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1Morning at the manor[Death Camp Only] Empty Morning at the manor[Death Camp Only] Sat Mar 31, 2018 7:17 am

Mikumi Senju

Mikumi Senju

The distant sound of the numerous of spider's that resided in the wild near the manor would disturb the young Senju's sleep, it wasn't exactly a sound more like hundreds of eerie vibrations that pierced his hearing and he would come to regret the training he done that made them more sensitive to the average man. Mokuzai was in a room of his own in the manor and it was decorative nicely however he had been moving for so long such a comfort felt odd to him so he had slept on a sleeping tatami mat, but now that he was awake it was time for him to leave the confine's of the manor to go train himself in the field he and the other's of the death camp originally were in upon arrival.

He would put on his usual attire that consisted of a black sleeved shirt and gray pant's that had red pocket pouch connected to his right leg, he swiftly would re-tighten the bandage's around his arms that held in place two scrolls before placing on his boots. Mokuzai would look at his shinobi headband with the symbol of the hidden leaf village placed proudly on it, he had never questioned it before but considering the course of event's so far he wondered if he could still proudly say he was a dutiful leaf shinobi as he had never actually done a single mission while in Konahagakure, the though of it irritated him and he quickly pushed his thoughts back into the deeper folds of his mind.

As he left the the room he would be sure to step quietly as not to disturb the other members of the house, although if there hearing was as sensitive as his it wouldn't matter but he would be considerate of them in either case. Quickly making his way through the manor he would finally arrive at the door leading to outside, with his left hand he would gently grasp it making sure his touch wasn't rough as he turned it slowly  as it could cause the door to produce a loud creak and he feared who might wake up from it's sound. Once the door was open wide enough the young Senju would slip through to the outside before once again gently grasping the door and pushing it closed as gentle as he could hoping he didn't wake anybody up in his escape from the manor.

Now that he was outside Mokuzai would take a deep breath of air, however it was not as fresh as he would hope due to the faint trace's of dead corpses surrounding the vicinity of the manor and the wild animal smell of the giant spider's yet it was more comforting then the air the manor offered to those in it's luxurious confinement. The young senju now walked away from the building going out about five to six meters away before stopping in front of a rather burly tree, the majestic of the tree was of higher quality then even his wood style could produce with his current limits but for that reason alone it inspired him to try even harder.

He would suddenly realize that in his eagerness to train he had left his blade behind but perhaps it was a blessing in disguise for him to train his inferior taijutsu skills, the young Senju now placed his right foot forward slightly bent while his left foot was straightened but behind his right as his right hand had it's thumb, index,  and middle finger slightly curled while it's two remaining fingers were closed his left hand followed the same setup.

Mokuzai would now suddenly close his fist giving the tree a straight forward jab before spinning to deliver a chop to the tree's right side with his left hand which was followed up by a immediate side kick to the left side with his left leg as well, the movement of his body felt nice after sitting complacent for hours during sleep but still training against a tree paled in light compared to a actual sparing partner but he would push the though back as he continued to strike the tree practicing his taijutsu skills.




Kirei hated the dew in Water Country. Every morning, any patch of grass became a swampy mess as the mist condensed overnight and made slush and mud from the terrain. As impressive as his time here had been, Kirei would not be missing the weather when he eventually departed. In the early morning, the lone islands sat in tranquility, but Kirei was already on the move. He darted away from the city before the dawn and made his way to the island where each day, he would come for the so-called Death Camp. The same island Nova had told him about the afternoon he arrived in Kiri, the one which bore the mansion of Sero Osada, father of spiders and terror of the mist. Unlike some of the others, Kirei had decided to commute each morning before the training instead of living at the mansion.

It only seemed sensible for the Uchiha to arrive early every morning, reaching the island in advance. So under cover of darkness, he slung a long black poncho over his body and strung his Konohagakure hitai-ate tight across his forehead, then ventured into the dark fog. Alone, the young shinobi crept toward the island, chakra allowing him to navigate toward the island's back from the sea instead of crossing the bridge. The chatter of insects was evident even from afar, as was the smell of corpses both fresh and decayed. Step by step, the boy tread his way through the sodden earth towards the back side of the mansion. By now, the first light encroached on the island, giving the manor an eerie halo to juxtapose the infernal nature of the place. The sound of footsteps whipping up water and grime would be the only disruption other than the rhythmic chitter.

