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1Felix Dreaming. [Weapon Purchase] Empty Felix Dreaming. [Weapon Purchase] Mon Dec 24, 2012 1:41 am



Felix Dreaming. [Weapon Purchase] 200px-Kingdom_Key_KH

Name: Key to the Kingdom
Type Of Weapon: A rather large key
Rank: C
Elemental Alignment: /
Ability/Function: The shaft is blunt and leaves bruises rather than cuts, while the insertion point is sharp and slices.
Appearance: A giant key. The hilt is golden, the body is silver, and the prongs are in the shape of a crown. The handle itself is covered in smooth black leather. A keychain comes from the end of the handle that vaguely resembles a mouse, both the symbol and chain being silver. The weapon is 40 inches long, 3 inches wide on the shaft and handle, 12 inches wide on the hilt, 7 inches wide on the crown and 5 inches long(Extending from the shaft). The chain is 12 inches long, at that, with the image being 2 inches all around. Made of... Metal.
History: Stole it from a vendor. Hey, the village is destroyed anyways. Morals where?

Last edited by Felix on Mon Dec 24, 2012 12:42 pm; edited 1 time in total

2Felix Dreaming. [Weapon Purchase] Empty Re: Felix Dreaming. [Weapon Purchase] Mon Dec 24, 2012 9:09 am



i'll 1/2 this for sure, but you still have to pay even if you stole it ;P
Freaking love your weapon choice though. (Tenshi)

3Felix Dreaming. [Weapon Purchase] Empty Re: Felix Dreaming. [Weapon Purchase] Mon Dec 24, 2012 10:30 am



That's awesome. xD
Approved: 2/2

4Felix Dreaming. [Weapon Purchase] Empty Re: Felix Dreaming. [Weapon Purchase] Mon Dec 24, 2012 12:37 pm



Danke. <3 Take the money from Yukki when it's priced please. =3 If it goes over 490, take the extra 10 from Felix.

5Felix Dreaming. [Weapon Purchase] Empty Re: Felix Dreaming. [Weapon Purchase] Mon Dec 24, 2012 10:25 pm


Ryo deducted.

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