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1The Strange High House in the Mist [Nova] Empty The Strange High House in the Mist [Nova] Thu Mar 22, 2018 12:49 am



The library always had this sort of calming feeling to it. Wether you were interested in books or not, it was bound to happen that you would stop for a moment as you entered the building. Look around towards all the shelves, all the stacks of books. Take a breather, smell the old and worn leather strapped around many of the scrolls. Smell the paper of all this wonderful information which was just laying around there, and waiting to be picked up. Waiting for someone to start drinking in whatever knowledge these various books, scrolls, and documents it had to offer, before the next person could repeat those actions. But not everybody would be able to learn, get what they were seeking. Many if not most would simply read quickly, let the words pass their mind, before their meaning would be unnoticed again or too quickly forgotten. It was inevitable in a way. No one was the same, and not everybody were meant to learn whatever they wanted the 'easy' way. The younger generation often tried to seek a shortcut of a sort, a way to be able to learn without having to also learn with their bodies. Having to experience things. But usually their elders corrected that kind of thinking, or just let them be and learn on their own how to best approach the matter at hand. This was Izumi's secret catharsis, reading about the world, learning about its cultures, and the people who hold them. After all, Izumi fancied herself something of a historian herself, she was always looking out for new knowledge  and opportunities to gain it. The young lady took her time to browse the annals of the lofty library excited to dive and begin enjoying its thus far hidden knowledge.

Not long after, a small crunching sound, a sound like a mouse that got onto a plate of cookies and was taking small bites here and there, was heard in one of the corners of the library. It was such a faint sound that no one would really be noticing unless they were standing close, or had -really- good hearing. Izumi was searching for something to read, as something within her had told her she had to 'expand' her thinking. Basically she had told herself with all the focus on the combat aspect of being a kunoichi, she was getting to become too much of a stupid brute and had better find something else to do than train and fight before she would lose the rest of her brain-cells. She came upon a man who appeared to be a librarian, he was ancient and had those round glasses that you only see on the type of old man who wanders around a library sorting books. “Excuse, sir. I'm new to the Mist Village, do you have any reading recommendations? Maybe books or scrolls that you believe to be unique to your archives?” Izumi had asked. but the elder man had simply pointed towards a random area, grunted and with a stern look shoved passed her to get back to his work. Stupid old geezer. So now she was fuming while looking randomly over book shelves, and sipping angrily at a flask carried in a concealed pocket within the black coat she wore. Not giving a rats ass if anyone would notice or care about it. Not that she thought anyone had such little to do to actually mind what she was up to, but one could never know. She at least never underestimated the stupidity of the humanity. Sighing to herself, the redhead leaned backwards against a shelf while pursing her lips and taking another swig at the mysterious flask.

Izumi's throat burned as she tried to regain herself, the cinnamon spiced amber nectar filling her mouth with bursts of heat and flavor. "Ahem." What now? Izumi looked to the side, viewing a small elderly looking woman who was glaring towards her just a couple of feet away. Her gnarly hand was pointing towards the flask which was clearly visible in her hands, before she took one step closer. Trying to seem intimidating perhaps, which wasn't really working when she was tiny, old, and frail. Izumi wondered if she would need to do anything more than sneeze to blow that bother away. "It's not allowed to drink in here, young lady. Don't you have any respect?" The fiery young Karisuma smirked at the old woman and took a swig giving her look that begged her to do something about it. Deliberately, she took her time to taste it slowly, while watching the old woman turn almost red with fury. If I'm lucky, she's gonna have a heart attack soon. "Look, it's not like I'm pouring the drink on the books and the flask has a lid. I'm not even touching the books. So just go on and mind your own business, 'kay?"She gave a scowling face towards the woman, and sure enough with a lot of grumbling and offended huffing over the rudeness of the younger generation the old bat turned and stomped away with whatever books she had been searching for earlier. That's right, walk away you old bag. But Izumi didn't smile in triumph over that small personal victory. She just stared after the elderly woman, and then wondered why she was like this. Why did she always respond to her problems with anger and sarcasm.