How things had changed for him since arriving here. Already he gained experience beyond his many years in Konoha. The missions with Kirigakure shinobi were beginning to teach him what it meant to come to the Mist; their training was far more intense, and it seemed an air of ambition and strength hung over the city which did not exist at present in the Leaf. Memories of the mission weeks back, of fire and smoke and the crack of thunder, came to him while he wandered around the outside of the manor. Since he'd met Izumi, everything was somehow different, before now he'd never had an ideal to work towards; he'd spent so much time in Konoha rebelling against his father, rebelling against the life of a shinobi. The Kunoichi provided Kirei with a display of finesse that was proving nothing short of inspirational.

Focused on his new goals, Kirei circled to the mansion's front where he heard the sound of thumping against wood. He recognized immediately what he was hearing; he'd spent enough time with wooden practice dummies in the isolated Uchiha compound. He rounded the far side of the house and laid his eyes on the blurry silhouette of a figure moving in the mist. As Kirei approached, he half-hoped it was one of their instructors so he could glean from them some further instruction in private. Coming closer, the Uchiha would instead make out the form of one of the few other Leaf ninja on this program. Even though they'd met only briefly being part of the same situation, Kirei couldn't help but feel a kinship with the other Konoha shinobi around him, he felt stronger for having companions here even if only in nationality.


"It is Mokuzai, isn't it? Shit, anyway. It's me! Kirei! From the camp!" Kirei led off with a spirited holler and would wave his arm high above his head, laughing he would continue "Figures the only other person up this early is from the Leaf, right?"

With that statement, Kirei would shoot a toothy grin towards the other boy and relax his stance then shift his gaze to the lightly cracked bark on the Senju's practice partner. Reaching to his collar, Kirei would unhook the poncho and place it on the ground in favor of the simple black shirt beneath. Along with this, he would place the deadlier of his ninja tools to the side as well. He spared a glance to Mokuzai who would have ample time to respond or ask anything he wanted of the Uchiha. Standing again, the boy looked towards his companion and smirked.

"How about some warm-ups?"

Shifting his weight back, Kirei would spread his legs just slightly and raise his arms, clenching his fists with dominant right hand tucked back towards his chin. Even though he didn't know the other boy well, he hoped the Senju would share his sociability and eagerness. Kirei had never been this motivated and didn't intend to waste it, so if Mokuzai could provide a morning sparring partner, he wanted it. Of course, Kirei wouldn't attack Mokuzai before the other agreed to any sort of match so he'd wait for a moment to let him reply before throwing one last question out, a dual word stipulation for their training session.

"Just Taijutsu?"


3Morning at the manor[Death Camp Only] Empty Re: Morning at the manor[Death Camp Only] Thu Apr 05, 2018 11:46 am

Mikumi Senju

Mikumi Senju

The young Senju would lay eye's on the tree he had been beating up for taijutsu training and saw that there were very small dents in the grooves on the tree's skin,a significant improvement compared to before where just punching a tree hurt himself and the sense of making a achievement brought a smile to his face but at the same time he knew he couldn't stop until his fist alone could shatter through a tree or at least that was what he envisioned himself doing in his future.

Right as he was about to start hitting the tree again the image of the man in his dreams flashed in his head stopping his fist dead cold in it's place, Mokuzai would say to himself mentally "No! He is only but a bad dream, a fragment of my own imagination!!" He then  decided to utilize his own fear and place  the image of the man and visualize it upon the tree instead of in his head, he begun to repeatedly punch the tree in the mid-section while adding a speedy low kick before he heard a sound of a voice call out his name from behind

"Mokuzai!!" the voice would call, the young Senju would lose his concentration from looking at the tree to turn back and look at this new arrival to his training.
"It is Mokuzai, isn't it? Shit, anyway. It's me! Kirei! From the camp!" He would look at him with a focused gaze as he watched him move about excitedly about seeing him in the morning "Figures the only other person up this early is from the Leaf, right?" Mokuzai decided to give a small laugh back while grinning "I guess we Konaha ninja don't like to stay sleep long, I guess it's because we like to keep busy."

