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Should Six live or die?

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1Lost Game of Shogi Empty Lost Game of Shogi Wed Dec 26, 2012 4:18 pm

Jack Thousand

Jack Thousand

God found himself at his encampment during a lazy day. A man of lean and healthy body of a . – Corrected version starts with a battlefield. Its sets the mood by showing a caravan with bright colors, a symbol of nobility, guards with a cheerful talk. You’re introduced to the driver who is an old man with likable jokes then the noble lady who is sewing peacefully. They seem to be old friends as you overhear the conversation.

He looked and saw his thirteen shinobi assassins and he blinked away the slowness that came with such a lazy day. The “Sins” were his elite warriors that represented through a mask the sin which they best described their personality, skill, and greatest vice. God himself wore no mask for he was the leader of all and in his image the sins were made from. He guided them through perilous times, defended them through dangerous times, and led them into safety as their leader. It was part of their contract with him as they lent their skills and weapons he returned it

He looked at his hands and saw the youth of them and not shaky as he remembered them. So much had passed that the leader often forgot that he was still young and full of life. So many enemies, wars, so many killings, and even thievery than any single man could imagine at his age, yet without regarding mortal boundaries the being that was called “God” had accomplished these tasks with cunning, with power, with wickedness, and with an overabundance of deceitfulness.

He ran his hand through his hair to feel the smooth young course hair through his fingers. He though back through many days and battles, which he had appeared through.

There was only one single interruption from his musings as he heard a voice from one of his Sins speak up. "Boss wanna play a game of shogi with me?" Ahh, what the hell. Why not? A glorious leader should always be able to indulge in spending quality time with their inferiors. God shrugged and walked towards the firelight since as it was a dark starless night nothing else to entertain. The Sin who spoke was Greed and no one should be fool enough to play against him. The glorious entity known as God shrugged his shoulders as he welcomed a change in Losing against Greed meant that if you thought that you got off with a good bargain you should count your children, your aunts and uncles, your parents, your entire family tree, then your fingers before you thought yourself safe. You were in essence gambling with your life should you lose.

"Actually Boss I don't think the shogi board has been found around here. I think I saw it last in the storage tent Sir. Want me to find it?" God raised his palm to raise an objection then continued to walk towards the tent.

God looked up from his musings of past adventures and almost bumped into an old passing by. Avoiding the collision gracefully, the leader saw that the person was a commoner. Commoners were folk who simply wished protection from others so they pledged allegiance under God. The man noticed that God was counting his fingers and then looked at the tent. "Ahhh, Sir, you are playing a game with Greed?" God nodded in agreement and pulled put a coin from his purse as payment for sharp eyes. "In that case Sir I think a genin from a village has attempted to sneak off with a earlier. I tried to stop him but he just disappeared very magic-like. I’m too old to be chasing after pranksters so I was just coming to report anyways, Sir." God raised a hand to praise the man then nodded wisely.

God left the man's sight with a dash of speed that flowed gracefully of a moving cheetah. Focusing chakra into his eyes, he tried to think of a way to track the genin. A genin in his camp? How daring! A newly made warrior hardly out of their schooling was the second rank that marked the ability of a warrior on this land. Pitiful ability that that rank possessed. Second to lowest rank and primarily consistent of young children hardly worth being called a puppy of war. Straight from the kennel and fresh as Lust’s lovemaking. An insolent cur foolish enough to enter his domain and steal from the very den which God slept. Outrageous!
God followed the trail of footprints left outside the hidden camp. He appeared before the Genin before being bumped into as he stood fast like an iron wall. The Almighty man reached out with a kunai and lifted a foot to step on the kid's chest. The kid looked up bold at first but as God reached out for the villager's cloak realization dawned. This was one of the few creatures of the Outlaw world that stood before him. Equal in power to the Hymn of Sorrow and more than a simple crafty snake that led his own outlaw squad, God King, a man of great reputation and ability stood in his entire ensemble before the boy. Fear did not overtake the kid but rather a calm acceptance of his mistake. The outlaw took the shogi game from the kid first then pressed against the kid's chest with a close to crushing force. The elder man reached out again and began cutting the kid's middle fingers off.

In any village the punishment for an outlaw to steal is the loss of a finger. God then slowly cut off each of the middle fingers then sealed the fingers as the kid howled so that he wouldn't lose too much blood. God lifted his foot off the kid and watched the genin squirm like the worm. Robin Hood did not exist and God was no kind thief generously giving to the poor as he kicked the kid in the stomach and it seemed as if he never would be. The boy seemed agonized as the breath forced itself from the deep pits of his lungs and the force of the blow caused him fly ungracefully a short distance away from the cold cruel punisher called God. The boy mercifully found himself unconscious for a short time. A kindness for the boy’s unfortunate series of current circumstances to be relieved from the pain. God took the shogi board from the boy’s body and pocketed the fingers in his coin purse.

a game with Greed. He even read the note inside the board with Greed but in the end God lost the game of shogi. God laughed and tossed Greed the four fingers he'd stolen from the genin and the eyes behind Greed's mask was disappointed. God had counted his fingers, his aunts, cousins, mother, father, then the rest of the relatives and when Greed thought he got a good deal out of his leader God just turned the tied and brought extra fingers in case he lost.

The shogi board has gone missing and Greed is still sore about being unable to take away something that is precious from God. Sure God had lost the game but in a literal sense the fingers had also beaten his underling in life. "Hey Boss, I hear that the young boy you met the other week got his elder brother and took the shogi board in order to restore pride to his family. I can go get it for you if you want?" God having not much to do aside from simply patrolling the camp to try to solve how a genin had passed into their territory looked up and shook his head no. The outlaw faction leader would do it himself so he went to his tent and placed what seemed to a very old model of mech-arm to him but in reality the newest model of their world. God shook his head at the construct and tested it on himself. It was the easy strap on type or model A with nothing more complex than being able to channel raiton and enhance agility and strength slightly. He took a shogi piece out and looked it again. God was going to adopt soon so taking his equipment in packing and then left for the villages.

God searched the alleyways and even paying coin to the ramen shops and taverns for information in each of the villages. He asked about a child with only six fingers or a genin having met with a tragic accident during a mission of some sort. He actually got word from several of them in an anonymous village. A family of higher class but a mediocre clan of shinobi with nothing interesting known about them. Paying well with tips for food and drinks God enjoyed his travels in his young body. In the imaginary world of Anadoria he remembered himself having grown old and tired but now coming back somehow to here he was young and vigorous. The tea never tasted better anyways.

