept walking inside not paying him much attention. He arrived at the desk, right on time to get on with his mission. He met a woman wearing what looks like the post office's normal uniform. She looked up and gave him a quick glance before fixing her posture and standing straight. "Good morning, Sir. Opening time is still just a few minutes away. You're going to have to wait just like that guy outside." she'd look outside and point towards the young man he just passed not to long ago. He'd turn his head back giving her eye contact. "Sorry ma'am, but I'm here for the mission that was assigned to me." She sighed and once again looked outside. "I guessed so, that guy is also here for the mission. He's most likely your partner." she'd say switching her hands from her chest towards her hips. "Thank you, ma'am." he'd respond giving a slight bow before turning around and walking off. He went out the office and walked straight towards the boy. Standing straight in front of him and meeting his gaze. "I'm going to guess your my partner for this mission. Hyūga, Yūji. Nice to meet you." he'd greet with a completely blank expression. He'd hang his hand out wondering if he'd do the same and give him a handshake. His crimson red-eyes continued to look towards him. After that, he'd turn on a heel to go back inside the post office. Hoping the guy would follow him in. As soon as he went in he waited, letting the other guy do most of the talking. He only wanted to get the mission done. For Yūji, he didn't want to do much fighting if he had to, but if it came to that. He'd stop the threat with the best of his abilities. He also had a partner so if much happens he'd help too. Though he doubted that since it was just a simple mission to figure out who did the damage towards the packages. They were probably just going to calm the suspect down to prevent it from happening any further. Which is what Yūji had hoped was going to happen.

Mission WC: 655/1500



A proper briefing from one of the staff members was much needed, and it appeared as if the man he had been assigned to help refused to speak to him unless his partner was present. The Hibana left, looking for an employee more suitable for conversation. Without being too intrusive, he entered the staff room and approached an off duty mailman. The man was eating breakfast and gave the redhead a confused look as he approached. He bowed in respect and took a seat beside the man. “Greetings.” He began. “I am Akashi Hibana, a shinobi sent to take care of the problem you seem to be having with packages.” The man sighed and took a sip from his mug of coffee. “Alright kid, what're ya botherin’ me for?” It was no secret that the man would have rather enjoyed his meal without a shinobi peppering him with questions. “The man that I've been assigned to help refuses to give a briefing on the situation, so I thought it would be best to ask another.” The man scratched his neck as if it was something he had expected. “Ah, right. Tomo ain't been doing too well lately. Fine kid, what did ya wanna ask?” The man set down his food, now invested in helping the Hibana. “The packages, how are they being destroyed?” He asked. “Usually they've been getting destroyed on delivery. We stop to make a door to door delivery and then come back to the rest of the packages in our truck destroyed. Tomo has had it worse than anyone, so you're going with him.” The Hibana stroked his chin, taking in the information. Knowing all that he needed for the mission, he bowed once more and left the staff room. Now it was simply time to wait for his partner.

Taking in the atmosphere of Konohagakure’s highest land, he found himself lost in his thoughts. The Hibana looked over the rest of the village, most of it still asleep save for the marketplace. From where he stood everyone looked like ants, moving along the faraway ground, barely visible. It was a serene moment. The calm before the storm that was to be his mission. A question in his mind slowly spread like wildfire. Just who was destroying the packages? How strong was he? Was it a group? If so, how strong were they? He wanted a challenge, something that would test his abilities… someone that would test his skills as a shinobi. The sound of distant footsteps grew louder and louder. He turned to its direction, and a man draped in black approached. The man introduced himself as the Hibana's partner for the assigned mission and held his hand out to greet the redhead. His bright golden eyes clashed with the crimson red that stared at him. Gracefully, his hand extended forward to shake his partner's hand. “It appears so. I am Akashi of the Hibana clan. It is nice to meet you as well.” After their introductions had been made, the two returned to the postal office where the man known as Tomo awaited. Suddenly all curiosity for the unknown entity he had been tasked to take out died down. In front of him was a member of a clan that was so highly esteemed that even the Hibana saw them as rivals for the throne of Konohagakure’s most elite clan. Had they met on different circumstances he would have challenged the Hyuga where he stood, but a mission prevented him from doing so at that moment. Let us see how you stack up against our coming foes. “Follow me.” He commanded as they entered the office. He passed the receptionist’s table, walking straight to the garage. Tomo, with baggy eyes wide open pulled the two without a word soonest he saw the pair. “Guard package.” He mumbled, leaving the two inside the back of his truck. “Guard.” The deranged man said with his words followed by the clicking sound of a locking mechanism latching on. And just like that they were locked inside the back of a delivery truck.

How long have we been here? The Hibana began to wonder. It was impossible to tell from the lack of natural light… or any light for that matter. The two had been tossed along with the packages inside a pitch black freight. Earlier he had attempted to meditate, in order to pass the time, but it proved useless with the moving vehicle. It was something he had yet to be accustomed to. “It appears we are here until the criminal responsible for three destruction of the packages show up.” He said, turning to the direction of his barely visible partner. His eyes had long adopted to the darkness. He wondered if the Hyuga was the same. “Red eyes.” He said. “If I am not mistaken, Hyuga commonly possess pale white eyes. Correct? Can your eyes see as well as theirs?” He asked, curious. Before he could take in the man’s response the truck stopped to a sudden halt. The padlock that kept the two shinobi inside the freight could be heard audibly shattering. The doors opened, blinding the shinobi for a brief moment while his eyes adjusted to the light. Murmuring overcame the Hibana. The sounds of squabbling polluted the air. “See! I told you they'd eventually send someone!” One of them screamed. Taking a look at the young men who surrounded doorway, he gripped the handle of his blade. “Stand down.” The Hibana ordered. They outnumbered he and his partner, but it didn't matter. Slowly, he walked out of the the freight doors, removing the disadvantageous position of being pressed against a dead end. Still startled by the appearance of two unexpected shinobi, the group slowly backed down. A fight brewed, now it only mattered who would strike first.

987 | 1757

Mission WC: 1757/1500

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