“I guess there's a reason I was born attuned to fire." Her chuckle was soft as she sipped down the rest of the flask, in the tone of her voice there was a clear self-mocking direction taken, while the girl crouched down and looked lazily over various titles. Izumi's mood had gone sour from her ill reception at this library. It was killing her ability to pay attention. Right now, she could start reading the same page four times and still not get what she was reading, because her mind kept jumping around or she noticed suddenly a fly buzzing over her head and so it went on. Izumi wasn't always on such a hair trigger, the loss of her mother and her home village had changed her a bit, made her meaner and harder. She was healing every day but she just wasn't sure if she'd ever be carefree again, the visions of death and despair that she sometimes saw in her nightmares were constant reminders. Izumi kept grabbing books at random and reading them to get the gist of their content. She groaned, reached her hand out, and grabbed a thick book with a dark green cover. Sitting down on the floor, her blue eyes scanned out the name of the book and the Karisuma had to bite back her laughter. The Quest to Achieve Green Fingers. Yes, that was exactly what she needed, to know how to grow the perfect grass and perhaps a few pretty flowers. Rolling her eyes, Izumi opened the book in the middle and with a raised eyebrow started reading, perhaps there was some hidden knowledge contained within its text, however her still brooding anger did not allow the words to make sense.

1,218 words.

Nova Makato

Nova Makato

Nova made several ventures from the mansion of Lord Osada and the main village of Kiri. Often times it was a errand-running trip to restock the kitchen with some of her favorite things along with supplies for the rest of the residents. On other occasions she got the rare desire to be among people other than the other odd ones who also resided withing the mansions walls. This venture to the village was for a particularly specific reason, Nova had high hopes for a library she was told of in Kiri that was supposed to have a number of books on various Kugutsu topics that she wished to take a look at. Since the defeat of Kurogokegamu in the finals of the exams, Nova had been formulating a plan on a new puppet that she would build. Though she was skilled in the art of puppet-making itself, she felt as though the new techniques that she hoped to put into practice on her new bunraku puppet were complicated enough that she ought to research how to go about it. In a small notebook she kept tucked inside of the puppet with a short pencil tucked into its binding she had several sketches for what might come next, ranging between designs for a sleek airborne bird and a spine-covered dragon. Between several pages were outlines of a scorpion with a long bladed tail curving over its body.

Leaving the mansion far before dawn, she made good time on her now well memorized path between the two locations and arrived at Kiri's border as the sun was just starting to rise. Arriving at the library she got out of her puppet, but had Kurogokegamu follow close behind her. An older man behind the desk huffed at her in acknowledgment as she was a regular here now, every saturday she would arrive early and spend the majority of the day with books and papers spread over a small folding table and Kurogokegamu sitting in the corner. She had become familiar with the ever cranky face of the librarian who wandered between shelves reorganizing things, and though had not yet gotten a smile out of her had not yet seemed to get on her bad side. Nova had a deep love for libraries and treated each book with the utmost care, on this morning she had a book about insects that was open to a page about scorpion' pincers, another book on Katon weapons was open to a section on flammable gasses and liquids, buried underneath a heavy book on all types of armor used across history.

Across the library, Nova heard the hushed voice of the librarian, "It's not allowed to drink in here, young lady. Don't you have any respect?". Having been in the middle of a page, Nova rolled her eyes in irritated at the disruption to her concentration and as her eyes scanned back to the top of the paragraph about the best materials for armor. Not once sentence in and another voice broke the silence that the library ought to be home to, "Look, it's not like I'm pouring the drink on the books and the flask has a lid. I'm not even touching the books. So just go on and mind your own business, 'kay?". Nova's ears perked up as she though she recognized the voice. Now distracted from the chapter she had been reading anyways, she rose out of her seat and stretched her joints before walking through the shelves in the direction of the voice. Through gaps between books Nova saw the oh-so familiar mane of red hair passing through the hall and knew she was rights. “Izumi! Hey, Izumi!”, Nova exclaimed through a whisper across the shelves as she rounded the corner and found herself face to face with Izumi Karisuma yet again. A smile spread across her face as she found herself surprised at how happy she was to see her former competition. She had grown fond of the fiery tempered girl, and felt a connection to her as they were both from Suna prior to its destruction. She had also accompanied the Karisuma in the travel from Kumo to Kiri.