God finally appeared on a tree watching quietly the children walking into a manor inside and out. He tired of being a shadowhawk and then thrust himself forward to jump onto the gate then onto the house. He found himself the clothing section of the house and then acted like a servant in order to better spy around. God was getting into character as he began to hear rumors and gossip around the house. Actually, the Almighty outlaw had to stay a few days in order to discover the information he needed. In that time he would become easily forgettable. A male servant- Wait this house had a servant. They did so now as God's wile and charms wormed into their daily life. One day he even went bold enough as to become a tutor and suggest to the house heads that he teach the youngsters. This actually allowed him to learn about the family's history in brief and who belonged to whom. He was not hired but he came back another day to speak with the heads. He was developing a gradual relationship with this family all for a specific shogi board. He came back thrice and offered tutorship training for any shinobi of the family with each time he met with a refusal to accept.

God demonstrated his ability by creating a raiton ball. An advanced usage of chakra concentration and the know how to do it without destroying the area. He came a final meeting time and simply requested to meet with the children so he could get to know them. Using kindness, respect, and authority he made sure the children would see God as a friend. The job assured and the next week he became promoted from the invisible servant to the studious sensie. He actually looked for the Shogi board of course but it was not so easy with no clues to truly guide his search. He still had not found the two special brothers or even evidence of the one with six fingers.

So instead he actually requested a mandatory meeting of all potential students and all youngsters. A set date which even those on a mission could attend and those special cases that were nearly impossible. He found the young boy among his potential students but some of God’s facial features were covered as part of a disguise. His eyes covered by glasses and face were full of scars. The scars merely artistically painted and the spectacles protected the outlaw from being immediately recognized while also enhancing his appearance to be scholarly. God Almighty assured the heads that it was merely for appearance that he looked so when they later questioned his methods.

He was kindly to the kid and asked to play shogi after the testing session. Those that failed were simply told off gently while those that passed were to his students from now on.

God's remaining of the next two months including basic training for his students and a constant challenge of mental strength with afternoon shogi. God's "Nickname" was Bruce Almighty during this expedition. So in joke form when the students played against him they unkowingly called him "Shogi God". Of course, they thought he had a strange rule when it came to shogi boards. If someone wished to play against Sensie Bruce they had to bring their own board and if they failed then a strict lecturing class was in order. The students including the kid that “Bruce” paid a great deal of attention with because of his condition always thought that the teacher was too poor to buy himself a good shogi board. Sensie always seemed to be using money to buy puppet parts or just buying all kinds of metals or wires things. Sometimes if they were careful enough to sneak into Sensie's shop or study room he'd let them stay in there to watch what he was doing. On his desk was always some kind of metal skeleton that the students forbid themselves from touching.

During "Bruce's" time at this place he became submerged into a routine. Teaching early mornings and practice at noon. Iin the evening shogi while at night madly constructing machines that seemed rather strange, dangerous, odd, and intriguing as life continued in this manner.

Finally "Bruce Sensie" approached the family with a creation for one of their sons. It was a false hand that used chakra. A gift replacement required surgical means to use. In the end the heads of the family brought it to the lamed genin and he agreed. God demonstrated that the hand simply caused mech-fingers to replace the ones lost. This created a greater bond of friendship between teacher and student between them and finally "Almighty" asked how the boy received such cruel wounds. For a shinobi’s life they cannot function without their hands and in the same way a crippled person cannot function normally either. The boy now nicknamed by "Bruce" as "Seven" because of his luck told him. God/Bruce pretended to be appalled at the gruesome carnage reaped on the boy's life. Secretly God did not give rats last two toes about the boy’s tearful long story. The kid had reaped his reward and all God wanted was that danned Shogi board. Seven was nicknamed that number because of his rotten luck of having met God.

Happily the boy trained carefully and so did the rest of the students. Soon enough with the short time of God's stay the students were ready. Their shogi training was mentally capable of reaching God yet never close to enough to touch him. God would no longer say "Checkmate" the moment a student placed a move then do so. God would actually combat them with strength that they never knew they had and he even forced them to create strength where there was nothing to make. God prepared them for the future life ahead of them and searched with no avail for the elder brother at the same time. God made sure to learn his students but also taught them the important of being unknown and unseen. Their stealth was higher levels than any of their rank and their skills became known in the half year, which Sensie Bruce stayed with them. By this time Seven had received several upgraded versions if replacement fingers and had become proficient in the art of puppetry. Seven had begun his own puppetry creations while God had finally achieved the most recent model creation of his private Mech-arm. It had fueled chakra stored inside four glass beads on the palm of the gauntlet portion of the mech. He'd requested four different chakra user types to store the chakra inside but had made a game of it. The most that could store inside each bead would get a price or a trinket toy. Respect teacher and a comedic pal for everyone who saw him. Sensie Bruce was the pride of this family and finally word reached the elder brother.

One day during training a young man entered. God stared him down with all his gruesome appearance (False appearance that he'd wore all this time) and attested this young man to be strong. God nodded and asked if his five students could practice on a shinobi. The young man blocked quite well and the students though mostly genin put him in a pickle but then the man stopped suddenly requesting to stop. The young man whom Bruce dubbed "Six" asked of his younger brother's condition. It was truly a heart-warming greeting and even a surprise when Seven showed Six his new hands. All they needed was eight and nine then the party would get started.

In Six's eyes this man who stood before him was quite grotesque but also a most useful person. God was someone whom Six showed respect and gratitude for improving his younger brother Seven's condition, temperance, and skill for better surviving the warring world. In God's eyes, of course he saw a thief, which he'd waited months to simply recapture his shogi board. God thanked Six for being able to show the improvement which his students showed. This became part of a routine for three days. God would teach, train, then Six would interrupt training and then the students would go full force in practice against the elder brother, then the shogi match afterwards. It was after all a shogi board he was looking for so he did not change the schedule.

God played strong tactical maneuvers not because he wanted to when it came shogi but because his students were learning atheism and was attempting to topple him from his divine high tower of omnipotence. In those three days the students improved to the point where they were A-Minus Rank in both shogi and combat. Six became of been a good motivator for the rest of the students. He always respectfully watched God as he made the same flaws against his students yet through it, Six never said a word. The students had to learn “Bruce’s” trickery on their own in both combat and shogi.

