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1March of Unrest: Looming Danger [Plot] Empty March of Unrest: Looming Danger [Plot] Tue Mar 13, 2018 10:24 pm

Hachirou Himitsu

Hachirou Himitsu

The sounds of their march forward echoed through the streets, oddly loud in the misty air. Dozens of shinobi marched in organized ranks, the front most of the shinobi being high ranking Jounin of the Himitsu clan, and the shinobi at the head was none other than the clan head of the Himitsu clan, one of the most respected combat clans in Kirigakure at the moment. There was not a fighter from the Himitsu clan that hadn't made a name for themselves, including the banished clan heiress who served Ayakashi directly.

Unrest had been evidently in the air for quite some time, but with the latest of the Yatagarasu killings, something had snapped within the ranks of Kirigakure. Some had decided that they would depose Ayakashi, who seemed unwilling, or incapable of stopping this murderer. People had called out for justice to be taken. The people of Kirigakure were thirsty for blood, something Ayakashi knew well enough.

Of course, there were those that thought Ayakashi incapable of fulfilling the office. Their own ambitions would see themselves replacing the ranks of those in charge of the village. Some would take advantage of the unrest. Hachirou was one such individual who was not only ambitious enough to seek the spot of Mizukage, but one strong enough to have some sort of ability to back up his claim of superiority. And with someone to hide behind, and promises of high ranks for supporting him, Hachirou had amassed a following, not one that matched the full might of Kirigakure of course, but a formidable following that couldn't be ignored.

As Hachirou's army marched on the administration building, Hachirou held up his hand as he stood outside it. The crowd behind him stopped. After only a moment of silence, the powerhouse spoke up, his charismatic voice spreading out with authority. "Lady Ayakashi! I don't care if you cower in your building, or if you come out here. All the same, you'll know, this is a call for you to step down from the office of Mizukage. We have deemed you unfit to carry on the title of our leader."

There was more of course, that he would say, but for now, he would await a response from her, ready to fight should he have to. They all were. But he didn't expect she would open with hostility. If she wouldn't come out in a timely manner, he would issue his ultimatum.



''It's almost funny how roles reverse...''

Perverse pleasure turned pentinent, as peeled skin pierced with precision, plastered the parliaments' buildings' precast pillars. Sexual deviancy was never something that piqued the ears of the killer Yatagarasu, but when it was at the cost of a youth sex trade, she could not help but get involved. Yata had been stalking the merchant lord for days, learning his route on the way home from the commercial buildings, watching his shady deeds from the shadows high above the canopy of the city of mist as she would take an interest in the subtle mannerisms of the scum. He seemed to like expensive things, the best cigars, the best brandy, the best women and the best company. He surrounded himself with a mercenary security detail, iron falls in nature... seems like he liked to go big or go home in all aspects of life... except for one... it was a shame that when it came to his private desires, it was the fact he went little was the problem.

Finally it came to the game, the hillside estate of the Lord was surrounded, men at every corner, bows at hand for the most part while wearing the trademark coats and armour of the guild. Yatagarasu was ecstatic to be dealing with this monster... An hour after the bulging mammal entered the abode, she would move to strike, leaping high into the air from a nearby building over the iron fence as she would descend like a hawk upon a duo moving in pairs, collecting the first with her descending knee to the chest, using the impact and surface tension to bounce off him spinning with a round-house kick to the side of the head of the other mercenary. Grabbing the two of them and pulling them into the shadow of the mansion and drawing each of the two Keys. Extending one of them up and using them to climb the floors one by one to reach the third... Hanging aloft and using the dagger to slice out a section of the window and slink through the opening.

It would not take long for her to find the attic where the ogre kept his harem. Having retired to it, Yatagarasu would accelerate. Even in her insane speed, her silence was deafening. The guards floor after floor wouldn't know what hit them. The shadow that rushed past, running along a wall, striking them at the back of the neck, grappling and throwing them into one another, skidding through and underneath them to dislocate knees or other dismissive rush-bys would take them all by surprise, though the sound of them hitting the floor would give Yata about 10 seconds until guards from other rooms would investigate and raise the alarm... Yet she was surprised by the efficiency of these men when it was no more than four. Nearing the attic, she would face off against three who were staring her down, finally readied for their opponent as kirigakure repeater crossbows would open fire against her... Daggers whirling she would parry the bolts, her forward momentum crawling to a slow as their ten bolt clips dried up. Many bolts still hanging in the air having been deflected from the sides, Yata would spin, sweeping her hands out for clusters of them and hurling them back into knees arms and shoulders of the men in such velocities it was as if they teleported to their locations.