The young Senju would just watch as the shinobi in front of him unhooked his poncho and placed it on the ground before standing back up again as his black shirt was revealed before looking up towards  Mokuzai and gave a smirk,"How about some warm-ups?"

With those simple words the boy begun to shift his weight back, as he spread his legs just slightly and rose his arms as he clenched his fists with  right hand tucked back towards his chin and Mokuzai would whistle in impressiveness. He had only just recently meant this shinobi during his stay in this intensive training camp, but he never thought by coming here he would get to fight with a Uchiha clan member. All Senju know the ancient history of the Uchiha and Senju Clan which caused some people to hate the Uchiha but not Mokuzai, he was actually becoming rather thrilled by the chance to spar with him if only for a few rounds.

Before he could answer the boy would ask another simple question,"Just taijutsu" He would grin at the question and lift up his left arm and slightly unwrap the bandage revealing a seal and then proceeded to unseal it, with a puff of smoke Mokuzai held in his hand a giant windmill shuriken. He would then fold it up and grip it's center while holding it in reverse position as if it was a blade while proceeding to  move his right leg forward slightly bent with his left leg positioned as if he was ready to speed off at any moment before answering "Come at me with all you got, lets have a good fight.Sense you were so patient ill let you have the first move."

Perhaps Mokuzai was underestimating him a bit by by allowing him to have the first move, but he wanted to scope out what the shinobi in front of him could do. All he knows about the Uchiha clan was that they were proficient in katon jutsu technique's in which he could counter with his suiton jutsu but couldn't counter with his Mokuton Jutsu, so he would decide that he would only use his suiton this battle until he learned more about the Uchiha's fighting skills.


Total WC:1,432



Kirei was glad Mokuzai seemed friendly towards him. He'd heard about the history between their clans, a legacy of rivalry and hatred but, in truth, he'd never experienced it himself. The words exchanged were happy, and Kirei already felt a bond with the other Leaf ninja participating in the camp. His gesture would be received well enough but not in the way Kirei had hoped. Mokuzai assumed a stance to fight but produced a weapon sealed in his wrist. Kirei's eyes trailed the blades as they would fold back into a thick, but effective, cutting tool. The Uchiha's eyes narrowed; he wondered briefly whether the Senju actually wanted to hurt him, but given the premise of the camp and the previous day's events, Kirei wasn't surprised if he did.

He let out a sigh, walking back to pick up the equipment he discarded earlier. Gloved digits took between them two kunai from his meager arsenal of projectiles. He possessed nothing as fierce as Mokuzai's weapon but would need a means to defend himself. Kirei moved back, stepping away just under ten feet from the Senju's position and with his free left hand he would perform the traditional Seal of Confrontation, stringing wire along the inside of his fingertips as he did so, along with performing a small bow. His father's traditions were far from lost, the Uchiha instructor accepted no less from the pupils under his tutelage so these habits stayed with Kirei to this day.

Tossing one knife into the air, the hand performing the seal would snap the blade from its arc, twisting it between deft fingers, stringing it, and launching it towards the other boy without pulling back. The knife twisted out from Kirei's touch towards Mokuzai's face, blade threatening to slice open the left cheek of the young ninja if he did not move. It would be unlikely that Mokuzai would notice the length of wire attached to the back of the knife as it had not been connected when thrown from Kirei's right hand. It nonetheless would allow the Uchiha to pull the knife back or whip it around at a moment's notice, which he would do by pulling it down into the path of the Senju's shoulder to undercut a preemptive defense. Body wasting no effort, the Uchiha shifted onto his right foot, planting it while preparing chakra for intercepting the Senju's potential maneuvers.