One day God approached Six with a challenge of skill and of mental fortitude. God held back in the spar starting it off with a left jab while Six countered with a right palm block and a knee kick. God himself had no other choice other than lean his other hand grab the wrist of the hand that did the palm block. He grappled it then tried to step his back to face his opponent's face and attempt a shoulder throw into the ground before him. Six of course went with the momentum using dexterity to twist so that instead of his planting face first into the dirt it was him feet. A pair of footprints marked his landing as Six turned his recovering into an opportunity. Six used the hammer throw to spin the body entirely and sling shot God across the training ground. God spiraled and twisted like a cat trying to regain balance then pressed his feet against the throw to use the laws of friction to slow him down. He reached his hand into the earth and used that as a hold. When God raised his hand it was bleeding from the abrasions he had to endure. He nodded towards Six the jounin and then went towards the infirmary. God signalled for training to resume and Six followed the Sensie.

"Thank you sir for all you've done. I've heard news that you yourself have achieved the ability of creating fingers in replacement for lost ones?" God grunted. "How were you able to do so?" God stopped and looked at Six and tapped his own head before continuing at a faster pace. This made Six have to walk faster to keep up to "Sensie Bruce" and also curious as to his enigmatic response. In the infirmary God's sanded hand was treated with painful salves as the nurse maid cooed over their strange sensie. Females so loved mystery that they would overlook even the harshest of physical attributes but as always Sensie was distant yet polite in kindly rejecting her. Bruce Almightly spoke with Six finally.

"Did you know? That I came here just to look for a special shogi board? I heard tell that this family had the possibility to be good shogi players. I didn't intend to stay but my search just happened to keep me here." God smiled foolishly like a scholar who enjoyed his hobby of books too much. "I don't think you have what I want but could-" God broke off as if his hopes and dreams had deflated, "-Could you please bring me your most special shogi board against play a game with me?" God looked quite earnest in his need to play one game of shogi. "You see I have to move on in this world soon and the students are already strong enough to fend for themselves in a fight. I can't be tied down for long so please?" He absentmindedly tried to curl his hand up. "Hell be uncursed that hurts."

Later that evening over a cup of the family's best tea recipe they sat with a board in place. God's Shogi board. Six had brought what was needed to fulfill the mission. "So... You finally brought it? I thank you for helping me in my quest so now will we play?" The game was fierce with God playing the divine hand while Six played the devil's advocate in sacrificing his pieces. God did not play his purposed flaw for Six as when the times he'd played it for his students. He played it strong but he ended it with a sneak stab with the knight on the king. It was checkmate and they both bowed.

Six acknowledge his defeat and God took off his glasses which covered his eyes from being seen naturally. "Why did you do it?" God asked as he took off his mech masked face and made the chakra wire disconnect from his facial nerves. God showed not a grotesque but kind face but rather one of hardened robber willing to go whatever lengths in order to complete a stake out. "Why did you steal the shogi board from me even after I gave your brother a message clear enough?" Six did not reply but simply bowed his head to the ground. He knew that everyone was going to die and that even in God's injured hands a word could not be spoken.

"I did it to restore the lost honor of our family and to restore the pride of my brother who was challenged-" God raised his palm in a revering "Stop" and took a deep raspy breath then picked up his cup and drank tea as calmly as the situation allowed him. Six released from the mere authority that God forced as a leader tried to make his voice work but inside found him gulping like a fish at God's shark hungry glare. "Was it worth the death of your family for the crime of stealing from an outlaw thief? Is the retribution of the brother which I let live with mercy even though principal demands punishment?" God's deep voice rumbled in his teacher's clothing as he spoke with the entirely authority. "No it is not but you cannot imagine how our honor was destroyed after the news spread that a thieving outlaw gave my brother a thief's punishment. They mocked us and spoke ill saying it serves us just punishment but you should know. You mercifully restored my brother under your guise and I beg of you please spare his life once again." God stared like a stone wall as the young man spoke before him still bowing throughout the whole time. It must be very uncomfortable to be always praising god when you stoop so low in life to do so "Sensie Bruce Almighty" pondered. When the request to be once again merciful came from Six's mouth even though God had given the boy mercy far beyond any other human it caused his eyes to narrow in anger. A cruel smile curled his lips but his laugh rumbled like a devil god himself or a demon beast about to give its bargain.

Here was the conditions on which Seven was to live and here are God's own words as he replied with an inner strength of confidence no mortal could possess and even proven that a demon was no match. "You want your brother to live?" A rhetorical question that already had been answered. It was as if Six had stepped to the mouth of a cave of a strange speaking beast but with the next words were spoken they snatched him further inside the den. "You must fulfill three conditions for me since you remind me of an urban legend that I happen to have met. You must first convince your younger brother to be adopted to me legally. You must cruelly kill your family while possessing all logic to be able to deny like the Hymn's words it was I who forced you to. You must lastly bring your brother to me outside the gates on the same night." Six had the nerve to look up shocked with eyes angry enough to cause fear in a man far lesser that the overbearing figure of “Bruce”. Only that the figure that overwhelmed Six’s world was God a simply replied with a snarl that made Six back up his reproach and realize a comical thought.

"All this? Over one single board?" Six exclaimed as he cracked for a moment to laugh deliriously. “A simple useless cursed board that is a piece of wood and carved figures colored by paint?”
God only shrugged, "This only show I will see you tonight or the whole village will be erased thoroughly. Besides you stole it from me to restore your family’s honor so it must have much more meaning than wood and carvings."

Six’s delirious madness reached his lips and he gladly spit out his next venomous series of words carefully biting at his listener’s ears. “No single man has the power to wipe out a whole village in one night!” A dark silence filled the space between the two as God smiled a false grin that when paired with those devious eyes told of punishment being pondered upon. “Did you forget,” The gentle words sounding of sweet nectar as they spoke their question, “that I am the Almighty God himself?” The smile was quick to disappear as a cold mood covered the outlaw’s face to punctuate the reproach against Six’s remark.

God raised his hand and then moved as if he were demanding something to be placed into it. "Now give the shogi board neatly to me. Greed is going to wonder what took me a half a year to get a simple board just so I can play against him."
God mentally laughed of course at the thought of something so ridiculous. Heh, hehe, hahaha, the betrayer’s massacre all over again. God received the board in his hand but Six found his newly empty hand replaced with something else. A paper and he looked at it appalled. "YOU want my brother to become your brother!" Six no longer cared about keeping it secret and was getting to attack. "Are you crazy Sensie Bruce! He's not going to accept that!" Gone was his earlier dejection at thoroughly losing a shogi game and his future death made him careless. Candle lights were lit around the manner after being alert and God put his Bruce mask back on. Footsteps sounded and an excited child opened the door to look eagerly upon sensie. "Is it true sensie? You want to be my brother too?" Kind smiled kindly under his two-faced personality and answered with a sweet tone to little Seven. "Yes, scamps now sleep. You've got an extra lesson to learn in the morning okey? I don't want my favorite pet student to be plumb tired."