Pulling down the staircase, the happiness of the man turned to anger, interrupted during his act, turning to face the unknown intruder... his face red as an apple in his fury, all the while surrounded by fearful young faces... but there was a shift as realization struck.

''It's almost funny, how roles reverse.''

'The papers the next morning were something to behold'

"Merchant lords reign of horror comes to an end! Ayakashi would wake up, the taste of copper in her mouth as she would wash it out, reading the article bought to her room with intrigue, as a well known member of the Merchant Country to the south had been murdered in his Kirigakure estate, not far from where Ayakashi was now. The man had always smelled like scum, but the thought of him having kidnapped or paid for human underage slaves and kept them in a harem for his pleasure branded him as a special, despicable kind of scum to which even Ayakashi could not imagine a fate that was good enough for him... Until she read the report. Yatagarasu, with all the time in the world in this particular instance, seemed to have swept the man away to a public location, and, for whatever reason, took special care into taking this man apart piece by piece. Defensive wounds could be found around the mans' arms, but what was left of them seemed to be little more than ribbons as he must have been coaxed to defend himself, cut into bit by bit as he attempted to shield himself from the incoming bladed attacks.

To make matters worse, the attacks were heated and cauterized, he didn't lose much blood and the body was found with severe third degree burns to most of his body as he was strung up almost lifeless and emasculated without any digits, vocal capacity or tongue to speak of and left for the saline salt wind of kirigakure to do the torture for her as the man died of shock as the adrenaline in his system wore out after being taken down, likely after hours of suffering... Yet, with the children having all been saved and moved to find homes, the man's record released to the public to satiate outrage, even Ayakashi could not bring herself to feel pity for the mans' fate... as long as she didn't think about it too hard...

Readying herself for the Day, Aya would move to her mother's cabinet and take her Mizukage shroud and mask, as well as her quiver and usual attire and equipment. Her fuma shuriken, rope dart, bladeless hilts and platinum gauntlets already placed on her belts and slid onto her hand where necessary. Finally pulling on and belting up the greaves of her nation to complete her setup she would draw her hood over her crown and leave her mother's house, turning the sign to 'OPEN' on the way out as she would make her way down the streed, stretching as she did so only to hear some form of commotion in the distance. There seemed to be a large group of people gathered near the Mizukage estate, a loud group at that, well formed as Ayakashi would approach them from behind. At the sight of her, People would move to flee the immediate area... Ayakashi could see a hint of fear on their faces as they did so... something was wrong.

Moving an earpiece to her ear, Ayakashi would open communications to one of the twins' long range radio. "Hey, what's going on at my building?"... It would only be then that Ayakashi would hear about the veritable clan armed force that had gathered outside to confront her. Ayakashi knew that tensions had been rising within the clan... but there was little that could be helped about the entire matter. Yet the thought that they would all mobilize like this was not something she had thought possible. Whatever their dissatisfaction, the grievance must be able to be handled without violence... Of this, the Mizukage had to be certain... she was a servant to her people, their will manifest into the world, even this clan.

"Call Alpha squad, I want them on me and ready at all times, as well as Nozomi with another squad if she's in range..." Ayakashi would spend no time moving to the back of the force, keeping her distance so not to cause a start as she would let out a shout for the leadership of the pack, whether it be located within the heart, or at the head of the group closest to the entrance of the building.

"Ahoy! To what do I owe the honor of this display!? You think I'm unfit? Do you have any evidence to back that up? Have I not built us into the strongest nation of them all from the ashes of ruin? Seen us through a war? Almost died for you? Let's talk! I'm sure we can sort this out rationally... and not like children casting ultimatums."

Hachirou Himitsu

Hachirou Himitsu

After what seemed like ages, the Mizukage finally spoke up, although not from the building, but from behind them. Many of the clan members spun around in surprise, none of them having expected her to be behind them. A mistake like that against someone like her could have cost them dearly if she was so inclined to wipe them out. Hachirou merely made his way from the building towards her, pushing through some of the gathered people to do so. Eventually he made his way through the crowd, to stand in front of Ayakashi, if she'd let him get that close, at a distance of merely 3 meters.