She giggled slightly at the sight of Izumi sipping from a flask as such an early hour, “What are you doing in a library at this hour? I know you like being up early, but not usually for going to the library.”. Nova was dressed comfortably in warm thigh high socks and a sweater dress, warm boots laced up on both her real leg and the wooden one. With her usual unsteady gait emphasized by the clunky footwear she led Izumi back to the table that she had been working over that was hidden in the corner. Both sides were hidden from the librarians and that was why Nova had selected this table every visit. There was an empty seat beside her own that normally sat untouched that Nova gestured to as she settled into her own. Shuffling the papers strewn about aside and closing the books that lay open she spoke again, “So how has Kiri been treating you? I haven't seen much of you since we got here. You find a nice place?”. Actual interest was easy to hear in her voice, she had missed Izumi and now that she sit beside her was glad to have run into her despite the distraction from her studies that she caused. “soooo... The quest to achieve green fingers huh? Didn't thing you would be one to pick up gardening” , Nova said lightheartedly which elicited an angry hiss form across the library where the older librarian sulked. She giggled at the little outburst and shook hear head, then reached into a small pack and pulled out a bag of fluffy buns that were dusted in sugar. Setting it on the table she offered one to Izumi, “I've taken up baking as a hobby. There isnt much to do where I live now... for now at least. My training will pick up soon I hope.”. Nova would slide back in her chair for a moment to let Izumi catch her up on the happenings in her life. As silence might fall again, Nova would jump out of her chair suddenly, “I wanna show you something! So after you almost cooked me alive out in the final battle, I was thinking of something to protect myself against that kind of stuff. Hopefully never to fight you again, but anyways, look at this!”. From the stack of papers and books she pulled a particularly heavy one on elements out as well as a detailed sketch of her own handiwork and set them in front of Izumi. Opening the book to a marked page near the end she pointed out a section on an substance that was resistance to extreme temperatures, “So im going to line my new puppets armor with this, it should keep me a little safer from the heat. Also if you look down further it also is non-conductive. If I use it properly I think it ought to defer some raiton damage as well. Well anyways, I just wanted to show you since I though of it after what I saw you could do.”.

She subdued her excitement, certain that Izumi would not find the contruction of another puppet interesting in the least, and settled back in her chair, taking a large bite of the food that she had taken out. “You know, I don't know why but I kinda missed ya Izumi. I'm glad I heard you arguing with the old bat over there.”, Nova said jokingly, but heartfelt about having missed the company of her peers. “So you won't believe who I got to train me..”, Nova said leadingly, hoping to draw Izumi's interest.

[1318 word count]

Last edited by Nova Makato on Wed Apr 11, 2018 3:03 am; edited 1 time in total



Izumi heard giggling behind her, and she shot her glance towards the sound taking an about face, only to be greeted by welcome voice and face belonging to Nova, “What are you doing in a library at this hour? I know you like being up early, but not usually for going to the library.” Izumi was speechless for a moment as she regarded Nova. Nova was a beautiful young woman, one Izumi admittedly had had some … interesting thoughts about in her late nights. She was dressed in leggings and a tight dress with long leather boots. For once it was Izumi finding herself disarmed by a pretty face, it must be the alcohol swimming in her head she told herself before replying, “Uhh, well believe it or not, I’m actually something a historian, if you wanted I could share my notes with you, I think you’d like it. There’s a lot of stuff about trying to find out what actually happened the night of … well … you know. I actually talked to Mitsuo while I was in Kumo!” Izumi was happy to be conversing with the young puppet mistress, as the young lady led Izumi with her usual unsteady gait led Izumi to the back of the library to table she had evidently been working at. It was a nice and hidden corner one that Izumi wished she’d known about prior. As Nova gestured Izumi would happily take a seat next to Nova taking another sip from her flask before offering it to the gorgeous young lady. “So how has Kiri been treating you? I haven't seen much of you since we got here. You find a nice place?” Izumi would happily exchange with the young lady, “I’ve liked here so far, it’s a nice change of pace from home. I really like the beaches. It would seem Nova had noticed her book and would remark on the strange tome within her grasp, truth be told Izumi had forgotten it was there.