"Hai Sensie!" Six bowed then eagerly left after closing the door. God titled his head and then turned. "I can hear you!" Oh Crap! Seven had been caught sneaking. Seven ran along trying to think of what kind of punishment he'd receive tomorrow for getting caught. Would it be paint the whole manner five different colors again? Could it be that special bread punishment? The one that where Seven had to clean the house then Sensie would wipe a piece of bread and say, "You cleaned it so you should be able to eat off it". That one was especially icky. To bed! Must avoid punishment from sensie!

God looked at six in a stone political face and took off the Bruce mask again. "Now sign and I will leave tonight."

Later that night God sat on the dirt road geared in full clothing to protect against the cold and also shinobi gear. He had a pair of drumsticks that he tapped out in tune to the anguishing screams. It was an eerie type of music but it actually haunted God's soul in a way no other music count. He heard soprano and baritone wails and all the sounds in between. God heard cries and weeping’s as women tried to hide from Six. Oh how enjoyable this was for God just to a little misery in perfect harmony. He could hear begging and he could even hear bribes since God had decided to move in a little closer. He saw Six as a shadow running through six bladed men and saw a drenching blood splatter the window. Six was definitely a new Itachi. Of course Itachi never existed except in stories that warned clans to beware of kages. Soon it became silent except for the occasional hooting of a screech owl. A perfect fit for tonight's ceremony of sacrilege in God's name.

Out came a whimpering Seven running in shock more than fear that his family was killed by his beloved brother. He saw the tall figure of "Bruce Almighty sensie" standing in the gates and he cried out desperately for help. "Sensie Onee-sama he's- he's- he has gone mad!" Tears streamed down Seven's pale face as he ran seemingly like a ghost and tried to run to what he thought was his comfort. Instead he found "Bruce" Like a stone wall and he looked up to see God. "It's you.." He looked up in awe and confusion then jumped backwards. God's voice came back sharp and clear. "Stand up kid and present you as a proud shinobi!" The kid wailed and hammered at God's chest with great futility then jumped back as if God were a pile of cactus thorns that hurt him inside his soul. "NO! No! No, no, no, no, no! I can't believe it! This isn-" A final screech sounded as it seemed a female was assailed and a loud thud of a head fell to the floor. With a final whisper Seven felt to his knees with eyes if a dead soul. "-happening."

Seven lay there a wrecked lump as a final sound of a door being opened then being madly torn off was heard. Six was finally done and now he was going to meet "Bruce/God" (now secretly dubbed by Six as Eight) as agreed. Six already knew that God/Eight had the young boy Seven captured. Six walked angrily but as each step he took it all melted away when he looked at the crumpled heap of his young brother Seven. It was replaced with love, devotion, duty, and the intent to do whatever was needed to keep his brother alive. He kneeled before God and cleaned off his bloody katana before beginning the Septokou ritual quoting the Hymn of Sorrow, "When blood turns black and flesh turns blue I’ll curse you because you forced me to". "Look child, look up at your brother, look at how far your brother has gone to keep you alive." God smiled devilishly, "Yes, curse me, all for a stolen shogi board."

Seven's soul stirred at the word "brother" as he picked himself like he was too tired to look. He couldn't do anything to stop Brother Six and any outcry in Seven's mouth and mind shriveled under his hopeless soul. Seven mercifully passed out as the blood of Six's heart splattered on his face. God picked the kid up on his shoulder and walked off. God's final comment on this deal was a rhetorical question which he knew the question to. "Why is six afriad of seven?” Laughing at his own joke he carried the boy away from the disaster and place of corpses. “Because seven eight nine." And off went Seven and Eight to meet Nine to play a game of shogi.

Finally arriving at Rumors God carried the child slumped over his shoulder but got a few jibes out of his pains. "So, ya finally gone and done it eh?" Said one man remarking towards "Lust" and God blushed embarrassed. "Nay, nay, tis' no bastard child of mine long lost in my many Sins of the maiden's night. Have ye'all heard tell of the traveling procession called the Biblical Theives?" God said boisterously as he readjusted the boy's unconscious body to his other shoulder. Everyone turned away in as he answered by one of his Sins whom represented Lust walked towards God. On her mask a pair of beautiful eyes peered through the slits made for her to see and a pair of painted lips to represent a kiss. They spoke in hushed manner within the small underground bar and appeared as if they were engrossed in conversation. They did not fool the man whole reigned the entire world in the palm of his hand (or so he believed) one single bit as they listened closely to his conversation. "Master that group has been renamed the 13 Desires and taken over by the man you call Greed."

"&*%#!" God exclaimed and walked out of Rumors. The crowd inside astonished by the abrupt exit and even more so by his outspoken profanity.

"He's always treating me rough Master and he is too short where it counts." Lust complained in an erotic voice as she dangled over a distracted God. God continued to move the long secret passages of the underground network of the outlaw society hidden below the streets of the main cities. “Then you shouldn’t have let him take over

"So Master are you queer?"

God looked back at the woman with a confused and annoyed face. "Huh? Oh. No. Could you kindly stand over there and just show me where to find the new camp for my group?" Lust looked like she were called hideous and to wear a paper bag over her head. In essence she was being told to keep her distance at this time. Lust was hungry for a real man but seeing as her master had no mood for pleasantries she was than happy to "Oblige" despite feeling insulted.

Finally God arrived at the camp and the first thing he did was walk towards the camp fire and the look at greed with a crown on his head. "I go for half a year and you stage a coupe de dat? I challenge you to a shogi game Mr. Nine." Greed looked up at God with a confused looked as to the title God had just given Greed. It dawned on Greed that God challenged by him. "Oh, Crap, Boss I seriously thought you'd finally rolled over but now that I think about it you do owe me a game of shogi." They set up the game. "Hey Greed, do you know why six is afraid of seven?" Greed looked up as he set up his final piece and answered with a disinterred due to the fact his leadership and woman belonged to God again. "Because six met seven as he eight nine?" God nodded and played a strong starting piece but countered with a sleazy blow by Greed. They played for a long time but God lost.

Now the trouble was this time God counted his fingers and saw that he still had them even after losing a game with Greed. He then counted his mother and father (which were dead), his aunts and uncles (Which he never had, then his daughters and sons (which do not exist), and then counted his brothers and sisters. The Almighty looked at the kid beside the fire then smiled as he picked him up and handed him to Greed's arms. "Checkmate Bishop." God picked up the Shogi board and once again walked off having lost nothing precious to him. "Oy! Boss, who's the kid?" Greed called after to get a laughing reply. "Hehe's my ha-brother!"