"Ah, the Mizukage! I'm glad you felt fit enough to stand in front of us here today, and didn't display such weakness and cowardice to hide." he said, a pleasant enough looking smile on his face. His eyes were one of malice, but only Ayakashi would be able to see that, it was hidden well enough. "Allow me to speak plainly, then, to answer your question. You've been good for us in the past, yes indeed. I myself was quite the staunch follower of your successful militarization of our great nation. It was under your rule that my clan was allowed to prosper, our talent and skills benefiting our nation greatly. And many others who follow me, even those outside the clan would agree, our military might is unparalleled."

He paced, his hands folded behind his back, never drawing nearer the Mizukage so as not to provoke an attack from her. Now wasn't the time for a fight if he was to succeed in his coup. This had to be done in such a manner that he would gather more and more followers. "However, you've lately been slacking in your duties, failing in your promises, and it is those actions that would allow the rest of the world to view us in a state of weakness. And unfortunately, that cannot be allowed to continue."

Gesturing a hand to the direction of Kumogakure, his voice picked up. "It wasn't long ago that you rallied us in a war on Kumogakure, to free our wrongfully persecuted people from the tyrant Sanosuke. However, your showing there left us viewed as weak, spineless. Our people were freed, but they had been done so before we arrived, as some of my forces indicate. Sanosuke was deposed as the Raikage, but it was his choice to step down, after you'd retreated, our forces freed already. The traitor Kaekio, allowed to live, my daughter's disgrace once again. She has a poor taste in partners, and your softness allowed them to tarnish our might."

His eyebrows contorted in anger, his jaw set, although he forced himself to remain calm. "And yet, Sanosuke lives. Unpunished, while you had him at your mercy. Kumogakure didn't feel our wrath for following such a man. Kaekio lived, handed over to Sanosuke, merely as a marked 'Missing-nin'. But you have no intention of hunting any of them down. You've had time, time to drag them here to answer for their crimes against the great nation of Kirigakure. And you've done nothing. As if your failure in Kumogakure wasn't enough the first time, you went for another!"

A deep laugh escaped his throat. "I heard of the recent Exams. And consequently, the famous exhibition match. My daughter fought Lamya, and while I wouldn't have expected her to win, she did. But she wasn't able to continue the chase of course, having done all the work to weaken her opponent. You, however, were more concerned with checking on her than you were with capturing the snake. You let her get away, after Nozomi did all the work for you. In short, your failures are adding up. You're making us look weak, soft, and a joke. And so, I must ask you to step down from the post of Mizukage. You are unfit to lead this great nation, to lead us further to our greatness. To destroy those who would seek to wrong us. I shall lead us where you cannot take us."

A roar of applause and cheering erupted from the crowd gathered behind Hachirou, the lust for blood palpable in the air. It would die down soon, as the tension in the air hung, awaiting Ayakashi's response. Nobody expected her to step down, but they all knew that Hachirou's speech would have consequences. It would legitimize him, and their ascension to the top through blood shed, as more followers would gather under his cause. In short, if she stepped down, he would claim the spot himself, and if she didn't, there was soon to be enough distrust in the Mizukage spread around that a coup wasn't necessary, but a civil war instead. They all fully believed that Hachirou's plan was fool proof.

4March of Unrest: Looming Danger [Plot] Empty Re: March of Unrest: Looming Danger [Plot] Wed Apr 18, 2018 10:54 pm



'The man sure did know how to draw a crowd.‘

The morn was young, Ayakashi had bigger fish to fry than this crowd, but this kinda thing was serious. She'd shake off the lingering effects of her morning routine and get serious for a moment... Other kage might have considered this an insurgency, in many ways it was, she wouldn't be wrong or entirely out of her power to brand all those in attendance here a traitor. Though, the Mizukage could not help but think of her father for a moment, a man that with the aid of many of his closest friends had attempted to usurp a bloody tyrant of a Mizukage only to be ambushed by Seven Bells himself in his younger days. They were butchered there, though her father was captured with a couple of the other survivors and executed the next morning publically. The era of public executions was meant to draw to a close under Ayakashi's rule, and the memory of her father with his neck laying upon an executioners' block was something that she could not forget right now... but perhaps all these people needed was a reminder as to why Ayakshi was Mizukage...