The young puppeteer made a lighthearted jab at Izumi, that was accompanied by a familiar hiss from the old snake across the room Nova giggled and pulled out some food from her bag offering it to Izumi, “I've taken up baking as a hobby. There isnt much to do where I live now... for now at least. My training will pick up soon I hope.” Izumi graciously accepted the proffered pastry, eagerly biting into it’s soft flesh and finding that it was actually quite tasty. “This is really good Nova! I already told you about my hobby, at least baking is interesting. Most people just start taking a nap when I go on about my interests.” Nova would leap to her feet moments after the compliment no doubt happy to be interacting with Izumi, “I wanna show you something! So after you almost cooked me alive out in the final battle, I was thinking of something to protect myself against that kind of stuff. Hopefully never to fight you again, but anyways, look at this!” Nova pulled a dusty old tome that was heavy as it was old, it was apparently some sort of dissertation or study on the elements, Izumi was curious why she was studying something so boring,  “So im going to line my new puppets armor with this, it should keep me a little safer from the heat. Also if you look down further it also is non-conductive. If I use it properly I think it ought to defer some raiton damage as well. Well anyways, I just wanted to show you since I though of it after what I saw you could do.” It was no doubt a good idea to protect herself from the elements, had Izumi been given a second chance in her battle with the young lady she was such good friends she would have simply tried to fry her inside of her puppet. The young lady was brimming with excitement it seemed, barely contained in an effort to keep Izumi interested she continued on to matters that didn’t involve puppets. “You know, I don't know why but I kinda missed ya Izumi. I'm glad I heard you arguing with the old bat over there. So you won't believe who I got to train me..” This piqued her interest for sure, she was always excited to hear about new people whom could be prospective interviewees. Izumi pondered for a moment and decided to bite, “Who? I haven’t met many of the Jounin yet, have you? Truth be told I’ve only really met Ayakashi and that was when we both met her together that day we were attacked on the way to Mist. By the way, don’t be afraid to share your puppet ideas with me I think you’re a fascinating young lady. Say, know any good books about the clans of Kiri? I’d like to learn what I can about this place while we’re here. Maybe we could get a few good books and go back to my house?”

857 words.

Nova Makato

Nova Makato

“Who? I haven’t met many of the Jounin yet, have you? Truth be told I’ve only really met Ayakashi and that was when we both met her together that day we were attacked on the way to Mist. By the way, don’t be afraid to share your puppet ideas with me I think you’re a fascinating young lady. Say, know any good books about the clans of Kiri? I’d like to learn what I can about this place while we’re here. Maybe we could get a few good books and go back to my house?”, Izumi's voice was sweet and her praise of Nova made her blush and think to herself, despite the fact that she had won the  Chuunin Exams, she thought Izumi was the far more talented of the pair in terms of traditional shinobi strength and looked up to her for it. As her face would light up to share the news with Izumi, it was easy to hear the pride in her voice, “Lord Sero Osada, he's one of the seven swordsmen. I don't actually live in Kiri itself, but on one of the surrounding islands. He has a mansion out there, and invited me to stay there while I train under him.” Her cheeks were pink as she watched for Izumi's reaction, hoping she would be excited for her as well.

“as far as books, I know more on the topic of puppetry than about Kiri but I'm sure I can find something.....”, her voice would trail off in thought as she stood from the chair a little unsteadily and limped off in the nonfiction section of the library after gently grabbing Izumi's hand to lead her. She walked up and down each isle briefly scanning the titles before coming to a stop on a large leather bound tome covered in dust. Her fingers would squeeze Izumi's slightly before releasing them to use both hands to heft the heavy book from the shelves. The Noble and Common Houses and Clans of Kirgakure No Sato, Nova would read aloud from the golden print on the cover before continuing, “This is a little.... dated... but the information it does have should be correct. Anything more recent we might have to find a better library.” Nova would start walking back to the table but be stopped by Izumi who would offer to take the weighty book from her, getting a relieved and surprised look from Nova. Nova's pride would sting only the slightest bit as she saw the redhead had no issue with the book and carried it with ease.

“I think id like to take you up on that offer to go back to yours”, Nova would say as she started loading the books into Kurogokegamu's shell carefully. The book would stack filling the puppet more than halfway, leaving no room for Nova to sit. “I'll be walking, I hope you don't mind me slowing you down just a little.”, Nova would say lightly as she finished packing the puppet and closing the lid.

[525 Word count]
[1843 Total word count]