"%$#@! How the hell does he do that every shogi game?" Greed cursed his annoyance and looked at Seven. (Insert description) Now Greed was going to take care of this brat. The second in command did not curse his ill luck for he knew it could be worse. God could of have actually lost the literal shogi game and then Greed would have been hanged. It was no secret that his boss was a poor sport. It was not a secret either that God knew pleasure. Greed watched Lust walk off with God to his head and fumed at the love making noises they produced while he was stuck with some brat. This brat could have even been God's child and Greed had won him in a prize. How horrid for Greed.

The kid Seven (Now renamed Zero due to the fact of his uselessness) had hidden the shogi board. This is the bloody third time its gone missing! This time of course God simply questioned Zero where the board was. When no answer came forth, God asked a second time to allow Zero to redeem him. God wanted to play a shogi game with the kid anyways simply to test the boy's mental stability. Fearing that denying the outlaw a second time would anger God, Zero gave a clue. It was not good enough for the outlaw. The thief king was not going to actually search for this time. He had a mission soon and outlandish quests for a simple board were not what he wanted to spend valuable preparation time. God only smiled and left Zero alone to himself then left.

It was actually simple to find a grandmother type person from the nearby villages or towns. He wanted to spirit her away.

"God evening ma'am, I heard that old-timers were able to teach youngster a lesson so I recruited you. Forgive the rope and other things but that is a precaution." The outlaw said not quiet paying attention to the elderly woman balk with a startled expression. “I will be taking you.”

Indignately the woman face puffed with fury but her chin lifted proudly as she picked up her skirts off the ground, “You’ll do no such thing with that attitude.”

An inquiring eyebrow rose on God’s brow at the mortal woman’s actions but being in a generous mood he humored her. “Then ma’am I will be escorting you for I require your time.” The built man spoke with a sweet tone and even added an elegant bow for show. “So you do know how to treat a lady?” The haughty woman lifted her skirts properly and curtsied back. “I’ll teach you yet then, youngster.” The old woman bustled away in a hurry. “Come on I don’t have all day to play with children rudely barging into my house.” God followed after to hold the door open for the woman as the old woman passed through the front door. “After you grandmother.”

"Sensei Bruce"

Zero called from the tent and the kid showed up. Look what he had too! What a disappointment as God’s delighted devious smile faded when Zero held the shogi board in his hand and this left God in an awkward situation since the elder woman was "Okay, let’s play." God said and sat down and set up his pieces. He won by a margin of course but the whole time they played Zero had a crazy look. One that was both confused and questioning the current situation, which Zero observed. When the game was over God had another nameless member of the crew escort the woman. They paid generously for her services and silenced with a curt threat. The woman was old, wise, and had lived through hard times and wanted to live through even harder times to see her grandchildren grow. She thanked the escort for their generosity.

God went to the mission without explaining at all why an old woman was there and Zero knew now never disobey.

The lesson for Zero now was if God did not get his way people would get hurt because of it. In the most recent case, which Zero had been a victim of, showed it. Zero never hid the shogi board again and he never lied either. Innocent people might learn with the person that they would least likely to want. In the end, it was still wise to simply obey and follow orders. Zero seemed to go unwatched too so he did as he pleased Greed of course always tried to make him play Shogi. Zero did what God did. He always brought a gift and gave it to the gambling shinobi and even then, Zero counted his fingers, his brother, his dead family, then his gold, and still tried to see if he could survive the ordeal of losing against Greed. Poor Greed, even his slave outsmarted him when it came to giving up something important. Nothing less expected from God’s only disciple.

2Lost Game of Shogi Empty Re: Lost Game of Shogi Wed Dec 26, 2012 4:54 pm

Jack Thousand

Jack Thousand

For those trying to read? its chopped up for a reason. The original is here.

God curled his lips and smiled ruthlessly as he looked at his encampment

There was only one single interruption from him as he heard a voice from one of his Sins speak up. "Boss wanna play a game of shogi with me?" Ahh what the hell why not? God shrugged and walked towards the firelight since as he noticed it was dark night. The Sin was Greed and no one shuold be fool enough to play against him. Losing against Greed meant that if you thought that you got off with a good bargain you should count your children, your aunts and uncles, your parents, then your fingers first. "Actually Boss I don't think the shogi board has been found around here. I think I saw it last in the storage tent Sir. Want me to find it?" God raised his palm to raise an objection then continued to walk towards the tent.

God looked up from his musings of past adventures that never occurred in this world but problably were the makings of a mad mind and almost bumped into someone. The person was a commoner who simply wished protection from others. The man noticed that God was counting his fingers and then looked at the tent. "Ahhh, Sir, you are playing a game with Greed?" God nodded in agreement and pulled put a coin from his purse as payment for sharp eyes. "In that case Sir I think a genin from a village has attempted to sneak off with it earlier. I tried to stop him but he just disappeared all that magic-like. I was just coming to report anyways Sir." God raised a hand to praise the man then nodded.

God left the man's sight with a dash of speed. Focusing chakra into his eyes he tried to think of a way to track the genin. A genin in his camp? How daring! God followed the trail of footprints left outside the hidden camp. He appeared before the Genin before being bumped into as he stood fast like an iron wall. The Almighty man reached out with a kunai and lifted a foot to step on the kid's chest. The kid looked up bold at first but as God reached out for the villager's cloak realization dawned. This was one of the few creatures of the Outlaw world that stood before him. Equal in power to the Hymn and more than crafty snake that led his own outlaw squad. God King. Fear did not overtake the kid but rather a calm acceptance of his mistake. The outlaw took the shogi game from the kid first then pressed against the kid's chest with a close to crushing force. The elder man reached out again and began cutting the kid's middle fingers off.

In any village the punishment for an outlaw to steal is the loss of a finger. God then slowly cut off each of the pinky fingers then sealed the fingers as the kid howled so that he wouldn't lose too much blood. God lifted his foot off the kid and watched the genin squirm like the worm. Robin hood did not exist and God kicked the kid in the stomach to make him fly a distance away and mercifully knock him out for a time. God took the shogi board and put the fingers in his pocket and played a game with Greed. He even read the note inside the board with Greed but in the end God lost the game of shogi. God laughed and tossed Greed the four fingers he'd stolen from the genin and the eyes behind Greed's mask was disappointed. God had counted his fingers, his aunts, cousins, mother, father, then the rest of the relatives and when Greed thought he got a good deal out of his leader God just turned the tied and brought extra fingers in case he lost.