If the boy would try to dodge, any movement of his feet would be met with a violent splintering of earth pushing up in its path, blocking him or at least causing him to have to adjust to randomly shifting terrain directly beneath and around his feet. If the Senju chose to intercept the kunai with his weapon and made no attempt to move, there would be no need to expend the chakra to restrict his movement options, of course. Preparation would still be useful if Mokuzai attempted to counterattack, best case scenario this method might cause him to trip if he weren't paying attention to his footing and with no hand seals required, Kirei doubted Mokuzai could predict it.

With right foot firmly present on the ground, the boy simultaneously made this his dominant foot, the other shifting back behind while his right arm, still with a single kunai, rose close to his chest and chin, knife held backward in a supremely defensive stance with the left hand tucked behind, even closer to his chin and obscured by the right forearm. As the Senju had given Kirei the opening move, the Uchiha surmised it could only be to feel him out and thus, the blonde's gambit was the same. A practitioner of the mirror wheel eye invariably copies the strategy of his opponents and so this method of attack, subversive and not apparent, without a clear follow-up, would mainly test his opponent's intelligence and capability for multitasking. Could he adapt to Kirei's easily changeable assault and would he be able to pay enough attention to the terrain if he chose to move? If Mokuzai managed to notice the wire before it became any undoing, would he be able to figure out what else Kirei had in store?

If Mokuzai did trip or fall, Kirei wouldn't capitalize. This was a sparring match after all and Kirei wanted to have some fun.


Chakra 150(140)|150
potential technique(s):

Mikumi Senju

Mikumi Senju

As Mokuzai shifted into his battle stance and let the Uchiha know he was ready and that he could move the first move he would then watch as the boy moved back three meters as he would use his  left hand to perform a  traditional Seal of Confrontation, Mokuzai let him do so as it was probably a tradition the boy wanted to keep alive and he had no right to intervene.

Once the tradition was completed the shinobi would toss his kunai into the air while performing a quick hand sign and caught it once more before launching it forward with a quick smooth motion, maybe he hadn't notice before but due to the sun rising he could now see the faint reflecting glimmer of a metallic object following in a line behind the kunai and he would recognize it as some type of reassurance measure if he evaded the kunai. He would quickly line up his sight with the kunai and as it closed in on him he would use his free hand to grab the Uchiha's weapon directly with a firm grasp and immediately pulled it towards him, the firm grasp would cause blood to trickle from his hand and suddenly the whole scenery changed as his whole hand would now be covered in blood as he looked at it and he begun to tremble before looking forward and seeing that the Uchiha was now replaced with the appearance of the man with the mask causing him to let out a blood curdling scream wrapped with pain, anger and sadness.

Man in the mask:

Mokuzai would  immediately try to rush in onto his opponent but the moment he tried the ground below his feet begun to give way, in his madness state the young Senju was not prepared to let the man in the mask get the best of him once more as  he immediately let go of the kunai while throwing his giant shuriken downwards on the sharp side into  the crack formed by the jutsu before jumping forward on the round end of it as it sunk lower into the crack of earth as he proceeded to jump forward over the man in the mask to land behind him. Mokuzai once he landed would sharply turn while reaching into his shinobi pouch and spinning a kunai in his right hand while dashing forward at 10m/s with a look of utter madness as in his mind he was prepared to strike the man in the mask with everything he got intending for a stab to his gut area, but as he was just about to do it the man in the mask image was distorted and he would see the Uchiha again and his eye's would widen as he realized what he was about to do to a fellow Konahagakure ninja.

He would use the momentum he was going at to trip himself over purposely causing the kunai he was going to use to impale himself as he rolled on the floor kicking up dirt as he would fall right back into the crack of earth the Uchiha had formed just earlier, once he was in the crack of earth he would look up at the sky feeling as if all the fighting energy and spirit he had was now completely drained from his body. Mokuzai would feel the kunai imbued into his left hip and grab it before quickly pulling it out and pulling himself out of the crack slowly, once he was out he would not even dare to look the uchiha in the eyes as he spoke while he bowed his head in front of him. "Im sorry afraid i must stop the match, i forfeit. You are the winner." The young Senju would slowly rise until he was standing up fully with his hair covering his facial expression as he begun to walk past the shinobi looking like a mere phantom compared to his earlier energy, as he brushed past him the shinobi may be able to see he was as pale as a ghost as he proceeded to return  back to his room in the manor.