Izumi’s questions were answered almost immediately as the pretty young lady replied, “Lord Sero Osada, he's one of the seven swordsmen. I don't actually live in Kiri itself, but on one of the surrounding islands. He has a mansion out there, and invited me to stay there while I train under him.” That was odd it appeared the young lady whom Izumi was so fond of had taken up residence on one of the nearby islands rather than in the village proper like Izumi herself had. She was apparently living in the mansion of one ‘Lord Sero Osada’ a man Izumi had heard of. When she recognized who it was her eyes widened before responding excitedly, noticing the pinkness of Nova’s cheeks. For some reason this information embarrassed Nova or maybe it was just Izumi, she had that effect on people sometimes as she very well knew from the practical lines of suitors Izumi had to turn down or avoid during the exams. “Nova, he’s not just any Seven Swordsman, he’s their captain! How did you end up with a teacher like him so soon after arriving? I’ve been largely on my own. You must be tired from all that travelling you do, poor thing.” Nova would pick up the conversation at another point, Izumi found it adorable how the beautiful young Nova jumped from topic to topic, “as far as books, I know more on the topic of puppetry than about Kiri but I'm sure I can find something.....” Nova was so thoughtful in her movements, her desire to show Izumi apparent with the gentle hand squeeze that led her on. Her hands were surprisingly soft for a kunoichis, no doubt due to the largely sedentary nature of her style. It was a clever style that Izumi personally thought was one of the most effective one could have. Nova’s smarts were unparalleled as far as Izumi knew, and her near encyclopedic knowledge was welcome. The Noble and Common Houses and Clans of Kirgakure No Sato. This is a little.... dated... but the information it does have should be correct. Anything more recent we might have to find a better library.” Now your average person would most likely cringe at simply the title, but upon seeing the massive dusty tome Izumi knew it was exactly what she wanted. She was beside herself with anticipation to read it and get a feel for the rich history of this village she’d decided to call her home.

Nova released Izumi’s hand to try to grab the monstrous book and bring it down for Izumi to see, she was struggling to carry it, smiling warmly Izumi would take it from her and carry it back to the table. While it was quite the task for the young puppeteer, Izumi was in top physical shape and could easily carry it with one arm back to the table ”You know, you should consider moving into town. You could work here; I for one wouldn’t mind seeing you around more often. Sero isn’t the only one who has extra space in their home.” Izumi would noticeably look Nova’s curvy body up and down with her last sentence, the intent of her gaze obvious should Nova notice it. Nova agreed to come with her back to her home and stacked the books she wished to take back with her in her spider puppet which left her no room to sit. ” I'll be walking, I hope you don't mind me slowing you down just a little.”  Izumi would try to reason with the young woman to let her carry the books but Nova insisted, and Izumi took the hint. “I don’t’ mind long walks with lovely people. Besides it’s hard to hold hands with someone in a puppet.” Izumi would take Nova’s hand softly and lead her on the puppet clacking away as it walked behind them.

667 Words.

Nova Makato

Nova Makato

”You know, you should consider moving into town. You could work here; I for one wouldn’t mind seeing you around more often. Sero isn’t the only one who has extra space in their home.”, Izumi would say meaningfully while letting here eyes wander over Nova's form. Nova was facing away and leaning over to pick something up off off the floor as she started speaking, but turned in time to catch Izumi's pale blue eyes lingering on her backside long enough to seen. Nova's cheeks would ignite with a bright blush and she look away shyly for a moment before meeting Izumi's gaze again, who's face indicated that she knew that Nova saw and wore a confident smile looking back at her. The offer of housing with Izumi was tempting... for several reasons. She wanted to accept the offer on the spot, but decided she ought to leave the question unanswered for the time being and moved on hoping Izumi would let it past.Cheeks flushed and pulse sufficiently raised, Nova would inform Izumi that she would be walking back only to be met with a request from Izumi that she be able to carry Nova's bookpile for her. Shaking her head vigorously, Nova refused over and over until it was accepted. “I don’t’ mind long walks with lovely people. Besides it’s hard to hold hands with someone in a puppet.”, would be the seal on the conversation, Nova bringing up the nerve to make a small gest at her beautiful companion, “probably as hard as holding hands with someone carrying a load of books”. With that Izumi would slide her hand into Nova's and set out from the library.

As they walked through the brisk Kiri air, Nova couldn't help but notice the heat that seemed to radiate from Izumi. It was a welcome realization and Nova would lean against the slightly taller girl for warmth despite the fact that she was relatively warmly dressed herself. Nova would make sure to position herself on the left side of Izumi, not wanting to let her clumsy limb tangle as they would walk as well as letting the threads that she wove trail back and lead Kurogokegamu behind them like a dog on a leash. Inhaling air that was warmed by Izumi's presence Nova though she picked up the slight scent of desert sage, a familiar and homelike scent that drew Nova further against her. The mixture of the desert sage and desert rose that wafted from Nova's own hair was pleasant and blended well. Letting Izumi lead the way through Kiri's streets that were still foreign to Nova, she watched as the scenery changed from the basic buildings on the outskirt of the town to more antiquated and sizable homes that were covered in well maintained plant-life. It was certainly a beautiful group of homes and Nova knew one of them would belong to Izumi, the offer of moving in with her temping her even further as she recalled the bare room that she resided in within the mansions walls.