The shogi board has gone missing and Greed is still sore about being unable to take away something that is precious from God. Sure God had lost the game but in a literal sense the fingers had also beaten his underling in life. "Hey Boss, I hear that the genin you met the other week got his chuunin brother and took the shogi board in order to restore pride to his family. I can go get it for you if you want?" God having not much to do simply patrolled the camp to try to see how a genin had passed into their territory looked up and shook his head no. The outlaw faction leader would do it himself so he went to his tent and placed what seemed to a very old model of mech-arm to him but in reality the newest model of their world. God shook his head at the construct and tested it on himself. It was the easy strap on type or model A with nothing more complex than being able to channel raiton and enhance agility and strength slightly. He took a shogi piece out and looked it again. God was going to adopt soon so taking his equipment in packing and then left for the villages.

God searched the alleyways and even paying coin to the ramen shops and taverns for information in each of the villages. He asked about a child with only six fingers or a genin having met with a tragic accident during a mission of some sort. He actually got word from several of them in an anonymous village. A family of higher class but a mediocre clan of shinobi with nothing special known about them. Paying well with tips for food and drinks God enjoyed his travels in his young body. In the imaginary world of Anadoria he remembered himself having grown old and tired but now coming back somehow to here he was young and vigorous. The tea never tasted better anyways.

God finally appeared on a tree watching quietly the children walking into a manor inside and out. He tired of being a shadowhawk and then thrust himself forward to jump onto the gate then onto the house. He found himself the clothing section of the house and then acted like a servant in order to better spy around. God was getting into character as he began to hear rumors and gossip around the house. Actually the Almighty outlaw had to stay a few days in order to discover the information he needed. In that time he'd made himself forgettable. A male servant- Wait this house had a servant? They did now as God's wiles and charms wormed into their daily life. One day he even went bold enough as to become a tutor and suggest to the house heads that he teach the youngsters. This actually allowed him to learn about the family's history in brief and who belonged to who. He didn't get hired but he came back another day to speak with the heads. He was developing a gradual relationship with this family all for a specific shogi board. He came back a third time and offered tutorship training for any shinobi of the family.

God demonstrated his ability by creating a raiton ball. An advanced usage of chakra concentration and the know how to do it without destroying the area. He came a final meeting time and simply requested to meet with the children so he could get to know them. Using kindness, respect, and also authority he made sure the children would see God as a friend. The job was assured and the next week he was promoted from the invisible servant to the studious sensie. He actually looked for the Shogi board of course but it wasn't so easy. He still hadn't found the two special brothers or even evidence of the one with six fingers.

So instead he actually requested a mandatory meeting of all potential students and all youngsters. A set date which even those on a mission could attend or those special cases. He got to meet the kid but some of his facial features were covered. His eyes covered by glasses and face was full of scars. God Almighty assured the heads that it was merely for appearance that he looked so. He was kindly to the kid and asked to play shogi after the testing session. Those that failed were simply told off gently while those that passed were to his students from now on.

God's remaining of the next two months including basic training for his students and a constant challenge of mental strength with afternoon shogi. God's "Nickname" was Bruce Almighty during this expedition. So in joke form when the students played against him they unkowingly called him "Shogi God". Of course they thought he had a strange rule when it came to shogi boards. If someone wished to play against Sensie Bruce they had to bring their own board and if they failed then a strict training class was in order. The students including the kid which "Bruce" paid a great deal of attention with because of his condition always thought that the teacher was too poor to buy himself a good shogi board. Sensie always seemed to be using money to buy puppet parts or just buying all kinds of metals or wires things. Sometimes if they were careful enough to sneak into Sensie's shop or study room he'd let them stay in there to watch what he was doing. On his desk was always some kind of metal skeleton that the students forbid themselves from touching.

During "Bruce's" time at this place he became submerged into a routine. Teaching early mornings and practice at noon then in the evening shogi while at night madly constructing machines that seemed rather strange and dangerous. Finally "Bruce Sensie" approached the family with a creation for one of their sons. It was a false hand that used chakra. It was a gift replacement that required surgical means to use. In the end the heads of the family brought it to the lamed genin and he agreed. God demonstrated that the hand simply caused mech-fingers to replace the ones lost. This created a greater bond between them and finally "Almighty" asked how the boy receaved such cruel wounds. For a shinobi cannot function without their hands and a crippled person cannot function normally either. The boy now nicknamed by "Bruce" as "Seven" because of his luck told him. God/Bruce pretended to be appalled at the gruesome carnage reaped on the boy's life. Secretly God did not give a rats last two toes. The kid had reaped his reward and all God wanted was that d**ned Shogi board. Seven was named that number because of his rotten luck.

Happily the boy trained carefully and so did the rest of the students. Soon enough with the short time of God's stay the students were ready. Their shogi training was mentally capable of reaching God yet never close to enough to touch him. God would no longer say "Checkmate" the moment a student placed a move then do so. God would actually combat them with strength that they never knew they had and he even forced them to create strength where there was nothing to make. God prepared them and searched for the elder brother at the same time. God made sure to learn his students but also taught them the important of being unknown. Their stealth was higher levels than any of their rank and their skills became known in the half year which Sensie Bruce stayed with them. By this time Seven had received several upgraded versions if replacement fingers and had become proficient in the art of puppetry. Seven had begun his own puppetry creations while God had finally achieved the most recent model creation of his private Mech-arm. It had fueled chakra stored inside four glass beads on the palm of the gauntlet portion of the mech. He'd requested four different chakra user types to store the chakra inside but had made a game of it. The most that could store inside each bead would get a price or a trinket toy. Respect teacher and a comdic pal for everyone who saw him. Sensie Bruce was the pride of this family and finally word reached the elder brother.

One day during training a young man entered. God stared him down with all his gruesome appearance (False appearance that he'd wore all this time) and attested this young man to be strong. God nodded and asked if his five students could practice on a shinobi. The young man blocked quite well and the students though mostly genin put him in a pickle but then the man stopped suddenly requesting to stop. The young man which Bruce dubbed "Six" asked of his younger brother's condition. It was truly a heart warming greeting and even a surprise when Seven showed Six his new hands. All they needed was eight and nine then the party would get started.

In Six's eyes this man who stood before him was quite grotesque but also a most useful person. Someone whom he showed respect and gratitude for improving his younger brother Seven's condition, temperance, and skill. In God's eyes of course he saw a thief which he'd waited months to simply recapture his shogi board. God thanked Six for being able to show the improvement which his students showed. This became part of a routine for three days. God would teach, train, then Six would interrupt training and then the students would go full force in practice, then the shogi match afterwords. It was after all a shogi board he was looking for.

