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1Sonico vs Marico (Shinobi Rap Battle) Empty Sonico vs Marico (Shinobi Rap Battle) Tue Apr 03, 2018 12:31 pm

Akito Miku

Akito Miku

I came here today, to settle the score
No one wants to see your round face anymore
I jump through rings, you jump up your own ass
I run on the track, you in the grass

Faster than the speed of sound
Like a shinobi spinning round and round
Beat you in your face, beat you in a race
Beat you like an ace, leaving you without a trace

I am the blue avatar of doom
So go back home and eat another mushroom
Jump your fat ass you mad little rascal
Cause I think your brain is in another castle

munch on a mushroom, that is what i do
better flip a coin, and hope that tails comes for you
i jump so high, my style so fly
its a me, marico, so don't cry

you challenge me, you living pinball machine
you so weak, i will drop the red and give you the green
Lugico here, no need for my brother
I will send you home crying to your spiky mother

you roll like a ball, i roll with my bro
his the real deal, when you all show
you got your ass carried by a two tailed demon fox
then get seven precious emeralds and become super saiyan goldilocks

MUSIC CUTS - Part 1 Over
Stay Tuned until next time on Shinobi Rap Battles Sonico vs Marico
Coming this season also Super Shinobi Brothers Yo...

Laïs Crowly

Laïs Crowly

/me subscribes

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