The fact of the matter was that Sanosuke was a Missing Ninja being actively hunted by the land of Kirigakure, while she had not executed the man there, no-one knew that the prisoners had been freed at that point and a ninja had jumped directly in front of Ayakashi before she had landed the final blow. Then they wanted to bring up the issue with Lamya... were they not listening when Ayakashi sent a squad capable of eliminating most of their clan after the woman!? Squad zero consisted of some of the greatest Hunter ninjas from across multiple clans... Himitsu wasn't even on the list for a member of squad zero, Nozomi likely being the only possible candidate wasn't even a member of the lethal quartet. Ayakashi would be both shocked and surprised if they were unable to finish off a single lone ninja in her condition, but, there was always the chance that she had her egress planned from the beginning. While she had landed much of the criminal blame for the incident, Mitsuo Sarutobi was also there in suna, there was no telling who else could have been among the attackers that day and if Lamya had help...

'So, Aya waited for them to finish.'

Strafing to a side and standing up on a barrel so that all in attendance would be able to see her as they cheered the finale of the mans' speech... How foolish were these sheep!? By cheering, they had all squarely sided themselves with the usurper. It was a signature of support to the mandate of his coup as well as his reasoning...

"Firstly, I feel as though I must correct the record, to all of you in attendance. Few of you would have been on the head that took the attack into the heart of Kumogakure as those who were there at the front guarded our exit. But without the knowledge of our people being safe, I could not do something so reckless as kill Sanosuke Flynt, a man as mad as him would have likely executed them, the discovery that they had been freed and were in hiding was only discovered afterwards, now Flynt is a wanted ninja by us and Konoha, we have teams of hunters scouring for him assuming he wasn't killed in his deposition. As for Kaekio, she paid the price for her treason by stepping into Sanosuke's blade, if she survived that's a testament to her strength as the blown alone was surely lethal... Finally, for Lamya... When my leader of the combined forces of Hunter Ninja and my personal underling collapses after a battle with the most wanted ninja alive, I will go to their aid. I sent the best after Lamya in her weakened state... But do you really believe for a second that Lamya, a criminal capable of eradicating a hidden village would have no exit strategy? You'd wish to see yet another Mizukage walk into an ambush planned by an S rank missing ninja, plunging the country into another dark age after their death...

no... i didn't think so...

Now, onto the subject of my softness, were I a harder Kage, the kind that you all seem so desperate to enact, I would have all that let out so much as a peep as you gave a cheer for this man branded as traitors and executed here on the spot. Treason is still a crime paid with in blood in this nation as far as I recall...."

Ayakashi's eyes would flash with Hyouton as the Iron eyepatch would fall from her face and onto the hard stone ground below her, the flickering blue flame of her eye, raising above her head in a display of cold power as she would look over the mob, raising a hand for the hunters that would have called to her side by now to surround the rooftops of the streets, leering down on the Himitsu clan that was standing in the center. Like fish in a barrel waiting to be shot, Ayakashi had half a mind to do it simply due to the ineptitude of the ninja before her. They hadn't secured the high ground in an urban combat zone... or were they really that sure of Ayakashi's softness that she would simply stand down and allow them to take the nation from her? A thought that she had not entertained from the Daimyo of the nation, yet alone some lowly clan mouthpiece such as Hachirou.

"But, seeing as I'm gladly not that Kage, I will allow everyone here a single chance at redemption before I do so, disperse now, and decide upon a new clan leader for the Himitsu and denounce this man and bring me him and his followers, or, assuming that the mass of you all intend to stand alongside your beloved leader, sign away your allegiance to Hachirou and your clan and bring it to me tomorrow. I do not want civil war in my nation due to the stupidity of one man, but, if it comes to it. I will personally hand-write every ninja on the Himitsu clan registry and hand them to the Hunter ninja."