God played strong hands not because he wanted to when it came shogi but because his students were learning atheism and were attempting to topple him from his high tower. In those three days the students improved to the point where they were A-Minus Rank in both shogi and combat. Six must of been a good motivator. He always respectfully watched God as he made the same flaws against his students yet despite it all Six never said a word.

One day God approached Six with a challenge of skill and of mental fortitude. God held back in the spar starting it off with a left jab while Six countered with a right palm block and a knee kick. God himself had no other choice other than lean his other hand grab the wrist of the hand that did the palm block. He grappled it then tried to step his back to face his opponent's face and attempt a shoulder throw into the ground before him. Six himself of course went with the momentum using dexterity to twist so that instead of his planting itself into the dirt it was him feet. A pair of footprints marked his landing as Six turned his recovering into an opportunity. Six used the hammer throw to spin the body entirely and sling shot God across the training ground. God spiraled and twisted like a cat trying to regain balance then pressed his feet against the throw to use the laws of friction to slow him down. He reached his hand into the earth and used that as a hold. When God raised his hand it was bleeding from the abrasions he had to endure. He nodded towards Six the jounin and then went towards the infirmary. God signalled for training to resume and Six followed the Sensie.

"Thank you sir for all you've done. I've heard news that you yourself have achieved the ability of creating fingers in replacement for lost ones?" God grunted. "How were you able to do so?" God stopped and looked at Six and tapped his own head before continuing at a faster pace. This made Six have to walk faster to keep up to "Sensie Bruce" and also curious as to his enigmatic response. In the infirmary God's sanded hand was treated with painful salves as the nurse maid cooed over their strange sensie. Females so loved mystery that they would overlook even the harshest of physical attributes but as always Sensie was distant yet polite in kindly rejecting her. Bruce Almightly spoke with Six finally.

"Did you know? That I came here just to look for a special shogi board? I heard tell that this family had the possibility to be good shogi players. I didn't intend to stay but my search just happened to keep me here." God smiled foolishly like a scholar who enjoyed his hobby of books too much. "I don't think you have what I want but could-" God broke off as if his hopes and dreams had deflated, "-Could you please bring me your most special shogi board against play a game with me?" God looked quite earnest in his need to play one game of shogi. "You see I have to move on in this world soon and the students are already strong enough to fend for themselves in a fight. I can't be tied down for long so please?" He absentmindedly tried to curl his hand up. "Hell be uncursed that hurts."

Later that evening over a cup of the family's best tea recipe they sat with a board in place. God's Shogi board. Six had brought what was needed to fulfill the mission. "So... You finally brought it? I thank you for helping me in my quest so now will we play?" The game was fierce with God playing the divine hand while Six played the devil's advocate in sacrificing his pieces. God did not play his purposed flaw for Six as when the times he'd played it for his students. He played it strong but he ended it with a sneak stab with the knight on the king. It was checkmate and they both bowed.

Six acknowledge his defeat and God took off his glasses which covered his eyes from being seen naturally. "Why did you do it?" God asked as he took off his mech masked face and made the chakra wire disconnect from his facial nerves. God showed not a grotesque but kind face but rather one of hardened robber willing to go whatever lengths in order to complete a stake out. "Why did you steal the shogi board from me even after I gave your brother a message clear enough?" Six did not reply but simply bowed his head to the ground. He knew that everyone was going to die and that even in God's injured hands a word could not be spoken.

"I did it to restore the lost honor of our family and to restore the pride of my brother who was challenged-" God raised his palm in a revering "Stop" and took a deep raspy breath then picked up his cup and drank tea. Six released from the mere authority that God forced as a leader tried to make his voice work but inside found him gulping like a fish at God's shark hungry stare. "Is it worse the death of your family for the crime of stealing from an outlaw thief? Even the retribution death of the brother which I let live with mercy?" God's deep voice rumbled in his teacher's clothing as he spoke with the entirely authority. "No it is not but you cannot imagine how our honor was destroyed after the news spread that a thieving outlaw gave my brother a thief's punishment. They mocked us and spoke ill saying it serves us just punishment but you should know. You mercifully restored my brother under your guise and I beg of you please spare his life once again." God stared like a stone wall as the young man spoke before him still bowing throughout the whole time. It must be very uncomfortable to be always praising god when you stoop so low in life to do so "Sensie Bruce Almighty" pondered. When the request to be once again merciful came from Six's mouth even though God had given the boy mercy far beyond any other human it caused his eyes to narrow in anger. A cruel smile curled his lips but his laugh rumbled like a devil god himself or a demon beast about to give its bargain.

Here was the conditions on which Seven was to live and here are God's own words as he replied with an inner strength of confidence no mortal could possess and even proven that a demon was no match. "You want your brother to live?" A rhetorical question that already had been answered. It was as if Six had stepped to the mouth of a cave of a strange talking beast but the next words further invited him inside the den. "You must fulfill three conditions for me since you remind me of an urban legend here. You must first convince your younger brother to be adopted to me legally. You must cruelly kill your family while possessing all logic to be able to deny like the Hymn's words it was I who forced you to. You must lastly bring your brother to me outside the gates on the same night then you will kill yourself and only then will I ensure that your brother will live." God had the nerve to look up shocked with eyes angry to cause fear in a civilian. Only God simply replied with a snarl that made Six back up his reproach and realize a comic thing.

"All this over one single board?" Six exclaimed as he cracked for a moment to laugh deliriously.
God only shrugged, "This only shows how serious I can be and what lengths I will take to assure my possessions. I will see you tonight or the whole village will be erased thoroughly." God raised his hand and then moved as if he were demanding something to be placed into it. "Now give the shogi board neatly to me. Greed is going to wonder what took me a half a year to get a simple board just so I can play against him."

Got mentally laughed of course at the thought of something. Heh, hehe, hahaha, Uchiha massacre all over again. God received the board in his hand but Six found his newly empty hand replaced with something else. A paper and he looked at it appalled. "YOU want my brother to become your brother!" Six no longer cared about keeping it secret and was getting to attack. "Are you crazy Sensie Bruce! He's not going to accept that!" Gone was his earlier dejection at thoroughly losing a shogi game and his future death made him careless. Candle lights were lit around the manner after being alert and God put his Bruce mask back on. Footsteps sounded and an excited child opened the door to look eagerly upon sensie. "Is it true sensie? You want to be my brother too?" Kind smiled kindly under his two-faced personality and answered with a sweet tone to little Seven. "Yes, scamp now sleep. You've got an extra lesson to learn in the morning okey? I don't want my favorite pet student to be plumb tired."