[527 Word count]
[2370 total word count]



Izumi’s clear flirtations were met with blushes and smiles from Nova, who made a joke about how it would be hard to hold Izumi’s hand if she was carrying the books as well. Nova’s lighthearted jest was well received, met with a sweet laugh from Izumi and their fingers intertwining. Nova’s hand was colder than Izumi’s her cool palm was a welcome feeling on her skin. Izumi was always warm to the touch.  Nova could no doubt feel the warmth coming from her hands. The cool morning air felt nice, a welcome balance to her natural heat. Nova apparently had different ideas about the cool air, using it as an excuse to draw in closer to Izumi. The young lady’s body was welcome sensation against Izumi’s side. Izumi had a feeling if she pressed the issue with Nova she’d agree to her playful offer. It was something she’d keep in mind in case she wanted to turn the offer from flattering suggestion to serious plan. Nova had a pleasant scent of home, a similar fashion to Izumi who would give her hand a squeeze as the sweet rose filled her nose, pleasantly adding to her gorgeous appearance. Izumi would release the young woman’s hand and instead put her arm around her waist pulling her in close. Nova was leaning against Izumi, who was sure they were going to have a pleasant evening. They continued through the village passing through a shopping district as well as a market before crossing a long pedestrian bridge that crossed to a small island not far from the main landmass that the village was on. This island had opulent houses of varying size and colour. They all had a few things in common: a beautiful view, a lofty price tag, and a very private lot. The island was fairly large to cross on foot but there were only maybe a dozen houses on it, each one having an expansive area of the beach and surrounding land to itself with tall hedges and trees dividing them. Many of the homes had their own dock with large boats waiting in disuse, their owners having much more important things to do than boating.

About half way down the road their legs would surely be sore, Izumi felt slightly bad for Nova who no doubt was having a hard time with her shambling gait. The young lady seemed to enjoy herself well enough though, Izumi hadn’t heard a single complaint. She had seen a few admiring glances up to her own person which she pretended to ignore, not wanting Nova to be embarrassed. Gauging based on her responses to Izumi’s advances, Nova welcomed them but was unprepared either due to an existing infatuation or a lack of experience. Excusing her own arrogance Izumi assumed it was a mix of the two leaning towards the attraction. They had reached the path down to her home, which was surrounded by walls with no obvious gate. Izumi’s hand would grasp Nova’s side before sliding up her body to her shoulder, in a quick motion Izumi would lift the young lady and carry her up and over the wall towards the main residence the puppet no doubt following behind. Nova seemed surprise at Izumi’s action but the look had no fear or protestation betrayed upon it. Quite the opposite in fact, it was something closer to admiration and wonderment. Upon setting her down softly on the other side of the wall, it became to clear to Izumi the young woman was blushing. ”I’m sorry for the sudden lift, I just didn’t think it would have the same effect if I asked first.” The home was for a lack of better description, ostentatious. There was no way Izumi needed all that space to herself, let alone the boat-less dock and massive beach. Izumi herself was a bit pink, embarrassed at the ridiculousness of her massive home. She pointed to the navy blue building that had had three levels and covered more space than the entire dilapidated building her old apartment in Suna had. Izumi had found that while she was living in the spacious suite provided by Hastur that she had grown accustomed to luxury. A fortuitous windfall and made this new lifestyle possible for her. Not only had she made a good amount of money in the exams, it seemed her mother had hid a great deal of wealth from everyone including Izumi herself. She couldn’t help but feel this might have been part of the reason her father had tried killing her. There was a lot about her mother she might never learn.
Izumi’s arm once again around Nova’s waist she led her to the large oak doors that marked the entrance to her expansive abode. Upon entry, Nova would get a waft of incense and notice a large foyer made of polished marble and chiseled sandstone. Izumi would offer the flask she had in her jacket before a butler would approach out of nowhere and take the jacket off Izumi. It was warm in her house, simulating a warm day in Sunagakure, a trick accomplished using Katon infused heaters in the walls that fed off Izumi’s energy. Grabbing her hand she would lead her through the opulent foyer up to the second floor and into a large room with a television in the corner and large windows looking out over the ocean.  There was a door in one corner that led to a balcony that looked out over the sea. Izumi would take a seat on a sofa outside that was nearby a firepit which would ignite upon Izumi taking a seat. Pulling Nova down next to her she’d offer her the choice of a meal instructing her to ask any of the servants for what she desired. Izumi would whisper into one of the servants ear to bring more whiskey and some ice. Izumi would smile at Nova, “So Nova, what should we study first.” Izumi’s tone had a seductive quality and  her eyes seemed to suggest the question wasn’t exactly about books.