Ayakashi's eyes would steel, as the force of her chakra would pulse, causing the air to become frigid enough that the barrel of water that she was standing on now had a layer of frost over it which was continuing to spread outwards. Should they not take the bait, Ayakashi's hand would begin to move to Kusanagi, her eyes never wavering from Hachirou... was the man daft enough to sentence his entire clan to death at the hands of a Hunter Ninja death squad? Or would it be he that stood down and handed himself in to Ayakashi to spare his clan. Should he do so, perhaps Ayakashi would forgive his transgression. Hachirou had been a staunch supporter of her in the past, this much was true, she couldn't believe that this clan would rise up like this... but... there was something bitter and sinister within Ayakashi, deep behind the walls of her conscious mind that was clawing to get out, fury was boiling up within her... it had her shaking...

'why am i feeling like this?'

5March of Unrest: Looming Danger [Plot] Empty Re: March of Unrest: Looming Danger [Plot] Thu Apr 26, 2018 11:09 am

Hachirou Himitsu

Hachirou Himitsu

Hachirou listened carefully as Ayakashi offered her rebuttal to his speech. His smile faded from his face as she spoke, and he could tell that she was going to throw doubt into his men, into some of the others of the crowds that gathered, and empower her own supporters and followers. Of course, it was to be expected, Ayakashi was fantastic at speeches herself. She'd rallied Kiri to go to war with no issues, and almost every single one of her citizens backed her on that choice fully. She was a very charismatic leader that knew how to play her people completely. She did the diplomatic and political game well. Too well.

It was a mistake to come out here, to try and do this now, this way. While Hachirou was charismatic and drew a crowd himself, he was first and foremost a fighter. He took things through conquest, and his might. It wasn't like he had expected Ayakashi to actually step down though, but he had wanted to sow the seed of doubt in her ability among more people than he already had, and he had the feeling that she had managed to reverse any damage he had done right now.

A smile moved back to his face, as he relished the fight to come. He had hoped to avoid a full on civil war or coup until he'd gained more supporters, but he needed to move soon now, before he lost followers and support and the battle became unwinnable.

"Very well, Mizukage. My apologies for calling you out like this. It seems you do know what you're doing. We shall withdraw without further recourse." Holding up a hand, Hachirou made some sort of signal, and much of the crowd started to disperse, although a few of the Jounin from the clan stayed behind, these ones more than likely the closest supporters and chosen inner circle of his group. "As an apology for my actions, I wish to reinstate Nozomi Himitsu's clan privileges. It seems you hold her in high regard, and it wouldn't do for you to have an exiled kunoichi as the head of your Hunter Collective, it looks bad. Your Hunter-nin are now led by a clan heiress."

Turning away, to follow the crowd, Hachirou called out to Ayakashi, in response to her ultimatum. "I'll be at my clan compound with any who follow me. I'll let them decide their allegiance, so they have a chance to follow through with your ultimatum, if you still wish to bring me in, you can do so when you collect their paper, which, as you say, decides their allegiance. Until then, I have a clan to run."

With that, he'd body flicker away, before she had a chance to actually stop him from leaving. He had no intention of going quietly if she came for him, and there were preparations to be made for the next day. He had no doubt it would come down to a fight the next day. There were seals to prepare and allegiances to figure out. He didn't want any wavering conviction. And perhaps Nozomi would come to him and he could deal a blow to the Hunter's forces by killing her before the fighting started. His hopes on that were low, he didn't expect that she'd show up at all, but it was worth a shot.



'Ayas eyes would focus with a brazen intensity‘

"Very well, Mizukage. My apologies for calling you out like this. It seems you do know what you're doing. We shall withdraw without further recourse... As an apology for my actions, I wish to reinstate Nozomi Himitsu's clan privileges. It seems you hold her in high regard, and it wouldn't do for you to have an exiled kunoichi as the head of your Hunter Collective, it looks bad. Your Hunter-nin are now led by a clan heiress... I'll be at my clan compound with any who follow me. I'll let them decide their allegiance, so they have a chance to follow through with your ultimatum, if you still wish to bring me in, you can do so when you collect their paper, which, as you say, decides their allegiance. Until then, I have a clan to run."

The words were simple, but Ayakashi could hear the hesitation in the snake that spoke them, however, self-preservation was something that she could always rely on. The will of the many to preserve themselves, their families and the integrity of the clan would always be something that the masses would be more than happy to wield as a club and beat down on a single individual. Hachiro had amassed a mob, an action that he had assumed allowed him to garner power and prestige in a confrontation with the Mizukage, but in fact, all it brought was the immediate destruction and validation of him as an individual. Mobs could be easily turned with a simple focus on unanimous truths and harsh punishment. Ayakashi could be almost certain now, at this moment that there would be a row and a half when they returned to the compound, many of the followers would want their leader given up like a sacrificial offering to appease the Mizukage. Each of them praying that the wrath of the Mizu no Kuni Military would not come knocking on their door later on that evening.