"Hai Sensie!" Six bowed then eagerly left after closing the door. God titled his head and then turned. "I can hear you!" Oh Crap! Six had been caught. Seven ran along trying to think of what kind of punishment he'd receive tomorrow for getting caught. Would it be paint the whole manner five different colors again? Could it be that special bread punishment? The one that where Seven had to clean the house then Sensie would wipe a piece of bread and say, "You cleaned it so you should be able to eat off it". That one was especially icky. To bed! Must avoid punishment from sensie!

God looked at six in a stone political face and took off the Bruce mask again. "Now sign and I will leave tonight."

Later that night God sat on the dirt road geared in full clothing to protect against the cold and also shinobi gear. He had a pair of drumsticks that he tapped out in tune to the anguishing screams. It was an ere type of music but it actually haunted God's soul in a way no other music count. He heard soprano and baritone wails and all the sounds in between. God heard cries and weepings as women tried to hide from Six. Oh how enjoyable this was for God just to a little misery in perfect harmony. He could hear begging and he could even hear bribes since God had decided to move in a little closer. He saw Six as a shadow running through six bladed men and saw a drenching blood splatter the window. Six was definitely a new Itachi. Of course Itachi never existed except in stories that warned clans to beware of kages. Soon it became silent except for the occasional hooting of a screech owl. A perfect fit for tonight's ceremony of sacrilege in God's name.

Out came a whimpering Seven running in shock more than fear that his family was killed by his beloved brother. He saw the tall figure of "Bruce Almight sensie" standing in the gates and he cried out desperately for help. "Sensie Onee-sama he's- he's- he has gone mad!" Tears streamed down Seven's pale face as he ran seemingly like a ghost and tried to run to what he thought was his comfort. Instead he found "Bruce" Like a stone wall and he looked up to see God. "It's you.." He looked up in awe and confusion then jumped backwards. God's voice came back sharp and clear. "Stand up kid and present yourself as a proud shinobi!" The kid wailed and hammered at God's chest with great futility then jumped back as if God were a pile of cactus thorns that hurt him inside his soul. "NO! No! No, no, no, no, no! I can't believe it! This isn-" A final screech sound as the female head of the family was assailed and a loud thud of a head fell to the floor. With a final whisper Seven felt to his knees with eyes if a dead soul. "-happening."

Seven lay there a wrecked lump as a final sound of a door being opened then being madly torn off was heard. Six was finally done and now he was going to meet "Bruce/God" (now secretly dubbed by Six as Eight) as agreed. Six already knew that God/Eight had the young boy Seven captured. Six walked angrily but as each step he took it all melted away when he looked at the crumpled heap of his young brother Seven. It was replaced with love, devotion, duty, and the intent to do whatever was needed to keep his brother alive. He kneeled before God and cleaned off his bloody katana before beginning the Septokou ritual quoting the Hymn of Sorrow, "When blood turns black and flesh turns blue i'll curse you because you forced me to". "Look child, look up at your brother, look at how far your brother has gone to keep you alive." God smiled devilishly, "Yes, curse me, all for a stolen shogi board."

Seven's soul stirred at the word "brother" as he picked himself like he was too tired to look. He couldn't do anything to stop Brother Six and any outcry in Seven's mouth and mind shriveled under his hopeless soul. Seven mercifully passed out as the blood of Six's heart splattered on his face. God picked the kid up on his shoulder and walked off. God's final comment on this deal was a joke question that he answered to himself. "Why is six afriad of seven? Because seven eight nine." And off went Seven and Eight to meet Nine to play a game of shogi.

Finally arriving at Rumors God carried the child slumped over his shoulder but got a few jibes out of his pains. "So, ya finally gone and done it eh?" Said one man remarking towards "Lust" and God blushed embarrassed. "Nay, nay, tis' no bastard child of mine long lost in my many Sins of the maiden's night. Have ye'all heard tell of the traveling procession called the Biblical Theives?" God said boisterously as he readjusted the body's unconscious body to his other shoulder. Everyone turned away as Lust walked towards God. "Master that group has been renamed the 13 Desires and taken over by a man named Greed."

"&*%#!" God exclaimed and walked out of Rumors.

"He's always treating me rough Master and he is too short where it counts." Lust complained in an erotic voice as she dangled over a distracted God. "So Master are you gay?" God looked back at the woman of one of his "Sins" confused. "Huh? Oh. No. Could you kindly stand over there and just show me where to find the new camp for my group?" Lust looked like she just got called ugly and to stand in the ugly corner so people could better ignore her. Lust was hungry for a real man of course so she was more than happy to "Oblige" despite the insult. Finally God arrived at the camp and the first thing he did was walk towards the campfire and the look at greed with a crown on his head. "I go for half a year and you stage a coupe de dat? I challenge you to a shogi game Mr. Nine." Greed looked up at God with a confused looked then it dawned on him. "Oh, Crap, Boss I seriously thought you'd finally rolled over but now that I think about it you do owe me a game of shogi." They set up the game. "Hey Greed, do you know why six is afraid of seven?" Greed looked up as he set up his final piece and answered with a disintered due to the fact his leadership and woman belonged to God again. "Because six met seven as he eight nine?" God nodded and played a strong starting piece but was countered with a sleezy blow by Greed. They played for a long time but God lost.

Now the trouble was this time God counted his fingers and saw that he still had them even after losing a game with Greed. He then counted his mother and father (which were dead), his aunts and uncles (Which he never had, then his daughters and sons (which don't exist), and then counted his brothers and sisters. The Almighty looked at the kid beside the fire then smiled as he picked him up and handed him to Greed's arms. "Checkmate Bish." God picked up the Shogi board and once again walked off having lost nothing precious to him. "Oy! Boss, who's the kid?" Greed called after to get a laughing reply. "Hehe's my ha-brother!"

"%$#@! How the hell does he do that every shogi game?" Greed cursed his annoyance and looked at Seven. It could be worse. God could of have actually lost the literal shogi game and then Greed would have been hanged. Greed watched Lust walk off with God to his head and fumed at the love making noises they produced while he was stuck with some brat. This brat could have even been God's child and Greed had won him in a prize. How horrid for Greed.

Part 3 Incomplete.

3Lost Game of Shogi Empty Re: Lost Game of Shogi Thu Jan 17, 2013 5:09 am

Jack Thousand

Jack Thousand

Critiques welcome.

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