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1Shuiro's awesome water pouch thing. Empty Shuiro's awesome water pouch thing. Fri Dec 28, 2012 11:31 am



Name: Water Pouch(Includes arm straps)
Type of Item: Simple storage
Rank: D
Elemental Alignment:Water
Quantity: 1 liter
Ability/Function: Releases a small amount of water when the trigger release is activated by pressurizing the head valve.
Appearance: Looks exactly like the photo except for an included strap that wraps around one’s arm to hold it tight.
History:Made from various pieces of scrap found around Konoha. Most of these pieces were found in random junk piles, but some were bought in various stores, such as the head valve.

Shuiro's awesome water pouch thing. Free-shipping-New-3L-Bicycle-font-b-Small-b-font-Mouth-font-b-Water-b-font

2Shuiro's awesome water pouch thing. Empty Re: Shuiro's awesome water pouch thing. Fri Dec 28, 2012 11:37 am



100 ryo. Would you like to purchase now?

3Shuiro's awesome water pouch thing. Empty Re: Shuiro's awesome water pouch thing. Fri Dec 28, 2012 11:38 am



HELL YES! *Buys like no other*

4Shuiro's awesome water pouch thing. Empty Re: Shuiro's awesome water pouch thing. Fri Dec 28, 2012 11:40 am



Ryo deducted.

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