'but alas...'

After the crowd dispersed, Ayakashi could not help but rub her temples... she had enough to deal with on her plate and now this? This was a mess, and it likely was not going to end in a hurry, the fact that Nozomi had been instated as a clan Hairess was something though. Nozomi didn't trust Ayakashi, but she was at the very least fiercely loyal to the title of Mizukage... In recent times that in itself was a godsend. Nozomi had Aided Ayakashi in the killing of Bao Sanniang. A battle that wasn't easy and yet she had kept it all to herself, accumulating Ayakashi's trust in the process. She was a fierce fighter and one of the seven swordsmen now which would give her clan a massive amount of political clout and prestige in the eye of the village... potentially to the point of overshadowing the actions of today. All in all, the reinstatement seemed to be a good deal as far as an act of good faith went.

Stepping down off of her soapbox, Ayakashi would head to the administration building and go about her daily duties. Everything in this village was becoming harder and harder to deal with in recent weeks. She had been abdicating more and more of her duties to the twins, from paperwork and the processing of other ninjas to signing off on the completion of the village missions. Both actions that in the past she had ensured to do by her own hand so that she could keep in touch with the ninja beneath her and follow their progress. It was menial, but it had allowed her to spy talent as it rose through the ranks and gave her the opportunity to put more obstacles in the way of those whom were achieving higher heights, that they might be challenged in such a manner their potential could be realized. While the twins were certainly capable of performing the same task... it was one of the few legislative acts as the Mizukage that Ayakashi had enjoyed, but now... her mind was scattered, she found it hard to focus while she needed to look over her shoulder for the next plot or attack over the horizon...

"What the hell am I doing?"

Ayakashi would sigh to herself, burying her face in her hands before looking over the reports from village ANBU, until, finally, slumped over her desk in amidst a wall of papers... one of the Twins creaking open the door to spy Ayakashi within the early stages of sleep, the sun setting behind them at the end of a long day... She would approach Ayakashi's desk, collecting a letter for Nozomi, one to be sent to confirm her position within her clan as reinstated as well as the reports and operations that had been stamped for approval. Looking to her sister that trecked in behind her, she would slink past, taking a blanket from a nearby drawer and placing it over Ayakashi's shoulders before finally sneaking out of the room without so much as a peep and closing the door behind them as they would sign out for the evening.

Never suspecting for a moment what was to come...

[it begins - Theme]

Hell awoke, moments after the sun had set, there was a particular chill in the feel of the mist that rolled across the village that night. The moon that hung above them a pale blue to contrast it as it rose high into the sky like a baleful silver light that brimmed its celestial light down upon the streets of Kirigakure no Sato. The streets were deserted, even Jonin preferring to huddle at their watchtowers as opposed to performing any nonmandatory patrols, choosing to stay close to lit fires and the comfort of the warm golden light they provided... None would sight the black silhouette kneeling upon the top of the administration building, the avian bone mask upon her crown and red eyes beaming even brighter than the moon that cascaded her figure into little more than a silhouette. Yatagarasu had awoken tonight, but this time was different, this time there was something wrong with the killer that haunted Kirigakure's streets like the specter of death...

Usually calm, emotionless, speechless and silent. Yatagarasu appeared to be shaken, her hands quivering as if overwhelmed with emotion, reaching out at her sides sifting between balling her fists so tightly they could crush carbon into diamond and clawing at the air looking to find its mark. Her voice, a grainy, shapeless scratch of stone on a hearth as she spoke little more than one word under her breath, her eyes locked on a single estate whose lights penetrated the misty canopy, extinguishing one by one as the night came to its end.


The dual syllabled word left her shaky lips with a single breath, cutting through the silence like a scalpel with all the pain, hatred and anger within it that a monster like herself could muster. Sums in the infinite before with a sound little more than that of a pulse of a low barotone bass... Yatagarasu was gone. One thing however, was for certain...

The moon would change color tonight.

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