-Exit Thread-


Total WC:2,128

B-rank Jutsu: 1,350/1,350 (778 Words Left)

Temporary Paralysis Jutsu -D rank: 675/675 (103 Words Wasted)

(Quick learner SC Trait reduces learning new jutsu by 10%)

P.S This was edited because i originally was going to use this for a C-rank jutsu that i didn't bother to create, so now im using it for a custom B-rank Jutsu.

Last edited by Mokuzai Senju on Thu Apr 19, 2018 11:26 am; edited 2 times in total



The first thing Kirei noticed when their spar began was Mokuzai's total disregard for the Seal of Confrontation, one of Konoha's oldest traditions. He wondered, briefly, whether this kid was even from the Leaf if he didn't want to continue their traditions. As he would perform the opener, the smile would become a disheartened slant of his lips, disappointed to be the only real Konoha shinobi around. It didn't matter, Kirei would make the Leaf proud in Kiri even if the others were just posers. What had felt like home was once again a ghost town, how many times he'd been here before, just like the desecrated Uchiha mansions he'd grown up in, he was in Kiri alone.

The Uchiha knew there had to have been something he'd overlooked when he launched his assault toward Mokuzai. It appeared he hadn't picked his positioning tactically enough, allowing the cable to catch the light and alert the Senju early. He mentally cursed himself for idiocy, immediately the mental image of Izumi's eyes would come into his head, how she'd scowl at him for such a stupid mistake. Silently making its way toward the mark at Mokuzai's cheek, the kunai would meet with an unexpected fate in the manner of the boy's free hand crossing his chest to catch the knife by the blade. His tug, whether it was meant to pull Kirei or not, would only draw more wire from the Uchiha's sleeve. The next sequence surprised Kirei even more than the other boy slicing his own hands open to catch a kunai.

Mokuzai's eyes changed, subtle at first but then transfixed themselves on Kirei with bloodlust and anger. The look, not unfamiliar to the young male, would trigger Kirei's Sharingan immediately, spinning his meager tomoe into place, nestled in the crimson sclera. Watching the boy evade the shifting ground while monitoring his body for attacks would be much more comfortable with the Sharingan allowing him to much more easily perceive Mokuzai's movements. Between leaping and landing, Kirei had more than enough time to plan, manipulating the earth to create a series of landings, each higher than the last, for Mokuzai to ascend on his way toward the Uchiha. Full force or not, the Senju wouldn't be able to catch Kirei at all off guard, and by the time he'd begun to thrust toward him, the blonde had already moved, earth severing away beneath his feet to leave Mokuzai on top of the small raises alone.

A look of realization would take the other boy's face simultaneously and attempt to avoid Kirei as well, causing him to roll and bottom out back nearer his original position. The Uchiha's eyebrow raised and he would hop forward to examine the other fighter, confused more than anything else. The Senju, not making eye contact and with an apparently nasty self-inflicted wound, would speak rapidly toward Kirei before standing and making a somber walk back towards the manner with his head bowed.

"I didn't know we were competing," Kirei muttered in response.

The morning was still young and other than a slightly elevated heartbeat and wasted chakra, Kirei was barely even warmed up. In sequence, the Uchiha would gather his belongings and spend time walking around the island waiting for someone else to wake up. He was left with a feeling of disappointment and loneliness as he watched lights slowly creep through petrified limbs' shadow, coating the island with the daytime. He didn't know how to feel about the other Leaf ninja anymore, but he made note to ask Mokuzai the next time they met what that was all about, and of course, for a proper match.


1500 trains fuinjutsu n/a ~> D-rank
675 trains d-rank jutsu (quick learner -10%)

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