1,047 words for a total of 3,789

Exit thread.


  • Reaction Time from C to C-3(1875/1875)
  • Speed from C to C-3 (1875/1875)

Nova Makato

Nova Makato

Izumi seemed to welcome the presence of Nova pressed to her side, so much so she let go of Nova's hand and slid her own low around Nova's waist. Glad her hair covered her face for the most part, she looked off at the buildings to hide her face which was tinged bright red yet again. Warmth radiated from Izumi, so much so Nova could feel the heat from her palm pressed against her hips through the thin cloth that made up her dress. The cloth would pull upwards slightly with the touch, pulling the hem of the dress up just enough to expose her thigh above her long socks and sending a shiver up her back. The walk was longer than Nova would have chosen to do alone, and despite the discomfort and embarrassment of her pronounced limp, enjoyed it thoroughly tucked under the Karisuma's arm. Though the buildings had continued to incline in both quality and size they would soon come to a bridge that arched across the sand of a beach as it declined to meet the slightly lapping waves of a large lake. Nova's mind had time to wander as she approached the bridge with Izumi, What she would give to be inside Kurogokegamu across this bridge... Though in the most dire of circumstances she though she would be able to at least stay on the surface Nova did not know how to swim. The faux leg did her in for that, but she had never bothered to learn anyways due to her alternate means of travel.. Despite her discomfort with proximity to the water, the arm around her would soothe her nerves enough that she decided to not mention it.Besides how embarrassing would be it be for Izumi to know her silly fear.

Halfway across the bridge, Nova's eyes widened at the view they slowly approached. A handful of enormous buildings made up the horizon, expanses of what appeared to be various gardens with each giant lot separated by towering hedges. Several finely crafted docks dotted the shore, though most were empty the ones that were occupied had large opulent boats that seemed to sit unused. Slowly they would break from the main path to one that led to what Nova assumed what Izumi's personal property. A towering wall loomed ahead, and despite the fact the path lead straight to it, seemed to be lacking an entrance of any sort. Nova would start to tilt her head inquiringly as Izumi’s hand would grasp Nova’s side before sliding up her body to her shoulder, in a quick motion Izumi would lift the young lady and carry her up and over the wall towards the main residence leaving Kurogokegamu skittering up the wall after them. Nova would gasp in surprise at Izumi’s arms sliding around her but would not protest, quite the opposite in facy her face would alight with a blush yet again and would lean admiringly into her shoulder for a moment before Izumi would gently set her down on solid ground once over the wall. ”I’m sorry for the sudden lift, I just didn’t think it would have the same effect if I asked first.”. Nove would stutter out an, “oh.. i-its okay”, softly still in shock.

Nova may have said more but was taken by surprise by the luxurious structure before her. The walls were painted a deep blue that stood out from the greenery that surrounded it, standing starkly out against the sky at its three story rooftop. She would blink for a moment, impressed with the building and that it was hers. Though Lord Osada's mansion would tower above this building and fit several of it inside, this was by no means a small nor plain building. Arm tucked back around Nova's waist, Izumi would lead up to the large oaken doors that stood at the end of the walkway. Upon entering Nova would again be surprised by the size of the building, and to see it finely tiled with marble. Expecting the nearly bare room to be cold much like the weather outside, immediately once within the walls a heat permeated the building. It reminded her of a day back in Suna, calling back a memory of her toes in the sand. The scent of incence wafted from within, and as Izumi would pull and hand the flask that she kept stowed in her jacket out and hand it back to Nova as what appeared to be a butler appeared from the hall to take the jacket from her hands. Nova would unscrew the cap and take a large swig.... and then another smaller one. The taste would burn her throat slightly as she swallowed the liquid and she let herself plan for the day to be spent with the woman beside her as long as she was welcome.



[824 Word count]
[3194 Total Word count]

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